255154 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 255154
RE50LVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining
to the following listed property and as shown by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated July 14, 1971, a copy
of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
45-71-B 841-843 East 7th St. F. Gene Bader
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Ci�ll�y�il;i7''UrY Cl�u��s�
AUG 3 197i
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couuci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler AU 6 4 197�
�a�sa�'�°�--.��-�•-n_�_ PAro � 19—
Levine �
� —�n Favor
Sprafka J Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
, ��.���n�n.
. ° Meeting �o. SS
. . ,�s�
Wednesday, July 14, 1971
Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1: 30 p•.m.
Members present: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman '
Raymond Grove
• Estyr Peake
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Members absent: Mitchell Kamin
Agencies present: Building Department - Sam Blue
Bureau of Health - Frank Staffenson
Fire Department - Walter Shimek
Others present: Thomas Anderson, Donald Wagner, Donald Stepanek,
Arthur Danna, Morton Berland, F. Gene Bader, John Mattila, Earl
DeLisle, Arnie Sherman
The minutes of the meeting ot June 23, 1971 we�'e approved as
mailed. �
Moved by Wozniak to subscribe to the Commerce Clearing House
"Poverty Law Reports" for a period of one year. Seconded by
Tieso. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
42-71-P 607 Edmund Ave. Mary T. Websky
Donald Wagner
Thomas-Dale Housing
SUBJECT : Inspection report of the Thomas-Dale Housing Authority
dated January 20 , 1971, concerning the single family dwelling
unit at 607 Edmund Ave .
APPEARANCES : Donald Wagner.
- 1 -
. . . . .Y//:i'�t// �/JL �
, . Meeting No. ��
. .
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Wagner explained that Mrs . Websky receives $110
per month income -- $40 from Social Security and $70 from a
woman who lives with her. She has no other financial resources
other than a small savings. Continued insurance for the property
has been cancelled. A rehabilitation grant was approved on the
basis of what a contractor could accomplish for $3,500 . Mr.
Wagner indicated those violations from which a variance was being
sought. The work to be accomplished through the grant is pri-
marily exterior. . . . Last year the taxes on the home were
$60. Mrs. Websky has lived in the home her entire life.
ACTION: Unanimously agreed to continue the matter to the next
regular meeting of the board in order that Mr. Wagner may determine
what improvements would be required in order to make the house
insurable and to see if it is essential to repair the spill lines
as part of this.
Moved by Tieso to waive the filing fee. Seconded by Grove. Ayes :
Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso Voigt. Nayes: none.
Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) .
47-71-H 1735 Dayton Ave. Donald S. Stepanek
SUBJECT: Inspection report of the Bureau of Health dated June 24,
1971, concerning 1735 Dayton Ave.
APPEARANCES : Donald S. Stepanek
PROCEEDINGS : There are presently four units in the building. The
home was converted from a single family dwelling to a multiple
dwelling. The home was purchased eight years ago on a contract
for deed. Taxes are approximately $850 per year. Payments, to
include taxes, principal and interest are $200 per month. Income
from the rental units is $360 per month. All adults live� in the
building except for a 10 year old child on the second floor. There
is one enclosed stairway and a ladder exiting from the third
floor. . . Mr. Blue said the property is probably zoned "B"
Residential and would therefore limit occupancy to two dwelling
ACTION: Continued for one month to permit the Building Department
to inspect the building, to check the zoning and to see whether
a permit had been granted to convert the property to a multiple
- 2 -
, • Meeting No. 55
, ,
40-71-B 840 Beech St. John M. Fida
SUBJECT: Letter of June 10 , 1971, from the City Architect to
Mr. Fida advising him of Code deficiencies in the basement
apartments at 840 Beech St.
APPEARANCES: Anthony A. Danna
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Danna stated he was representing Mr. Fida who
had advised him of the hearing just prior to the meeting. Mr.
Fida purchased the building as a five-plex in 1962. The three
basement apartments have been improved considerably since that
ACTION : Carried over to next meeting to obtain accurate
measurements of ceiling height, window area, floor to sills, and
total area of each of the basement units.
43-71-B 2196-2236 Lower Afton Road Shamrock Court Apartments
Shamrock Court Apartments �
Morton Berland
SUBJECT: Letter of June 28, 1971, from Robert Ames, City Architect,
to Shamrock Court Apartments indicating a violation of the rear
yard clearance according to the plans submitted for 2196-2236
Lower Afton Road.
APPEARANCES : Morton Berland.
PROCEEDINGS : The apartment complex will contain 147 units. A
plot plan showing the proposed site was shown.
ACTION: � Motion by Wozniak to waive Section 4 .04-12c of the St.
Paul Legis'lative Code permitting construction of apartments as
proposed to within 9 . 30 feet of the rear yard line. Such waiver
is granted on condition that no construction of any buildings
and no ingress or egress be permitted on the commercially zoned
property south of the rear yard line.
Seconded by Tieso.
THE VOTE : Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt.
Nayes : none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to
zero (0) .
- 3 -
�v i�/� �rat
, • � Meeting No. S5
45-71-B 841-843 East 7th St. F. Gene Bader
SUBJECT: Notice dated June 29 , 1971 from the Bureau of Public
Buildings to F. Gene Bader indicating the proposed construction'
at 841-843 East 7th St. would violate Section 34.01 of the St.
Paul Legislative Code which pertains to window area.
APPEARANCES : F. Gene Bader. "
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Bader has owned the property for three years.
There are four dwelling units on the second floor. A fire in
the building last February has necessitated some remodeling.
He is requesting that he be allowed to install ranch-style windows
of a reduced window area.
� ACTION: Motion by Wozniak to waive the requirement of Section
34 . 01 of the St. Paul Legislative Code that window area in
habitable rooms be at least 10$ of the floor area. Such waiver
is granted to permit installation of three ranch-style windows
on the east side of the building. -
Seconded by Peake.
THE VOTE: Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt.
Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to
aero (0) .
46-71-F 312 Skyway Concourse Skyway Restaurants Inc.
Skyway Restaurant �
John M. Mattila
SUBJECT : Request of the Fire Marshal' s office to install an
� additional doorway exiting from the restaurant.
APPEARANCES : John M. Mattila, Earl DeLisle, Arnie Sherman.
PROCEEDINGS: The restaurant is 44 ' by approximately 120 ' . There
is a double door entrance and exit in the lobby and an exit
through the kitchen. No point in the restaurant is more than
100 ' from an exit. A layout plan of the restaurant was exhibited.
Mr. Shimek said the restaurant is a class "C" place of assembly
which requires two means of egress . The exit through the kitchen
is not considered a means of egress because the kitchen itself
is considered a hazardous area. Mr. Blue said the original plans
made provision for the installation of a door. Mr. Mattila said
that was not the case. Mr. Matilla said fire protection equip-
ment would be located in the kitchen.
- 4 -
� � Meeting No. 55
ACTION: Motion by Voigt to deny the appeal.
" Seconded by Peake.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt.
Nayes: none. Abstentions : Grove. Motion carried five (5)
to zero (0) with one (1) abstention.
The meeting adjourned at 4: 30 .
���e-• " W
Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 5 -
. �51�4
, ` CITY OF ST. PAUL �u"a� NO
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves ,
tha aation of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes p�rtaining �'
to the follawing liated property and as shown by the official �
minutea of said Hoard of Appeals dated July 14, 1971, a copy i
of which, marked EXHIBiT "A" i,� attaahed hereto a�nd made a �,
part her�of by reference: '
Case No. Pro e Appellant
4S-71-B 841-843 Eaat 7th St. F. G�ne Bader
AU6 319�1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.—
YeaB Naya AU G 4 19T1
� � � Approv� 19—
��e Tn Favor
Sprafka � A o0A1T1At, �r
Mr. President, McCarty