255151 t Orl�in:l to Cits Clert , } ' ` - O R D I N A N C E 255151 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY c � ORDINANCE NO � ���� AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL TO COMSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN CERTAIN FLAG POLES IN THE PUBLtC SIDEWALK ON TNE EAST SIDE OF MINNESOTA STREET AND THE WEST SIDE OF ROBERT STREET BOTH BETWEEN , FOURTN STREET AND FIFTH STREET IN THE �}�j, �' C 1 TY OF SA I NT PAUL. TME COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIW: SECTION 1 . That permissior� and authority are hereby granted to the First National Bank of St. Paul to construct, operate and maintain certain flag poles in the public sidewalk on the east side of Minnesota Street and the west side of Robert Street both between Fourth Street and Fifth Street in the City of Saint Paul . SECTION 2. That the Cc�missioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the First National Ba�k of St. Paul for the con- struction, operation and mainte�ance of said flag poles upon and subject to the following terros and conditions: a. That said per�nittee shall construct said flag poles entirely at its own expense, under the supervision and to the �/ satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in ac- � cordance with the approved plans and specifications of the First National Bank on file in the Department of Public Works; �. b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said peraaittee shall pay the costs of adminis- t�atio�, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaki�g; said costs are estimated as a sum of 5300.00 to be accounted for unde� Depart- ment of Public Works Project Numbe� E-1100; d. That said permittee shall properly protect alt exca- vations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid ali damage or injwry to persons or property; shall properly filt and tamp said streets, sidewalks, and boalevards to avoid settling and shatl restore said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to their originat conditio�i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka - Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corpora�ion Counsel By ; Orisinal�Cit7 Asrk � ' � - O R D I N A N C E 255151 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��'� -3- l . That said permittee shall not proceed with con- struction unless and until said pern�ittee shall have fully caRnptied with the provisions regarding insurance and in- demnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Depart- ment of Public 4brks Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction, dated April l , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 � ,l of said specifications, as a�ended, applicable to con- ,P � tractors. Fo� the purpose of this ordina�ce, the afo�esaid section of said specifications, number 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the aard "contractor", wherever the sa�e appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended, Said Section 1 .�4, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Con- structio� in the City of Saint Paul is hereby intorporated hereir� by reference as fnlly and as completely as if set forth herein ve�batim. Proof of coa�ptiance with pravisions of the aforesaid section shall be in swch form as the Co�poration Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the docuaAents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shatl , after subnission te the Corporation Cou�sel , be filed in the office of the Canptroller of the City of Saint Paui.; m. That said permittee shall submit bc>nd and i�surance docu�ents to the Office Engineer of tfie Departrnent of Public' - Works; n. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk; SECTION 3. This ordina�ce shail take effect and be in force thirty �30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. AU G 18 197,1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Bu�. � ;� Tn Favor Levine Sp�� �� ' � A gainat T�a�� � 1971 � ' � � test: r Vice Pr � t �th , ity Cler � yor �� --� �orm approved Corpor�tion Counsel By PUBLISg-i�:D AU6 21 197 + a.�e.�.a rr� � � �: ���,��, f � O � DINANCE COUNqL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN OR01lIAI�CE �RANTIlIG PERAtSS10!! TO 11lE Ft�ST 11ATIAiIAL BAMK OF SAf NT tAUL TO CONST1ttICT, fME�ATE A110 NAlNTAIN CERTAtM �LA6 !'�LES iN TNE 1�laLlC SIDEWILK OM THE EAST S t DE OF M 1 t�1ESOTA STREET AMD TNE 1i�ST SIDE OF ROBERT STREET IIOTN BE7NEEN FOURTN STt�EET Ai�D F t FTH STREfT i N THE C ItY OF S�A 1 NT PAtlL.. TME COUNCIL OF TNE CI'fY Of SAINT PA�L DOES ORBAiM: SECTtON l. That perwisstcn aAd aathoritY are hefeby g�a�ted to ths first �istl�nsl �aak of St. Pa�l to co�strnct, opsrate aad w�intain urtain tla9 poles ta tbe p�bita sid�rslk o�, th� east side of Mtnnssots Strest aAd tIN r+ast side of R�ert Strret both betwe� Fa��th Strset and Fifth I Strsat in the Ctty of SaiAt Paul. � , SECTIOM 2. Tbat t!� Cc�issioae� of Pubiic Vorks is hsnby authorized � to issw a pen�it to t�e Ftrst National Baak of St. Psni for tMs coa- � sLructia�, ep�rattoa aAd +�aTats�s�ce of ssid flag polas npou sad subjact I � the fol lart ng ts�s and cc�d i t ioe�s: 1 a. Tbst said psr+�itt�e shali coastrrct said flag polas ' eatirelr st its a� expenss, u�dsr tt� sup�rvision aad to ths � satlsfactioa of tt�e Ca�wtssloee� of rnbt ic YoMcs �d i� ac- ± OOI'diAC! M�tI! tIK ��1/!II �Iipf aad spsciftr,�tions of the ; �t rst pat i o�a 1 �k�on f L)a i n the 8epa�t�t of Pnb i i c Morks; � b. That said ps�tttse shail par ths cost of pebiicatioa ' of thts oNt�se�es �d all resolatioas psss�d in relation to j sald ordinaace; c. Th�t satd p�r�ittee shsll pir tl+s costs of adwinis- trsttoa. engiaM�in� aad tASpactioa i�crs� by the l�eps�tMnt ; of h�biic Mbrks b�cadse of tbis ende�rtakin9s ssid tASts a�� ' �sti�nt«i ss a stiw of S3t10.00 tv b� acca�eted for u�r 6epa�t- � weet of Mbi 1c Yorks ProJect llu�ber E-i ltl0; i a. TMt satd perwitts� si�al t prop�riY protoct al i e�cca- ; vattoNS ads tn the st��ets, stda+rtks anid bwrievairds both �a�r aad Ai�ht so as to woid all dawag� o� in��ryr to perso�s o� ; �rop�rtY; shii i p��perlr f 111 m+d ta■ip sa id stnets, s idaalks, sAd borl�rards to syoid uttling �d shstl rsstore ssi� st�r�ets, ; sidaAlks �ad bonlavsrds to their ortgtnai ux+dttlen� i � � i Yeaa Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun�>> � Butler Carleon i L@VIII@ Tn Favor � � ��� rodslTtllf sp� Tea� i Mr. President (McCarty) APP��: ; Atteet: ' . i City Clerk Ma�or ' *�� ':. j �orm approved Coxpor�ion Couneel By ' � � � ri�Ye.a a!'�lsar . ' ' , 4 � � � � ��R�D I N A N C E ��5�,�� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESE�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO`-�Lt-'��� _3_ 1. Thst satd psr�ittee shsll uot proe�ad with can- stroct�ta� u�less sad w�ti1 saia pen�ittee sb�itl hav� f�l.ly ca�p1 i ed wi th tfw �ro�r i s lons negsrd tag t ns�trsaca ae� i�- de�nifi�stion t�ta�nad in the Cft�► ofi Saint �wl. Dy�a�t- � �at of hbiic Yorks Sps�ifications for Str�st aad Seiwr Coostnietioa, dat�d iAprii 1, 1959. Ssctio� �b�rsd 1.�► of said specifiutians, as a�ended, appllcabls to caw- tractors. For the p�urpose of th i s o�ei i nancs, th� sf�ssa i d seciton of said specificatta,s, nu�bs� 1.4k. as s�end�d, sh�il tis read as tt�cwyh tfie v+ord "p�n��tta" ws sabstitntsd for tha v�ara "ca�tractor", �xr�rtr tbe sae �srs t n ths �foresaid Sacttoa l.�y, as a�+d+�d, Sald S�ctioa 1.�, as i �, of ths Specif icattons for St�e�t and Saw� toa- � stnict i on i n the C i tr of Sa i at Pan 1 1 s hanb� i+�oor�rat�d � hereta by �afer�cs as f�liy and as ca�+ist�lr as if sai j forth l�erein v�rbatim. �raof of coirpliaace wTth prantstons � of tM aforassdd ss¢tion shail be t� stich fa� as tha i Corporat ion Camsei of the C i ty of Sai at ��i w�► �i r�rct �d ; tAe docuwa�ts �pe�irea b�r the aforesai� Sectio� 1.�►4 sAsil, i after suba�isstoa to the Corporatioa CcaNSe1, be filed i� tbe' ! office of the tawptrolle� c►f the Cit�r of Sai�t Psal; : w. Th�t ssid pentittee shait sal�it be��d aa� i�s�+ra�c� � do�uwants to the Offic� Enginser of tl+i Daput�ent of tbbtic � Morks; � n. Thst the srid pen�ittas shall`. witbin thirty ��0) � a�y: aftRr ihs psssl�gs of this ordiaa�, fi)� a w�it� � acceptancs thereof witfi the City Cl�rk; � SECT i ON 3. Thi s ord i n�nce shs11 tslc� il�f�ct abar be t a forc.e th i rty (30� days frow snd aftar its passa�, aPpe"ottal sad pdblication. � i 1 ! ; ; , i � au� � a �s�t � Yeas Councihnen Nay� Passeci by the Coun�;t � Butler �aa�ao�a-� i Tn Favor � ��'tl�llldl � � ro;�.,y sp�.� i7Rl4 i i �. �a�t c��c�►) �1PP�: AU G 19 1971 � Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� �� ; �'orm s�pmved Eorpor��ion Counsel By i ;; ; . ; � . � Saint Pau1, Mi.nnesota, August 23, 1971 To the Honorable, the City Couneil, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlex�en: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abicl,e by aL1. the terms and conditions of Council File No. 255151, being Ordinance No. 1�+886, adapted by the Council on August 18, 1971. FrRST �0A'�IONAL BANK OF S�PAUJL/°` � � �, , � ; 'y ��z ,„ --��:.wr o�.,�„�,��,� - �.� � . � 2�51�2 _ • CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GF�IERAL FORM �RKpdTED{Y �r M. . COMMISSIONFR �Y DATE WHEREAS, M Ordina�u, C. F. No. ����� , granting pe�is�ion ' to the Firat National Bank of Satnt Pau to tonstruct. operate, and msin- tain certain flag polss in the public sid�w►alk on the esst side of Minnesota Street and th� west side of Robert Stroat both betaesn Fourth Str�at and Fi fth St�e�t i n the C i ty of Sa i nt Pau 1 has b�sn propand an� introduced to the Council of the City of Sslnt Paul , and wtll be adopted : � AUG 18 1971 to be effectiv� eventually on jSF,,P 7 1 1971 : � � now, there ore, be it ' i RESOI.VED, That pending th� said Ordinance becvming eff�ctiv�, the Caa�nisslon�r of Public Works is hereby authorizsd and directed to issue a pe nait to the Fi�st National dank of Ssint Paul tor tha constructton, operation, a�d matnt�nance of sald ita�g pol�s sub)ect me co�ditions and roquirements �s set out in O�dinante C. F. No. pending befo�e th� Council of the Ctty of Saint Paui, informa •pprova of the ssid construttion, operation, and maintenanu of satd flag poles being hereby gtvsn in anticipation of the final adoption arid spprovat ot satd Ordinsac�. I i ; ; � I . I AUG 3 �� I , COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Council 19— i ; , Yeas Nays ; Butler ' .��_ APPrnv� 19� Levine Tn Favor � Sprafka � �y� ro�inat ' Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � �� � � � August 23, 19'T]. Firat Nationaa. H�sk o�' �t. p�u]., 33" Minaie�at� st., St. Pau�]., �.i.t�n. A.�t�t: Mt'. C1itYox'�. G. O�.�An, Vice PrQai�lent. Aeer Sir: We +�nclo�e a cvpy ot Ord�.n�ence No. 1�+886, gra�ttir�g yaii pet�i.s�ian to cc�struct, o�rate end me►intain tlag poles ixi the sid�cnalk aan the east aid�e crf Mi�ariesota Street aud the we�tt side o! Rob++�rt Streeti betvee�r► Faurth and Fi�`th Streeta; m�tso Caur�cil FilG No. 25515�' B�ting iat'orm�.t �rprrnrel ot' aa3.d gex�siaeiari; elso bitl in th�s eum o#' $�W.9� to crnr�r tbe co�t ot p�u�blic�ticn of this ordinance �nd reerolutian. We cat�. y�m�r spacial. atte�tio� to PeRra�gr�rphe S and 1 of Stctit� 2 Khiah rec�aire t� filiz� of a band in t2� m�uit specitied aad insurannae. We also call yvur attentiari to Pare�graq>h n requi,ring the f�.l�,r�g 4� �n a,ecapteince ot' tYie �rms of thi.a araiauince in this or°nce, Rao� 38f, city �.1., �sthia 3o d�rs. I! not so tiled, t1'e ordir�anee becam�e� void. Very truly y+�t�trs, City Cltrk hP h �.�.. �2� ��»¢a� � �'� �. e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and al ) damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation and maintenance of said flag poles and by the permission and authority granted herein; f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5000.00) ;a cand'+ tioned to comply w�th all the terms af this ordinance and � ��� 9 " to indemnify and save harmless said City fi rom all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expenses that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the impravement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shali furni5h the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Con- tract or incidental to its execution including but not limited to addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings; h. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of Che Department of Public Works when the Gonstruction starts and notify the same said Construction Engineer when pro- ject has been completed to ailow for a final inspection; i . That said permittee shall , during the term of this per- mit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, opera- tion and maintenance or presence of the flag poles provided for herein; , j. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works if the constructio�n, operation and maintenance of said fiag potes shall make necessary the closing of Robert Street or Minnesota Street or part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, in- stailing and removing of barricades, signs and other control devices, shall be paid by the permittee; k. That said permittee shall remove the flag poles or part thereof in such ma�ner as is satisfactory to the Commission- er of Public Wo�ks whenever the City Council shal ) so orde�; _�_ °; a'�;v �f �" , � � � �e �, �. 7�.�t sa0d pe�mttts�� expr�y2yly s�c�r�efi �n� und�rtak�� L� fu8ly brr�.��m;�ify, h�rlr� harml�s� �nd defencl the City of Sair�t P,��l y �t� ���nts , officers �n�d em�lc�y�es from �n� and �il dama�e�y �l�im�, lass�s� ,�u�dgm�nts, �u1rs or es:pen�es �ri�ing out �af ar �a�ca53e��re� by tF�� cans�rueti�r,, �p�raticsn and malnt�n�ane� of s�ld f��� t�bl�s ��� ��r thr� p�rn���ssion and �a�tharity gr�t�ted 1,�r���: �`. Th�t �ai� ��rrri��t�*� �hall furnish a k�c�nd �:� +the �ity �.�� ��-�ir,� �',��1 in ���: �ua� a�� f i4�� thcausas�d dc�l iars (�y5s)OO.OQ� cr�-�c�i t i r��e� t�? �a�ns�1� w�ti-r ��@ a tf�e: ta�rr�� r� �h t�a ard i na►s�� �n�� t�a ir�demr��&�y anr! �,:���� �ar�l���s s�i�i City ��°om �16 li��i � ity,z ��s��� .J��gr?;entsx ��v3t� g ���t�� �.h��r��s and �xp+en5�� th�t m�y ��,�r°�e �.c:� asers�rss ��° �r�c�per�y s��ccas3an�c! b� t4ie m�ki�� rsf ��a� !!"1t1T'e�?Vci11d?�!�' f:�uR,"" "±�!°�;.i 'z'�� i?@4 r c'S� �:;'i'. �'r�ltll�� +��. �`h�z�� �c��a�-� ,r.f�.r-nr� �t�� ,�o�li �ur�alsi� th� ��P�rtrn�nt af €'��1 ic: �fu� k.� r�� _ ��;�a��sa-A�r��:s ��� o����r�! �h�t �r� � �art �a� th� ����.. �r�ct r�r 8�����nt�1 �=-a � �; �:�u��«���ara ��c�ud3ng ta��t �ot lir�i��d L,t':�' a3f�i�C,''�9�lJi�y., :3Av"�d'Cf f�� °w;'k„'8�;�°i��:�q fi4�fi�! L)f C�?II�Pc'4C�, t�c7!> �4; ��°a� ;��a�:�� d�� �:�;:��� ;,��r; h. Tr9:�t <»�ic° ���r�i�:r��y ,!�:,i � �et�:€fy Lh� Con��r�s��ic� �ne��n��r u� t���^ Gep�r•�nie�a�� ��' Pubiic �larks aah�n t��k�� eon�tru�t�ic:�r ��ar�� artiz3 �r�� 3�''�r ��r� ���� ::,:��� �t�t�ste��fct�c�n Er��ine�r �u�S�R°3 pr�;�- .iec� ��.��: b��� ��>r��3���*c� tc� �� i�'�; for� a ftn�l ins���t6r�n� i . Th�t s,�fc� ��t°r�itt�+� �hall , dur�ing the t�rm ��f t�ais ��r�- �s�� t, r�,trs�;;� �zr+�' �.�v��ad€° :�1 � �rz�pert�r. �rhetla�r pir�l ir° c�r F,��e�,���� ���n���:�.1 �>r wh t�h �ar�y b� d�r���,�er� due tc► th� �anstruet o�r�8 ��er��- ti�,n �nd t�,-�3�te�nav��;r, c�� nr�?�e��a� c�f �i�� f�.�r�� �r��es �rovt�'�� f��- t�t.r�8 r�; j . Th�L s,�ic� �S�ren� �t�� s��ail' nai:��y� �,h� TB°si'�f�C �u�-€����a �� ttrt� ��p�rtrnent ��� �'uh1 �� 4J�rScs if the con�tt°uCtf�n, oper�at��a� ar:�s m��rsL��t�eae� e��` ��ic� ���c� ���3es �hall mak� �sec�s>�ry 2k��. �lc:s�3r�y af 3�c�ia�:�°� Stre�t e�r ��1inr��so�a 5tr�:�t r?r p�7r� �h�a�e,�a�e aii Gx�,�ns�s i�e�rr�d �y thP �°r��fi� Sureau 3t� f�rni4hir?c�� d�°. :t<�l ° 3nR �r� r�m�avir,g of l�arr"scad�s, �ign� anci ��th��- c�n�r«�� ��.�wi��t_�, ��,all �i� y��i� ��r tt�+� �aermittee; !c. Th�ti ��id p�r�rixtpe s���il rernove tt�� �'1�±� p�sl�s c�r� �.,��t th�r°eof in �uc�� srA��:r��r a� i s sat i sfactUry ta th� Cr�c��ni��a�n- �r r�� �'�.aP�� ic �cark� w1��;n�v�r� th� C i�y Counci t sh�1 i sra �i�c�er � ., • � a �j/J I st � � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �� .—Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson CadsQn_ � . - Levine Levine Meredith 2�5��� h�{ere�#k– Sprefka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty . Vice President Meredith