255150 o�sm.i�co c�a cae� �
��.��� O DINANCE 255150
' tor o �
An ord,inance amend.ing Chapter 18 of the Legislative Code
of the City of Saint Paul pertaining to Building Code, Plumbing and.
Gas Piping.
Section 1
That Sections 18. 04 through 18. 14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to Building Code - Plumbing be hereby repealed. in their entirety and
the following adopted. in lieu and in place thereof:
18. 04 - General Regulations
The Minnesota Plumbing Cod,e of Minimum Standards and Requirements
including Appendices «, B and E as ad,opted. by the Minnesota State Board of Health,
June , 1969 is he reby ad.opted by reference as the Plumbing Code of the City of
Saint Paul. Any further reference to the Minnesota Plumbing Code in this cod,e shall
mean the Minnesota Plumbing Code, 1969 ed,ition. Three copies of the Minnesota
Plumbing Code, 1969 edition, shall be marked. as official copies and kept on file
in the office of the City Clerk for use and, examination by the public.
18. 05 - Water 5upply and Distribution
Chapter MHD 130 - "Water Supply and Distribution" of the Minnesota
Plumbing Code sha11 not be made a part of this Chapter. �
18. 06 - Subs oil Drains
Permission to connect a subsoi.l drain to a sanitary or combined sewer
system must be obtained. from the Department of Public Works.
18. 07 - Separation of Storm Drainage from 5anitary Sewerage
A. In all buildings and premises, except one and two family dwellings
hereafter erected, the storm water drainage from such buildi.ng or premises shall
be run in an entirely separate system of piping from the sanitary sewerage and shall
be carried. in the buildi.ng storm drain and. the building storm sewer to the public
storm sewer in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare where a public storm
sewer exists or shall be run out separately to the property line and there combined.
with the building sanitary sewer where a combined sewer only exists in the street,
alley, easement or thoroughfare, when approved by the Bureau of Public Buildings
and the Department of Public Works. This connection will not be allowed for one
and two family dwellings. The invert of the building storm sewer shall not be
deeper than five (5) feet at the property line.
(c ont. on p. 2)
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Carlson Tn Favor
Levine •
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (McCartq) �4pproved•
Attest: �
City Clerk yor
Form a�proved Corpor�,tion Counsel By
Orlsinal'to Cit�C1eek
� ` 25515U
Page 2.
B. When a public storm s ewer shall hereafter become acces sible
in the street, alley, easement or thoroughfare abutting a building or premises,
except one and two family d.wellings, the storm and clear water d.rainage system
from such building or premises shall be connected to the public storm sewer
within one year after notification from the Bureau of Public Build.ings that such
public storm sewer is accessible. The d.ate that a newly installed. public storrn
sewer becomes accessible shall be determined by the Department of Public Works.
C. All buildings and premises except one and. two family dwellings
which were constructed prior to the effective date of this ord.inance where public
storm s ewer is accessible or shall become acces sible hereafter shal l , when
notified by the Bureau of Public Buildings, make such revisions to their drainage
systems as are required. to provide complete separation of the storm drainage
system from the sanitary sewerage system within one year after such notification
and. connect the building storm sewer to the public storm sewer in the street,
alley, easement or thoroughfare abutting such building or premises.
Section 2
That 5ections 18. 15 through 18. 18 be renumbered so as to follow
consecutively the above revisions to the said Chapter 18 of the Legislative Code.
Section 3
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from
and after its passage, approval and publication. •
AUG 18 19�1
Yeas Councilmen Nays Paased by the Council
But� tc'-• ,�
Tn Favor
�- C� � A gainat
� 11r�1�
A �vlr. ' e Preside
- �
Ci Clerk a
Forrn approved Corpor�tion Counse
PUBLISHI:D �U6 a 1 '���
� ��ae1.a Ps�t�e ����,�i
WtESENT� BY_Y3�Q�. .. �de�co ORDINANCE NO._����
A� ordiasnce s�acirnding Chaptor �8 of t� I.�Sisls�i� Code ^
ot th� Cit� af Ssiat Panl p�rtsiai�s� to �nildiag Co��, PlmmtiisL aad
G�s Pip3n�.
S�atio�n 1
Tl�at 3eetirnu 1�.04 throngh !8. 2� ot th� Ss�t Pa� L�`i�lati�n Cod�
pertai�iaa to B�aildia� C�de - Pt�nbiag. �e h�►r�b� se�ssl�i ia tb�ri,� �stiretp a�d I'
the fdlawi� udopttd ia lis� sad is pla+c� th�reof:
1�.04 - Ges�sal �e�tls�ious
Th� lrtiaoa�sots Plvmb3s� Code of lrtiaia�►�►8tsnasris aad Ssq�r�au� �
iaclsdi�j Ap�aaic�r t, B asd � ss adopt�ri b� t� b[isa�aots Stst� Boari ai g�slth. �
Jmt�. 1469 is �r�bT adopt�d b� rat�r�aae �s tiw Plmnbias Coels of�� Cit� ot �
Saiat Psvl. A� farthsr r�fer�sce to the 3tias�s�s P'tambia� Cede i�a� thi�s eo� s�sll +
m�as the Ir[i�tnesota Plm�bf�� Cod�, 19�! �itio�n. 3'I�s� copi� �f tie� Mim��sota i
P'te�bi�g Code, 196A tditio�, �bsl1 be sasrlu�d v �ei�l av�piu aud k�ept on fil� �
in the offiee oi the CilT Cl�rk f�r ms+� iad esa�isati� b� th� �blia. �
1$.05 • 11Is#es Supg1T ssd Di�tribatioa� '
ChapEes l�D 130 - �'il�st�r Sstppl� aad I#atribatias" oi th� l�ti�ntaots ' ,
P�maabiag Coi� s�a1i �ot be maa� s psrt ol=his Gbap�+er. �
18.06 .� S�oil Drain� '
Permissioa to connaet a subaoil �rai� to s sanitsrt os eo�uM� srnr �
s�sta�� must b� obtai��d trom th� Degartnaeot o� Prblie lrorks. ,'
2S.OT - Siparatia� aE Storm Draiaa�e Erom 8s�itasT 3�sssa� ,
A. 3e sll bsiliis�s and premisa. euept oa� asd hro #amily d�lliags
her�sftar �rset.�d„ the stor�r► wat�r dssiaa�� from s�h b�fld3� or �reanis�a shatl ��\;
be raa ia sz s�tir�ly s�psrate s�slem o[ p�p� from th� •a'itas7 s�wrtss�� asd slrsll
be cssried ia t�s lrailding •torm drsia asd tlu� bvildiej sto�n s�wrrs tc th� pdbtie
storai sewer ia the strset. st1e7. �as��t or t�orosi6lssa wh�s� s p�ie storm , �
anvss e�dsts � sball bf ros o� separst�l� to tbs P�tol�rty li�e s�d lh�sa aa�bia�d ;
w#tb t�s baildisQ aa�a'ttar� sswes wh�r� s c�b�s►d s�°wrr vd� �adsts �t�re stu�at. .
al�,h. eas�at a: �hos►oaghta:e. w�h�a ap�sc�v�d bT the naer�a� oi P�lia B�t�in��
a�d t]�s D��artm�nt of Fsb�a Rorlu. TLia co��►eatia►:will aot b� sIIo�w+�a toz o�+t
a�d � �� dwa�ss. 1'� izi�rt of tb+e bai�dia; �toraa s�s �u�i �t bit ;
ds�r tba� H�e (5j fi�t st !�►e Pro�zt� li�• '
Yeas Councilxnen Nays Paseed by the Cowncil tee�t. �s �.Z)
Carleon Tn Favor
Levine ��� ' ;
�@T�t���l d�ina�:
Mr. Fr�ident c�cCarty) Approvea:
Attest• �
Cit�y Clerk ��ayor '
�� �arn a�j�rq�ed Cor�or�ion Counsel B, �
, ;
� . ;
�, �b�.a rd.ae '
= " ORDIN �iNCE �5�5fl�
���� �� �
Psge 2.
B. �iThe� s public storm s��wer shall hsreafter beeome uces�ible
in the street, alley, easoment or Ehoronghfsre sbuttin� s buildiag or preaiiaes.
ezc��t one sad twu fsmilp dwelliags, the �tor� snd clesr water dra3asge s�stem
froan such bnilding or premis�s shsll be coanectod to th� pnblie atorna se��er
witbia one y�sr after notificatioa from the Bnrea�n of Pnblic Buildiaga thst snch
pablic atorm se�ver ia sccessible. The dste that a aewly inatsllod p�blic atorm
sewer becomes s�cassible shsll be determiaed by the Depsrta�nt of Pnblic Worlu,
C. All bnildiaga and preatises a�ccept one snd t�►o faaaily dw�lling� ;
which were constructed prior to the effective date of this ordiasz►ce where pnblic
stosm a�wer is sccess�ible or sha,l� beeome �cceasible herea�fter sha�l , when
notified by the Bus�su of Public BnildinQs, mske sv�ch re�►isians to their drs�iasge
s�stems as are r�q�red to provid� c�aplete separsHoa of the stflrna drsiasge '
s�stem from the ssnitsry sewersge spsteas w�thin oae �esr ait�r s�uch aotification '
sad eonnect the bn4ldiag storm sewtr to the petblic stor� •��rer in t�e street,
s11eT, ea'sement or thoroughfsre abuttiag setch, building or pre�aiaes, i
Section � �
, i
That Sectioae 1$. 15 throngh 18. 18 be reavanber�d so ss to follow i
consecntively the sbcnre revisiona to the ssid Chspter 18 of the Legislatire Code. .
Sectibn 3 ;
This ordina8ce shaU tske effect snd be in force thirty (30) dsy� from
aud sfter its psasage, spprovul aad p�blicstion.
AUG 18197a
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pagsed by the Coun�;l .
Batler .
��' Favor
�' ,c�.� _Ags9net
AUG 19 19�1
Mr V'ice President Meredith A�����
Atteat: '
City Clerk �yor i
�� , '
Form approved Cor�c�r�lt�on Counael By _
_ i
� � �
� �SI � 2nd �
Laid over to
3rd and app�_Adopted ��
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
Butler Butler
Carison 6er{sorr � t-`-�--
Levine Levine e`�
Meredith �5��0 �vFere�k—
Sprafka Sprafka
Tedesco Tedesco
Mr. President McCarly
�Ir. Yice Presi�ent f�!�red;th
� • �.—�^.�. l'i-IOMh� J. STEARN5
A:�., c: � �„
' 2�+�_c���� / �f lL ARTKUR M. PJELSOfJ
��--�- \���� PAUL F. MC G!OSV.EY. !h'.
� �� �' �. ��. ; � ������ fi. SCGTT D:'�V{ES
,��\ � f�lES2I?f�_ N. FiFGN1F.F2
W- �–'-���,'��� DAM1IEL L. PICKER ,
� .�
�---�-- JOHN C. MG LAt1GHLIM1!
'�/i..6.� \.�.b N�f. 31.���r�� �L.�� ROOERT C. NOE:N`�
GtFiVM1E.YH l. f17'ZPAYe 7CF: A. KE17H IiRN7�=�.
FirS', i:S5is.2i:t ROCGB'R \V. M:'l[.-.F.
Speciat Assistznt Invesiiyator
316 Gi4y Hall, St. Paui, ARinnesafa 55102
c+an�ie� A. KLAS July 26� 1971
Ccrpora�ion Counsel
Cor�mi�sioner Victor. Tedesco
Depa�tn��ent of Parks and Re�reation
and Fubi.ic Buil.din�s
Cit�� �f Saint Pau��
Re : i�I'rnnesoi�a- S�ate Plumbing Code .
Dea-r_ Commission.ex 'Tedesco:
Or�� Ju ly 14, 19 a_t, Glarren Spdnnaus, Attorney General of_ the State of
Minnesota, i.ss�ed an opinion that t��.e City of_ Saint i uu1 �Za.y r�ot by
ordinance r_equir� p7_u.mbing ma�erial si�anda-r..ds which are in confl-ict
;�a�_tr or not in ��os�ible contormity to th.osc, si�andards prF�scr_�becl i��.
tt;� :�2i.rinesota State Plurnbing Code. (The TTi7�.n�sota SL-ate Plumuin; �o�e
vaas �uopted �n Jur.�e of '969 . )
Tl�a.e iiiiznesota Stal:e Flumbing Code is curr�ntly i_n effect and ��esent?y
�o���rns p1uz:�bing installations witl�in the C�_t:y of Saix:i� Pc-�u.l.. T:xe
Si�a�te Plumb�ng Gode in Regulation MI�D 12i. pro��ic!:es th.at the admilliatra-
ti�.Te authority av�r tlie S�ate Plu.tnbing Code shal.:� be th� i�iixin1so���
State Board of Hea.lth uritil such ti�ne as �. m�a.Zli�i�al suUdivisi.un sha?1
ado�t � p�tunbi7�� code by orda_nance.
:Ci: is ou-r suggesticz�. t:hat tn.e Gity Council adop�. the M1T1Tlt'SOe c'1. S�.ate
I'l.ur�il-�ing Codc by refer.�ncc, and we wish to �a.11 to yaur. aLten�.i.c�:n the
provis�_or� �n �h� State PZumbing Gode Regul�tion Ml:i.1� 122(i) which. p���-
m�ts th� appointmcr.t of an Advisorg Board Lo stuciy and r.i�.ke ?�ecatnmE��zd-
at:ions �oncerr.�zzg the uses of n�t�: fixtt.ires 5 appurtenaric�s; rn��;ter:ia�_s
axid m��thods .
The t�t�torney General° s opinion dces no� ��t�,z or �ffect i�Ize Ca_t:y` s
pUwe?" to rc,gulate pltzmbing permits, boxl�s p aPpro�ral of rlans and �_n-
speci=.ions �f pl-��i�;r.g so lorg as such x.egulations do rioL- confli.ct� �ai�l��
the plza.mbir.g st�.nclarcls on the same �ub�e.ct as a.d�pt�d b,� the ��.ate
Boarci of Health.
L;i�:clo��ci f_-o.r yaur i.nfoY��i��tian is a copy o.f th� J-u.:i_yr 1.4 o�;i.nian o� the
AttorTte�r C���'.e:?°2.1.
Very- t.ruJ_y �Tours s
d � °
� �°� .�,f�-� ' '`4 ��,4° �y�,�*�.
� 1 �.� i
K�1�I��,�M,H J. F�.T%I'��Ti:_i�K
F�'i_x��,L as::istan}
KJ�':c�r CorP:;:.a.i.ion Ccurisc�i.
cc:�oanrt Ames, Gi�y A�°c3�ii_teci:
����T, l.r� �i<so:�� c.�=�L a C1_ty E.rc�h�t�c�t,
?�s,:;.�jox ��nd ��etY��f���-s c�� iri� C�,�y Cc>u��::�i_i
. .����.s,-;
� p7'F. �
. g K a,�e�,�A
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� '��/.� ��_1� � E C �
-�.�=...--�-, f � v E �
''�" ��° JUL 1 �1971
ST. PAUL 55101
• . �
July 14, 1971
Daniel A. Klas
Corporation Counsel
City of Saint Paul .
316 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Klas:
In your letter to this office requesting an opinion,
y�u present the following
Pursuant to the Minnesota State Plumbing Code (M�-ID
121) adopted by the Minnesota State Board of Health in
June 1969, the Saint Paul City Council is considering
the adoption of that code for the city. Under MHD 121,
the administrative authority to administer the code passes
from the Minnesota State Board of Health to the governing
body of a municipality when the state code is adopted by
that municipality. �
The State Plumbing Code permits the use of plastic
pipe for drainage waste and vents and for water service
connections. Water service connections have been sub-
ject to freezing. Plastic materials would prevent the
continued use of the present method applied to thaw these
connections; namely, an electrical circuit. Due to these
considerations, the Saint Paul City Council intends to
delete those provisions from the State Code which allow
the use of plastic pipe in the above instances.
Based upon the above facts, you ask these
«.;;� :;�
Daniel A. Klas 2 July 14, 1971
1. May the City of Saint Paul by ordinance
require plumbing material standards which differ
from those prescribed in the State Plumbing Code
adopted by the State Board of Health pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Section 326. 37?
2. May the City of Saint Paul, in adopting
the Minnesota State Plumbing Code by Ordinance,
prohibit the use of plastic pipe�
Based upon the applicable Minnesota Statutes and
fundamental principles of law which govern the relationship
between municipal ordinances and state laws, we believe that
a city may not, by ordinance, require plumbing material
standards which are in conflict with or not in positive
conformity to those prescribed in the State Plumbing Code,
adopted by the State Board of Health.
.Minn. Stat. §326.37 (1969) , which authorizes the
State Board of Health to set standards for plumbing materials,
provides in relevant part:
The state board of health may, by regulation, pre-
scribe minimum standards which shall be uniform,
and which standards shall thereafter be effective
for all new plumbing installations, including
additions, extension, alterations, and replace-
ments connected with any water or sewage disposal
system owned or operated by or for .a.ny municipality,
institu�ion, factory, office building, hotel, apart-
ment building, or any other place of business
Daniel A. Klas 3 July 14, 1971
regardless of location or the population of the
city, village, or town in which located. Such
regulations, upon approval of the attorney
general and their legal publication, shall have
the force of law, and the violation of any part
thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor. "
Minn. Stat. §326. 38 (1969) defines the limits of each muni-
cipality` s right to set plumbing standards: .
"LOCAL REGULATIONS. Any city or village havi.ng a
system of waterworks or sewerage, or any town in
which reside over 5,000 people exclusive of any
villages located therein, may, by ordinance,
adopt local regulations providing for plumbing
permits, }�onds, approval of plans, and inspections
of plumbing, which regulations are not in confli.ct
with the plumbing standards on the same subject pre-
scribed by the state board of health.. . . . "
Where a general law establishes minimum uniform
standards of state-wide application, a municipal ordinance
must yield to the general law or adopt a posture of positive
conformity therewith. If a municipality' s ordinance is in
conflict with the law of the state on�the same subject matter,
the ordinance is void. 6 McQuillin Municipal Corporations §21. 32.
That principle was invoked }�y the Minnesota Supreme Court in
Power v. Nordstrom, 150 Minn. 228, 232, 184 NW 967 (1921) :
"It is elementary that an ordinance must not be
repugnant to, but in harmony with, the laws
enacted by the legislature for the government .
of the state. It cannot authorize what a
statute forbids or forbid what a statute ex-
pressly�permit s, but it may supplement a
statute or cover an authorized field of local
legislation unoccupied by general legislation. "
. , .
. , '
.__---� ' '
Daniel A. Klas 4 July 14, 1971
See also Manqold Midwest Co. v. Village of Richfield, 274
Minn. 347, 143 NW 2d 813 (1966) .
We believe that the clear int�t of the legislature
in enacting the above quoted sections was to prohibit muni-
cipalities from adopting plumbing materials standards which
differ from those prescribed in the State Plumbing Code
adopted by the State Board of Health. The board was given
the authority to prescribe standards, by regulation, "which
shall be uniform, . . . which . . . shall . . . be effective
for all new plumbing installations, including additions,
extensions, alterations, and replacements . . . regardless
of location or the population of the city, village, or town
. . . (and which) shall have the force of law. " (Emphasis
added. ) That language evidences a legislative intent that
the Board of Health was to establish uniform minimum materials
standards throughout the State.
Section 326.38 makes even clearer the legislative
intent that municipalities were to have no power to prescribe
plumbing materials standards. Their authority is limited solely
to "regulations providing for plumbing permits, bonds, approval
of plans, and inspections of plumbing . . ." Even those regu-
lations are not to be "in conflict with the plumbing standards
on the same subject .prescribed by the State Board of Health. "
Daniel A. Klas 5 July 14, 1971
This result is not altered by the fact that a muni-
cipal corporation is operating under a home-rule charter. The
Minnesota Constitution, Article XT, Section 3, provides that
home-rule charters must be in "accordance with this constitu-
tion and the laws. " Thus, even a home-rule city may not
legally enact an ordinance which conflicts with or which is
repugnant to the state statutes.� See Young v. Mall Investment
Co. , et al. , 172 Minn. 428, 215 NW� 840 (1927) .
Your second question must also be answered in the
negative. The foregoing discussion requires the conclusion
that the City of Saint Paul, in adopting the State Plumbing
Code by ordinance, may not prohibit the use of plastic pipe.
Very truly yours,
Attorney General
���� '
Chief- eputy Attor y General
�� �/
,�G CC'«C;��-,����� `/� ~�, C--�
Special Assistant Attorney General