255142 ' ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK �51 .1/� � CITY OF ST. PAUL N�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ES TION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RO e r M. Conwa COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause a driveway crossing to be reconstructed because of improper grade at the location listed below by the Mario Frasson Cement Co, under their annual Sidewalk Contract for District No. 1 , known as Comptroller's Contract L-7380 at a cost not to exceed $155.00 based on the unit price bid for monolithic concrete driveway and other work incidental thereto, which cost is to be charged to the P. I. R. Fund-Code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed from 0920-701 , On the north side of George St. between Ohio St. and Orleans St. abutting the south 120' of Lot 14, Block 8, Dawson's Add, otherwise knoam as 315 W. George St. ��° - �_(���:�� �. �� :., � A . _ __ , AUG 3 �g�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler 4 197� FS�r}sur �ro A�� 19— Levine n Favor �ierec�itlr— Sprafka ✓ r Tedesco A�amst - p�gLISHED�'' AU�� 19" Mr. President, McCarty �� . �; �� i cu�ucnrs�ro�Rtrnse ���tv�, , � CRY OF ST. PAUL �uNp� NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�GENERAL FORM ntgarr�o tr R,p�� M. COIIMI�Y COMMISSION�� DATE RE801.VE0, i'hst th� Ce�wis�ia�e� of �ubi ie ibrks b� a�M he Is he�eby authoriz�d end dlrected to c.ause a drfvwNy �rossln� to be �e�vonst�cted beta�se of t�propsr �rars at the lotstion i fstsd below by the IMrto Frsssan C�nt Co. und�r tlaai� +�w+st Sidew�lk Contract for Oist�ICt No. 1. b�own as ta�ptroller's Gontnct L-73� at a cost not to �nce�ed a15g.00 based on ths unit peica bid fo� �onoi tthie ea�ente driv�y and oths� wo�k fntidental thereto, +�hteh cost is to be charged to the P. 1. R. Fund-Cod. 6000 aad this saa� fund to be rei�obn�sed frow �9►20-701, � On tiw nortf� sid� vf GMSr,� tt. be�tw�sea Chi�, St. �nd O�l�sns St. abntting tha lo�th iZ0' of Lot iy. �iKk 8. orwson's 11dd. othen+i s� b�ewn as 31 S M. ii�o� tt. I ' I � i AU6 3 1971 � ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mc;� 19— ' Y� Butler Na� A U G 4 19 71 � Approv� 19— Levine � __�n Favor �� Mayor Sprafka � Againat Tedeseo Mr. President, McCarty ��