255134 25�134 co�o� � xo.......�..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMYNARY ORUER. Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi$sint Psul,vt:.: ,...,,reconstru�t,.the.���1�I�T��:.9�..���.A��h...�3.S�..Q�..�s:G...�:�8�..�1�s...�r4m..WQodbuiY...st ..t�..... . Bro�m_.Ave:...abutting_Lot._3_and..part�of.,Lot_.4,,.,B1ock.41�..Brown_ &.Jackson's Addition ......;sro�pex.t�..knowa--as-•��••�,.-•�•age-•5.�....,aad..�y..�e�i�g--a��.•�er--�roxk-•�iic.la..,3,s..aec�,ssa�..... and.incidental.,to complete,.said_impro„v,ement,;�__,.,,�__,��.�__..�........._...........�..... ......____..._.... Dsted thie....�Qt:�:........day of.......................J��Y .-----...... lg . � ......; .. _ .. ...._......•Counoi msn....._.. PRELIMINARY OItDEIt. WHER.EAi9, A.written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: �.recnnstruet .the,sidewalk.on.the,north_side.of..Ea;s_t._Pa$e_St., from Woodbury.St. to.� �_Brown Ave. abuttin� Lot.3 and_�art_of Lot 4� .Block 41, Brown & Jackson's Additioa ......... .... .... ..........._......................._._.....---•-•-----__...._....._.. ___property_known,as 301 E; Page, St.,_and by_doing,all_,ot�er work which is necessary.._ ---•-- -._.. ..... ._... ....................................................... . .......and incide����...x4...�QA4pl�X�..��,id_.�mgx�zY�msn,�............................................. 6aving been preeented to the �Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..........................................................................._._,_.--- tberefore, be it RE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: °.. 1. To inveatigate the neceaeity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvemen�. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and catimated coet of eaid improvement� and the totsl eoat thereof. 3. To fwnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. . 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improveffient ie asked ifor on tthe petition of three ar more� owner�. 5. To report upon all of 4,he 4'oregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the �:ouncil..............•-•---.............�U1,3_0.�97'...:......... Y�►e Counc i lman But 1 er AtIG 2 1971 prove�fl.................... --•--.....---..................._._..._..�... Levine �— Sprafka Tedes co •-----... ....._... .. ..�_ Mr. President Me�a'rt�- �• '0°° '� � � ,pUBLISHED AU �19�