255129 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 25�1 29 CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� An Ordinance, C. F. �"���� , granting permission to Fred A. Sonnen to construct a pu ic sewer within a 20-foot perma.nent sewer easement according to plans and specifications approved by and on file with the Department of Public Works, ha.s � been prepared and introduced to _the C�,ounc' pf _the City of _Saint Paul, and will be adopted on _ _ _ Aut� _1 _ ��71 -, to be effective eventually on ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t pending the said Ordina.nce becoming effective, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and dir- ected to issue a permit to Fred A. Sonnen to construct a public sewer within a 20-foot permanent sewer easement centered on the lot line common to Lots 19 and 20 and Lots 30 and 31, all of Block 2, Highwood Hills Addition to �t. Paul, Minnesota, all in accord with the plans and specifications approved by and on file with the Department of Public Works, subject to the sam anditions and requirements as set out in Ordina.nce, C. F. � pending before the Council of the City of Saint au . n rma approval of the construction of the public sewer, aceording to such plans and specifications, may hereby be given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance. 0 AP ! q��, Cprp�ra#ion �ounsel 1 J U L 3 0 191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays sutler AUG 21971 � 19� � Le�ine �n Favor ' � r�,.a:�-ti, Sprafka � yor Tedesco Against AU 7 � pUgLISHED Mr. President, "`-�-��--. � DtMLICAT6 TO lRIM7�It - � F . 25�129 � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�lf COMMISSIONER DATE w�s�as, � o�as.�e� c. F. 25�128 g,��t�g �a�...��► to Frad A. Sosmen to construct a puUT�c sa r"w'"�thin a �O�foot parm�ent sewerr ea��aeat accordi g to plans and sp�cifications apgraved by and on file with th�enDaps�ctmeat o€ Public Wo�ks, �as beea prepared and introduced to theA�����,� th,e City of Sai.nt Pa�ul, am�cl vi.11 be adaptad an to be e€f ectivs evsntival ly on .�.._,�_._.�_.._.,,,_��„� now, thsrefore, be it RESOLVED That p tt�a aaf d Os�d�i.t�ace bscocnitzg ef f activa, th� Commiaaioi�r of PubllcgWorks is hera�by authos�.r.� a�d dir- ected to issue a parmit to Fred A. 3amaa� to c.crostsvct a public s�er arithia a 24-la�t per�t s��rsr e�s�nt ct�at�rad cn the lot line cammo�a �o Lots 19 �auad Za �nd Lota 3t1 and 31 a11 of Block 2 Hi�d Hill�c Addition to St. Paul, Mismaaota, a�l in accoa+d w�th t.h�t plans aud specif icatians row�d bq and an f i 1.a with the Dspnrt�sat of Purblic Worka, eub�ct to the same a�d r�quir�ta aa oet out ia t)rdi�, C. F. pe�a�diag 'l�afore �ha Cc�sncil of t� City a€ Saint �cul�""T."" ormsT"� approval of tha coAettruction of �hre public sewer, according to su�ch plaas and spsc�f icatious, may hez+eb�r b� given ip �ticipstioon of the f i�nal adoptioa aad approval of �id Ordi�aace. JUL 3 0 1.a7i1 COUNCILMEN _ Adopted by the Counc�l 19— Yeas Naya Butler ' r-6ar APProvA--i�� 7 �97i� 19._ Levine Tn Favor ' , fi�t�r- � ffiayor � Sprafka Tedeeco ���t � Mr. President, Mz�arty--- � � , � i Avt�ust 23 s 197]. �+1r. �`red A. So�n, 22;i3 Va11ey �li�r Place, 3t. Pattl, M#.r�a. Dea�r� Birt We enclose a ca�py ot ��.-dinarice 2�0. l� graatiag ycr�� pexmiaatooa to evuatruct a pn�bl.ic se��er; a1.aa a co�y of Counci.l. File I�o. a55129 Sran�i�g you inf'orma.i ep�prara]. of the caaatrt�ctiou ot tlle �r; a'1.so bill in tbe sum o�' $33.34 �.o caver th� caet ot pub].i.catiooa at t.hi.e t?rdiaieaae and Resolntion. We c�11 yonxr attentiaa �a Paragra�hs S aad 8 or Sectic� 2 �ich reguira tl� �iling o! a boa�Q in tha em�unt apecified �nd iasura�t¢e. We eael.oae �aa a�cca�tanc� of #.he �erim� ot' this ordi�ie�nee �r�tieh mtutt be tiled in th3s Offict Rc�t&�� C��t��Ha1.g'troitl, �i�hiii 34 deys. I� ntyt t�c file�d, thie cri' �e Vex'Y trulY yrnu'a, City A.erk hP Pa�e � D�partment af Publie Works Auqust 28, 397� i� the p��sen� p�ob�e� that exists but either the City of St. Pau1 d� the Sewer eontra�t�x i� tihe vne responsible fo� inadequate depth o� the sQwsr for these lo�s. Howevez, �� a�e interested in s���ng �hat th�s matter is resolved immediateiy but da e�cg�ct that it will �e h�ndl�d in an �quitable manner and it sure�y should n�t b� at the added c�st tQ our clients. We will �he�efore agpreciate hearing �rom you at your earliest convenience. Vezy truly yours, SMITH� PERS(71�i' 4HERTY �` � � � JFtP/�a� • ( ' �C�^ � e� - Mr. Harry E. Marshall City �lerk � � 336 City Hail � St, Pau1, Minnesota 55102 cc - Mr. Fred A. Sonnen � , D 223� Va11ey View Place St, paul, Minneso�a 551Z9 cc - NIr. C�ax� F. Longsdorf 21�'7 Tilsen Av�. S�. Paul, Minnesota 55119 / lJ � ������ � FI!�D ���` ��v �� � Q.i r i'j `•i,; . Cl7Y C±_�;�;;'S 0'r'�;v� � S)" r'".UL, hflidPd. Augus�t 28, 197I Depas�ment af Pub�.�c Wp�ks 234 Ci,ty HaI�. and Court H�use S�. Paul, Minn�so�a 55102 RE,; Counsel File Na. 255129 Fred A. 5onn�n Gentlemens We wisl� to advise tha� w� xepresent the above n�m.�d person aMd also Mr, G�,are �'. Longsdorf. Mr. Sonner� c�wns Lats 19, 20, 21, J 29, 30 and 31 of B�.ock 2i Highwood Hills. �Mr. �ngsdoxf own� Lot 18, Black 2, Fiic�hwood I�.11s. DBefo�e our clien� we�uld proceed with the signing Q� the acce,�tance whi.ch was sent to him on �ugust 23, we want a con�iz�nat�,on �rom your of�ice ir� regard to �wa ma�ters wh�,ch are as follows: 1. WYzat ad3u��tm�n�s wi11 be made on the s�eeial asse�sment� a� it per�ains to the S�nita��r Sewer for Lots 18, 19, 2Q and 21,? �� �,s o�vious �hat the Sanitary Sew�r �ha� was insta�.led fo� which there �.s now a specia], assessmen� dae� nc�t serwa.ce that • propezty due �c� the faet that it is not of prop�r depth. I understand t'hat Mr. Long�dor£ l�as paid his s�cia3 assessmen�s off in full. It wc>�ld seem �o me that any payments that have been made on �he Sani�axy Sewer sp�ciai ass�s�ment shou�.d be refunded and that the special �.ssessment which ia outstanding �Qr sanitary sewer on those four lots �hould be cancelled. 2. We would want a con�a.�rma�ion from your af£i�� and �ny othex de�artmc�nt wh�.ch is invr�lved that the�:e wili be na conne�tion charge made to the ownex� of Lc�ts 31, 3Q a�d 29, af Bloek 2, Fiighwoad �ii11s when houses are buil.t on those lots. I� �.� quite euident that tha pr�p�r�.y ownezs herein are no� �t fau�,�