255102 L4 ORAGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� 25�1a2 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C NC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE qTF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matter of regrading and surfacing with bituminous material and construct where necessary concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk and concrete driveways; also do all incidental work to complete i�rovement on the following streets: AURORA AVENUE from Oxford Street West approximately 222 feet to vacation line. OXFORD STREET from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue, and from Selby Avenue to the South alley line between Portland Avenue and Summit Avenue. MILTON STREET from Central _Avenue to University Avenue. AVON STREET from Portland Avenue to Hague Avenue. FISK STREET from Laurel Avenue to Hague Avenue. Also, regrade and pave with bituminous material and construct where necessary concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveways, and construct storm sewer; also do all incidental work to corr�lete improvement on the following street: VICTORIA STREET from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, under Fina"1 Order No, 254686, approved June 29, 1971 ; ALSO, in the matter of resurfacing with bituminoos �material the alley �A �; Blk. 3, Palace Addition from Avon St. to Grotto St. under Final Order � No. 254580, approved June 23, 1971 ; � U , c ALSO, in the matter of grading and surfacing with bituroinous material � �� the following alleys: � �'' Alley, Blk. 1 , Milton Addition f rom Milton St. to Victoria St. under Final Order No. 254581 , approved June 23, 1971 Q � Al1ey, B)k. 3, Nininger and Donnelly's Addition and Berryhill and y Davison's Re. from Victoria St. to Marshall Ave. under Final Orde� � No. 254583, approved June 23, 1971 . " The above work to be Summit-University Renewal Project G-1933s COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naqa Butler �xaL�taaz CONWAY Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith _ Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty � � � 08161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ���� /1� r CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL N0� �vG � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF -2- RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for the above improvements be and the same are hereby approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain bids for the improvements as per plans and specifications; and FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the irr�rovements. J U L 2 8 i971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ,JUL 2 8 197� &�ut� CONWAY Approve 19� Levine -- " - Favor Meredith �� -. Sprafk� yor Tedesco ASa�st ° Mr. President, McCarty p�g����p `�l 3 �9,� � �� o�tw►rs ro�tiens�e . , c��r oF �. PAUL ��N�,� No. 255102 • - OFFICE 4F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTfON—GENERAL FORM r�es�sr COMMISSIONER DA*� APPROVAL Of �LANB In ths o�ttsr of r�gradin9 a�d surfaetng rrith bitw�trww �sterial �d aoastruat r�r� �seo�sser�r aoncrot� carb and 9utter, ca�crot� sida+alk �d aonerst� driw�,rays; •lso do ai.l incid�atal rark to oo�ipl�t�► i�qrvaa�ea� on tl+N fol taviag scrests: AUQOM AYEIWE fro� Oxford Strwt Wrst �pproxt�t�ly 22Z fa�t to vacation lin�. 07tFORD STREBT f r�oe St. Anthony Awr�ue to lfn iven 1 ty Awnw� a�d !roo Sriby Awnw to tl+� fKwth i��h/ �IM �f�MIMQ Portland Avenw and Suaslt Aw�w. MitTON tTREET frow C�ntrat Awnw to U�Iwrstty Ava�as. AYON STREET froia Portiand Ayanw to Hagw Awnus. � RISK STRE€T froo Launl Awnw to Ha�n� Awnw. A1so� ro9rads ahd paw wtth bltua�ie�ous a�stsrlal ar�d e.onst�uct �rt nsassary eo�cnt� p�rb �d qutt�r� conant� sidM+alk. e:�nent� driv�+�rs, and construct stor� saMSr; slso do ali incid�ntal work to ca�pl�ts iuiprow�+t cn th� follavin� strNts YICTORIA STRRET fro■ Su�wtt Awnw to UAiwrslty Awnus, undsr Fi�al Ord�r No.Y�i686• apProw� Jun� 29• 1971: ALSO. tn th� wttsr of nsurfaciAg with bttuwinaa �nt�rtal ti» all�y tn 61k. 3 Pala�as Addition fra� Avon St. to Grotto St. und�r Final Orde� No. 2S�S0, approved .Iuna 23. 1971; ALSO, In th� a�tter of gradtng and surfa�tng vrith bitua�tnews �stsrial th� tollowia� altars: A11nr, e1k. i, Mliton Additton frae Milton 5t. to Yictorta St. und�r Fipal Ot�r No. Y5k581, approwd Jun� 23• 1971 A11�r, 61k. 3, Nining�r aad ponn�llr's Additle�n and qrryrhtil and Davtsoa's II�. frow Yicto�la St. to Msnh�ll Aw. undar Final O��r Nc�. ZS�g83, approwd June 23. 1971• Yh� abow work to � Susn�t t-Un i wrs t t�r ti�eawva 1 ProJ�et 8-1933 i COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Bs�ot CONMAY Approve� 18` Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka � �� A g'singt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � 255�02 � DIQ�ICAT6 TO lRIMRR , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSEWTED!Y �-" COMMISSIONER DATE ��� RESOLYED, That ths plans and sp�cifltatioas as sub�itt� for th� abov� f�proveiaents be and tl►� sans are henbp appro+rad; and bs tt fURTHER RESOLYED� That the �urehasing Agsnt b� and is hsreby dirsctad to obtatn btds for the in�prowinents as par plans and sp�ctficatlons; and FvRTHER RESOLVED, That the Purchasfng A�nt be snd is Mreby dtr�ct�d to edvertts� for bids for ths t�p�ovenents. �=- � - r� - . , -� . �, _..� �� �� � �e.�,° _-r; ��' ^� ,•-�•� � �, _ µ� �u.� Z a �97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19� Yeas Nays � � /� s Butler r �. �� � � CONMAY Approved 16— �°�e Tr Favor Meredith ��r Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��