255100 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ����00 � CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NCa �`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � CO CIL RES LUTIO GENERAL FORM r� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE • ATF i�TfiEREAS, The Coun¢il of the City of St. Paul, by Ordinance No. 232974, has established the procedure to be used in conducting a �utch elm disease control program for the City of St. Paul, and under such control program has listed those things determined to be a public nuisance when found within the City of �t. Paul; and WHEREAS, The City Forester has indicated that conditions exist on the follawing properties that he believes to be a public nuisance: PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS St. Paul Structural Steel Stump still needs to be peeled 162 York (55117) (Prop. at 193 Cayuga) Resident Stump still needs to be peeled � 704 Cottage (55106) (Prop. at 704 Cottage) Pau,l. Ray (attorney) Elm brush & logs 540 Concordia (55103) (Prop. at 579 Dayton) � Resident 2 dead elm trees in back yard 225 W. Isabel (55107) Resident 537 Raymond (55104) Elm brush by alley line Resident Dead elm tree in back yard, S.E. 386 E. Rose (55101) corner of house Resident Elm Stump in back of garage 737 Stewart (55102) St. Pascal's Church (Pastor) 2 dead Chinese Elm trees - in 1770 E. 3rd St. (55106) back of s�eudoqed. filling station � (Prop. at White Bear Ave. & S.E. corner E. 3rd - S.E. corner) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �� ORIC`INAL TO CITY CIBRK /2����0 CITY OF ST. PAUL fOE NCIL NO. , - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . �` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF Dutch elm disease Page 2 PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS Mr. Emgebretson 402 Case (55101) Tree must Be completely removed east front corner of garage St. Paul. Structural Steel SIIumps still need to be peeled 162 York " (55117) (Prop. at 193 Cayuga) L.A. De Nardo 2 trees - 1 in front yard; 86 E. Isabel (55107) 1 in back yard Oakland Cemetery Office 1 tree inside fence 75 E. Sycamore � (Prop. at 1044 Jackson - ac�ross street) Resident 833 Ma,rshall (55104) 1 tree- in front yard Burlington route 2 trees on Olmstead 176 E. 5th (55101) (Prop. at Olmstead - between Olive & John) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the conditions described b� the City forester on the above noted properties be declared a public nuisance and the City Forester is hereby authori�ed and directed to send out the proper notices and cause the nuisances to be abated in accordance with procedures established fn Section 5 of Ordinance No. 232974. JUl 2 819T1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler � J U L 2 8 1971 ` �.�� ve 19� Levine `� n Favor Meredith Sprafka `� , or A gainat Tedesco J�l 3� 9�� Mr. President, McCarty PUBU�D . � eurucwTS ro ne�Nme �► CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��� , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO. ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRQSENTED�Y COMMISSIONEIt_ ^A?F �iHSREAS, The Cow�cii of the City of St. Paul, by Ordinancs No. 232974, has establiahed ths procedure to be uaed in conducting a Dutch elm disease control progrsn for the City of St. Pavl, and nnder such coatrol prograa has lieted thoae things determined to be a public nuisance when found vithin the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, Tha City Foraster has indicated that coaditiana exist an the follaving propert3.es that he beliavea to be a pnbllc nuisaaca: P80PIItTR MZSCELI.ANLOUS CONDITIONS St. Paul Structural Steel Stump atill aetda to be peel�d 162 York (55117) (Prop. at 193 Cayuga) Reaideat Stump still needs to ba pealed 70k Cottage (55106) (Prap. at 704 Cottage) Paul Ray (attorney) Blm brush a loga 540 Coacordia (55103) (Prop. at 579 Dayton) Reaident 2 dead e].m trees in back yard 225 W. Label (55107) Resideat � 537 Raynaad (55104) Eln brush by alley line Resident Dead elm trae in baek yard, S.B. 386 E. Ross (55101) corner of hovse Rasident Elm Stu� in bacic of garage 737 St�rart (55102) St. Pascal's Church (Pastor) 2 dead Chinese Elm treas - in 1770 E. 3rd St. (55106) back of ab�ndan�d filliag statio� (Prop. at White Baar Av�. 6 S.E. ooraer E. 3rd - S.E. corner COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�anc�l 19—. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19` Levine • Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka �� Tedeaco A 8'��at Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� DUPI�IWT6 TO HtIN7'SR J!'�A�.■n.. , . CITY OF ST. PAUL p�UNCIL N0, ���v �w� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;`� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR8S9iTED�Y COMMISSIONER DA� -- Dutch aln disease p�e 2 p�E� MISCELLANEOUS CODIDITION3 Mr. F�gabretaon 402 Case (35101) Tree mnat Be co�l�taly remov�d east front corner of garage St. Paul Structural Steel S�mps still naed to be paeled 162 Yosk (55117) (Prap. at 193 Cayu,ga) L.A. De Nardo 2 trees - 1 in frout yud; 86 E. Isabel (55107) 1 in baek yud Oak]amd Cemetery Office 1 trea inside'feace � 75 E. Sycamore (Prop. at 1044 Jacksoa - accroas street) Resideat 833 Marshall (55104 1 tree- ia lsoat yud Burliagton route 2 treas on Olmstead 176 S. Sth (55101) (Prop. at Olmstead - betwaen Olive � Joha) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RBSOLVED, That tha coaditions d�aaribed b� the City forester on tha above notad propertise b• declared a public auisaaos and the City Forester is hereby suthori.�ed and diracted to sead out the proper notices and cauae tha nuisanc�e to be abated in accordance with procsdurea establiahed �n Ssctian 5 of Ordinanc� No. 232974. JUL 2 815� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.—. Yeaa Naya Butler J U L 2 8 19� ��n� Approved ' 19`. Levine ' � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty �