255097 Ort:inal to City Clerk - - � ORDINANCE ;�5��g� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� An or inance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the title and specifications for Civil Defense Educati.on Officer, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title and specifications: . Civil Defense Education Officer I � c� �-J �.,1 '_ ' ' C � .;` �i �l ..._. � -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: Citq Clerk Maqor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By OelQinal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE 2����� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I���� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alpha�etical order the following title, and specifications for Civil Defense Education Officer II -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Oi'lainal to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE �5��9'7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.�� �� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -5- AU� 121911 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler / �� �� Tn Favor Leui��n Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco �9 7� Mr. President ( Carty) A G 1 Z _ At st- � C' Clerk Maqor � Form approved Corporation Counsel $ _ r���sHED A a�a a ra.a� • � � ORDINANCE ��p�� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO S As► ordiassee smeading Oreiiasa�e No. 7ba7, �titled: "Aa ordiasace #isiss th� dr�ties sa�d resp�sfbilities and the misir�ne�m gn�alificstioss for the Tarioo.e claasea of po�iticas ia the Classified Ser�ice of th� Citp, " ipprol►ed Fe�lttas�y 13� 1935� is a�estded. THE ��IINCIL OF THE CITY OF &AIliT PAUL DtJ�S D�DAZN: Section 1. TL�t Ord�ace No. ?607, spprmrad Febrasr� 13, 1935. as ameaded, be aad the sam� is her+e�b7r farther amaaded b� stsildat � t'6i title snd spec�fficstioa�a for Ciiril Defense Educatfea Offic�s, a�i b� sabsti�a#iag ia li�a there�!h� follo�wia� title and ap�cifi�csti�s: Ci�il Defense Ednestion t)ffieer 1 _1_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the CounciL Bntler Carlson T*+ Favor Levine s� A�aina� Ted�co Mr. Preeident (McCart,p) Approved: Atteet: CitY Cler� Mayor � Form a�p�oved Co�por��ion Caunesl By . ._ n4uaa a re�t.r , � ORDINANCE �5�09'7 COUNCIL �ILE NO PRESENTELI BY ORDINANCE NO- � Sect3�n 2. T1►at ssid ordiaance. se asaea�led. be snd the ssme is here� ldrther smenc�ed by iaaertiag ia ite proper sl.pl�b�tiesl order the fe►llowiag title, aad speciScstie�s for C�ril Defease Edncstio� Of$cer II _3. Yeas Councilmen ,Nays Paseed by the Coun�i Butler Carle°n Tn Favor Levine Mel�d�t�t Avni� sp� Tea�co D�lr. President (�cCarty) A���: Atte�et: ` � ; City Clerk Mayor �� : Form aF�rov�cl Ca�r�or�oa Couneel By , y i ' ;:} B�e.t.a reLe.e � ' � � C� RDINANCE 25���7 ���� ��� PRESENTED BY ORDIWANCE NO.— Seetioa 3. Tbia ord3nauce ahsll ta�ke effa�ct aad ba ia farc� os • the first dsy e�f the fir�t psyroll period follo�ei��g tbi:ty► ds�.a�Eter �s pa,ssa�a. sppra�al, snd pn�3i�stios. _5_ Ali6 12 19►71 Yeas Councilmen Nsys Paseed by the Counci� Butler � �21n Favor Meredith � � sp� Am►.in� ; : �. �t c���,,> AUG 1 Z 197t Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� ', Forra a�►provad Corpon�ion Couaeel By , � 255�9� Ti�'e ef Llass: c�v��.� ���:�_z�s}�: ��t�c.�.r��� ��FZC��z zx I);.,ties an�u r�y�Ron�ii�ilitie;�: L�tzd�r su*��rvision, to be res}�onsible 1�r the info�xnatiota an�] eclacation �rc��x�m of tfl�se �ivil ��:�ense Bureau; �nd to perforr� rciated �vo:clt as assi�nc�?. F_xampi�� of v�U:rtc p�rformed: To con�uct co�-nrra=ar�ity ��ic)e civil. de£ens�a eclueational at�� informativc-� p:to�rai7��.. To con��x?t: sv�?-h �ureaiz �t�ff a�a�i th� �nz�xgency o�nrating c�nter s�r�-ice cn.3efs on e�-ncr�ency zniormation o�je�tives and �lana ana tc ad�ris:� thcix� i.n ?�rod�.cin� materials ta implem�nt �t�.ch �lanti. 'To sel�ct, ps•c�a-re and c?istril�ute educa.f.ional r��a�lc��ials. To prepa�e v�lu.ntc.e:r recr�.itix�e;nfi mat�ria�s, su.ch as r�amphi?ts, �?TOC't2L1T'Cc, <-�X�'i].t77.t�, ��OStiP.7Cu�; S�lClf?� c'LT1C3 OttZE',Y' c�.UC�1.0-VISU1�. c'L1C�S, 7'0 �ian a�,cJ c�nd;.zct su-r�.�ys ana sl:udies in oreiex� to dei:��rmine t?�r comr�i�plzi:y'U n.eias for civil. d.�fense ed�!cation a�c3 inf�rrratio�'. To coop�:r.ate in j�ir�t ed�c�tionai activities of other lo��.I, stale anc3 ;:ederal civil de�ense a��ncic�:�. 'Po assist otizcr b�ireau staff in �ar�.parin�; audio-viauaZ materials f�r ttie;� �?.aG��s and ��re�c�nt�tions� Xe �:�:yj�are 3Y�.G �i.st�i.t�zite x�:�sc in�dia informationll r��ateria;�s. �'o �,r�nare �.F�:� e.�it i,1ie i�urna+a ne�F��slet�er anc] repoxts for pu'elic c?istri7�ufiar�. '�o �.csist ii� �r.•��p�ri.n� tn� bur�au�s �ucs�ct. To rra'�e i�eport� and r�,c.o��rzse:nc��,tion�. 1ti:i,ni�z�t�.zn qtxalificutis�t�:�: ��llege �raduati�r� •��>itt� rnaior �ou���e v��orlc it1 �=rl�li�i�, education, J<711Ti1ii11.riXiJ� 03' Z'::�.r1..'ri'�'9 i1Cl.s�� ��.Ci �W'O �P,c1S'ti` ±'3Y°Ctf!SS:'LC3Y1c�1 P,'.�Cv�;T2�IICC'. 1C1 ,jJl?lElr'!. �.2EiTl, 0Y.' Y'e'��1,���a �Ac�.C�. ��i0 .�L1r�+��t1��IL�011 �+JY' t�i:�l:Cil,�i0[7. : _[�_ 1 Title of c1as:� 255C�9'7 ;,i'i�.i ���'r NSE ED�a.lCllfi kOld OFF.TCER :f i�uties and resx�an:I�Dl�1+LEu: IJ'n�er s�brervision, to pnrforrr� pxofe�sianal worl: in earryinb out the information at-�d education �ro�;ran�� of the Civil Defense Eureau; and to pc rf.orr� re1?tcd worlc as assigncd. Examples of worlc nerfoz•med: To orgaraize and con�uct educationa� rneetin�s and conferences with community gro�.t;as and or�;aniaation.s. To pr�pare and distribute cclu�al:iona? rr-xa.terial" To prepare mas_� media inforrna�ionai ri�aterials such as news relea�es, raaio and tele<,�i�ion copy anc3 art work, To prepare education�l and uolunLeer rncruitment- ma•�erials such a� parnp��let:�, bx•ochures, exhibits, posters, slir}e:; and ot�zer audio-visital arts; To �.s:�isi: other 't;urea�:e rer�onnel. in c�rryin� out their educational t]utie:. To prepare 4nc-� edit k3ur:-;au newsletters and report: for public C�1StT1bUt10:7. To znake repo��ts anc3 recomr.�enda.±ions. t�V'Ainimun, quali:fi��atiox��: Colle�e graci��.ati:,n witl� major e�urse wax?c in En�lish, education, journalism �ar .�elate�3 fields: ' ;�Io �ubstitution fox eciucatioca: � _2� f , • � ` �5�09'7 � '.ritle o: �?.aGS: �d yrrZ, L��S�'E.i��'c' L��,TCd'-�.TIC?N OFF1C'.E?3 I:C D�.ti�� an<.l r�spon�i�ili�ies: i.ind�r s�.xn�-rv�.^ion, to bE> r����onsi3�1� for the information and e�lu�aCion x>r.oL.•am oF thn Civil �e.fense Burc:�tu; ar��3 to perforrn re!a�ed v�✓o:r1c as ��signe�. f=�c�n�p:i.c� of wori� �E�rforr7e�3: To conc]uct caxz�munitv �.x�ide civi�. caefense edueational and iriforrnativ.� ��ca�:;az-ns. To can:ult �.��it�. �urcau staff a;zd �lie errier�;ency operatin� �:�r�ter service eh�.�fs on ern�rgenc5r znf.oimatic�n objectives and plans an� to advis� 3;Fiezn ir� �roducinb materials Lo implement stz.�h plans, T� cel�ct, pr.erar� �.nd eli�9:ribut� <;ducation�l maLerials. Tc� nr�;�are volac�t�er recruit�F�n�t n�ates�ials, stich as �-�amphlets, broch�are�, e3c:�i��ts, post��xs; slideC arid oth�x audio-visua� air�s. 'T'o r.1an �r_d conduct sc.ixveys an4 studic;s in order to de��x•rr,ii7e t�1c commt�nity's neec� for civil. d�fensc education and ii�io rrr�atioi�. Tn coonet•ate in joirzi edj�cational ac�ivities o�' othe?� local., state and f'ederai civi� �e.fe��e a��r�ci�s. To a.ssis;. otd�er U�?rea<< si;�.ff it� �re�aring audio-visu�.?. rnateri�l.� ior �l�f�ir c1.cti�s�:s and present�.tionse Ta r;�epar. � ar.�c� �li.�ta°i.}�iate rna�s m�dia i�forr:�ation�?I materials. so F�.r:,�are ar.,.G �t'i� the �ure�atx raew�slett�r an�a rep�xts fox �uL�lic ciictri?,uiioi�< �o �•.ssi5* in p�eparin�; the bureau°;� �ud�et. 7o znat:c. re�;o�-t� �:nd rec:�m���nz��tions, i:�'�ini��nt�.m e�ualifi�_atic�z�:: �ollege �yradu�;tio�� �,vit�a r��jor �ou.�se •a✓�ric in �ngl.zsh, education, ,�'c�urnalism, of� r�:la�.�ed fzelr.�c ,�tad tz��c Srear:�F professianal e:�Y�c�a•i��cc.z in ,journalisrri, o-- a�elatecl iielc3. �'yo sub:�titution fc;r e�ucation. i -4- 5 25�5(�9'7 , Title of class.: t�S, Y�l.�_. .�._..�����JF .l_.�lt�J1.,'i1111.�14 JL' !: ylir�'.%A .", �uti�s and res�onsi�il_i�ic.�o ��nde-r saape�•vision, to p��•Sorrn �rai'e�sional wo�lc i;z ��arz�yin.� out thc. inform�tic�n an�' edticatic,�n r�ra�ram of tize �ivii D�fense ��z�e�.u; and to perform relat�d �v�rk as a�,igracd. EYamples of 4x�ori:c pe.rforzYae�i: "�'o or�anizc and coi�.duct �di��.aLi�n�l �n�eti.r.gs anri coni�rcnce� wit�. com��v.nity �roun� �znd or��a��izai.iox�s, To prep�re ailci di�tribut� eGUwationai rr�at:e;.�ial�. 'TO pi�t�are xi-�z�s me�i.a i.nfo;-matio�a2 material� ��ucli a� ne�vs relea��.>, �a�ia �.nc? televi�ior.i copy and ari. �vorl;. To pre��r� ed��cationa? aud v�l�in�eer TMc;c:�uitm�nt �r.a��erials such a; pam�hl.c;L�, iarocizures, zxPiit-�i*s, �,�ost;,rs, �lides anci o�her auf.lie�-vi�,ti�1. �.rts, To aGsisi other. :E?�=ar�:au nex•sonnc.7_ 4n car�yin�, o�.�t t�.�:ir ec�uc�tional dutie�. T� �re�are .�nc� ed'zi �;.t��au ne:vGietti.r. s and re�orts ;o� public �istr.i�utit�n. To z�nake repoat� �nd recoan�-���ndatioY��>. l�:inirr�um qkaliS`i:�atians: �OLLC.'��L' oT�.CIL:1tlOri �xl1.t�1 %Yl3)Ol COLLYS�. VJOY'I� lY1 .'C�`.r?€;].1Silf GCjUCcZti.(31"1.� jaurnalism or relate:3 ficld�, ' ��To suL�titu�ion £ax education. � -2� � Ist /1 ' �/ , - � 2nd �' I Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted � � Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler Butler Carlson g��.`��9 / �\�_ Levine �e�ri�_ Meredifih �eredith � Sprafka prefka Tedesco �desco � \ , Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O