255096 Ori�inal to City Clerk ` , �Y � - ORDINANCE 255�96 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO—� �""��� An or nance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordi.nance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopti.ng rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears in Grade 32 under the heading Professional Group, the title Civil Defense Education Officer; and by substituting i.n lieu thereof the ti.tle Civil Defense Education Officer I. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by i.nserting in Section 6, i.n Grade 36 under the heading Professional Group, the title Civil Defense Education Officer II. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days a�ter its passag�, approval, and publication. Approved: ` . �- c ; 9 � 0 � � Civi1 Serv' Commissio�e-r � � , o :J � .� >- , o n _ � � J +% �� N � s pU6i2 '� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council > Butler C�smr'L°rrt z - T-,�,,; `'-'`� Tn Favor .,��:�e Meredith U � � Against Sprafka T��� au c 12 �y�1 Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• At st: Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By AUG 1 PUBLISHED _.._=- ��� � � � RDIN �iNCE ���5� , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ��g�� Aa ordi�aa�e s�aead�ag Ordiaasce Wo. 3254, a�litlsd: ��An s�istrsti�rs ordiaaaes s� to the Cfvil, S�st�ce Bar�sa of tha City o� �st P�, apps�ra�38� as� adep� s�el�a s�d regolstioo�t� therefor, " �ppso�ed A1�gpst 20� 19I4� ss �tmaad�. � ' , TSE �t�NCIL C1F TH� C�TY OF �A�TT PA�TL DOES O�Dtl�: Seeti�n 1. Ths�t Or�aa� No. 3?..50, sp�►ro�d Aspst 20, 1914, aa a�d�d, �e aac� the� ssncyt is ker�Ly f+�sKh+its ama�d�d b� �s�ic3as oat ot S�ttioa b. �►�ere it sppesrs ia Grsde 3� �ttde� t�i h�ad� Psr�fsasioaal Groop. tha title Ciwil Da#es�e Edacs#ioa�C?�ficies; sa� ti� sth� ia li�ther� the title Ciril Dafase Ed�scatioa Offie�s I. Sectios Z. �hst s�id ordiaaace. ss smaad�d, b� aad tluf ssme is hereb� isrlh�r ameadecl br iasertlsg is �c�oa� 6, i� Grads 3i s�der !� � �ia� Pro�aasio�aai Gro�p, the ti#le Civil I?efa�se �d�ea�ti�oa t�itcsr:II. 3ec�on 3. This ord#aaae� sh:ll tste �sct a�d 1r� �s fazce � ' th� first da� of the first ga�roll period �ollowi�g tMstjr dsTs itter �!s pussse, , appro�rat, s�d p�tlitstfoa. Approved: � . ; � i � � � sr � � z .s . aus 1 a �9T� � � Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the CounP;t Butlex � _ �� � Tn FAOOr ��� � v ����At # s � ,,. �`�0� AU G 12 1971 Mr. Preaident (A�cCarty) Apprn�ved: Attest: City Clerk ,, Mayor �� F°rm a�►�r°°ed G°x�°r��ion Couase�l By � July �8, 1971 Mr. Jo:hn H�tider Directar of PerSonnel Civil aervice Bureau Dear Sir: The Ci��T �%o�nc'�.l tod�y gave First i'Zead�n�; to the followiz� 2 ord�nances which will come up for Third Reading on Ai�,vst 5, �971: 255096 amendin� Ord. No. 32�0 with reference tp Civil D�fense Education OffYcer; Civi]. Defen�e Education Qf�icer� I �nd II. 2550�7 amendin� Orda No. 7647 w�.th reference ta Civi1 Defen�e� Educ�tian OFPi�er, C1vi1 Defense Educa- tion aPficers I and II. Very truly yo�rsi City Clerk ng e -� � ��� I st , . 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted � � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �utler Carlson � `� � Levine ��C�� �iev?rt�-- �� Meredith Meredith I 1 U Sprafka prafka Tedesco �desco Mr. Presiden+ McCa \r. President McCart �"�'Y Y O