255092 . f-- ,' . � � . , ���� ' ' COUNCIL FILE N0. . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying and Confirming By ---- Condemnation and Awards of Damages File No.- �*s� and Assessment Therefor In the matter of _-�___ , _._ _. _ .__ _-_ _ _ _..__ ---_ , � Open, widett and e�ctc:rid L,1�rA;�,;�it�; ;,t)�'�,;;� fr.om East �eventh Stree,t to Grave Stre�>C (City ProjFCt No, P-03�47(3f;j I�rS� ��or:�;e�,r�iiin�; and taking for -street purposes Che_ � tollowing clescribed p�r�ccls ot�" L��,n<l , as sh�>wn t>y Drawing Noo 2104, llrawer 4, � � dated pctober 20, 19?U, �n ���ile �n 2.!�n DE�parrment o£ Public Work�� Those parts � ot Lot 1, except: s�_r.eet., I.���c �s ���c��;,t. .treet �and highway, and vacated alley � adjoining in 81�:,ci< ?_5 , Kit-ts:�n's ;<�d�i."icn to St� Paul, lying NortheasLerlv of. a line 28.0 feer_ Soutt�!��r.:stf��� '�:r r>��� anci p�ir<i1.ic1 with the Northeasterly line o:� �� s<ii.d Lots 1 .�nd 8, anri �_->;.r.�=n�!�i_nr, th��z��t:o,. Alsu, those �arts of Lot �7, e;�cept � 't1i�;hwa��, anci Lot 8, exct�T�:; �� h;�� �..,; ,_�n�l e;�cent t11e �dortheaster_ly ?.F3 £eet ti�ereof., ' � in B�1ock 2`;, ;;ittson's �c,<ti+ �_, ; �r.o E;C���p;3YZ1_, lying FasCerly of the followir.i� � described li_ne: �ic��;inrilr��; ��*� a �,o��nt� ci�l the South�aster.ly lir.e of said L�t 7, '��� 61,09 feet ;>�utllw� st:c�,-Jv ,;>�_ ,.h��� �n;�;t. h;;, ;tc�rly corner of said Lot 8; Chence j . � � �� �Iorther_ly along a strai.�t3t: 7 i nc� ��tt� a poit:t on the NorthE�asterly li�ne of �aid � ! Lu� 8, 7ho; 1 :Feet Nor+. tiwc�s,tc��-?<<;c��.,thr� rnost E?asterly enrner of sai.ci Lot '8 and � ' t_her�� t2rmin,stinf:;. �1.1 s:�, r},-,;;c� ����:�:� of Lot l, axcept ,treet, Lot 8, excent s?:r��ets , ,�.ncl �aca+�c�u a11c,�T ,r,.jc:,i. �i.E1s> :n Bi.�ck 17, Kittsons: Addition to Sta � Patil, �nci the 1�acated �;c.u.i"t:� ���;tei ly �iH � f�et of :Vinth SCreet adjoining lyii�g N�rtheaster.ly� of a l.i�� ?�;,') �c�et S��ut_h���.>.sY.erly of �nd parallel with the Nortlleast�r. �t}� li_ne of s�s�i<] L��t's 3. anf�l ;� ai�c't �.xi=er�Z�ion thereof� A�so, �.h�se ,� part:s of�-i,ot 8, exc�+�t �t.r_t�E�t, i_n i�i c,ck i0, I�i;Csorl' s Additior.i to S�. P��ul, _. _ __ _ . . ; ancl tne "vac<,tF��d '�ti�i-t.�i�.�,�E ,t�:,r:l.v-1;3" �E_ ��: c�i-�i�in�Ii �trcet adjoirting, lyzng 1?,asteriy_ r of thc.� follow�n�; d�s,:� i_he.d line: I3�<;inni7,�� at a point on tiie Northeasterly li.ne of saic' �'>? ::�cl. I'?, iS;� .FiFi f:Eaet NartliGae,terl.y o� the most E�stc_rly cortic.: Oi Sr11.c� I,C�i_ c�, t:i�rtl�C' � 011�:klt:-T1�7 c11(]'�lf� � �fiZ3�P,�.lt 11riC t0 i3 �101t1� 011 t�1C' ;��)Ur[l•- e:�st��rl;r�linc �f s.��� L� L: �, 29 feet. Si>utt�westerly crf the most Easterl;r co. ,_.er � of. said I,:�t 8; tl�enr,F, cc,r�±�i�z��uing Seuttie��ly along tlze said described line e��:- 2_endE�d r�� tt�e Scz�rtli�a:�>rE�r.1�T line of tii:� vacated N��rt?�w���sterly 13 feet of� Pdinth � ��tl"�E'r� t311C� *_11C'_<'C' 1 �_{Il1� E�£lt.:t11�. AISOy ��1CSrt �i31�tS (?� TOtS �i 3a �+ 3T1C� �1 1.Ti 131cck 9, .,:it�s��.�' �, ^�.�cii_t.ion to �t. Pxtil, axld tha:� vacated North�aesteriy 1�9 �eE�t cf Ninth S�r€ et �zci:ioirrini�;, Ivir��; �des;erly �� t.l�::� ;olluwing descriUed line : Ii<:,.- �;i_n��it�� at a n-,�i_rz�, c�n. �x 1g_zl��, 7 f.eet [u<�rt;:ieasterly of� and parall.el �ait'}i tl�e � � Suuthwest.t�,rJ.y li.n< <ai �,rid Lo� 5, sa�d pcint i�eing 'LO,85 feet Southeasterly uf � �:[it_' �OlJtf1E.<:i.->i:;t'1".�V .�.1..f?.i.' (:{� r;.=11_C� I.:Ot )�; ��'1(=';":CF'. 1J():i-�LICTZ}� cil.OTf� 8 CiIYlTE' t:0 ��:lc Y]-r;�?t. . tarz�;er.�� �t�o t:i�e 1��5r ��c��.>�:°-�.t�e�d I.ine w�.t� � r3�1�_t.ir oF 2b5 f.�et: an�i a central an,�l.e �� � „ , ., . , ��{� _3_i d��;ree�; , _7� nr�rut����s , Uf) ser;�i.lds, a dis�aneE� of 155<�97 feet; the�ne� Nor�ther:t�r on � s�.r•� i.i:;}1;:. ]_inf, L<,f-,�;en� to said curve an�i 3�Ob feet Easter.ly of ar.d parailel. � tia�_I�h thc ;,as���,-_It,r J.i_r�� �;f i,afayr>tte f;o�ci Nc7�rth of ��.roue Street e�tezl�ed Southerly 2�U Y:IiE� ?`v(")Y:.l fl 7 i rlr? :7i :;c?"i C' T.,'.)t:' ,� 3I1(� ��l('i"E'. tt'i"7111.Tidt1T1�;, E11SOx COi1C�E?IRit?iiL? 3t1C� C<x4�:;.ng tea,��,c�ra�ry ��r,n::�_.�-a,_cti�z� easement:� in. thF� 1anc� necessa�y £or slopes, c�,�s � <aizd �-� 1.1.s , i.��:,:I��d�.,�.;; �:�i.�;i-,L <�f removal of l.ate�ral suppor�t fiom subject l:�nd or remai.nde,: th���°e�f, -,r.c•:��,i.o�ned by excavations thereof ar coFistruction. of slape;s � ir� tiie gradin<�r ar1!� p��vi_nt,� oi Lr�faye��e R�aad Era2� East SevenCh Srreet to Grovt Street {Cit:y i'r-v�c�ct: ,`�'c,4 �'-034%B) , as sh�wn t�y llrawing Noa 2104, Drawer 4, datt�d October 20, 19�O, c�n ;'i.J_e in the Department of Public bJ�rks, said tempor.ary coi°i- � st:r.•uction �a�;c�mei7t-5 tc; teY�minate upon completi.on of construction or by J�i1y �� l, 1�172, •-- - ` --- \ _ 1-igaiiiav __ _ _- _ Form R-3 ��5 ' P������ . �u� � �_ i , � ' � , 2 ��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� �,�� Report of Commiasioner of Finance on Condemnation of La�ds File No. �'�+�► In the matter of -- , � _ � Open, widen and extend I.A�'AYl�,�"!"��; �.�)�'ll �Erom East Seventh StreeC to Grov� Street � (City Project No, P-(>�;C+7I;R1 L>>' canci�.�r,���ing ard taking for street purposes the �ollowing c3escribed parcels ot' 1<aad, a:; shown by Dr2wittg Noo 2104, Dr.awer 4 , dated Octo�er :�0, 1970, on ` i_Ie � �i �`�t.� U<�,�artment of Publ.ic Worlcs� 'Those par*_s o� I.ot 1., e�ceot srr-eet, I,��t `� ��x�cept: st�-eet anc� t�ighway, and vacated al.ley adjoining i.ri ?;lock ?5, h.i_tt:sc�n's '�clr±i.tir,n to St� Paul, lying Northeasterly of a l.ine ?�,{) f:ee�t ;�ol�ah�aest:ce•��; ;� a;�ci ��a,-�i21e1 �aith the Northeasterly line c�T s�id Lot:s 1 �ir�d 8, anci c�:cr��i�s°�or: t.her.eroo Also, th�se parts c�f Lot 7, e��cept � highway, anc; l;,ot ,S, t� �_�,�}-�t ,>;};�� �y a�n�� r-xc��t �he Noithe�.ster_Iy 28 feet t iereof, � in f3l.ock 2�, ICitt:�on'�� Ac±d�_t.i.c.�r� t:o Sr<,P<.3t�1, lyin� Easterly of the followir�� d�scri.bed li.ne: �,e� in .ir;�� at. ��i ��,:.����, en the Southeasterly liT7e �f said I.ot 7, �i.09 Fect ;io,�tt�c�esC.c,�_�.v o�- i;h-, �cs` r a:;t_�rly corner of said I.ot 8; th�nc� Norther_�y alnn� a str_��i.gt;t I��-�c��� ;t:o a point ot� �he Noxtheasterly line of s�id I:ot t�, SC�,"?1 ���et '�'ort11��=�<,r =.;•!�. of rl��. mnst �?asteriy corner of said Lot 8 aild �h_�r.� terminating, 1�7 .::�, th'�se t��r��> ��f LoT 1, exce�f�t str�et, Lot 8, except st.r��er..>, and ar�cat.c�d allr•y -?djoi-�+inc; �n +;!uck 17, ICittsans Addition to "t� ;?�zt�l, ���d the v:,c�.:�ted ��o�it�ic :;;,+,�c :I�> 18 leet of N:i_ntlt Stx'eet acljoinin; lyin�; 1`In, c,��easteri; oi a i.i_nc� :�:�,() '�e�t Sc�uthwesterly of: and parallel �ai.th the. i.�]c�?`t27Gc�9�C�:ZV �.�LIlE_' tJ� 6�llt� �Qai..`,� i �lii'� `t� ��.F1C1 €'X�'.PT1510T1 t�l@.l"E?O�� AISOf tROSC nai:•t.; ��f. Z:�t 8, �xc<.-,�>±: <,i_�,eef�, ;..n I�:lc>cic 1.0, I<i.T_t�son' s Addi.tior� to Sk:. Patrl, �zncl the ttr�c -t��:E>c;. ��_,r•tt�ar�r:�t��rl.}T 1£� fr:�t of ��1int:l�1 Street adjoining, lyi_ng L��s�er.ly of ti1��� fo�.l.c,w� n� �l�:sc:ribed �I �.izr�: 13e�;�irznin.g �� a noint on the Nortkleasterly ].;_r�.��_ of sa.i.0 ��L.�c�k �IJ, i5�-�.65 feet �1��rChGae;>�E�r�ly of the rnost� Easter7_y carner 02: sai.cl I.�z�t ��; t�rE�nc�r :c��!�.hez�ly a1ar��; a straigY�t line to a pai�nt on the S��ut1�- � e- r�.�ly 1.i � ^:c ��.:.0 Lr>t� t,, ?._9 ieeY_ Southwe�tcrty of tt�e mast Eastc�rly ca�ne.r. of saici L�t 8; t'��ic,�rz��e ��a.�t:ix�uing Soutrierly along the sa�id d�scrihed line e�:- � t�z-ide�d t:o tr1c� Sc�i�tl�t:�. �::erl�� 1 in� o� Ch�� vacatex3 Nort_h�a��st�rly 18 feet �f Ninth :;t..'eeL, r�nd thE,�•e ,_e�.�r,it��ltin�;, Also, thos� �:�rt�s of 1.ats ?, 3, 4 and 5, irc i�i.i;c'r: �1, �;7..t��s�r�' 4; �cici�i.ic�n t_�a 5t. I'at�lx and thc� v�tcated N�rthweste.rly 19 feet � � of Iwi�i�h Stre.ct �zc1-if�i�n�_��;, l.viz��; [aesterly ���� t!ie f«11owi.ng descr.i.bed 1i_ne� 1>���° � �_ir�n_ing at � pc�ir,t ai� � li�ne 7 feet� Nc�rt;:�ea.sterlY of a�-td parallel �aith t4�e ;;r�iithc,��sCer7_v 1.in� c�f: :t:id r�c�i� 5, sai_c1 �oint hei_rzg 2(�.35 feet So,�theast�rly c�f tf�e Sotitli�a ��:.x�:Lv 1:i;�r. �z sa,_d I,o� S; t:l���na:e Northerly al�iig a r_urve to t'l1�� rzghC. t :.z��gci�� t�� t1�c: 1.���t�: rl sc��-i_i�c� li.ne Gri.th a radius of 265 fe�t �nd a c�iitra�l an�lt� � of 33 degz:ee�s , �� n�7r3«-.«�� , CaC) sec;c�ttds, a dis��=nce af l_55�97 feet; th��r.ce N�rtherly o�z a ai:�•ai�ht'. li_r�� t_<�„ ;ent t� said ciiz-ve i�d 3006 feet East�rly of ar_d p�r�ll�l ���iti� �h�� l_a<��iF,x-:t�, lir��.� c,� La:r:a���:te Rc�ad Nc�a-tih �f Grove Stre�t extendec� ��,t�therly to t�l��e iv�ur.L}i l.;ne :�;: �d L�c�� ? a2�d t�here i�ermi.iatin�;� Also, condernning and tal;i.r�f; tz,�,��l�r{�rary c��G: W.���a�cti_or� easements in th� land necessary for slopes, cuts az�tc� �i ll.s, i_x�t��lt�din�� , ic;h�: vf z'emoval of la�era2 supp�rt from subject land or r���mainder t:�����e�c�f:, c3c < <+_�,i.on��cl by excavations tl�ereof or cot�struction of slopes i.n thE�� gradi,nf, �+n��i p��?��g �?� I,afay�t�t.e Rca�xd �'r�om EasC Seventh Street to GrovP S�re.et (Cii:-y i rc�jc�ct: t�t�, F-03'+7Y j , as shat�m h� llrawin� Noo 2104, Dr.awer 4, dated Octob��r 2t�, 1�)7t), c,n ':zl.e. in Lh�� Department of r�ub)_i.c Works, said tempc�rary can- st.r.�ictic�n e�s�.c�,m�:aiit;; tc� re.iali.xiate upon cr�m���.etion of const�ruction or by 3ti1y i, 1972, . � ,, �, , �' ,. ��, �..',�''�'.. STRINGER, DONNELLY, ALLEN & SHAROOD ATTO R N EYS AT LAW 1200 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILOING PHILIP STRINGER 55 EAST FIFTH STREET TELEPHONE 227-7784 ARTHUR J. DONNELLV SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55101 AREA C�DE 612 - CLAUDE H. ALLEN R.PAULSHAROO❑ VINCENT P. COLIRTNEY HENRY H, COWIE,JR, FICHARD A. ROHLEOER � CHARLES A.FLINN,JR. A.JAMES DICKINSON JAMES S, LYNDEN July 27, 1971 The Hon. Harry E. Marshall, City C1erk City of Saint Paul NOTICE OF OBJECTIONS TO Court House and City Hall Building P:ROPO5ED AWARD Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 To The Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: This office represents General Tire Co. , lessee of the property located at Seventh and Lafayette Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota. With respect to File No. 17525, relating to the condemnation in connection Hrith the widening of Lafayette Strset, we have received a Notice of Hearing dated June 23 , 1971, setting a public hearing before you on July 28, 1971 at 10 :00 A.M. Pursuant to Section 270 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, we wish to advise that General Tire Co. , lessee of the premises involved, objects to the proposed award on the follow- ing grounds, to-wit: (1) Said award is insufficient and inadequate compensation to the owner of said property and the lessee of said property for the damages incurred by them by reason of said � taking, and violates the rights of the ornrner and lessee under the U. S. Conatitution, the Minnesota Constitution, the pertinent statutes of the State cif Minnesota, and the provisions of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. (2) The proposed award is unlawful as to tIze lessee in that it ignores or fails to take into consideration the damage to the lessee by reason of the severance of the leased premises at said location which, on information and belief, �ras a factor not considered in the proposed av�rard and as to both the owner and the lessee in that it is based upon appraisals . r The Hon. Harry E. Marshall, Gity Clerk July 27, 1971 Page '1'Hto �nrhich have estimated the severance damages only as to a portion of the premises and not as to the: entire premises as required by Section 269 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the various constitutions and statutes mentioned in the previous numbered paragraph, and accepted appraisal technique. Very truly yours, STRINGER, DONNELLY, ALLEN & SHAROOD B �% � __ Y Vincent P. Courtney VPC:lp cc: Mr. (nIilliam Donovan Valuation Engineer Mr. F. J. Counts General Tire Co. Mr. Morley Friedman Attorney at La�nr ' � w � .`� � '�`�'�',�,�...�,......... . � LAW OFFICES ` COLLIN3 AND ABRAMSON 1007 DE<iREE OF HONOR BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSt01 F�L�D 22�-aza� ' ", "' rn ^�Q ? E THEODORE J. COLLINB V�� �I,j (,,,} J� �z I ; � � SIDtJEY P. ABRAMSON n MORLEY FRIEDMAN U I I`f r�� `-.��I'`�� ��r�v` J u 1 y 27, I 97 1 �� �'�`��'�l_, ;��;;:,;. The Hon . Harry E . Marshall , City Clerk C � ty of Saint Paul Court House and City Halt Building Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 NOTICE OF OBJECT [ ONS TO PROPOSED AWARD T0 : The Council of tf�e City of Saint Paul This law f � rm represents the owners ofi the property located at 395 East SeventFi Street, Sa �nt Paul , Minnesota . That property is owned in part by Ethel L . Levey , as surviving joint tenant of Sam Levey, and in part by the trustees under Trust "A" and Trust '�B" of the Last Will and Testament of Sam Levey, Ramsey County Probate Court File No. 123703. This property is presently leased to and occupied by General Tire Company . We have 6een advised of the proposed taking of parts of s•a � d property in connection witFi the widening of Lafayette Road and of the proposed award ofi damages therefor. The public hearing for the determinat� on of amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the above described property and the condemnation thereof , with respect fo File No . 17525 , has been set for July 28, 1971 , at 10 : 00 A . M . Notice is hereby given , pursuant to Section 270 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , that the above named owners of the premises involved object to the proposed taking and proposed award of damages therefor on the follow- ing grounds : I ) Said award of damages is insufficient and inadequate compensation to the owners of sa 'td property for the damages incurred by them by reason of sa 'rd taking , and thereby violates the rights of the owners under the United States Constitution , the Minnesota Constctut�on , the relevant statutes of the State of M'rnnesota, and the provisions of the Charter of t[�e City of Sarnt Paul ; � • , . FtL�� �'�'� �. � �`v' .�l l 'e ; � COLLINS AND ARRAMSON �,�`� f�� ;= ,':`�� �4,k��� J�� l�,i.v Y �,i�4Li'i. �. The Hon . Harry E. f�arsf�al I Page Two July 27, 1971 2 ) The proposed a�rard es unlawful as to the owners of said property � n that it totally disregards tf�e loss of income to be sustained by tF�e owners of this rental property , thereby appraising tfie value of sa �d property after the tak'tng at an amount tFiat is substantially below its actual value; 3) The proposed award � s unia�tful because, upon information and belief , it is based upon appraisals which determine the severance damage to 6e susta � ned by only a part of said premises , whereas , the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , Sect�on 269, requires that the award of damages be based upon tFie d � fference in value between the ent� re tract 6e�ore the taking , and the value of the entire remaining portion of said property after the taKfng , as further required by the various const[ tut�ons and statutes mentioned in Paragraph I ) hereof , and 6y acknowledged appraisal methods . Very truly yours, COLLINS and ABRAMSON BY • �� �/�-�v"�'`` MORLEY FRIEDMAN MF : clm cc: Mr. William Donovan Valuation Engineer cc: Mrs . Ethel L. Levey cc : Mr . Vincent P . Courtney Attorney at Law