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. 2�5�89 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROSALIE t. BUTLER, rQ� OF FrR���C DATF COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, 1.�'�/�G�j� �o to the aggregate amount of $ 300,814.27 , covering (��9�,�3�.�����z� checks numbered �4073 to �^ inclusive, as per checks or pertinent listing of same on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Clemens J. Schleck Chief Accountant - Comptroller , By �- ..?�-7/ �u L 2 7 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays J U L 2 8 1971 Butler J�T� � Ap v 19— evin ,�n Favor Meredith Sprafka J � , Mayor A gainst Tedesco � Mr. President, McCarty ��8����� Jt��. 3�;:1 1 �o � .. �n �y<. � . . � . . � ' �. �. �+yL .w. � � � � �� + Resurface with bituminorl;; material the following �lleys; ., � , Prelim. Ordex No. A roved l�i ,le Nc�. 1)�scrt ti on�--�- -P. 'LT___ -__- -- --___---�--'--- 24657_6/ Df�c. :?, �qGy� 1,-321 J Itrown';; lst Addt.tfon, 8locic �+, and S�nhorn'8 Addition, "',i��ck 4 , <�nd Haller� Addi.tion, Block 4, from Miltc�n �>t , t� Victoria St. �.�-yant `s A�idition, 131ock 1, from Victoria St. to Avon St. �,ryanr_ 's A<Idition, Block� 3 and 6, from Victoria St. t o �1von St. l�orerr�u�;hs DivLsion A, Block 4, and Smith and 'Caylor', �ddi.t=ion, }31�ck 4, frqm Ghatswarth St, to Milton St. P,:il:.icc� Addition, I31ock l, fr.�m tivon St, to Cr�tto St. lZt��;�rs Addition, Block 2, I.exington Ptace Suh, from Ler,i n,r;ton Plcwy, to Qxford St. Summit Prark Addt_tian, �3locic 29, from Chat�worth St� to Mi.lton St< _ __ _ , Summit l'�rk Acicjition, };lock 30, from Chatsworth St. to Mi1t�n �t. Summit Parlc Addition, };lock 31., fr.om Oxford St� to Chatsworth St. f�ummi.t P,'�rdc Ad�iition, ]i].ock 32, f.rom nxford St, to Chatsw���rth tit. � S�lmmit Paric Addi.r.ion, T3].ocl: 4?_, from Lexi.rtf;ton Pkwy. to f7xford St, 246519 Der... 2, 1959 1,-"3U]_(; Mi.lton Adciitic�n, �locic 5, from Chatswor.th St, to Mil.tnn St, 246511 1 Dc�c , 2, l 9h�) T,-;(i;C� I..K, Stone`s Addita.on from Chr�.tsworth St, to Mil ton Sr., 246509 Dec. 2, 1969 I_,-3('6C Fair�>ank's Acaclition, I31ock 1, �nd Stone anc� Ro�,er'� AC�(Iltl.(7'Cly Block 3, from Mil.ton St, to Victori.a St. 246507 Dec. 2, 19F,<a i,'07� t�, Wi lgus Addi.rion, Blocic ?_, £rom I.exi.n�;ton Plcwy. to Oxford St. 246!+91 Dec . 2, l9(,9 T,-'�(19(� Summit P�r.lc Addition, Al�ck 20, from Mi.lton 5t. to Vi.ctor.i.a St. } . . .. ...v++.a.... ..:...... . ..... . .. .... .. . � r��� _,,,.e.wa.v.s,+—.w_w.r...._a ..,..._,, _ J" -� _ � - J �'re 1 im. � i�-• �<�r t __-.__-----._,.�.....-.-----�--.�..,_...-..._.,.-._._....�..--._._�._.____...._....�.__ i.lc� rlc�. � _._Pr ton y-�-�-� Urcic�r. No. A r�vc�d - _._.._... . .. � __ �_ ,`i) c r�; Ac1d�.r.i��n, l��,C)C�C .�� '�ZpT11 faX��>1CCj �t. t.� 246497 ��'�. 2, 19Eiy 1,-'3] 7G }`� ' (;I�i.iLr:�a�,��t:li :;t:. i.- �1Nf, (:i,��t�� Isro:. Div�isi+nn Na. lk�, from V�.cCorlfl St. ?_/a652�} Dcs<�. ?_, 19h') � �, ,�v�,n :�t , , ,� ;;���mnl_l Yftr_tic l�cldi_�:i.c�n, 13��o�k �oJ., ��'r_om L,�:x9n�tr>n 2�F6/F�9 t)ec, ?, 1`;ah`� a:- ,, tt, �?�xcn/'�r, L".l) (�`t�"(7�I'(a ,�'�G. C,rrxde and ni�rface wi.t}� t>i C�iu,i nc,���; m,�rc�r i n l t hi� fca]�owinfi, F�l1cy� : Dec. ?_, 19��y T.-3U2(, Mi_lt�on A�l�l�.ti.�n, �i;l.ock 3, from M�.�.C�n S�. to 2./�6'"5).7 �l�<�.r�r t a S t. r T.in�l���.�;�r�n':+ :�rah. , I;l.�Ck �+, tr.om nxf'c�l'cl SY. w����t >� D�c. ?., 7.9G9 l,•-",J'it: : ,6'_i15 a��j,rc>xlrnai:e.ly 15Q f.`c�eC. I)c�nnc�l1y'r> �cic.li_tiatt, T3lock 2, fxom (:httt�,wrrrt{3 St:. t�, ?_4fi51."'� �Dec. 2, 196c3 �I�,-3tJ/G�C MI:LG<�n St� _ ' �nd ;irinborn's Ac1�l i l:i o�i , f)rc�.. "l� 1y6�� T,-�31(l(� � �13rt7wn'r; � st l�cldit�arr, I��.Lc�c�k 3, )/�.F;G 9"i � lilocic "j, sind t�al7cr' t� AdciLt��.c7n, I;J.c�ck 1, 1:r��m Ml1t��,•� �,�� to �lict:ori..�i St. i � far.c. '1_ , 19Fi�� l�- 3] Lt: 1�<�reP ,,,,,1�'� T)ivigic>n A, f3l�cfroni (;Ilat��w�rtih:jn'i . 246-��9� ���ay].or's �d�l[_C�ian, F�1<�ek l , . t.o Milton SY, t ���� , ? � ]96�.) T,-.;�!7(; t;d�,��.r, llcai7��t tiuhdi Vi s i,r.�n., 131oc1c `.'i, fr�im 1�i F;�k 5C. Cci ?.46/�9� � llvcan St:. � •� 7969 l�-3�1"1(�, I;. ��l( lf;�is Acl�iit:.�;�c�n, Rlnck 1, fr.�xn Oxford SC. t� 2��6505 De.c. -�, r;t�aYvwa�'Ci� Sr_.� ��� M9.1.ton ActdiCion, �ltlocic 2, fr.c>in Mi.1.t��n Strer.�t �c� 24F,525 r��c. 2, 7.��E,y �- r,-'�15�; ; Vic,tori..'� `�t' • �� � � f y l,-'3�1 f,(; F��i.rbanlc'�; Ac]cliLion, 13l.ock 2., and fiCone rind Rc�;�er�� 246501 T)`,�� �� � � ' AddiLic�c�, Hloc}� [+, from M�lton St. t� Vict=c,ri � St.. .� •� 1 9F>9 I�-";2Of; Mar�hz�l� liou7_���Zrd Addi�i.on ��pn fr.�m (h��atsworth St . '• 2�+65()3 1)r,�, , , to Milton SC. �� Gr.a<ic� �n�1 �urfac�� w i r.h hi.t:,imi.noias material anc� cnn�tr.uct s�w�r £or. :�torm w�zt��' purpc,�:e�; 'i� the foll.o4�i n�; al lE����� : I)ec. 2 , 19F;9 T,-'30H(; Rryant'� Adcii�ion, ljlack ?_, �rc�m Victori� St . C'� 246�►8'i n��,,, ,�t. �, � � � . r . ._ �; _ i � Pxe]_t�, O��clnT- No. ,�1 rovc<1 �,,i I�, �i�, , I��..;�.i-� �t lc�n �_._�___. _�F'_P.._.__ _ _ _ . . 1 ?46�+8`i 1)���,. ?, 196'i L-�� I'��, i;� �����•�; �;uf><1(v�ir, Ic>n A� '1�1or.k �� nnd I1n�i.�rt�rF�it�y ;�ul�- �I i �ri �, i �?n !t I ���ck /� , f�X'c>m Oxf�ord !•,9'. tt� Ctz.i�°�r:wort��.h ';t , ?_46�w87 Tlt�<•, ? , l')l;9 L-�ti ')�: ;: I:�t ��r ��ucl tZi 1_cy'r� A�lcltttr7r�, (3�Ic�c}c 7., f�rr,�rn C1�ir�tswc>�`I.h ;i . t r, M i I t r>rl S 1 . Rc�;tn'fncc wi_t_E� I��Lturnintau�-, innlc•ri;i1 :�n�l rnn>:t r��c,C sewcr for ,'�tt��rrn wrlt,c�r' j»irpi�,.�r�ta Chc� f'c�.l l���ri nf; ,:i l lc>y: 2�E(i`i:� l f)c�c. 2, 1969 1�,-��?7�, I��, I;zc��� 11�i�liCton, R]ocic ), f`rc>zn Avon ;t_, l:o l;rt�L't���, fit� . P�trt o[ Ch<� Sarnn�i I:-Ifni_vt���-t,i t Y lt��n����,i:tl 1�rr�rt, i;ont:r:�ct� C-]90/r;l�