255066 j ���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ����i� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � V � OFFICE HE TY CLERK ��E NO. CO ES LU I GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONE Roger M. Conwa ATF WHEREAS, There are instances when at the ten�ination of a Publ ic Works construction proJects there are funds whPch were not expended on those p�ojects, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this offlee that these funds sbould be separated fran all other funds, and WHEREAS, It is desirous that these funds be used only upon approval of the Chief Engineer �d the City Cou�cil acwrding to the following gaidel�nes: l. That these funds be used for aId iA the establisM�ent, location, constrnction, reconstruction, improvement, maintena�ce, planning or studies regardi�g streets, sewers, b�idges, sidewalks and traffic signals within the City of St. Pac�l . 2. That these funds should not be used fo� projects cf a s�bsta�tial nature when other sources of funds are available. RESOLVED, Tbat the Public Work Project Contingencies Fund be established by the Ebmptroller as pa�t of the Per�anent I�provement Revolvi�g Fund. EO�M AppR�v � �ORPOR pTION C��NSE� JUL 8 31911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays But�er ���. a 319�1 � prov 19— �— �n Favor Meredith .� yor Sprafka A gainat � Mr. President, McCarty AUBtJSNf,p JUL �1 � 1 � ' �55�66 ouM.�cwr�ro�Rtr�rex , CITY OF ST. PAUL ���� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GC-�IERAL FORM coMM�oNert R�r M, Cdwvay DA*F MMEREAS, Th�ro an fnstanoes when at ths tsn�Tnation of s Public 4torks constructlo� proJects thero aro funds Nhich wero not sxpanded on those proJects, and , YHEREAS, it is the opinlon of this offi�e that these funds should be + s�paratad fro� all otl»r fu�ds, and ' WHEREAS, It is dssirous that these femds bs ussd only upon approval of the Chlef Enginar and the Ctty Counci 1 sccording to tha fol lowing guideltnss: 1. That th�se funds be used for atd in the establtsM�snt, locatio�, oonstructton� reconstruction, improv�nNnt, maintanancs, pl�ntng + or studies rogarding strests. sewars, bridgss, sidewalks �d � trafftc signsla wTthin ths City of St. Paui. 2. That tlt�se funds shouid not be usad for proJscts of a substantial � naturo whe� other sourc�s of funds aro avatlable. t RESOLVEO, That the Public Mork ProJect Co�tingencies Fund be astablishsd by the oomptroller is part of ths Pernwn�nt liaprow�ent RevolviAg Fw�d. ; ' �u� a 3 �sr COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Council 19.— _ Yeas Nays ; Butler ��.�� �►j� Approv� 19.— I'�' _=� rn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� t T.e�ex+o� Mr. President, McCarty ���