255056 Orialnsy�to City Clerk } � ORDINANCE �����:5 6 COUNCIL FlLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � !' � 7� An ord ance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: ; "An administrative orclinance-£ixi.n,g ��he-corr�-� � � � � � � pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1g25, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 19�5, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading Group A, the following lines: "Carpenter 6. 95" "Carpenter Foreman--Board of Education 7.46" "Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department 7.46" "Cement Finisher 6. 93" "Iron Worker 7. 14" "Iron Worker Foreman ?. 52" "Kettle Tender-Roofer 6. 66" "Roofer 6. 95" "Roofer Forema,n 7. 38" "Shade Repairman 6. 95" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Carpenter 7. 00" � "Carpenter Foreman--Board of Education ?. 51" i`` �� ` "Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department 7. 51" ' "Cement Finisher 6. 97" � "Iron Worker 7. 18" �j "Iron Worker Foreman ?. 57" � ' "Kettle Tender-Roofer 6. 70" "Roofer 7. 00" i'Roofer Foreman 7.42" : y � "Shade Repairman 7. 00" . 5ection 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same the titles and rates in is hereby further amended by striking out all of�Group B, where it appears i.n Section Il; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk - Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By ddainal to Ctty Clerk -- � ' � � ORDINANCE �r �,, � COUNCIL FILE NO. "���� r ''� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � ? ���� "Group B "Air Compressor Operator $6. 12 Backfiller Operator 6. 78 Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 6. 14 Bitu.minous Spreader Operator 6. 78 Heavy Equipment Operator--Asphalt Plant 6. 78 Hoisting Engineer 6. 78 Mixer Engineer 6. 23 Motor Equipment Operator 6. 78 Motor Equipment Operator--Water Department 6. 78 Motor Patrol Operator 6. 78 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 6. 78 Power Shovel Operator 6. 97 Pulvimixer Operator 6. 78 Pumperete Operator 6. 87 Road Machinery Operator 5. 79 Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons� 6. 23 Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 6. ?8 Sno-Go Operator 6. ?8 Sweeper Operator 6. 78 Tractor Operator I 6. 23 Tractor Operator II 6. 78 Tractor Operator II (Backhoe� 6. 78 Truck Driver 5. 79 " • Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same / � is hereby further amended by striking ou.t of Section II, where it appears s, -; under the heading "Group G", the line �.,� c:� ;�? "Sweeper Helper 2. 60". . ._; � Section 4. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same � cy `� is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II all of the titles and r-%� rates where they appear under the heading Group G; and by substituting in � lieu thereof, respectively, the following: -2- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � - City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . arlQins�to City Clerk;. _ • � , �� ORDINANCE ��., ;; � ���56 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � �/�'� "Group G Asphalt Batcherman $6. 16 Asphalt Plant Engi.neer 6. 16 Asphalt Raker 6. 29 Asphalt Shoveler 5. 99 Bridge Crew Leader 6. 19 Bridge Laborer 5.'99 Building Laborer 5. 91 Ditch Digge r 5. 99 Jackharnmer Operator 6. 04 Kettle Fireman 5. 99 Labor Crew Leader 6. 11 ' Miner 6.48 Miner-»Water Department 6.48 Mortar Mixer 6. 04 Public Works Laborer 5. 91 Roofer=s Helper 5. 91 Sanitation Laborer 5. 91 Sewer Crew Leader 6. 19 Sewer Laborer 5. 99 Sewer Maintenance Laborer 5. 99 Sewer Pumping Station Operator 6. 29 Tamper 6. 16 Tunnel Laborer 6. 12 Vibrator Operator 5. 99 Water Laborer 5. 91 Water 5erviceman I 6. 04 Water Serviceman II (Connections� 6.19 Water Serviceman II (Mains� 6. 19 Unskilled Laborer 5. 91 " . t � � Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force � in accordance with Council File No. 252982, approved March 10, 1g71, -a U which authorizes these wage rate increases be effective October 2, 1g71. ..� � 0 :v �_ 0 _ a _ � 0 U - . �, _— o� `� a ^3- Ai�6 619�t Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �� L� 1� F��� ��-�-� < n Favor T�� D � Sprafka Against Tedesco � � �� Mr. President ( cC rty) Appro _ A est• ity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporatic�,Gou��l , PUBLISHED AU d - - �HIRD RI�ADIKG - Ju�Y 3�� 19'� n�.a a r�.s� ,. • � � � � � ORDINANCE j ���� ��No �5�t�5s PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._�� �!►n ordiaaace ameadia� Ordiaaace Pto. 6446, entit�l+ed: "An,zdmiaislrative ordisaae� fi�c3a� the com- � pansat3o� rs��s of certsin city positioas ind employmeaoFa��" spp�o�ed Jaat�sr� 23, I 9Z5,. �s amea�ed. T3�IE COU�tCIL OF THE CITY OF S�i�'t+iT pAIIL DO�S ORpA�I+I: Sect�oa 2. T�st �sdiaasce No. b�44b, spgroved Jsa�sr� 23� � 19i5. ss smesded� be sad the sam� ia hara'6ay f�sCi�es smeaded by strikiag oat o� Se�tiosi II. v►�es�s they app+�►r osder the 1�sdfag Grosp A� � � tke followiag li�e�: . �tC��r 6.95" . . "Csrpeat�r F'oremaa--Bosrd of Edac�ioa 7.46" ;� "C�sp�ater For�anaa__Fire D�partme�t T.46" "Ceme�t Finisher 6. 93" ' "Ir�a Wprker ?. 14r' "Iroa Worker F'oresnsa T.5t" "Kettle Teader�Itoo�es b.66" "jtoafis . 6. 95h "Ro�ss Forernaa T.3a" "Siutds 3�tepsirrnaa 6. 95" ; aa� bT snbs�ifiitin� ia lien thereof, respectivelr, the faltow►#ag lin�ss r'Csrpeatez 7. 00" . "Garpeatar Foreman--Bosrd of Edncstiv� ?.6IM . "Gsspastez Foremsa--Fire Degartmett 7.51�' "C�mant Finishar 6. 9?�' � '''Isoa� t�orlcsr ?. 18" "Iroa Work.�r Foreman 7.5?" "Ke�tle Tsdaz-800fer b.?A" ��RooEer �. �0" r�ROOf�! Torl�mis . 7.4Z" . "S�a,de Ra�airmaa T.00� . � ; _. _ , See'l�a: Z. That iaid ordinance, as amendid.. be aad !he same t�ee tit2es �d satts i� ia her�sbT farther sm�nded by stri.lcing ou�! all of�Group B, w�er� it sp�p�sss is Ss�Kos II; asd by substituting,ia lieu thereof the foliowia�: ' � _1_ j �� Yeas Councilmen N�y� Paeeed by the Counr;� Butler ' Carlson Ta Favor Levine � ��1� - � A�OAITAt . . sp� Ted�w Mr. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Cler� �ay� �� ;� �orm a�proved CoxporiFfi3oa Counsel By / n:.�e.a a r� ' � � ��` ' ORDINAN � E . �55f�5�i J COUNCIL FILE NO ' pRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ,,T � ��-� ; nG� g '*Air Go�prerssor Oparrstor �. 1Z B�acl�ler C�p�rata►r b.T8 B�a Csrb l�[sc�3�e Op�rstcr 6. 14 Bitoaad�oss Spread�sr C)prsa�r 6.?8 H�s� ���t Ogera#or--Aapiu4bt PL�t 6.7Q Il�ois� Ea�iae�r 6.T8 �d�sr �r �►.23 �do�bor Eqrd:p�na�t C)prara#os 6.?8 �[o#or Eg�dp�s�rR C?pess#o�r••�11's�as Da�s��t 6.?8 ldotor Pstrol t)perator i.T8 Ps� Hs�akes{Ftfdss Ha,msner O�sra�►r� b.?8 Pawer �ro�l t)p�rral�r 6, 97 . P�l�imi�oer 4pesstor b.78 Fampera�te Op+e�s�or 6.8T �o�d �La.eltiaa�rT Opers#as 5.79 B�o31sr �r �IIad�r 6 tioat3 6.23 8ollsr �s�e�r �6 to�as os o�r) 6.T8 :tao-� €��to: b.T8 9waiger t?pers�or 6.T8 Trutor t3perstor I 6.23 Trs�ctos Op�erstor II b.T8 Tsa�#or O�era�r II �Bulr��} 6.�8 Tr�k I3si�r S.79"• Sec�ta� 3. Tb� ssid o rdi�sne�, a� aa�iid, b�a�d t�uR ss�mne � is I�se�ryr furl�er ama�ad+ad bT strik3ag o� o� Seetie�s II, w�sre it a�sis mld�s t1t�s� aGroap G'". � line "�weepor Hs2per Z.b0�'. S�ctiaa 4. �hat sa�d ord�aaac�, ss aa��d, b� aad the sams J is harrbT tus#h�r am�dad b� strik�t� os�t a�S�E�ioa II sll a�tl�s t!ll�s aad sat�s wh�:a thsy sp��►r �m�d�r thi l�dia� Gro'p G; �b� �t$lw��� 3a lis�t thereat, respeatitel�. th�e follc�wfaa: . -y- Yeas Couneilmen NayB Paased by the Coun�il Butler ; CarLson Tn Favor Levine � Meredith Aro�inst 3prafka Tedeaco �r. Pr�id�t (McCarty) Approved: Att�est: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�proved Gb�or��ion Couneel By _ � n�.t.a r�.a� „ " . �` �. ` ORDINAI�' CE � , 255�5� R: couNa� p� No ��s�rre� s�r o�ur+�uwcE�o � � � �� a wspl�t Bs�bcisermsa �tb. i� Aa�alt P�t l�.�gi,naer 6. Ii A+rp�►�! �+�r 6.29 1�sptislt b"Ls�lar 7►.94 Bri�s Cr�w i.eader �i. 19 �rid�e I.a�orss g,� � Lairoser S.91 Dite� Di�1er � �,99 ' J�a��r C�►�sst�s �r.44 K+�t3s Firsmas► � 3.99 ; Lntio: Cs�nr I�adtr b. ll � �ti�er �6.48 � lrti�er--Wa�sr Depsrtm�at �b.�8 Li,�+rtst �i�,ss: 6.� Psblia W@rks I��orss �.91 = �toe�i�r's.�Ieiper ,5.9i � � Lsior�r 5.91 1 Srw�r Cs�ew Le�d�r 6. �9 _ S�w�r I.abons �5.99 S�ss ita3tlaa��u�cf I.sbostier �.� � _ Sa�r�r P�i� Statiar �p�sstios 6.29 Tamras ' 6, lb T�1 La�orsr � �. 1Z 1Fil��s Operato: � S.99 iliater I�aborer 5.91 = � i�latez S�r�rieemaa I 6.i�4 1�a�er Sss�eemaa Ii ���c�a; 6. 19 Wa�sr �SS�c� II {]�ai�s� 6, 19 ' � IIas�cilled I+stiole= 5.91 n . �ct�io� S. Tbia or�aa�cs sLaII #�W�ce#fe�et aad be ia fis�c� - � �n accotiaaee wiiFh Co+auil Fils l�o. 25Z9S2. slPs�t�rd l�isseh t0, I9?I, � �rl�ic� sstirerxisas ��se wsse sa� iae:euss �S ag� tacbai�r 2,. i971. � � -3- AU6 619T1 � Yesa Councilmen Nay� Paeeed by the Counei � � _In Favor Le�e- � � rovA{Tli�7 � sp� �. T�a�►t tn��> AU6 6197'� Approved: ' Atteet: City Clerk Mayor �� ,��� Form aFprov�ed Cospora�iion Couneel By ,7uly 2�, 1971. Mr. John H�.ider Director of 'y�ersonnel Civ�.l Se:rvice �3ur�au Dea� :iix� The City Council tod�y �;ave Fi�st Readin� -tc, Gouncil File No. 255Q5�� am�ndi� t�rd. DTG. 6t+�+d� ��ith reference to hourly r,�tes for titles in Sec. II, Grou�a A� titles and rates in Sec. IS� Group 13� etril�in� hourlY rate �or Sweeper fl�lper from Sec. II� Group G� also rp ti.tles and rate� in Sec. II� Group G. Very tru13� your s� City Clerk ng I st /� �y ~ 2nd / � Laid over to 3rd and app �—Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler -�uikr. .. Carlson �.����n ��a-z� t�-r�-z- Levine b�Fe, /' l Meredith �, \ �f��- $prefka � ��`�t "Z,�� Sprafka Tedesco \Tedesco � Mr. President McCarty YNr. President McCarfy O