255049 'ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa P`' ��� �� Lzc�vs�; cor�z�r�;�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti� NO. • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM PRESENTED BY July 22� �.971 COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVE;D: That applic��tion for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses, applied for by Dean M. Henderson at 1041 Front I�enue, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within�days of this date, said Dean M. Henderson ahall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health and Police and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul Le�islative Code and all other applicable ordinances and laws. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� Z 2 1971 19_ Yeas Nays Butler �l �a y9fi� �. � A 19— Levine � _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka J or A gainat �eE�esea- Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED �U L 2 41971 � � CITY OF' SAINT PAUL �c���r`'��� .��.. Capital of Minnesota �Ue artrnevct o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota. Streeta FIAE PROTECTION roz[cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALP'S G.MERBILL,DeDOty Commiseloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lteense Inspector July 22, 1971 Ho3�orable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Dean M. Henderson makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for 1041 Front Avenue, which is on the North side of the street between Oxford and Churchill Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1958. The present licensee, Elm�r L. Harned has held the licenses since September 1970. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. l�he clo�est Off Sale Liquar place is about half a mile a.nd the closest Gn Sale I,iquor place is about half a block away. The nearest church is six blocks and the nearest school is one block away. From December 1966 to rebruary 1969, N�s. Henderson was with the Beltone Hearin� Service in Great Falls, Montana. From then until February 1971, with the Fairway Foods, Inc. in this city and since that time at Sea,rs Roebuek and �o. Very truly yours, ���� � License Inspector 0 � AFFIDAV�T BY APPLICIINT F�R ' RETAIL BE�R D$ LT�U�R LTCENSE Rs: _.�_Sala License Name of applican� Busa.ness acldress D �/ , dl'. 1- Are you the sols owner of thia business?` . If' not, is it a partnershipR ��j corporation? �`� , other? �thers intarested i.n business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Naa� Addresa How If a corporation, give its name. Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or 1ic�uor business? ��� As s ole crosmer? ��-l� Partner? ���;��-! St ockholder? Clthex-u�'ise? (Through ioan of money, etc. Expl,ain ��j �--�,,��{_Q� Address of suah business and nature of znterest in same �.-. igna ure of applican State of Minne s ota� }ss Gounty of Ramsey � �r,c},� /Jf��j�/��/�id� being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath "that he has read the foregoin� affidavit bearing his signature and knows the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his ovm l�.rnrr�ed�e, except as to those matters therein stated upon ix�.f'ormation and belief and as �o thoss ma�texs he balieves them to be true. ignature of applicant 3ubseri �nd sworn �4o before me this ' day of '� ' � 19� N y ub ic, ey County innesota My coirunission ,expires 19 �.;� t'=`y: ;�y a a��Y� ��'' ���i'Sv.�y � SS C4UNTY �' RAMS�Y __ '��� M �_�d�r2S0� bei.ng firat duly sworn, doth depoae ----.—..�,..r.. and say that he makee thia affida�it in Qonnectipn�rith app]:i:cation Por " Sala" liquor liQenae {"�� �,le" malt beverage l�cense� in the City oP Saint Paul, Minnesot�; that your affia►nt is a resident of the Stat� oF Minnesota and has resided ther�iri for � yeara, . ,� mo�ths, and is now and ha$ baen for the �ime abave mentioned a bona t'ide reai.dent of said St�te and that he nvw reaidea a� .S ��-� �' '��c�drssa , //`/rN/V�� � /1�,//YNG T , l�ixmeso��. C�.� or own: Subsoribed and sworn �o before � t day o U � 19_� Notary blic, Ramsey County, eso�a M�r co�iasion expires 1 ,� . . ;: , . - , ;�;s 4 • C1fiY OF SAINT PAUL DEP.�RT��PtT CJF PUBLIC S�FETY � LICTNSE DN�SIOPT Da te �g� 1. Application f or � ^" (�fh,— � `�Zer.GG L3cexiee 2. Nams of applieant 3. Businesa addres� �./ ,,� ��o�• � , h'l�N � �� , �L�`1f/J7��(� � RA31.d617C9�j�t/re.�;� 1�[1 l7�a47C�O/O K/FiPD�c1f d a1/.SS�iA.c:c e �,,,�..�.,..... iCN�r� 4. Trade name, if any 5. Re�ail Beer Federa Taa Stamp �Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �rill be u��d� � �q�c�,��' 8 �.�., 6. Cda what floor locsated d" Num.ber oF rooms use 7. Between what arosa streets Whioh aide of strset��---..,..,�,.. ���� 8. �,re premises now oaaupied_�'Vlha� business � Ha�t 1ong��+��� 9. Are premises now ttn000upied�.Iioiv long vaean����$�� Previolzs Uee 3����� 10. Are you a new o�vn.er Have you been in a aimilar buainess before � 4��/��� r �r��r� VPhere . .r��`.�L.�� 1Hhen 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally If not, �o will operate it__ `"7��� 12. Are y4u in any o�her busineas at the preaen� tim� "�Jp 13. Have there been any csomplain�s against your operation of this type of plaaew�L.�'.� ....-... When �,/f��.r�� Rhere _ ��� 14. T-lave you ever had any lioense revoked_���1Nhat reas on and date ��,�,� 15. 1l,re you a aitizen of the United Ststes Native Naturalized 16. 1Nh.ere �re you born Date o birth s / 17. I am��m�x�ried. My (wifs's) (husband's) name and addresa is �Z�Q,!'t� � 18. (If lnarrie d f ema le� my m�iden name is �Ll�-� .., 19. �ow long have you lived ia St. Paul 20. Have you ever been arreated Viol.a ion of what ariminal law or ordinaac�e�jj-/f�63 -,—.-,.,-� �. _�.�.a_i�z� � :-�..e ��l'�a.�.. � �e�,C�.� �i0.'� ,02-/9�' �� 21, Are you a registered voter in the City of St. P�ul Yea NQ• � (,Ans�rar full and aom letel . These a licationa are thorou hl aheoked an.d e►a fa aification wi11 be cause for en5.a . (OVx'R) 22. Number of 3.2 p].aces within �ro blocks � i 23. Closes�G intoxicating liquor p]aae. bn Sa1e flf'i' Sale-������:d1� . _.______ 24. Nea re s t GhureY��(�;y���.� Nea res t Scsho 01__�����p _._._._._,,..r. 25. I�Tumber of bc�oths�� Tables_� C�.air��� Stools f ...___._ ��._._....,.. 26. YVhat occupa�irm have you folloRred for the past five yea�s, (Give names of employers and dates so empinyed•) � � _ `� �a � -d y , � / . a-�y— —�i �s �- ��-- �— �� 27. Gige names and addresses of t�o per�ons, residents of St. 1'aul, LU.r�n., �ho �a�. gi,ve infor�tion concerning you. , �,��' P1ame ,�,�j, ,� Address ' � Nanie s Add re s s /D f1� — �1�' 0'23� w� //�s nI. GJ i�nature o App ican Sta te of B�xnne s ota� ss County of Ramsey ' �yE E a being first duly sworn., deposes and says upon oath that he has r� t�e foregoing statement bearing k�is signa�ure and l�.ows the contents thereof, and that the samo is true of' Yhis o�ra l�a.owledge exoept as tp those mstters therein statod upon inform�tion and belief and as to those mattera he believes them to ba tri�ap Si�na ure of Appli ant Subacribed �nd sworn to before me this day of JU �\ 19� � Notary Public, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minne ota My Co�ni.ssion expires (Notea These s�atement Porms are in duplicate. Both copies mtas� be fully filled out, no�arized, and returned to the License Divisi�m..�+ � . � . , -h,