255047 Orisinal to City Cterk
___ ORDINANCE �5�(�4"7
PRESENTED BY ��- ������:'i,� ,,� '�� �� ''� —' ORDINANCE NO L �-�
�,�. � ; , ���
) �.,
.An ordinance amending� the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use
Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of
certain properties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended.
Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive,
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts,
Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City
of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended
so as to rezone the Pollowing described property from "B" Residence
District to "C" Residence District, to-wit:
Lots 16 thru 2'7 incl. , Block 15; Lots
4 thru 12 incl. , Block 16; and the
north 40 feet of Lots 13, 14, and 15,
Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition;
situated on property located on the north and south sides of Jenks
Avenue between Pay_ne Avenue and Edgerton Street in the City of
Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
AUG 61��1
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
�tler �
G'ar�se�-C°�-� � . ��-�--z
���- n Favor
NEere�ith- � G� Aga,inst
, Sprafka
Tedesco � � �
Mr. President (McCarty)
ity CIerk
�� a
Forin a�proved Corpor�;tioM CoAU�e11B�
� RDINANCE 255i14�
covNa� r��No
� 11� ordfawtes aa�din� t,hs Se�nia� Co�f, :
C�a�►ttrs b0 to 6�, isel+�siie, oi tlte 3aiit
Paal Le�i�2attre Cade, pertsiaia� te �u
Dist�rieta, Hei�,ht �istriet� sad Be�sosia� oi
certain properties in #.i�e Ci�► o! Sst�t P�wl,
as a�ta�d�.
� cvvxci� o� � ��rz caF � reu� no$s o�n�ts
Sa�atioa 1. l6st tLe �oniaa C.�de, C�spter� 60 to 6�, fsal�iTe,
ot ths �3ai�►t Pa�el. La�islative Code, �ortataia� #� IIs� Bistri�t�, _
B�sish� �is#riets aad Bes�sias ot �eart�ia �►ropvrtf��r f�t t�l�e �iiy�
�! Saint Pa�tl, as ��, be a�d t�s saM i� lter��ei� ititr�er a�ead+rit
so as to r�s�� tl�e �`�ll�nrina deswaritiad pr�p�artT lzo� "�" B��ii�ue�
Dirtriet f►o "C* ��id�ae�e Di�tsiCt, to-�ri.tt
Loti 16 t�tr�t g7 iaei., Bl��[ 13; Lots
4 �r� lg is+�l., Blo�lc 16� aaA tie
na�►th ��tf ls�t oi Lot►s 33, 1�, a�d is,
BiO�lc 16, ArlisStost Bili� �idi�lo�t;
•itatei � pr+�pwtr�r^ located o�t t�ea nortr �taN1 se�c'� �ii�s �i �'ist�
A��n� �etir� F�e Arrem�e a�d S�;ertos Strtir� ta i� Citj +�!
Safat �snl. ,
Seatia�a �. 'T�.is o�rii�ase� s1�aI1 ts1��r eii�at aei 'i� ia lor��►
tlrii'fT �30) i�U►� iro� a�t aiter 1#i F��f�: =F�� �d p'��li�tieya.
� AU6 6 1�971
Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coun�i�
� '
�C�'''_`�"`a`"` Favor
� �
T� AU6 619T1
Mr. Preaident (McCartY) APDroved:
City Clerk �►yor
�� .
�orm a��rnved Corpo�3on Couseel By ._ �
. � �
��E7.'I'1'IC°N !'0 A1IF;P:� C1.1�? T�:� Ci0 t;h:�a Ci r ^vr ;�'.L•; L�_ui�L:'TI'��i; (ZO:;I:�;�i ..:D'.�
Note; The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the uew cl.assi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information aboUt the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .type or print)
Date: � ��'�• 7�
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall -
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lats 16 Chrough 27 inclusi.ve, B1acic 15, L�ts 4 thr.ou;h 12 inclusive,
Block 16 �nd �he North 40 feet of Lots 13s 14 and I5, Block 16, Arlingtan
f rom Hi�Is A�ditian.
Residenti�I District to C Resideri3al District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) xigh-rise apaz'tment builditig comprising
, 225 units for the eZderly.
Subject Property; .
� R & S Investment Com�any o LoC , B oc , Josep R.
� Prop. Address: � eide�s Rearr ement of Lots 2$, 29 &
30, B ock 15; Lots 1 & 2, Block 16,
Arli ton Hil s Addition exce t the
W. 29 0 ft. hereot, said Wly. line of
id e b the c nter 'line of
rhe e isfiin,g 2" bu�lding waZl
5tate of Minnesota � Zai�I NG FI LE -71�
County of Ramsey � ss �
� '°?�� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circul ed the within petiti.on consisting of G�`jt�_ page ,
that the parties descri ed above are the owners respectively of the lots plac�.
immediately following each name; that this petiti.on was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signai;ures ahqve are the true
and correct signatur�es of each and all of the part:i.es so described.
Subscribeci and 511'OTIl to beSore a:e •
t h i� �d a y o f �D�•4 _1:L/� �����X�,��.� ,
� ;
� Address; 5S East �'if�h St ei'
' Telephone Iv'o. 223-54�3
N tar Public, Ramsey ounty, 112inn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Of�ice of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 - �
,�,. "� �
� 1.
� BA�tBARA HOUG}iTELIIY - � �''�� � � �
Notary Pubfic, Ramsey County, 1UT'ttm;
My Commission Expires Juty 10, 197t's.� . �/
_ . .
7 ,.,T.-.../,� r�.(� t¢ •-•...r'� (� .� 'S"T �� �( i�, � (.�:i (�� .•,_.r -1•'[ -�.r {''( ` r1 .:'T. . ... . -
� l�i�.Ll�Cli�T �.V i5�.ilri.�11 l.'�1_:i}.iL�?�.) J� �.:���_� Vl V.'.�' .�l�l�'�i 1.15�'J'1.ti�'.�li��.1.J.V,.. L1V.�i.���\T�� ��ili1_. .
NoLe: Tl�e signer should appraise himself of tt:e uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date; S�`/� '/
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislati.ve Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 fnclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 t;�rough 12 inclusive,
Slocic I6 and �he North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 ar►d IS, B1ock 16, Arlington
Hi3:ls A�dition
from Resic�erCial District to C Reside�l District , for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) g�.gh-xise spartment buildin; coutprisixig
, 225 units for the elderly. •
Subject Property;
�� S & C Investment Gorp. ot 1
Pro . Address: 1043 P ne ` >� --r� . the
W 12 ft.
t ereof,_ Block 5 ose h R We de�s
R 'arrang ent o Lors 28, 29 & 30,
O�� 1� +
lingto Hills ddition
�Z Rylander a�-�.u�; Tnc. . L ts 2 & 3 �d e Wly. 12 ft. af
Pro . Address: 999-1001 P L t 1 B ock 15 Jose h R. Weide�
�w R arrang nt o Lots 28, 29 & 30,
� lingto Hills ddition
✓ loseph Supornick and Son, I . ` ts 4 & 5, B10 15, 3oseph R. Weide�s
�� Pro . Address: 99 -997 F r Slock
Res: First Ntl. Bank Bldg. 1 ; Lots 1 & 2, lo�k 16, Arlington Hi12s
333 Robert t eet dition
State of Minnesota � �� ZON I NG FI LE —�=-�^-
County of Ramsey � ss
;� .�_��� ;E_ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
i the person who circulat the within petition consisting of �� page�;
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lot-s placed
immediately following each name; that tl;is petition was signed by each o� said
owners in the presence ot this affiant, and �hat the �9.gnatures above ure Lhe true
and correct signatures of each ar:d a12 of tne narti.es s:, describecl ,
Sut�sci•ibeci and s�ti�orn to Le�ore me �
. t h i s �� d a y o f t�9 rf� =���"� �•c�"L�. .�.�
,�ddress; 55 East Fifth S ee+.:
li�.� Telephone No. 223-5433
Nota�•y Public, Rams County, biinn. �
My commission expires Ap��roved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counse2
FGI 1/5/G:> � �
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn_ `
My Commission Expires July 10, 1976, ��*:�
,. _ __ _ . �,_ j,
. r .
. ' �
, �.
PLT?'1'IU2v TO A:,i�. . ,,y- ,, r-,1,, �i:i� "L� ' Z :+ :t;.j �-�
"�"D G�.,� ._.�t:'� 60 t;�rt: G i L:t1�:�T.,� F,:iI4a:; 'I.,G I C'v� :.
Note: The signer should appraise himself o� the uses permitted under the new classx-
fication before signin�; this petition. For further information about tt�e
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .type or print)
Date: y�%'�
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall _ .
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- '
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 throu�h 12 inclusive,
Blocic 16 and the North 40 feet af Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington
from Hi�Is A�di.�esidential District to C ReSiderti,alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) Iiigh-rise ap8rtment buildino comprisin;
, 225 units £or the elderly. �
Subject Property:
,y r.`� F'.e.
�/ Eric L. & Mirella M. Sundbl d Lot t e W y. t. n. of
�'/ o ddress• 985 P ne � � Lofi 4 Block 6 Jose h R. We;ide's
F R arr ement of Lots 28, 29 & 30,
� �� �ock 5• Lot 1 & 2 Block 16
Arlin on Hii s Addition �
�inar Ghristiansen ,� � ,/� Lot x. t e W. t. n. t ereof,,
� �Pro . Address: '` U��ZL lock 6 Jos h R. Weide�s Rearrange-
�ent o Lots 8, 29 & 30, Block 15;
� Lots 1 & 2 B ock 16 .Arlington Hill
Additi n
! `�
(�(r Einar Christiansen � ' , The W. 29.40 t. of Lo� 5, Block 16,
Pro Address: o t�Iif, O 2fi'J ose R. Wei e's Rearr e�ent of
Lots 2 , 29 & 30, Block 15; Lots 1 & 2s
locic 6 Arl n ton ills Addition; t'he-
E1y. 1"ne of aid premises being the
" wall.
State of biinnesota � Z�i�ING �1 $
�oUntY of Ramsey � SS � L.E _____�__1___
�Ol,..� �, U V E,(z�--�E being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages;
that the parties described above are the ownez•s respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each af said
owners in the presence of Lhis affiant, and that the �i.gnatures above are the true
and correct si_gnatures of eac}� and aJ.l of the parties so de�cri bed , _�
Subscribeu a id s�eorii t before nie " �
tt�is j � day of _ ( q� � �,
Address; S � _.� . ..
Telephone No • 223�-//F�.��.�.
Notary PuUlic, amsey County, Minn. � � � � -4� Q�
My commission expires A.pproved as to form 1/4/65
A. ,1. JoHySON, Office of the Corporation Co.unsel
FG3 1/5�65 NQ�ry public, Ramsey County, MN�n.
MY Commisslort Fxpirp �qY 7� IYii
� • ' �
_ "���� �o
4 `
BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION June 17. 1971 ' "lat '7ap ��35
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 '
pasaed August 22, 1922, �• amended to J�auary 27, 1971. 7181
r _. _ __-.
. � ., t�A'�i. �3o�rd of Educatian
-'.;�-� ` ' ����I i'7N . � Amendrrwnt � Ap�eal ❑ F�ermit �Other X-1063
, . ;,. ;-,;,.;;� Rezone from "B�� to "C" Residence for the purpose of
constructing a 225-unit high-rise for the elderly
'' ' ��-" � � ''� % North and south eides of Jenks Avenue between
Payne Avet�ue and Edgeri-on Street
_f:�;�•.:. �i.;C�ZiPTI0:1 , ,F
Lota 16 thtu 27 incl. , Block 1S; Lots 4 thrii 12 incl. , Block 16;
and the north 40 feet of Lota 13, 14, and 15, Hlock 16,
Arlington Hille Addition
!'.<�Si. �;' ,;�1J1�l�';, "g�� Residence
:';�''�;'.�;1'7'; 1'�� ?.onin� Code Chapter� 64 �octions .06 F�aran.raph°
� ;'fAF'1 � t�VE;T1(;ATI�N 6 RCPORT; ,pate; 6/11/71 i3y; ATB
A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated, 5/20/71 the Coeenissioner of Fi_nance declared the
petition sufficient with the owners of 41 of a possible 55 (74.5%) tracts having
signed the petition.
B. IIISTORY: There is no record of a zoning history on this site.
C. PROPOSED USE: Vacate Jenka !t'�enue adjoining the two parcels ancl construct: a
17-st<�ry high-rise for the elderly with 225 unita.
��. FRONTAGE AND AREA; The parcel on the north side of Jenks Avenue has a frantege of
4K0 ic���t with an aree of 60,00Q equore feet; the parcel on the south side of Jenks
has an area of 49,800 aquare feet with the same frontage. The area of the housing
project as presented by the Houeing and Redevelapment Authority is 134,880 square
feet. This includes 1►acated'°,�treets. 1t�e proposed denaity for this project is
599.47 square feet per dweliing unit, 72.6 dwelling units per acre. A "C" ResidencR
llistrict requires 1,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
F.. AREA ZONING: The frontage along Payne Avenue is zoned Co�nercial. West of the
Co�rnnercial zoning adjacent to the aub�ect property the zoning is "B" Residence.
l'. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehenaive Plen's reco�endation for the expansion of
the Ericsson School site has 6een ignored with the consolidation of three c�lder
schools in one new facility. The rest of ttie area wes recommended for medium-
densit�.. �:
c,. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed vith old repidentiel atructures� one to
four-f,�u�ily use; one 4-unit building on the north side of Jenks was remodeled
recenrlv and ie in good condition.
1►. AREA C�)NDITIONS: The area is developed with old residential structures, moatly
one an<1 two-family, in fair to poor condition. The average lot size is ab�ut
5000 s�atiare feet.
. T . REPORTS: This aite was approved by the Planning Board for a hig}�-rise for the
elderlv in August, 1969.
.�a,._�.k.._ � . .
9. BOARD ACT70N: To Reccn�enend A roval
� PP Q Deni�l Council Letter
Moved by , Mrs. Cochrane Ye88 Nays 7/12/71
X Ames - Ch. Date of
Seconded by: Benshoof x Cochrane
Secretary's remerks: McPartlin
Maietta x 7/14/71
Mansur Council Action•
x Benshoof
Uooley Date:
. . � • � �
PEl F'i IUP� TO t�:�;Is:dD Clif�u'T=�:��; 60 thz'u 6-� 0�' ii:1; I:�vAUI,�.t'I`ti'I:; �i;::iii�i:) CUD?;
Note: Ti�e signer shol�ld appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, .call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .type or print)
Date; � ������i
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall -
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 thrc�ugh 27 inclusive, BZock 15, Lo�s 4 through 12 inclusive,
Block 16 �nd the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, B1ock 16, Arlington
from Hills A�dition
Resi�ential District to � Residerti.al District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) High-xi.se apartment building comprising
, 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
/ 410 Nashua Corporation, �"'�,�,,y�� L ts 2
�f� N hire Co �nsep 16 Arlin�tpn Hills Add'n.
Prop. Address: 967�97� Pay e �,���_ j,��*" R Weide s Re-
�,g of
ts 29 30,;
t e N.75 �t. of '
ts 27 . 28, --
�d Andrews Allen , " '` L ts 4 &
Pr . Address• 9b5 P ne ?-�-- �,�- i.�. �c— Josep 16 Arlin�ton Hills Add'n.
R Weide Rear-
L ts 29 30;
ts 27_
t e N.75 ft.
t ereof
� Hi da C. Johnson .�.�.� L t 1,
,s � Pr . Address: 973 P ne ti� J seph 16 li ton �iill�d�n.
Res: 1Q71 DeSato St. R Wefde s Re-
. �
L ts 29 � 30
State of biinnesota ( ZO�`�� ��LE _�� J � �
County of Ramsey ( SS '�-s—
being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circul� ed the within petition consisting of �_ page�;
that the parties descri ed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affi.ant, and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures o� each �,nd a].1 0� the parties so described.
Subsci•ibed �nd sti�oY•n to before pie `?�"�-
t l�i� -,l� u. d a y o f ������ r %.��' °
Address; 5S Easfi �iftlt S ee�
� � Telephone No. 223-5433
Notary Public, Ram County, Minn.
My commission eapires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI i/5/65 �
� � � ;�
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. '� `� '
My Commission Expires July 10, 1976, )/_
� , . .
• �r � .
�� .�
., .. � , , y, , � ,U .-.�
I'::il;.'IGi; 1'0 r1.a�r;;i;) Ci;r'�'Ti;.Ti:� 60 thru G�i U Tiii:. I_�G1U:�.:'i'I` (7G'i�_>>t�? CJVE
Note: The signer shouZd' appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further :information about the
, rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
; (Please type or print)
� Date; '��� '� ���
� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
. the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing ciescribed property; (legal des�cription and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Blaek 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
E1 lc I6 and the North 40 feet o� La�s 13, 14 a.nd 15, B1ocic 16, Arlington
Iii��s A�dit ion
from Resic�ential District to c Res�ae�i n�str��t, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise upartment buildin; Compxisirig
, 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
�% James W. & M re . t ,
J "Pro . Address: 993 Edgert e . 9 Rairview Addition
Res: 995 E. Geranium Ave. . 4 .65 ft. there �
�� Alice C. Hogrefe '.L��`"���
Pro . Address: 997-999 Ed rtan 2 9 Fairview Addition��
Milton E. & Evelyn M. /�,��^°"���'
S '� Forslund � 9 Fairview Additi
Prog. Address: 1003 Edg�rt n
5��"Donald & rierle Hahn � �� �
Pr dd e • 00 d
`r Josephine W. Gustafson ,�� , �- '
� , .
Fr . Address: 10.11 Ed ert ny U - S 9 Fairview Additio
State of Minnesota ( ss ��J�-'�^�- � ( ����� `�' " �"�'�
County of Ramsey ( 1�' �-�-�d�'��`� �
�� � � / �rN��J
. , �� � v='��� ���
? being first duly swor , deposes and states that he �p
i the person who cir ted the within petition consisting of pages;
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the 1 s placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was, signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant , and that the sig atures above are the trL�e
and correct si.gnatures of. each and al.l of the parties! so described.
SuLscrii�e,l and� s�,vorn to befor me
. ti�is �2da�� uf � l�'J I x; �
Address; ., �' ��-
Telephone No. 223-5 ��-?f���w�°`'^'
Notary u 'c, msey County, Minn.
N:y commissi�n e�pires Appro��ed as to form 1/4/65
%� 7. JOHNSON, ' Orfice of. the Corporata.on Counsel
FGI 1/S/65 X01!Ny Publfc, Ramsey County, Min��
�y Canmjssipn Expires May 7, 1976
� .
/7 �
: ,
.. / �. .. � . . . . . . . ..� . . . . .
� t+7
i � .�
� 'A R 1��{J.A.?l i 1.�, i F' .±C � .I C7 \,' )� -. l...
F}_Tl�!.�Vit 1'v 'ri�a at.i �:tu��1'i..���i.:: �t7 i: I1'U 'i (^}1' 7'.. Z.e.�v �,..�:5.,�'�.•,li �i�J.iiiYl../ l..vli.l.
hote: The signer should appraise himself of the uses pormitted under i�he new classi-
fication before signing; this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .t,ype or print)
� Date; • y��7l�/
m �
, �
) ss A F F I D A V I T
� a-�- L. �� ��..� �'�.�-- ����
cw > � ,
being firsC duly sworn, reside at `L� �. '.� ��� ��!�X-�..:
and (do} (does) deposes and states that (I) (We) (Am) (Are) the Contract for
Deed Purchaser(s) of the following described property:
Lat � , Block , �.�--�`-�-�-tiv- ` ��-� � Addition
���.��� -�-- ��
' �f 7. �S,L.s�_�
Subscribed and sworn to before me 9.�
this �� day of � , 1971. .
�x y� .i ��
�.y 70HNSON, ��nn.
�p�ry pupllc, RamaeY County,
� �m��n ExPirea MaY �. 1976
� ZC?�ViNG �i�.� �
� �''� f� ,
. � � , � .
, . � .• .
:� _ �
�,, ;r �-� L> � 1 L' ' , - '.- " , �'�
P3�;"TIT�U_, '1:0 :�.dL.,J C.}uil�'i'i,:3 6" t �_*�u �!� �.� TTi�. L'LGIS��I;T�'v'%. (i:.,..�,v:x; C;;;i:
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .type or print)
Date; . ��—��
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall . %
City of 5aint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
B1 ck 16 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Blocic 16, Arlington
Hi�Zs A�dition
from h reSic�ential District to � ReSiderti.alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise apartment building Corapri�ing
. 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
Mrs. Iverna M. ramson
Ihle 1 ' `"�`� 22 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
� Vivisn Thompson
Gordon Oden .�- ✓ �
Prop. Address: 603 Case
� 'Mrs. Se1ma B. Hanson �°�
�� Pr . Address: 609 Case 23 16 Arli ton Hi11s Add'n.
,�f Caro ne E. Bos ea .:t ,.,r; ,.;-� ;
Pro . Address; 613 Case �; •` 24 16 ° Arli ton Hills Add'n.
Lawrence C. & Anarine C. j
y�Love en '��2 ` ` 2^�= � 25 6 o d'n.
Prop. Address: 615-617 Cas -- . � ��
cccc�.41r�. J;� �,��i c � d..l�
��asrnes E. & Gloria A. Laughl n ' �
Pro . Address: 621 Case rs�- ` 26 16 o dd'n.
Res; 1918 Wellesley Avenue
> �;, .
State of Minnesota � ZON6NG FILE =-�=-y—
County of Ramsey � ss �
i /;
� �`�`" being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circulatecJ. he within petition consisting of C�-yx.� page�,
that the parties described bove are the ownei•s respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was si.gned by each of said
owners in the presence of this affi.ant, and t};at the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parti.es so described.
SuLsci•ibe and s«•orn to before me ��
t t�is �- aay of J9�'� ��--�.-���i���-�-r.�.� ,,���d-r`_`"l
Address; 57 �;ast ,��i�th Str�et �
Telephone Iv'o. 223-543u
N tary Public, Rams County, Minn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mirn�
Iviy�ommission Expires July 10,.197Sa ��' ��'�
� ,y
� ' � �
. . • • a
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date: ���'� '/
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within L00 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50°J, or more of
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive, Block
16 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington Aills
from B Residential District to C Residential District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) Aigh-rise apartment builditig comprising
225 units for the elderly.
Subject Property:
�t �, 410 Nashua Corporation Lots
� Ne Jose h 16 Arlin ton Hills Add'n.
Prop. Address: 967 & 971 Pa ne . Weid 's Re-
rran e ent of
ots 29 & 30;
ots 27. � 28
Hil a C. o nson � o ,
` I Prop. Address: 973 Payne �( � oseph . 16 Arlington Hills Add'n.
� Res: 1 7 DeSoto St. e e s
arran ement
f Lots 29
State of Minnesota ( ZO�'�� F'�E ''7/� /
Co nty of Ramsey � ss �
r r _� �,C.�--"-� , d � 2e�1/
_ ��
-1�- \�� bein�first dufy o , depose a/�,t tates that .
is th person who circulated the within petition consistin of a es•
g (�'�•'L P g �
that he parties described above are the owners re.spectively of the 1 ts placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signature�' above are the true
and correct signature�' of each and all of the partie described.
Subscribed and sworn to efore me � �
this � day of ,L ' j �� ( �
` Telephone No.
Notary P Yc amsey County, Minn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65
7�:'.1� JOHNSON, �
N�bry Pobiic, Ramsey County, Minn.
Aly Commisalon Expires Mey 7, 1918 � �'�R� �
. � , . I
� _ . I
• �' �
" Note; The si€;n�r shoulti appruise him�elf of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before s.igning this petition. For further information about the I
rezonir�g of propei•ty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. ',
(Please type or print) �
Date; � -.�, '_ �/
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Sainr paul, ;:iinnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the andersigned owners of
�h` o-thirds of the �everal descriptions of real estate situated within l00 feet of
e real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, patition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
�ing described �roperty; (legal description and street address)
T.ots 16 rhrough 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 �through 12 inclusive, Blac:k
16 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington Hills
from � B Resicienti�l District to � RQSiclential District, for the
purpose of installir.�, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe bri.efly the proposed facility) High-rise apartment buildin,g comprising
225 units fox the elderly. .
;;ubjec;t '�roperi;y; �.
Mrs�.�verna-�T. � ramson t� �/ �/'
(/`''C L. l'�::"`,r�-��•( �
Am�Ihle 22 16 Arlington Hills Add'n.
�� �'ivian Thompson �
� Gordon Oden
Prop. ress: -b�'3- ,Z``ase "
� f! Mrs. Selma B. Hanson , ! �„�i '
�" ' Proa. Address: 609 Case . F-�� 23 16 Arlington Hills Add'n.
i� Caroline $. Boshea I ' -.►•-t,:;n.� �� ,
� '�
�'u ProA,�Add�ss: F��3 �+.�►n�:.s.�ir����� ' 24 16 Arlin ton Hills Add'n.
�.�_ x �
�� James B. ��Gloria A. Laughli .Ee.U.,.e�
Prop. Address: -621 Case � " � , � 26 16 Arl�i�g�on Hills Add'n.
� Res: 1918 Wellesley Avenu
��� � �_______�_
� ----__�. _—. - -
_.__..� ._._._ - �:� D�'.�.�.��- _ ��� e �
S tate t�f hiint;esota (
nt v o; Ram�eY ( �Cl-�� �.�.�-��, �`-�, 0. r
~ ing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is tt�e ,�a s r: «� o circu2ated the within petition consisting of ��/Faaes;
tf�.-it tne ar�:,ie� ciescriiaed at,ove are the owners respectively of the lots placed
im�.ediat:;ly iall.o�vir.g each npne; that this petitian was signed by each of said
04.�J:@i'S� li1 the presence �f ti�is affiart, and that the signatures above ar� ttie true �
s:_c:, correct sigr.atu:es of each and all of the parties so described.
S=.�bst.ri.t;���; a;�d sworn t�i�efor me �
th�s _���day af � � /
� /'�dclress;
Te e No.
N�tar;r .:1. c� 1 sey C�ounty, blinn. � � �
My commissi.on ex�:ires ' � � A as to form 1/4/65
�� � the Cor oration Counsel
FG� 1/S.!c;5 �`�'
NoMry Public; m �lCir��n .
yp Cammission i �l57b
. / 3
. ` . � �
Pr7'?T:_�J�'. '�0 ri:�?i;iv� CiiA��TI;;;� 6G th�t; 6� 'F� -�'r r �-
QF 'i i� L:a�.�•SLeai'I�F (LO,�I:;G} C�D�..,
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
� fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
" Date: � l/ - �/
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ' . �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of SOq, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone tbe follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Loxs 4 through 12 inclusive,
B2g k 16 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Blocic 16, Arlington
from Hii�s A�dition
Resic�ential District to C Residett3alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following;
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise apartment buildin.� Comprisirig
, 225 units £or the elderly. .
Subject Property; �
� Paul W. & Ida C. Svendsen 5:40 ft
�° � �,80 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
ft. of
ts 13,
1 & 15
,Kenn�t E. & Eunice M. g
3�� Hutchinson o Lots • 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
Prop. Address: 982 Edgerto —" --��. 1 14 &
. ��,�,,� �� 1 ,
� Duane 3. & Rosella L. Clark S. 2 ft.
3�Pro . Address: 583 Case ,.�.,�� � ,� ��',t,...r� of Lot 1 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
1 of
I7, .
. 9.75 . . of
th ._N.38_ t.
ex W. 2. ffi. o
. ft .
State of Minnesota (
County of Ramsey � SS ����NG F� L� �
� eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
i the person who circulated e within petition consisting of ��� page�;
that the parties described above are the ownei•s respectively of the Lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this af�iant , and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of Lhe parties so described.
Subscribed ,�nd s«•orn to beiore me ,
this _ /j7� day of �9�� � Y
Address; 55 East r iith 5 ee�
Telephone No. 223-5438
No Public, Ramsey unty, Minn.
My co�mission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5/G5 Office of the Corporation Counsel
Notary Pubfic, Ramsey County, Minna �
My.Commission Expires July 10.,1976,� ���
� �.�
' �� ..
_ ._ -- .
--�— _—.�� -- — ---- --
_ — . -----
. �
. �
r . �
FI:TI'i:l"C�;� "'�� �y,:I:;v7) Cfuz 'iEi�:7 60 t?;5•u �� 0!' 'Sii;; LLGISI�i�'i'?�'v': �ZG:SI:tii�} C�ti+)'�:
Note: The signer should �ppraise himself of the usF�s permitted under the nc:w cl.as�i-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about thc;
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
' Date;•
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall . •
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Fionorable Body to rezone the Sollow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address) .
Lots I6 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
B1gck 16 and the North 4Q feet of Lots 13, 14 and I5, Bloc�. lti, Arli.ngton
from xil�s A�dition
F.esic��ntial District to C ReSidextia?.Districi: , for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) High-�'ise apartment building comp7:is:�ng
, 225 units for the eZderly. .
Subject Property;
W�iam K. & rot y . ,
y d Lan her f . of 16 Arlingtan Hil�s Add�n.
Prop. Address: 970-972 Edge ton N �8 ft o Lot
1 ; W.2 ft. of
S 35 ft o N. � �"
7 f�C. f Lot
1 ; a11 of Lot
1 ex. .52 �t.
o said Lot I6 `�
��; Elizabeth McNett � — — •
a . Address; 585 Case 18 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
�� Em3.1 Donald & Esther Charlo te "�""'
` P a ' �% � �. 19 16 Arlin ton Hills Add'n.
Prop. Address: 593 Case �
� ,t, MarY Carletta � ;�.e:.r
Pro . Address: 595 & 601 C se � 0 & 2 16 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
Res: 1021 E. Orange '
State of Minnesota ( ���'��
County of Ramsey � ss • ���� �
_ _ _ _ being first duly sworn, deposes and states t a
is the person who circulated the within petition consisting o� pQ��s�
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petiti.on was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subsci•ibed and s�vorn to before me
this day of
Address; 55 East r?�:�h Sicreet
Telephone No. 223-5433
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. .
My commission espires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65
,";,� � .
� �
/• . • ', � �
. �
Note: The si�ner should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further �.nformation about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Offiaa at 223-4151.
(Please type or print) �
Date: �'�/ / " �/
c/o the Cii;y Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q, or more of
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing descra.bed property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inc2usive, Block
16 axld the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington Hills
f.x•om B Residential District to �Residential District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following;
�desci-i�e k,riefly the proposed facility) High-rise apartment huilding comprising
225 un�ts for the elderly. .
Subject Property;
Paul W. � a C. ven sen . . o ti, `
3� Prop. Address: 986 Edgert n � � N. 80 ft 'x:,
: ,,;' ��
� of Lo s
13,14 16 Arlington Hills Addn.
_�..__.._ _�� & 1
' �t
Kenneth .E. & Eunice M. � � S.45 t. ° `
ry� _.�,t,L�inso�_______, C��`�-`--� � �,e�-�%'��^-'�' of Lo s 16 Arlin ton Hills Add�n
� Prop. Address:982 Edgerto X 13, 1
�_._� ,.�
__ __.__�___._----- � .;' .,
State aS a�i�=tnesota (
Coi.�nty ci' RamGet• � ss ������� ����
LF _ C �U C-�L�E being f irst du , he
is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of �Q,,, pages•
that the pax•ties describeci above are the awners i•espectively of the lots placed
immediately foll.owi.ng each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the pres�nce of ti�as affiant , anc'. L-hat the signatures above are the true
and c��r�<sct signatures of each and all of the parti • escribed. �
S�.:F1'S(;TIYiEtR 'i��� sworn to hefore me �
i;nis I��ay o� ��q 1 I ' �,
,, � Add re s s; //8"S ��-�._e_ �
� Telephone h'o. ..� � `� _ 9�O�
Natai•r Pu�;-Y`ic amsey Cous�ty, blinn.
rity commission expires APproved as ta form lf4/65
Office of the Cor;�oration Counsel
Fi;, 1/SJ65 � �. �HNSON�
Notary Public, Ramsey County, M111H, �
My Commission Expires Mey �, 1011 �,,�.
� ��
f � :{ y. . . . . � � � � . . .
PI;TITIC�:� 'TO %�:,i��it>> CNr1?}�'L:c:,' EC, t.nx•G G•:1 :ir `I'frL �GI�"'._ritIVF (ZC'vl�a��} C�Dk:
Notc: The signer sbould aap!�aise himseif of the uses �er�itted under the ne�v classi-
fication before signing thi.s pei;a.Cion. Far further in:formation about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4I51.
(Please type or print) .
Date: y -�%�— '7��
c/o the City C1erk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06-�of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the s$veral descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; ana we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- '
ing described �roperty: (legal description and street address)
Lots 26 throu��� 27 irclusive, Bloc?c 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
Bl.ocic 1b and the nort!� 40 feet of Lats 13, 14 and 15, Bloc':c 16, Arlington
fromF�i��.s At�di��siczential District to C ReSidexti.alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following;
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-ris� apart�en� buildino comp�ising
, 225 units for the elderly. �
.,. �
Subject Property;
. �r David �dSui W. Yep2 _ _ `A .�•• ,
Pro . A dress: 61 Jenks �`�'zr dd�n.
.. _p. �.: �_ � r .:
,a., .
� zStel3a B. Rec€mond � , �
' �'� Pr�. Address: _608 Jenks f � ���t. 4 e r f � 8 � 16 Arli�t_an Hi�ls ECdd'n.
. ,
° �'Erik P. & Gunhild S. Koreen M�
t'ro�• Address:_ 604 Jenks 0 9 6 i ls Add'n.
S .
I, � -, ,�;Vernan H. & Lois A. Runge � . �s� ~_�..
✓Z�'Prop• Address: 600-602 Je s 10 16 Arli ton I�.i1ls Add'n.
'a���-City of St. Pau1
d • t d'n.
;Y� ,
Milo L. &�t�o�e�harie M. N.40 .
I, .. 3��a�briel � - x of Lo 16 Arli o�Hills Add#n,
Prop. Addressi 988-990 Edg rton 13,14,
� X .� � � J 5
Y ,� �w�.-�'�,=2.-�'a--� �-,,..o ." ` �
/ �
State of Minnesota � ss � � L����j `�""`l
Co ty of: Ramsey ( � G., (��-�-ti.. �
_ � `-/
-. n - , �, o e
�,"-�- `^�'�'�'�`-"�% being fir:st duly sworn, deposes an states that he
' i the p •son who circulated the within petition consisting of G�� pa�;-es;
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of. the lots placcd
immediatAly tcllowing each name; th<at this petitiot� was signed by-each o� said
owners in th� presence of this affi.ant , and that the signatures apove are the true
and co.rrect si�natures of each and all of t:he �aarti.es so describec�.
_ , ,.. , �
SuUscriUE4 and s•a�orn t �fmr me
. this da}� of �j,
Address: £�:st 1 i�t�? StreG�
Telephone Ido. �2��543 (1B5 ����
Nota u 'c, msey County, Minn. . ' � 1��,.c;�p�
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/j4/65
�• �. JOHNSOh, ice of the Corporatz.or. Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 Notary Public. Ramsey County, I � f
Mv Commi��ro❑�Ex � � �� �
�� �t �---- .
� � w � 9
�.� �� . i. . � � . . � .
. � . �, , ... � . . � . .
. . . , ' . � � .
:1}, .t -. � ��. y�-�� r �1� (:::i �- C. . ��rr� /� ,-�- r�T�,
, �.i�`i�_C?;� 1G ._�;�l:;l C,i.t., .iF:i-:� G,) ,,h�;: 0:� �i��.,'' I�i_',�ii�L:-.�I�.c ��O�iI;�•.r) CO�.
Note: The si�ner should appraise himself of the uses permitted under� tlze new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about Lhe
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date; •�-l y� �� .
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
Lwo-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (legal description and street address)
I,ots 16 thraugh 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
BI k Z6 and the North 40 feet of I,ots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington
from ��'��S A�ditian
Resic�ential District to C Residert3.alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise apartment buildirtg Comprising
, 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
�r� Olaf H. Winther - Lot Block 6, Arli.,�g�on Hi11s
�ro,Q, Address• ot E t � Addi on o S , Pau�.,, and �,ots 1 & 2,
� o� 62b Jenks Block 16, Jos ph R. Weiders Rearrange-
Res; 491 E. Wheelock Pkww� nt f Lots 8 29 & 30 Block 15,
and L ts 1 & , Block 16, Arlington
_ �:. Pau1 .
5tate of Minnesota � Z��g I�G F�LE --L==�i
County of Ramsey � ss
���„ ( ��� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of C?y�_ page�.;
that the partie9 described above a�- the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so de�cribed.
Sub�crihed a d su�orn to before n�e �,,,% � •
thi� L-� day of � J 9 � � _f\
i� � Telephone No 2�33
No ry Publ.ic, � y County, in . ���5 t�°`';�— G�
My commisszon expires Approved as�to orm�6�65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
F'CI 1/5/65 �
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. �
My Commission Expires May 7. 1976
__. ��
••C 1 � . . . � � - �
Pi�7'I'1I0=� TC< <���:i�i:'u Cs1.�1r1�:;i?�+ 6�� thru G<i UF '1't'.� i_::.:T„lyA�:I'i'Ij �7_.O:VZ.i:i1 C::�;A:
Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permztted under the new classi- ;
fication before signing this petition. For further :.nformation about 1;he
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Offic�. Qt 223-4151.
(Please .type or print)
Date; ���_�/ .
� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall - -
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more of
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, }31ock 1.5, Lots 4 throu�h 12 inclusive,
Slocic 16 and �he Iv'orth 40 feet a£ Lots 13, 14 and 15, Bloelc 16, Arlington
from Hills l�.�diResidential. District to C Residerti.alDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following;
(describe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise upaxtment building comprisi:�;
, 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
,,,,- Mary oug . ,
,-�-!'' Pro . Address: 623-625 Je ks 7 15 Arlington Hills Add'n.
William Russell & Barbara . �ll � ' ��
�� S 6 o dd�n.
Prop. Address: 626 Jenks
T'heodore E. & Ethel M. �� �"'�: t```
r�`f Boreen X S 16 li ton ill dd'n.
Prop. Address: 622 Jenks
����. ���
k ,
Richarc� J. & Jo Ana Wagner ' ��
�� Pro . Address: 616 �Jenks 6 16 Arlin ton Hills Add'n.
State of 11Sinnesota (
Count of Ramse ( SS �O�� �� �!L� � � .
� 1
�_ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is he pe on who circulated the within petition consisting of � PageS;
that the arties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately followir.g each name; trat this petition was signed by each of sai.d
owners in the pi•esence of this a�fiant, and Lhat the signatur�s above are Lt�e true
and correct signatuz�es of each and all. of the partie5 scri.bed. �
SuuscriUed and s��c�rn before me �
. i:t�is �! day of ,� � � q`� �
Rddress: 5 East Fiith Street
Telephone o. 223-5433 1\a'S ,�F, �1,,)�,
Notary Pu lic', s County, Minn. 11�( •- �ag
My commissiura expires Anproved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5./�5
A. :1. JOHNSON, Office of the Corpox•ation Counsel
Notary P�blic, Ramsey County, Minn.
�Y Cammission Expires May 7, 1976 � ,,�
�.�� �
. � ..� , � �� �
I �'..
_ _
. � : � �
I'�:"iI`x 10."� 'IC� �:siE\c� C�t�PTEit:� EG t;h ru C 1 :l� Tiiti Li;aiSL�,'i'Iv'u ([,G;rZ�;F.i) Cl���,
Note; The signer should appraise himself of the uses hermitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date; y�-,��— 7�
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall %
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%, or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Blocic 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
Blocic 16 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15,. Block 16, Arlington
Hi�.1s A�dition
from Resi�ential District to C ReSiderti.�lDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility), gigh-rise apartment buildin� cou�prisino
. 225 units tor the e].derly. �
Subject Property:
� �Mary Lou se oss n
f Pro . Address: 603 Jenks 22 15 Ar1i ton Hills Add'n.
J Helge N. Hanson Und.
� Pra . Address: 609 Jenks a Lot 2 � 15 Arlin ton Hills A�d'n.
� � Ric�iar C. Weston C Un . Int.
� Pro . Address: 609 Jenks Lot 23 15 Arli ton Hi11s Add'n.
. k �°-o��e-� •
Preston H. & Audrey J. ' �-'
�� Brenon k 24 15 Arli on 1 dd'n.
Prop. Address: 611 Jenks x �
, Blase S. & Marie M.
�� Bieniek' k 25 15 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
Prap. Address: 615-617 Je ks
Res:,: 1287 DeSoto .Street
t Carl L. & Mae H. Bredahl
r� ' Pro . Address: 621 Jenks , 26 15 Arlington Iiills Add'n.
State of Minnesota ( SS , �t�Q� �c�,�,�^ � -�. " ;/��R.�-�r�.s� w,�-a-�� .
Co ty of Ramsey ( t Yvl �'4---�-t'`���Ma���
" �--�-� Yvt.� �' � �Q_� <�Q ,.._.,,
�.�c2� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he �
s the erson who circulated the within petition consisting of (�� _ pages;
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots pZaced
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners i.n the presencc of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all. of the parties escribed.
S�bscribed ar.� s«•orn to before me � �"`
tt,i� 'v'� day of q"� � �
� Address; Eas� ri�th Streetp
Telephone No. 223-543$ ��QS \ �E-
Notar Fub. " , amsey County, Minn. 1l�-�l�a
bty commissinn ex ' I �/ Ap roved as to form 1/4/65
����� ��L E 'ce of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 No�py � , ey Cou •
MY Comm ' res A4�y 7, 1976 � �
i _. � -
, ,�. ' ' • � .
���1'S`l��.�1:'I �I'n E�:'�i\'� Ci��1.2'Ti:i�i-.`� U�J t:i72'Li t:�i �%� ;��k17.a� �il:l:.lJ:_,i-.?�.�r.[: �L.�l:.:t.�.l;� C�'Ll�. .
Nate: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under i:he new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date; y—�1� �` .
� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall -
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the sever�l descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Bod,y to rezone tne follow-
ing described pi�upei=ty: Zlegal descrip;,ior. and street adc!retis)
Lots 16 through 2? inclusive, Blocl: 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusivey
S1 ck 16 and tha North 40 �eet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Bloctc 16, Arlin�ton
from xi��s Abdition. '
Residentia_1 District to C Residert3al District, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) High-rise �p�rtment building comprisina
. 225 unit3 for the elderly. �
Subject Property; �
Edward J. & PaCricia A. Hu er
�� Addre s• 588 �� 13 15 Arli ton Hills Add�n.
� � `/������-t_/
George & Florence V. � S,25 t.
` �� Veesenme er ots � 15 Ar1i ton Hills Add'n.
Prop, Address: 1010 Edger o � A,' 14&15 .
� � �
�Gordon L. & Lueille G. ,- N. 7 t.
�,.� Pariseau � ��� ' of S.1 0 15 Arlington Hi11s Add'n.
Pro�. Address: 1016 Edger on ,Q � ft. o
Res; 2— 56�De11ridge Ave. ofis 1 15
, �G Dorothe A. Vaughn S 37� f .
g�gg. Address: 1014 E �.� �0.,t� of N,_ lineton Hills aad'n.
00 ft.
State of Minnesota (
County of Ramsey ( SS Z����� ��L� 7/ �' l
(,vv being first duly sworn, deposes and state� that he
is. the pei-son who cir u ted the within petition consisting of (� pages�
that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placec�
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
owners zn the presenc� of thi.s affzan� , and that Y,he sa.gr,atur.es above 4re L-he true
and corre:.t sif�natui•es of each and a1Z o� the �^�rties s�lescribed.
Su�sci•ibect ai�d su�orn tu efox•e me � �
. this da�� of � f � "� / � .
Address: _ " ��.?f��m�
Telephone No. 223-5�t3�
Notary ubli a s y �ounty, Minn.
biy �ommission exp es A�proved as to form 1/4/65
FGI 1/5/65
7��9: �OHNSON, Office of the Corporati.on Counsel
Plotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My Commission Expires May 7, 1975 '
_ � � , . � �
. .
I'E'TI'110.�t t'0 cu::�,:�i� Ci:r�i�Ti��R:, Eit) t't:ru 6� UF 7.'ii� Li::r�1S3L^sTlti'.T'.�. (�,0.,�1''vG) C:��L�k�
Note; Tl�e signer should appraise hims�:lf of the uses perrnitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, c;all the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please .type or print) � ��'�`
, Date; •
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall .
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described property: (legal description and street addross)
Lats 26 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 through 12 inclusive,
� Blo k ].6 and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and I5, Blocic 16, Arlxngton
Hi3:�s A�dition
from Resic�ential District to C ResidertialDistrict, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(describe briefly the proposed facility) High-zise apartment buildin� Comprisina
, 225 units for the elderly. �
Subject Property;
oar o uca on
J? City of St. Pau! 18, 19 15 Axli ton Hills Add'n.
Prop. Ad ress: School
�{ City of St. Paul
Prop. Address: Schaol 20 15 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
City of St. P$ul
�� Pro . Address: School 21 15 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
State of biinnesota (
County of Ramsey � ss � ���� �� ���� ,,.., , d I
-f/ a�
' �. r L- -�" ..�. being first du y sworn, eposes and states that he
is the person who circulat d the within petition consisting of �y-� page�;
that the parties describ d above are the ownei•s respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
ownei•s in the presence of 1:his affiant , and that the signatures above are the true
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subsci•ibed,,�J�nd sti�orn to beiore me .
t h i s !� d a y o f ,/�� `._� � t-j ��;�. _
,��� ��z-t�1-� �-
, Address; 55 East i�ift�i Stre�
Telephone No. 223-5433
otaiy Public, Rams County, Minn.
My commissia� expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65
Notery Public, Ramsey County, Mfin�t,
My Commission Expires July 10,,197� `i'
_ .
. ,. , .; • �__ L
, .Y ' ` �
. �
PI�T'x%10:� 7'il i;.:',ii�:;J C:.:r!;:�i;,S 60 ti�.';i L s ��+i 1� T�'.�:_I:iL����Vt; (lvi�T�:�C'z) �ODI�
�tote: The signer should Appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi—
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the �
rezoning of property, ca11 the Board of �oning Office at 223-4151.
(Please tyne or print)
. nate: � �-��—7�
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall �
� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota .
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of �
` two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of �
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qa or more of ±
the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- �
ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 throu;h 12 inclusive,
Block 7.6 �and tihe North 40 feet of Lots 13, Z4 and 15, Block 16, Arlin;ton
from ��i�3s �!� uition.
Resid�ntial District to C ResideYtial District, for the
purpose of ir.stalling, constructing and/or operating the following;
Cdescribe briefly the proposed facility) gigh-rise apartment buildin:� co.nprising
, 225 units ior tihe elderly. � f
Subject Property;
� Gustav A. and Ludena , �
� .Gundrum 7 15 Arlin ton Hills Add'n.
Pra�. Address: 614 Lawso �L��
� Judith Elaine Oehrlein .
� Pro . Address: 608 Lawso 8 � 15 Arlin ton Hills E�dd'n.
G Roger K. & Betty M. � ~
� 9 15 Arli ton Hills Add'n.
Prop. Address: 6Q6 Lawso
. �
; r, Mrs. Sandra J. Johnson �
.. ' '' o d e • D o � 10 15 Arli toa Hills�dd'n.
Louise F. Kepper �
f� • -� -L-z- �..c.. 11 15 Arli ton Hills Add�n.
Res: 1736 E. Minnehaha , /�� - � � �—.
q _ ���.�c .k'.-� /.C.�-'i'�--,
��_ Joseph & Esther A. � -�
12 15 Arli ton Hi11s Add'a.
Prap. Address: 596 Lawson r�%�-v-Q ���^�,,,,+.n
State of A4innesota ( ����A��l -�-,ti-��^„�- (�' .J
County of Ramsey SS ,u, �� ��
" ��__�S '+�„o`-'.�- l/� . r�.. '
1, �. > �' being f_ir t duly swarns depases an^�i states that he
i he person who circul ed the within petitiDn consisting of v1,� �pages;
t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots pZaced
immediately foYlowing each name; that this pet � o . sai. ��
owners in tl�e presence of Y.his affiant , and th t c� a e thc.
and correct signatures o� each ancl alZ of the a�� s � e.��be��
Subscz•it��d ac�d sv;ar�i t e.for rtie
� t h i� ���—d a y o� ` �� � � 6.N�./
ress; �S �2s� "._.��i1 S�r4�~
Telepho e No. 22a"•-.�438
Nota.ry P�.in ' c, a sey County, 11Sinn. /�d�" �, �.,.,t � 5'.T'/!i/-�-�"��-: A
My canimissiun expires Approve as to foz•m 4/65 �7��%I
Office of the Ccrpoi•ation Counsel
F('sI 1/5/65 �
� '1 JOHNSON, ��
Natery Publ"�c, Ramsey County, Minn. �;,; �
M�r Commission Expires May 7, l��s ' +"' >��., .
. �r� �
� _ • :
• . � �
C;ITY OF SAINT i'A?JI,, N�I1�'NF'SC�S'�1 �/1,�0
�`c:T.i':iC1� '1,� _..,`.",ii� �:}s .� :.I:F ' L`J �::1`U � i �i:. lt.;:: i �:�.L:�a�.s�'.t 'v�.t: �t.:Liaa:�� � ,c; �
hote; The si ner should a r > > �
g ppraise himself of the u�es parmitted under th�.. �:e.tv classi�/��
� fication berore signin�; this petition. For further information about the / '
rezoning of property� call the Iioard of ?oning Of�ice at 223-4151.
(Please tyne or print)
pate;s�� -'��
e/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall ,
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds o: the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; atad we, the owners of 50%a or more of
the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing described proparty; (legal description and street address)
Lots 15 Chrough 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lots 4 throu�h 12 i.nclusive,
I�Z cIc 1G and thC North.4Q feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, ArlingC�n
Hi�ls A�diti.on �
from r Resic�er;tial District to C r�esidert3�lDistrict, for.the
• purpose ot i.nstalling, constructing and/or operating the following; �
(describe brie�ly the proposed facility) High^ri:s� apa�'tment buildin� coiitrrisial�
. 225 tct�its for �:he elder�y. .
Sub j�ct Pr�pc�r•ty; .
fN. � Ar ington H� Is Add'n.
� Salvation A ,�y� ,� � � Lofis ], 15 to St. Paul
�p....A,d �R: 1007-1019 Psy , � � 2 & 3F '
j S alvation � ��� . `.4.��. S.� of
� N.2/3d Arlington Hi�ls Add'n.
` Lots 1 � 15 0 �Paul '
� -, 2 & 3 .
_�' Salvation Army � � ���c��n �S.1 3 F 15 Arli ton ,�ill�.dd'n.
�Lots 1 to St. Faul
9 Victor A. & Margaret E. .,,,� , ,.. , , All of lington Hills Add'n.
Masan��� h�asband & wife as Lot 4 15° to St. Paul
3oint tenants � —
Prop. Address: 62b Lawson
� Lother C. & Charlotte H. . rlington Hills Add'n.
Barchenger, husband and ' S 15 to St. Paul
wife as 3oint tenants �
Pro . Address: 622 Lawso
. _ � .
G He en Gi es lington Hills Add'n.
Pro . Address: 618 Lawso 6 15 o Sfi. Paul
StAt.e. of I►iinnzsota (
County of Ramsey ( SS �O���a f� ��L� °���S'
� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is the person who circula ed i;he within petition consist:�r,g of (,F-�-�.. page�;-
that the parties described above are the owr_ers re�peetively of. the lots placed
immediately fol2owing each name; that this petition was signed by each of said
ov,�nei•s in the �a�sea�ce of Lhis a�fiant, and that ti�e si7iz��.t�.�res above are the tx•ue
and correct signatur•e�� of each ar.d all. of the partie> so dF�scribed.
Subsci•ik�ed�i�d s;t�oz•n to befoi•e nie
� -�y�� � �
this �_day of � �ff �
I�.dd_�ess; 55 Ea�t x i.it}t zect
" � Teiephone Iv'o. 223a5�+�3
ota y l�ublic, Rams County, Minn.
My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65
OfSice of the Corporation Caunsel
I'GI 1/5/65 _
Notary Pubtic, Ramsey County,N'tii5�'� �
My Commission �xpires July 10, 19'AFw
` ��� �
, ,
, ��' • • �. .w~ . .. .. . . . . � . . . ..
Note: Tr�e signez• s�ould appraise himself of tVze uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petition. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning O:fice at 223-4151.
(Please type or print�
- Date; �--,� �-- ��
cio the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paal, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 54.06 of the �i,egislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the reaZ. estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of
the f ror,tage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
ing descr�bed pi•operty; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 thraugh 27 inclusive, Block 15, Lo�s 4 through 12 inclusive, Block
16 4n3 �ne North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington Hills
from g [�es�_denti.al District to C Residential District, for the
�3urp:;se of installi:ig, constructing and/or operating the followir.g:
(dAscribe briefly the proposed faci.lity) High-rise apartment building comprising
225 un�f.ts for the elderly. . •
Sub,jec� F%i•o�erty— —
� Victor A. & Margaret E. o r ngton s
Masanz, husband & wife as ot 4 15 Add'n to St. Paul
joint tenants
Prop. Address: 626 Lawso
Lother C. & Charlotte H. Ar ngton Hi s
� Barchenger, husband and �. � � 5 15 Addn. to St. Paul
wife as joint tenants —`
Pr�._Address� 622 Laws -
Helen Giles , ecease . � ence i e , ni t��. r . Arlington Hilis
L P;oQ�Address_�618 Laws _� 6 15 Add'n to St. Paul
_____._- ---- --1
State ot hiinnes<,ta (
C ntr, oi ka�nsey � SS ZONI�1G Ff LE -1-L=!_—
QiLU-L J . � �� being fi.rst duly ,
is t ha person w°ho circu lat:ed t he within petition consisting o� pages;
that thf� parti�� desc:ib�c1 a�ovn �re t.ze o.�ners respsctive?y of the lots placed
immedzat�ly fol.lowing each name; thai; this petition was signed by each of said
owi�ers in ihe ��resence oi thiw affiant , and that the signatures aUove are the true
an�:'_ correci signatures of each and aIl oi the parties so described.
Sutsc�il:ed :�nd swQrr_ t efor me
this ��day of ~ 1 q"�� �'���
Address: l�l V;rq�'N;�S�� St� Pau� S"5/U�
Telephone No. U�,�S'-5'600
N ..a y > > .. , ;:amsey Caunty, Minn.
ASy ccmmi�-s n .�xpires Approved as to farm 1.�4/65
A. 1. JOHNSON, Office o:f the Corporation Counsel
E�"G, `s,/S;�'G� ap�y pubik, Ramsey County, Minn. .
My Commission Expires May 7, 1976 �
♦ ,
oa Thursday, June 17, 1971, at 2:00 P�M,
PRSSENT: Mrs. Cochraae, Messra. Ames, Benahoof, and Maietta of the Board;
and Messrs. Brown and Roeetter, und Mrs. Frantzea of the staff.
BQARD OF EDiJCATION: A petitioa to rezone from "B" to "C" Beaidence far the
purpose of const�ucting a 225wnit high-rise for the elderly, property
located on the north and south sides of Jenks Avenue between Payae Avenue
snd &lgerton Street.
Mr. Roaetter summarized the staff report, a part of the file, atsting �tuit
the propossl ia to vacate Jenlcs Avenne adjoining the �wo parcele and constrvtst
a 17-story high-rise for the elderly with 225 units. The parcel on the aorth
aide cf Jenks Avenne hsa a frontage of 480 feet with an area of 60.000 squar�
feet; the psrcel on the santh eide of Jeaks has an area of 49,800 square feet
with Che ssme frontage. The area of the houeiag project as presented by the
Housfn,g and Redevelopment Authority is 134.8$0 eq�are feet. Tbia iacludes
vscated stxeeta. The proposed densitq for this project is 599.47 square fee�_
per dwelling unit, or 72.6 dwelling unita per acre. A "C" Reaidence Diatric�:
requires 1,000 aquare feet per dwelling nnit. The area is developed with old
reeideatial atructures. one to four-family use. Mr. Roaett�r pointed out
that it caa be expected that variances would be requested oa this aite if thE
rezoning ia graated. Variances have beea issued previously for almoat every
public high-rise d�velopment. This afte was approved by the Ylanning Board
for a high-riae for the elderly in August, 1969. It was pointed aut that th�
ataff r�ceived one letLer in opposition to the rezoning, which specificallq
mentiocied a traffic problem in the area.
Attorney Jim Sart of the Housing and R�edevelapment Anthority pointed out thsf:
wiCh the blessiag of the Zoning Board and City Co�cncil theq 6ope to construc�
a 225wnit high-rise for the elderly. He said the site is presentlp oamed by
the School Board in connection with the Sricsson School aite that had been
abaudoned and has been demoliahed. He noted it would be neceasary ta scquirw
single-family homes nearby for this high-rise. Mr. Hert said this project
has been okayed by the federal government for funding. Before they can go
ahead with planning, they heve to rezone the property. Ae aated that a I-3
ratio for parkfng is what is recmrmended for this type of high-rise. Jenks
Avenae will have to be vacated. Mr. Hart said there has beeu soone concezn
regardiag Payne Avenue acceases to an alley about 1/5 of the way iato the
b3ock. Jenks Avenue woald have a cul-de•sac, aud the Public Works Depx�rtmen�
has gone along with the vacation of Jenlcs Avenue. He said they looked at thE
school site, but needed additioaal land. The most feasible Land in relsCion
to cast ia somewhat of s problem; Chey do not want to buy any more single-
family homes thaa ia absolutely necessary. Mra Hert requested the favor8ble
coneideration of the Zoning Board� and agreed that later they will appear
before the Board for the purpose of presentiag location plans of the buildin�,
etc. Se said they have preliminary plans. but they are in nA way finalizedo
. �
BQARD OF �DUGATIOAT (6/17/7l) (Continued):
Upon a qaesCion by Mr. Ames, Mr•. Hart answered that thty will be seeking
density aad parkieg ratio variances.
Mr. Maietta said that by vaceting part of 3enks Avenue probleme would be
created9 since this leade into the bank from Edgerton Street. If only a
port£on of 3enks is vacated, residents would have to back out, etc, and
this would create a Craffic hazard, He suggested that the playground be
used instead of taking property froffi twa sides of the street. Mro Hart
replied that variaus solutions were worked on for the site, but there ie
aingle-family construction from Jenks nmrth to Lswson and south to Casee
He sai� it is the AnthoriCy's best eatimete that the present proposal
would be the solution. Mr4 Hart noted that a T-type cul-de-ssc will feed
into an alley that runs to the street. Jenks Avenue would be closed from
the e:st �iae of Edgerton Stre�t to the siley l,ine �usC west of Payne
Avenuea Mr. Hmrt said they plsn to dedicate property to make the �-type
cuZ-de-sac, but the detsils have not been resolved as yet, although some
solution is sure2y expected.
Mr. Maietta commented that when the Planming Board spprevad this l�cation
for a high-riae, they were not aware of the fact that Jenks Avenae would
be petitioned to be vacated. Mr, Hart �xplained that �f they didn't
follow the present proposal, they would be building e high-rise thot would
have nothing aurroundin.g it buC single-fa��ly homes and duplexee rsther
than a good setback with open space. He noted the Authority has cost
ltmitations they must d�al wit�. �f they had to change locstion$, Mr. �art
said he is aure they would 'be unable to carry through with thia project.
Ae noted they have spcaken with the busi�essm�a slong Fayne Avenue, who
and�rstand what is involved �n the vacation of Jenks Avenue. He eaid he
knows t�is will ceuse problems, and he is not tryi�g �o ea�ooth thinga over.
flawever, the ultimate benefit of the high�riae will moxe than compeasate
for the problems encountered.
U�on a questfon by Mro Ames, Mr. �iart replied thaC this project is not a
��turn-keY" tYPe•
Another repr�senCative for the petition noted that ehe earliest thi� project
ro�rould be started is this fall; either the alley would be contiaued south of
Lawson c�r a T-type intersection wi11 be pl�ced there, He said it is gxaposed
to have an opening af ebout 15 feet for p�desirfaa �raffic under the building
at gro�snd l�vel. Mr. Ames pointed oczt that ano�her possibility would be to
have the street runnfng through the �ail�3ing, bur th�t wonld be ha�ardous for
the elderly residents of the hi�h-rise.
Speaking in opposition was Mr. Relge Hanson, 609 .�e�.k� Avenue, who said he
hss lived in his home since the 1930's, and will not sell. Mr. Ames
inCerrupted to ask if Mr. Hanson's home would be acqu£red for construction
of the high-rise. Mr. Aart replied ttaat it woald be. Mr. Hanson insisfied
he raould not move out of his hom�e. H� said the other owner there ie
Mr. Richard Westo�a. Mro Ames explafned to Mro Hanson that the ?.oaing Board
is mer�ly a reconomending body �nd that the City Council mskes tPne fixsal
detereaistation. Mre Ames said thaC Mr, I�aa.son woulci have Che opgortuaf�q of
t�lling his story to the City �ouncil when that publ,ic hearing date �s seCe
w � .
BQARD OF EDUCATIQN (6/17/71) (Continued):
Another man in opposition was Mr� Blase Bieniek, 1287 DeSoto 5treet, wt�a
said he owas property at 617 Jeaks Avenue, and noted it is the fourth
house east of the Er£csaon School site. He noted it is a 4•pl.ex<
Mro Bieniek said it seems ev�ry time ane turns around, homes are being
torn dc�wn but taxes keep going up, He said first �.t is the highws�y
department, then for parks and playgrounds, and now the Houeing Autharity
wants to build a high-rise. He said he doesn't feel any single•family
homes should be tarn down since there is vacant land in St. Paul where
[his high-ris� conld be built. The City owns a lot of property, and �ie
said they ahould uae some of that. He said he has spent a good deal of
time and money fixing up his hoase. and said the condemning ehould be
ceaa�d at this levei> He noted that about a block away from the subject
site is vacant property behind Wilder Playground; anoCher vacant sit� is
near Csse and Misaissippia Mre Bieniek said smaller buildinga should be
built so that taxpay�rs' homes do nat have to be acquired in order to
build thenf.
Mro Ame� explained to Mr. Bieniek that he should present his ob�ectione
st the City Council public hearing.
Mre Benshoaf inentioned the £act that Che land south of CaLlins Street msy
never be used for Che highway that was once planned there. Therefore, he
asked if this area might be, considered for a high-rise. Mr, Hsrt replied
that andez State law the procedixre would be so involved ia order to acquire
land that it would not be feasible. He said if the Highway Depart�nt
givea up Zand, the previous owners have first aption on it, He said the
highway �will probably go through someday in the future.
Representing the P�yne Avenue buainesamen was Mro Doneld M.. Laughlin,
972 Payae Avenue. He noted he was in on the origin�l plsnaing for Chis
stree� vacation with Drp Heiden of the Planning Board staffo Yn tegard
to tsaffic flow iato the bank that Mro Maietta is concerned about,
Mro Leughlin said traffic isn't much of a problem in that area. He nated
the businessmen are unhappy about losing valueble parking space, and said
there were several meetings held to obtain opinions from �he peoplee
Mr. Laughlin noted Che peop�e in Che erea had objections to the ori�inal
locatio�a af the high-rise. Naw, however, a garden court is planned which
will besntify the area.
Mra. Cochrane moved for approval of the petition Co rezone. The motfan wa�
seconded by Mre Benshoof. and carried by a 3-1 vote. Mre Maietta noted he
voted against the rezoning since he doesn't think there is any herdship sho�an
by the Housing aad Redevelopment Authority sinc� he feels they could use pa�t
of the Ericsson School siCe for a park; he said there ahould be evid�nce of �
hardship be£ore a sCreet ia vacated for euch a purposeo Mre Benshoof said he
aecoaded the mot�on for approval because in relation to tra�fic in the area,
there are 3 thoroughfares (Edgerton, Case, and Payne) runntng thraugh; they
are nnt merely res$dential streets, and he said he feels these thorou�hfarea�
would be able to handle the snticipated traffice
Sttbmitted by: Paul L, Rosetter Robert La Ames, Chairman
City Clerk
113 Cou►1 Mouss 55102
July 2, 1971
F11e X1063, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing Will be held ia the
Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 14, 1971 on the petition of The
Board of Education and others for the rezoning froan a "B" &esidea'
tial District to a "C" Besidential District the property described
as follaws: Lots 16 through 27, inclusive, Block 15; Lots 4 through
22, incluaive, Block 16; and the North 40 feet of Lots 13, 14 and
15, Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition. The property is located
on the North and South sides of Jenks Avenue between Edgerton
Street and payne Avenue.
For further information, ccntact the Planning Board, Roaa 1010
Commerce Building or telephoae 223-4151.
To comply with the City Charter, the Departa�ent of Finance is charged
with is�forming you of this public hearing.
If you have any questions, it is recomcnended that you attend this
public hearing to afford you the opportuaity to make your .►i�,
both pro and con, known to the City Council.
� - Coamissioner of Finance
July 12, 1971 ����!,(�r'J
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the petition of the Board of Education to
rezone from "B" to "C" Residence for the purpose of constructing a 225-unit
high-rise for the elderly, property located on the north and south sides of
Jenks Avenue between Payne Avenue and Edgerton Street. This property is
further described as:
Lots 16 thru 27 incl. , Block 15; Lots 4 thru 12 incl. ,
Block 16; and the north 40 feet of Lots 13, 14, and
15, Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition.
This matter was heard at the June 17, 1971, Board of Zoning public
hearing, at which time was read those portions of the written staff report
dealing with the proposed use, frontage and area, and site conditions. The
staff noted that the proposed density would require a variance and that
varia�ces have been often granted for public elderly high-rise development.
This site was approved for this purpose by the Planning Board in August,
1969. The staff had received one letter in opposition which referred to a
traffic problem in the area.
Mr. Jim Hart, representing the petition, explained the proposal, noting
that the project is not a turn-key project and that the Federal government has
approved the funding. He mentioned plans to vacate Jenks Avenue and subsequent
traffic routing plans have been worked out with area businessmen. He acknowledged
that appeals for parking ratio and density variances can be expected.
Mr. Donald Laughlin, representing the Payne Avenue businessmen, noted he had
been in on the planning of this project from the start.
Appearing in opposition was Mr. Helge Hanson, a resident of the site, who
insisted he would not move out of his home. Another property owner on the site,
Mr. B1ase Bieniek, also spoke in opposition, noting the great amount of homes
being torn down far various things .
In considering this matter, the Board questioned whether land owned by the
State for once-proposed highway construction was available to the City. One member
objected to the vacation of Jenks Avenue saying that there was no indication at the
time the Planning Board approved the site that Jenks would be vacated.
Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the petition. ,The
motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3-1.
Ver truly yo s, --
�..,� �J
` '2.�/C. � � _ �A�.c.
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Z. F. ��7181 �
. Ha�ry E. Man�all �'TY °F� Albert /.Olso�
City Clerk and �'�� � ,
' Counaii Reaorder
Comm.issioner of Repastrra�tion � �-,°;%�' " • �.1
la°=,:a:`",�'�'.� a
:yP - hc
�88 Cit1/Hall
St.Paul,Minnesota 56108
May 20, 1971
Zoning Board
Comaaerce Bldg.
3t. Pa�l
The City Council tcday referred to you Por reco�endation
the attached petition of The Bc3ard of Education aad others
For the rezoning of the folloyring described property to
ClaBS "C" 8esidence District:
Lots 16 throrigh 27 inclusive, Block 15; Lc�ts �+ through
12� iriclusive, Block 16; and the North 40 feet of Lots
13� 14 and 15� Block 16� Arlingtoa H3.11a Addit3on, the
property being located on the north and south sid�s of
Jenk� Ave, between Edgerton St. aad Payne Ave.
Ye truly your�� ^
_a �
City lc �
� � � � V � � �
�.��Y � 01971
Saint Pa��9, Mmnesota:
Z��I1�� ���:� _ _� �_��.
I 13 Court House,ss 102
ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Pl,one:223-4646
May 20, 1971
To the Council
City of Saint Paul
I have checked the attached petition of The=Board of Education
and others, filed in the matter of rezoning,
7�ots 16 through 27 inclusive, Block 15; Lots 4 through
12,; inclusive, Block 16; and the North 40 feet of Lots
13, 14 and 15, Block 16, Arlington Hills Addition. The
property is located on the north and south sides of Jenks
Avenue between Edgerton Street and Payne Avenue,
from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence Dis-
trict, and find that said petition is sufficient.
Yours very trulq,
� �� ��
R salie L. Butler
Commissioner of Finance:
Re: X-1063
cc: Mr. Ames
N. R. Heiden
Com'r Butler
Frontage: 74.5%
Parcels Eligible - 55
Parcels Signed - 41 or 74.5°l0 � ' " .
parcels Needed - 37 or 66-2/3% � �� ,�' � j,,
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(I two persons, both given and surname fo each must be supplied)
being first dul.y sworn, do hereby state and allege that �he� (is)
(are) the contract purchaser� of the following described real property
located within the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minne-
� �
sota, to-wit: �. G� / � ������ /�.�
T/�.,h'L 1,�iG�T_�/�{�L L !�yQ,T,�r����_; ,.�,T%i��_�
that said contract purchase agreement was entered into on the 1,�_ day
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�,,,_„ ,� p � ��E�.��f�l, fee owner of the above-described real
property; that said contract purchase agreement is��recorded in Che
office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, as Document
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this � day of ,��, 197d•
� .
� _ ^�t/r��:is i �r�, � l��C.-2w/
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1 � '�{�,�'�-'",1-'' ,G.--YL-��.�.� � .%G��`.�.. .,.,✓
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this '� day of r, 197�• Z�N��� �!L� �, Z i
No ry Public, Cou ty, Minnesota. �7� �
My commission expires
��COn.��oir SCo.:ntY,Minn.
�. � Oc#..3,.I977,
- � � �
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(�+Ie) � � �.2-�' ��i. �1►�G'�-�-�a��
being first duly sworn, reside at . � �
and (do) (does) deposes and states that � (We) �� (Are) the Contract for
Deed Purchaser(s) of the following described property:
Lot �`� , Block �_____, �+�-� � \ Addition
Subscribed ar�d sworn to before me
� x � /J�a , �-
this � day of , 1971.
� .
7I: '.L- JOHNSON, '
Nolery Public, Ramsey Counry, Minn.
Nry Commisaion Expires M�y 7. 1P�6 .
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Deed Purchaser(s) of the following described property:
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Lot��, Block l � , r �� Addition
� �'3����-/S
Subscribed and sworn to before me } ,,, �c��„ � �/�,
this _� day of 1971. ,
X �
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My Commission Expires May 7, 1976
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being first du y sworn, reside at '�,� �
and (do) (does) deposes and states that (T) (�) (Am) (.0�� the Contract for
Deed Purchaser(s) of the following describe� property:
^ .
Lot -�, Block �, X a Addition
.. �
_ „ ,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this �� day of ' -, 1971.
k%�- �-- .
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My Commission Expires May 7, 1976
Z�IVIIVG �tLE . / �
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�znd (do) (does) deposes and states that (�j (We) (� (Are) the Contract for
Deed Purchaser(s) of the following described property:
Lot �, Block �, Addition
Subscribed and sworn to before me li �Q-'''�'`'`'(J
this �� c'��y af , 1971.
�J � !
N�►Y Public, Ramsey County, M�, �/
MY Commission Expires IM�^y 7, 1 ��~'� - 1`
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Deed Purchaser(s) of the following describe�} property:
Lot �, Block / � , __ � �-'�'�'' � 1 Addition
, .
.. �
Subsrribed an� sworn to before me �'i `
this �� day of ' �x- , 1971.
5- . / �� .
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NOtery Public, Ramsey County, Mii;r�,
My Commission Expires May 7, 1976
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SuUscribed and sworn to before me ?' ';?
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this � day of , 1971, i�
k ���rn���� �
A. �. JOHNSON. ' �i;
NOhry Pubiic, Ramsey County, Mu��.. �"
' Aly Commission Expires May 7, 19i6 � �
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�1PP��CANT �erd of Edu��t�on LEGEND
PURPOSE Rezone from "B" to "C" Residence �qND USE a .
for the purpose of constructing
a 225-unit high-rise for the elderl � �
PRESENT ZONING "$" Reaiaen�e y �� ONE-FAMILY =
PETITlON SIGNERS 41 of a possible 55 (74.57e) �- FOUR-FAMILY
? l� �I111 TI_ cA�I11 v
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Meredith i�Ffr
Sprafka 'Sprafka
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Mr. President McCarly `AAr. President McCarty