255046 o�s�c�a c� . . _ ORDINANCE �5���6 � �� � �) `, � COUNCIL FILE NO , PRESENTED B�� ��` � )��_ �� , �� . .��;�, ,, ���� •.� 1� �,;�1 �,,. � ORDINANCE NO � � � ! � � � ` i � An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to Commercial District, to-wit: The west 10 feet of the east 50 feet of the east 2 of NE4 of NE4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, except the south 350 feet and the north 362 feet thereof; eitu�te on property located on the southwest corner of Lower Afton and McKnight Roads in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. AU6 6 19T1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � C �rlava- ��-'� � n Favor l ]�2ere�i�h-� ` � �`� A gainst Sprafka Tedesco 9�� Mr. President (McCarty) Appro At�i�-! ity Clerk r �� `. Form approved Corpor�,tion Counsel By. PUBL�sx�n A• 1 4 971 ' n�.a rRt.s.r � a � �► � r� � � c � cou�ac H� No_ 25�(��6 PiRESENTf� BY ORDINANCE NQ..� � �1n or!!#aaa+�o �te�ins the Zo�tin� CoAe, t�apters 6d0 to 64, inclusi�s, oS the Sa#nt Past2 Lt�irlative Code, pertaiai�s� t.� IIse 8i�tricta, Hs3aht Districts a�d 8e��ain� oi c�rtsia propesties is the City oi Saiat Pa�l, a� ��f. TSE CQtTliCIL aF '1'NB �Iq'Z Ol� $AiN? PAOb DOBS OR�lI�s Section l. Tlrat th� Soaf� Cod�, C�►pt�rs 64 to 6�, iaalr��ife, of the S�iat Paa1 I.��i�lati�e Co�e, gst#siatsi '�o IIse Di�triots, Hsi�t Dis�riafi� a�d �soni� oi eart�s3�s propertiee ia tLe City oi Saint Panl, ae a�enQed, be and the sa�e i• �ere� ltirther a�a�ie� eo as to re�one tbe iolloxing iescrib+� pruperty iro� "A" Resids�nee District to Coaereial District, �o yit� �ne xeat io iee� ot t�� ,er��t 5o ieet oi #he east � oi N'L� ot �L�} ot Sse�ion 11, To�aship 28, 8an,�e 22, az�ept '�►h� s�nth 354 ieet sad the s�rth 362 �eet : tLeareot� sft�it� oa pruperty located on the eonthyewt �orae�r oi Lo�er Aitoa " asd �iaLt Ae�tds is the City aI Saiat Paol. ��ctioa 2. !1►is ordinaaee �11 t�s efia�:t a#d � im taat^�s ' t►Lirt� (3�) dayo iro� aa�d aiter its psssa�o, apProv�al aad �tblicstio�r. ' ` p�� 6197� Yeaa Councilmen Naye Paseed by the Coun�� H� � ,��n Favor be�riae- �'�' C� e�� Sprafka T�a� AU6 6 tg�t �dr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk �ayor �� �` Form a�►pmved Corpc>r�ion Counsel By � -�f ' ' ` �°�� 3� °' �. ' � ^ � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��I�oG ` r � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) The West 10' of the East 50' of the East 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, except the 5outh350' a.nd the North 362' thereof. from an A Residence District to a Gommercial District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Construction of apartments and shopping center. RECORD OWNER SIGNA RE LOT BIACK ADDITION Subject Property; The Cardinal Investment o The Cardinal Investment o. � The N rth ei t 8 r North one-half (N. 1/2 of th W t one-half (W. 1/2) o the �� o�e hslf (E. 1/2 of the �ast .� one-half (E. 1/2 of th Northesst one- usrter E 1 4 of Sec oa ev waship , tvventy-eight (28), Ran e twenty-two (22), sccor 'n� to he U. . Government Survey I thereof, . � . ,. __ _..._ _ ., � _ _. _ ., _ - f � �"The North sixty-five (65) feet of that part of the East one-quarter (E �) " -� Robert C. Seele)I 'at1� -af N�rtne�.SL' 'one-quarter (i�� 4) o� Northeast one-quarter (:iE �) oi' Sec�io,z —�� eleven (TJ.)� To:anship t�Y�enty-eigh� (28)� Ran�a t�tent;;wt:�o (22)T descr�b,�:. Gloria G. Seeley, h� $s follo{�s, Beginnin� at the Southeasterly corner of said p:•G�J°Tt� }1�:2'C':A ` _ befoi•e describad said corner being at the center o: Lorrer Afto� Rc�.d ancl i on the East lir.e of Section eleven (11)� To-.rnsh�.p t�.renty-ci�hc (28)s Ran�� �i tr;enf;y�t:ro (22)� Li:e�ce ;+ortherly alor�� the East line o� Sec�io:i elevea i� (11)9 �o:r?��}-�ip �;te_i�y-e3�ht (2f3)� R1nge thenty-two (22)� a c;isc-�_�c�: o: �j-- th.ee huz�d�ed tiuri;y (330) fee�� �hence '+Ies�� a dis�-:�:oc of t:�_•<�e P,��_^_dr�:�� i , ,.,. ._ �, - f .. � o ..,,.. -;: .... ..� i, t; er.L� ei„a;, und ei�;ht one-hundred�h.. (�23,C.,) ���,.s :.7c_•z cr �_:..,,. ;;o �.�c �; Wosi;er).y bot;rda�y of s4id one-quarter ( ) o�a-qu�r�e•r (-�) o_�e-q�.�.axt�� (5) f� • sec�io��� tizence Souc;� a dis�ar?ce of Lhree ha:�dred .t'r_i.ri;;/ (330) fe��t �.nd � theilee Eas=c a da.stance of t}Lee hundred terenv�-ei�h� and ei�;nt OriG- �-_ ,fn�.ndred�i:s (320.�3) �'ee� �ore or less to t'r.� 'p:tace o� bebinr:�r�vy e:�ce�i��=° �; _ ;���•;•,,'r.e 1�les� one h��r.d�ed six�y (�b;1� feet �hereoi f G.^,co:ding to the United ; ;,�-��Lates Governmen� Survey thereo�. . _ ; - r; ,_ � �. _,...�. Saint Paul. lVlinneaota ,....-.�, State of Minnesota � ss �` County of Ramsey ( Morto n B erland being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he • is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 1 pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so d scr' e�i Subscribed and sworn to be`for me ' this /5� day of - � ��� j _. Address: 38 Minnesota Buildin 9 g � r ,/ �� Telephone No. 224-3361 Not .ry Pu lic, R�m ey Count , Minn. � My commissioi� expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 i MARVIN GROVER LI�ID, Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1, 5/65 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commissjon Expires Sept. 16, 19Z7 _ ; _., ,_. _... q� - ^ P'�* '� ', / � � � �..'V'��l i���► r'q t�� --�--�-=---�- _.-��--_ ;� • • . , ^ , : '. , ' • A . EXHIBIT A The East one-quarter (E. 1/4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE 1/4j of 5ection eleven (11), Township twenty- �. eight (28), Range twenty-two (22), except a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said property hereinbefore described, said corner being at the center of�.Lower Afton Road and on the East line of Section eleven (11), Townehip twenty-eight (28), Range 'twenty- two (22), thence Northerly along said East line of Section eleven (11), Township twenty-ei�ht (28), Range twenty-two (22), a diatance of three hundred thirty (330) feet, thence Weet a distance of three hundred twenty-eight and eight one-hundredths (328. 08) feet, more or lesa, to the Westerly boundary of said one-quarter (1/4) one-quarter (1/4) one-quarter (1/4) section, thence South a diatance of three hundred thirty (330) feet and thence East a distance of three hundred twenty-eight and eight one-huridredths (328. 08) feet, more or leas, to the place of beginning, according to the U. S. Government 5urvey ichereof. ...,--_,...... �v��� �' � ���� _� �� � i� , r`� � � C�/ � � L� r;-la�r , y ���, Ct j��,'���1v�v+� � t P$�j. 119i.�n�'�1� ta ; � , #� . _ �/N.. �-� . , . . . F � _ . • , BO�RD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTIUN June 3, 1971 ^ _ r>L3t ��a� ��43 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � + �� passed August 22, 1922, sa amended to January 27, 1971. 7174 7144 - , '; tvn.'"1.: : Cardinal Investment Company 4459 -',:;';1 ''';�;'1');J . �X� Amendment C� :1PPe�1 ❑ }'ermit L__� �)ther X-1051 � .,��,,,�`�,; Rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial for tlie � construction of apartments and a shopping center ;,�i�.,�;��", ; ; Southwest corner of Lower Afton and McKnight Roads ���„ ,� y��,�I�,.j.�,�.j ; West 10 feet of the east 50 feet of the east 1/2 of NE� of NE'� of Sec. 11, T. 28, R. 22, except the south 350 feet and the north 362 feet thereof. . 1":<E5G;JT �;�1J�.PJ(;� "A" Residence �'�i?�y`,.,�:'�': i'�r `l.,anin� Code Chapter3 64 Section: .06 Par3:�raph: ,�i�r",I�f l !iv�`STIGA'II�N F R�f�'ORT� Date: 5/27/71 I3y; PLR A. 5UFFl�;IENCY: In a letter dated May 17, 1971, the Commissioner of Financc declered this �>etition sufficient with the owners of 2 of a possible 3 (66 2/3%) parcels having signed. B. HISTORY: The property adjoining this strip to the west was rezoned to Commercial on June 29, 1960. The east 50 feet was excepted from the rezoning because McKnight Road was scheduled to be opened with a right-of-way of 100 feet. When McKnight Road was opened, the right-of-way was only 80 feet, leaving this strip of "A" Residence land 10 feet wide between the Commercial zoning and McKnight Road. An application to install a 225-car parking lot for a 147-unit apartment complex adjoining this strip to the west recently received a recommendation of approval from the Board of Zoning and is now awaiting Council action. The applicant indicates plans to develop a ahopping center on the remainder of that parcel. C. PROPOSED USE: Thia petition declares the ��roposed use to be th� constru�•tion of apartments and a shopping center. Specifically, plans submitted with the parking lot application indicate a driveway proposed across this strip to McKnigt�t Road subject to the success of this petition. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: Thia parcel has a frontage of 10 feet along Lower Afton Road and about 620 feet along McKnight Road for an area of 6,200 square feet. E. AREA 70NING: The property adjoining to the west is zoned Commercial. A sizable tract about 200 feet north of Lower Afton Road is zoned "C" Residential. There is a "C-1" Residential District southwest of this site. The remainder of the area is zoned "A" Residential. F. COMPR],HENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the Commercial zoning at this site. It also calls for medium-density along the south side of Lower Afton Road and along the north side of a park adjoining tt�e north side of Lowe�- Afton R�ad. The Plan calls for both McKnight end Lower Afton Roads to be arterial streets . G. SITE CONDITIONS: This strip is vacant and below the grade of McKnight Road and much below the properties to the south. H. AREA CONDITIONS : Lower Afton Road and McKnight Road are wide, paved, arterial roads. Adjoining to the south are single-family residences; west is vacant land ; north is a strip of parkland and east in Maplewood is vacant land and parkland. 9. F30ARD ACTION: To RecoArtnend X� Approv�l � Denial Counci l Letter Dated : Moved hy , McPartlin Ye88 Nays 7/6/71 X Amea - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Mrs. Cochrane x Cochrane Hearing: X McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Maietta 7/8/71 X Mansur Council Action: Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 July 6, 1971 �c/���i.s Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of the Cardinal Investment Company to rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial for the construction of apartments and a shopping center, property located on the southwest corner of Lower Afton and McKnight Roads, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the June 3, 1971, Board of Zoning public hearing. The staff report on file was read which, in part, pointed out that this parcel consists of a 10-foot strip of land along McKnight Road which was not rezoned before since McKnight Road was intended to have a right-of-way of 100 feet, but sub- sequently received a right-of-way of only 80 feet. Mr. Mort Berland appeared on behalf of the petition and explained that this parcel would be used for an access driveway from McKnight Road to the area already zoned Commercial and approved for a parking lot. Mr. Merrill Robinson, representing the Association of St. Paul Communities, addressed some remarks to the general problem of high- density development in St. Paul. The Board noted that a permit for the parking lot associated with the apartment development adjoining this parcel was approved by Council that morning. They also noted that vacant land existed to the east of this parcel in Maplewood. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the petition. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5-0. Very truly yours, � PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR �'� Z. F. ��7174 (�l"� � �' O F���y E. Marshall �iT'' �,F Albe� e. Olsoe - f ° City Clerk and F°� P; Council Recorder Commissioner of Repiatration � � ` � s_I��_a�� :y� __ ��` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesotd 5510� �Y 18, 19�T1 Zoning Board, Co�erce B1dg. Gentleemen: The City Crnaneil referred to yo�a for reac�endation th� attacbed petition of Mortcm Berlaad aud Harold S}uar (A partnership) to rezone to Cc�o�rercial Distriet the follc�s�ing described praperty: � The �est 10 feet ef the east 50 feet of the east � of 1� of 1� of Sec. 11, T. 28, R. 22, except the south 350 feet and the acrth 362 �'eet therevf y located on the tne�et sicLe of McBnight Road bet�neen Lcr�ner AFton Rc>ad and I,cmdi� Rosd. n Very y+aura �� � C3ty lerk „ l� ������ I���� ��� l� !� l� i� u l� [� D [��A`{ 1 9 1971 CITY PLANNING BOARD Saint Pa!�I, hRinnesota � , ' �DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Courf House,55102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phons:223-�4646 May 17, 1971 To the Couneil City of St. Paul Gentle�en: I have checked the attached petition of Morton Berland sad Harold �hear (A partnership), filed in the natter of rezoning, The west 10 feet of the east 50 feet of the east � of NE� of NE� of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, except the south 350 feet and the north 362 feet thereof. The property is located on the west side of McKnight Road between Lower Afton Road and Londin Road, from a Class "A" Residence Di�trict to a "Co�ercial" District, and find that said peCition is sufficient. Yours very truly, �� p salie L. Butler �mmisaio;e Finance Re: X-1051 c.c. Mr. A�es N. R. Heiden Mrs. Butler Frontage: 100� I �i Parcels Eliglibe - 3 ���,��� ��LE � Parcels Signed - 2 Or 66-2/3� Needed - 2 or 66-2/3� �� � �j � �� 1�� � �� 1�, :�.j��� i�1 A`� �- `�� �,�� ��$;��� ����w �t � �o i � _ � �A R << � , �i � � l� wi0� LOt�"1E� AFTON ROAO ' ST�� a I � � opi�,�6 � ��t�o�s� � � � �,,t�� I � -- — � I � � i � � � � y Y � � v� � � �i � o ''� �' ' v �. I ��o�,5� �?R�,���aTs +� � v � v � � , '— — — — — — - - — — - , , � � i -0' � 1 . ��C� � � '. � � � � 1 � � '�,�. � c `�� � 4 O O v J` �I �� ' LONDIN E ' _ � o 0 ►' ' � � � � '� � , �,��-}(_I�����r: Cardinal Investment Company ��17�{�i� ' t��[�nOcc ; Rezone from "A" Residence LAND USE=� < < <- ����- to Commercial for the PRE�c;E.NT ZU(LIPvC : construction of apartments Q -OI�I FAMILY and a shopping center "A" Residence �(�. TWn F�MILY '�_ TI-�i�rE r-nn��i�Y PE".TI�{'ION SIGf�lCF�S: 2 of � �ossibl� 3 (66 ?/3i) - F�UR F�MILY E�'li_F.�' P�o, �1�4 � f��UL_TI-- f=AMILY ° '� n CUMM[_C�CI,'1!_ � � INDUS'il�f�aL NOR�'� "fi. �c��si �ic���s��;r�,� E�a��ci, t?atc� 5/26/71 ����� f'�c�t't:.�;'��ti' li�y (?l�r=�'�lu;�� . � MIN[T'PSS OF THE P'[TBI�ZC HEARING BEFORE THS BQARD OF ZONING on Thuraday, June 3, 1971, at 2:00 P,Ma PRESENT: Mrg, Cochrane, Measrs, Ames, Benshoof, McPartlin, Maietta� and Mansur of the Board; and Mr. Rosetter and Mrs. Frantzen of the ataff. CARDINAL II�II�EST'i�iT CQ�iPANY: petition to rezone from "A" A,esidence to Comaiercial for the constructio of apartments and a shopping center, property located on the aouthwest corne of Lower Afton and McKnight Roada. Mra Roaetter anmmarized the st ff report, a part of the file, stating thst in a letter deted May 17, 1971, t Co�mmissioner of �'inance declared this petition sufficient w�.th the owners of of a pr�ssf.ble 3 (66 2/3X) parcels having signed. The property adjoiniag this at ip to the weat was rezoned ta Coamercial on Juae 29, 1960, The east 50 fe t was excepted from the rezoning because MeRaight R�oad was scheduled to be opene wiCh a righz-of-vray of 100 feete When McKnight Rosd was opened, the right•of- sy was only 80 feet, leaving thia atrip of "A" Residence land 10 feet wide be ween Che Commercial zoning and McRnight R+oad. An epplication to inatall a 22 -car parkin� lot for a 147-unit apartment cmnplex adjoining this strip to the we t recently received e recomanendation of approval from the Zoniag Board and this morning received approval from Che City Couacil.. The applicant indic$tes plens o develop a shoppiug center on the remainder of that parcel, This petition de lares the proposed use to be the constructioa of apsrtments and s ahopping cent x. Speci£ically, pl�ns submitted with the parkiag lot applica�ion indica e a driveway proposed across thia strip to McRaight Roed aubject to the s ccess of this petition. Thia parcel has s frontage of 10 feet aloag Lowe Afton Road and about 620 feet along McKnight Road for �n �rea of 6,200 squs e feet. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the Commercial zoning at this site IC slsc� calls for medium-density along the south side of Y,ower Afton Road and along the north side of a parlc adjoining Lhe norCh aide of Lower Afton sd. The Plan calls for both McRnight and Lower Afton Roads to be srterial atr etsa Mr, Maietta asked what is east of this strip, Mr, F��setter replied it is vacant land, locat�d in Msplewood, Mr, Ames pointed out that the 25-c�r parking lat for the 147-uait apartment complex on the southern portio of this site was approved by Council this morningo The Zoning Board is rely concerned with a LO•foot wide atrip at this Cime. Appearing for the rezoning was Mr. Mort Berland, wha said the staff had explained the problem very well� Ae sai there will be one driveway there, and the Traffic Eagiaeer suggeated an additio 1 driveway be installed, He said there will still have ta be a 10-20 faot uadeve oped strip alon� McKni�ht R,�ad because of the slopes, so the 10 feet will Ise used for green areao He explained thar "A" Residential land cannot be us� for s drivewey for a camanercial development; therefore, they are attempting to rezone that 14-foot wide strip to cor.�nercial� Oa the origiaal rezoning all o the Iand was rezoned, However, thia was left aut because McKnight Road was schednled to be 100 feet wide, and it eventually was only 80 feet widea -13- . r � CARDINAL INVSSTMENT (�OPiPANY (6J3/71) (Continued�: Representing the Aesociation of St, Paul Comnunities was Mr, Merrill �obinson, who noted the Highwood Citizens Council has been concerned about e lerger issue that ia involved, He noted that apartment complexes are "eating up" lsad in the Battle Creek area, and he said he feels it was tragic that the City ever rezon�d thie land in the first place. Mra Benshoof left at this point. Mra Robiason continued thaC schools will be filled to overflowing before the apartments are even buflte These things should be conaidered in the overall planning, and Mr, Robinson said he keeps wondering how this fita into the overall planning for St. Paule With the concern over the envirotuaent that is finally being shown, he said he feels this is a great concern of the Zoning Boerd and City Council. Se said he wishes the City Council would listen to the Zoning Board more often so that there would be more conaistencyo He no[ed he would like to see St, Paul remain a suitable and desirable place in which to Iive. Mre McYartlin said that unfortunately the School Board does not consult the Planning Board abont anything; the superintendent uaed to confer with the Planning Board, but now they don't. He noted that the Planning Board used to advise them not to build such small schools, bec�use of the population growtha Mr, Robinson said the School Board has the same problem in regard to funda as every other City department has. Mr, McPartlin maved for approval of the petitian to rezone the 10-foot atrip of land, The motion was seconded by Mrso Cochranep and carried unanimously, Submitted by: Paul Lo Rosetter Robert L, Ames, Chairman -14• . • � P�TiTION TO B�ZONi ,' _'�y„'�"�` re�q eetition tot t�-#" en 81ed Z��stiA��° �re zane sa- 10 NE , ce • �' ,`� �. Ju ��� � n 11p e � an �r r � men �� am � � PD�d � "�€..Y': •��. . �ctty ���r . , (dune �. 1�'ti) .,; 7 . � City Clerk � • • 386 city flaii A CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Covrf Mouss 55102 June 25, 1971 File X1051, Page You are hereby notffied that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the CiC.y of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on July 8, 1971 on the petftion of Morton Berland and Harold Shear (A partnership) to rezone from an "A" Itesidence District to a "Coaxnercial" District the property described as follows: The West 10 feet of the East 50 feet of the Eas:t l/2 of NE� of NE� of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, except the South 350 feet and the North 3�2 feet thereof. The property is located on the West side of McRnight Road between Lower Afton Road and Londin Lane. ' Fox further infoxtaation, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To comply wfth the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of thia public hearing. If you have any questions, it is reco�ended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Carcarnissioner of Finance �O Ist � � � 2nd �� Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Be�. Carlson `��� �C�se� � '. .` 3 ��s �-� Levi ne -�e� Meredifih Mere� Sprafka ^ 'Sprafka � v Tedesco � edesco ,� Mr. President McCarty 'Mr. President McCarty O