255033 �-� — : o�sm•��o�a c� ORDINANCE �5��33 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO � � � _ � �_l� � � J �>\������ ����^�i ���,� �.,.��� � An ordinance am ndii� the Zdnin ode g 5 . Chapters 60 to 64, in�sive, of th . Saint paul Legislative Cod� ertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIf, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District to Commercial District, to-wit: That portion of the West '� of the � 5outhwest '� of Section 3S, Township 29, ' 'o . Range 22 described as follvws: Commencing �'n�� •`� at the point of the intersection of the ;' � East right-of-way line of �hite Bear Avenue ''= a and South right-of-way line of Old Hudson �'.- `o Road; thence southerly along the East right- _ :.� � of-way line of White Bear Avenue a distance - ¢ of 180 feet, more-or-less; thence easterly � a distance of 210 feet, more-or-less, par- allel to North right-of-way line of Inter- state #94 to a point; thence at right angles northerly a distance of 185 feet, more-or-less, to the South right-of-way line of Old Hudson Road; thence westerly along the South right- of-way line of Old Hudson Road a distance of 193 feet, more-or-less to the point of beginning. County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota; Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler �� Conway Levine In Favor Meredith Against Sprafka Tedeaco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� ` Form a�proved Corpor�i�on Counael By i � �r+i+�+��O�i��i!!� ORDINANCE �5�n�3 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � 2 situate on property located on the southeast corner of Wrhite Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. AU6 6 �9�t� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �}er ���n, , Conway n Favor � � � Sprafka � A gainat Tedesco Mr. Presid t cCarty) A v . ttest• City Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By pUBLISHEI) — _ - - ' a�u�s,so r�a� � � oR � rNANCE ��o� COUNCfL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ,� ��P �� ]�a ordinaace am�adinq the 2oainq Coc�e� Chaptexa 60 to 64, iaclnaiw, of the Safnt Paal Legiolativ� Code, partaini�g to Use Districts, 8eight Districts aad Rsaoai�q of certain properties ia tl�s City of Saiat paul, as amended. T� COtJ�CZL � THB CITY �+' SAIHT PAUL DGBS ORU�IZH: Section 1. TT�t t�he Zoniaq Co�, Chaptors 60 to 64, faelnsive, of t3u Safat paul Lsqialativa Code, portaiaiag to t�e Diatricts, Seight District� and 1�oai�q o� a�rtafa prop- erti�s in the City of Saint P�ul, as ai�sa+clod, be and th� sa�e ie b�ereby further aa�adad so ae to razon� the follawiaq dtr er3.bed propertp froo� "A• Resideace Di�trict to Caam►�rcial Diatrict, to-wit: �hat portioa of the Weat � of the Southv�nsast � o� Ssctian 35, Tovaahip 29, �t,anqe a2 dasaribad sa follc�rs: Co�aci�g at the point of the interseation of the � 8a�t right-of-way line ot �lhite Sear 7�venw and South riqht-of»�ray lin• og Old Hod�on Roadt tneace soutb�cly alonq the Rast riqht- of�rsy liae� of �hits Bar �►vea� a di�tanae o� 180 teet, mor�-or-le�as� theac� easterly � a diatance of 210 feet, more-or-ls��, par- a11eZ to 8orth riqh�-ot-tiray liao of Zater- stat�e #94 to a poiat� thanae at riqht anqles aorthsrly a distance of 185 ftet, r�or�-or-lass. .. to �he ionth riqht-of-wiy li� o� Old Hudso� $c�►dt thence weaterly along tha Sonth riqht- of-way lin� of Old 8udsoa �oa�d a distaacs o! 193 fe�t, more-or-le�s• to t2�e po3.nt of beginiiing. County of ar�sey State of Mian�sotaf Ye,aa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Counc>> Butler � ��Y T� Favor , . AoaAi„wt Spraflca Tedesco ll�r. President (MeCarty) Approved: Atte�t: City �:lerk . Mayor �� Form s�+pmv�ed Corpor��ion Couneel BY _ . � w n..u..s.a r:ma: 4 � ORDINANCE . � ��33 � COUNCiI HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO�� 2 aitnat� on propert� locateci oa tbe soutl»at � ot lfhite : Baar �►v�rna aad Old Sudsou �oa�d ir► the Citp of iaiut paul. S�ctioa 2. Thia or8ia�ace sba►11 tak� �tfe�t an�! b� in forca thirty (30) d�re fro�► as�d aftsr its Passaqe. aPP�� aad pvblitaatio�. . AU6 61971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Counci� B�e� �� � In Favor � � A$!A�118t s� T���° AU6 6 ���t Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: AttBet: City Clerk Mayor �� ` Form�a�►j�ro'�ed C�o�'Por�toa Counsal By __.... N � � _ _ . , , �J�°._� r; �,, �j'�� , BOARD OF ZONING, CIT�( OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 June 22, 1971 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Highland Inn, Inc. to rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial to construct a Texaco Service Station, property located on the southeast corner of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road, and noted in detail by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at their May 20, 1971, public hearing. The staff report was summarized by noting the zoning history of the site, area zoning, the recomanendation of the Comprehensive Plan (which ca11s for commercial use) , and the area conditions. Mr. Paul Johnson, representing the petition, stated that plans are to demolish the western half of the Lakes and Pines Motel establishment and build a service station. In discussing this matter, the Board expressed dismay over the amount of gas stations being developed along freeways and questioned whether they could be limited. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval since it appears to be a continuation of surrounding commercial use. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5-0. Very truly yours, - / � PETER J CiNTAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf PLR z. F. �k 717 0 � .,�..� ' �"��� C� � � O 'F�,sy s. Mars6all � ' �`T'' •,F� Aibert B. Olson � City Clerk and �°� � ', Councal Recorder Commissioner of Registration � ;;{�g� � . <. �_-�" � �.s �o OPFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS S8B City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Apr31 30, 1971 Zoni.�g Hc�aurd., Gc�o�erce Bl.dB. (�tlAm�e�: �ae Cityr C�mcil referr�Ct to y�q� i'or recc�r�datic� t�ae a�ta�ed petitien o�' �d Iru� to rezome t�e t'c�]1e�rir�g �escribed pscrpes�ty ta a Ce�mer�ia�l �3.striat: Thst gorticci at' the West � �1' ths � ot' 8ec. 35, T. �9, R. 22 des�s3bed a�s Pollcn�a: Cc�r�aing at t� point c�f tI� i�teree�tim of t�e Eaat �t//tATT li.�e ot White Herar Av+en�e �d �onth R/W ]3aecot �18. I�atdsv� Rc�ad; tl�encA S'ly. alaa6 the F�aet R/'NT Lia� �Y Nh3.te Bear Av+emu a distau��e � 18Q> P�et, �ore- or•leaa; tY�nae ��ly. a distaac� �� 21� fe;et, mc+re- or-lsas, �r�11e1 to �c�rth �/W 13ne cf Interstate �4 t� s paint; t]�ce at right ao�glee �T�].y. s distamu�cte ot 18g t'ee�, �ore-or-leeca, to tbe scruth R/i� lix�e si Ald �uda� Ac+�cl; thene� W+1T. alaa�g the 5cntth R�41 lin� ot' Qld I�tdaaa Road. a 8i�stairice oP 193 geet, �cre-cr-l.�ss t�+ the point of beg3.nnii►g► Cv�t1 e�t' R�y, 8tste �' l�i�es�ta. Yesy truiy' y+o�rs, � ����/� �� C3ty Cierk � ��� ���� � � � � � � � U �'� F,� d .- � ►_ � ,. d rn,�j• ;z i971 ClTY PLAf����iNG BOARD_ Saint PaGE, r�irnpso� O , � . - . ... . . , � ' - , � °� . - . ' CITY OF SAINT �PAUL, 'MINNESOTA . _ ,• � , PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'rERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ' �hb� a( 'Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: April 15 , 1971 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50°Jo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) See Attached Plat and Legal Description "A" and "B" from A. Res . nistrict to Commercial nistrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: ` (describe briefly the proposed facility) Texaco Gasoline Service Station RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: See Attached • "A" and Hi hland In Inc . "B" BY• Parce�ll and 2 Hi�hland Inn nc, Part of W /2 SW 1/� (Lying Easterly) By: ^ S 35 �. 29 R 22 exeept "B" 1 70 ld ud son �gs R o a d Cert. of T tle 237-395 L in Westerl Mobil Oil Co. E 19 ft. f SE 1/� u son R o a d B : �•� ����• S 3� T. 29 R 22 ��� - Lying North Shell Oil Co. Part L 5 B Hudson Road ardens exc pt B : Ea�t rl 1 �.0 feet from Corner State of Minnesota ( r�° � � � �'� ''� i� County of Ramsey � ss �\� �� �� ��� �y a� _ � � P.�::d?L OWEN JOHNSONb' eing first duly sworn, deposes and states that h is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of t w o a n d �ge��� that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me �`J�/�������t� this rj��_day of ���J�'7/ � Address: wen o n.don � �� � Telephone No. 7 3 5 2 3 0 Notary Publ.' , Rzmsey County, Minn. 1 8 7 0 O 1 d H ud s o n R o a d , S t. My commiss'on eapires Approved as to form 1/4/65 P a ul ORRIP� J. RICHARDS Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5f65 Notar� Pubii�, HenneFin County, Minn. My Commission Expires Mar.3l. 1976. ��`� � A� ��� •BOAR� OF ZOftING It$PORT AND ACTION _ May 20, 1971 T�13t ,�1ap �E42 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ` � !�� ' passed August 22, 1922, ae aa�eaded to January 27, 1971. 7170 Hi hlend I�rn Iac. 169U . . � ', . :�.,�"� :, �1;1'1I: . 8 . ''.�'��1T 1CATlc);d ; t.�.� qmendnMnt Q ApMal ❑ Permit ��ther X-1050 , ,,. ���; Rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial !� ° to conatruct a Texaco Service Station � i�'?<:,�";I'�t1 : Southeast corner of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudaon Road ,. i.,i , .., , �SCRIPTIO:! , See file 1':<i;:;i;r�'I' Z�t�itl';: "A" Re8ldence ' �"i.?:>�_;A;tT T� :'.oninp Cod� Chapt�rs 64 S�ction: .06 F�arac;raph: :�'!��.; ! 7 fJVESTI�ATION ,� REPORT: Dates' S/13/71 [3y s PLR A. SUFF]CIENCY: In a letter dated April 28, 1971, the Department of Finance declared t!iis petition sufficient with the owners of 3 of a possible 4 (759'0) tracts having signed. � B. HISTORY: Paragraph R� 9ection .03, Chapter 64 w�s added to the Zoning Code in 194 in response to a de�ire to construct a motel on thia site. The provision gives Council authority to pernl,4 the erection of a motel adjacent to or within one bloc� of a trunk highway. On'il0vember 21, 1947, authority was granted under this sectior r� allow the erection of a motel on this site. C. PKOPOSAL: The petitionet' d�clarea that a gaeoline atation is planned for thie areF , D. FRONTAGE AND AREA; The P�rcel, has a frontaae of 193 feet on Old Hudson Roed, 18U feet on White Bear Avenue, ,;end 210 feet elong the right-of-way of I-94. The area is approximately 18,480 eqwre feet. E. AItEA ZONING: The ather 3 corn�r• of the intere�ction of White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road ,re preeentl�►`�*d Comsercial. A Caamercial District exiata at Hazel and Old Hudson Road� and" south of the freeway "C" and "C-1" Residence Districts exist east and northeast.pf thi• aite. The cemaining land is zoned "A" Residence. F. �(7MPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Co�pr�hensive Plan tecoannends Commercial use on both sides oti White Bear Avenue south`of Old Hudaon Road. G. SITE CoNDITIONS: This eitf i• developed with the western helf of � cozy, comfortat and tidy motel with large evet�re�n� treee and other landscape items. The land elop bli�htly downward to the edit. It i• generally 3 feet below the grade of White Bea Avenue but does not drop is rq�idly from White Bear aa does Old Hudson Road; there- fore, it is about 3 feet •bove the grade of Old Hudeon Road at the eaet propertv li Ei. AkEA CONDITIONS: Gas atatiOn� exist at the other 3 corners of this interaection. This site is bounded on the south by the west-bound off-ramp of I-94; on the east by the continuance of ta!"�eaisting motel. Northeast acroas Old Hudson Road are single-family reaidencea and an apartment building. �r 9. BOARD ACTION: To Reconunend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by , Maietta Yeas Nays 6/22/71 Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Benshoof x Cochrane Hearing: x McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Meietta 6/24/71 X Manaur Council Action: x Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel City Clerk 38b City flall CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 June 11, 1971 File X1050, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House fn the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on June 24, 1971 on the petition of Highland Inn to rezone from an "A" Residence District to a "Commercial" District the property described as follows: That portion of the West 1/2 of the Southwest I/4 of Section 35, Township 29, Range 22, described as follows: Commencing at the point of the intersection of the East right-of-way line of White Bear Avenue and South right- of-way line of Old Hudson Road; thence Southerly along the East right-of-way line of White Bear Avenue, a distance of 180 feet, more or less; thence Easterly a distance of 210 feet, more or less, parallel to North right-of-way line of Interstate 94 to a point; thence at right angles Northerly a distance of 185 feet, more or less, to the South right-of-way line of Old liudson Road; thence Westerly along the South right-of-way line of Old Hudson Road a distance of 193 feet, more or 1ess, to the point of beginning. The property is located East of White Bear Avenue between Old Hudson Road and Highway I-94, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recammended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance 55 � r • a ` � P�TITIO�T TO �S76DY� A �� � '��� ing + p, St. . etc.:`�IA,:: io m t�� d ;,� � �• �4 � �Y 4 Q � �$ IIII or 1 �I� �r �ffi�` i ,,_ e1�' III or 1��. � Lsne �w °i �� � i�li � o� 392 9,, � 1�, et o� � � i� i ll�o �an+� �rela klone I � ,if�` , t. * Z*let1[. ' . tJune 1!. iS7I) 1 .� , , . � MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HL�P,RIl3G BEFORE THE BQARD OF ZONING ' on Thursday, May ?0, 1971, at 2:00 P,bi, PRESENT: Mrse Cochrane, Messrs. Benshaof� McPartlin, Maietta, �nd Mansur of the Board; and Messrs� Brown and Rosetter, and Mrs., Frantzen of the staff. HIGHLAND ?NN. II�iCo: A petition to rezone from "A" Resideace to Commercisl to construct a Texaco Service Station, property located on the southeast corner of White Bear Avenue and Old Audsan Roade Mr, Rosetter suunaarized the staff repnrt, a part of the file, stating that in a letter dated April 28, 1971, the Department of Finance declared this petition sufficient with the owaera of 3 af a posaible 4 (757.� tracts having signed, Paragraph R, Section .03, Chapter 64 was added to the Zoning Code in 1947 in xesponse to a desire to construct a motel oa this site, The provision gives Council authority to permit the erection of a motel adjacent to or within one block of a trank highwaye On November �1, 1947, authority was granted under this sectioa to allow the erection of a motel on this siteo The oCher 3 corners of the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Old Audson Road are presently zoned Comm�ercial, A Commercial District exists at Iiazel and Old �iudaon Road, and souCh of the freeway. "C" and "C-1" Residence Districts exist east and northeast of this siCe. The remainfng Land is zoned "A" Residence, The Comprehenaive Plan recommends Cosmmercial use on both sidea of White Bear Avenue south of Old Sudson Road, Gas stations exist at the other 3 corners of thia intersection. This site is bounded on the south by the west-bound off-r8mp of I-94; on the east by the continuance of the existing motel. Northeast acrosa Old Hudson Road are single-family residences and an apartment building. Upon a quesCion by Mre Maietta, the petition's repreaentative, Mr. Yaul Johnson, noted that part oftthe motel units will be torn dowa and that the State took one strip of land which makes it less desirable for motel units. Ae said this ased to be called the "Lakes and Pines Motel"; the uni,ts closest to White Bear Avenue will be destroyed and s screen of trees would ahelter the gas station from the remsining motel units. The swimning pool and parking lot would remain, He showed an aerial view of the site to the Board. Mro Mansur said he is opposed to gas stations altogethero If there is no opposition present, Mra Maietta said he thinks thie gas station would be a continuation of use; perhaps the demand is for more gas stationso Mr, McPartlin noted that along freew�ays, Commercial uses develop more and moree Since he feels this is a continuation of ase, Mr, Maietta moned for approval of the petition �o reaone. The anotion was aeconded by Mr4 �Benshoof, and carried unanimously. , Mr. Mansur pointed out he feels the Planning Board should iasue some statement as to policy in regard to service stations. Submitted by: Paul Lo Rosetter Robert La Ames, Chairmaa -14- CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'TERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of tho uses permitted under the new clasai- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Pleaso type or print) Date; TO THE HONOftABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative C�ode, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet oP the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�, or more of the f rontage to be reclassified� petition your Honorable Body to rezone_. the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) from District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: � (describe briefly the proposed facility) REGORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: A. Parcel l & 2 Highland Inn, Inc . Part of W /2 SW 1/4 (Lying Easterly) By: S 35 T. 29 R 22 Cert of T tle 237-395 B. Lying Westerly Mobil Oil Co. E 19 ft. f SE 1/� By : S 34 T. 29 R 22 C, L inr Ivorth Shell Oil Co. P rt BY � West rl 1 4 0 feet from E Corner _ • ,,� . • . Lying North Easterly 17 97 Ol d t{udson Road � Ov��ned by M i chaet and Ca rol Krey County of Rams��y, S ta tE ot M t nne�sota Part of Lot 5 �nd par� of 5otit�i 50 feet of Lot 6_ Lying Easterly of a line running frorn an angle point on the South L i n� of sa i d Lot 5 to a poi nt on ti�e �Jorth 1 i ne of the South SQ feet of sa i d Lot 6, 81 ocl: 5 , and 13�+ .07 � feet 1�,es terl y f rom the NE corner of sa i d 50 feet. Hudson Road Gardens � We consent to the attached Petition of Highland Inn, Inc. � - p �� � ] Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of. April , 1g71 ...-.w,..._, ZO�IIlIVG ��L� `��'�? /�� ����� �'' �� ORRfN J. RICN RDS � Notary Public, Hennep County;1Dfir7n. My Commirsion E�ir s r.3 76, � I . - �^ � � • ' , , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,5b102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-46�46 �lpril 28, 1971 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentleaen: I have checked the attached petitiou of Highl�nnd Inu, filed in the matter of rezoning, that partion of the West � of the Southwest � of Section 35, Township 29, Range 22 described as follows: Commeacing at the point of the intersection of the East right-of-way line of White Bear Ave�ue and Soath right-of-way line of Old Fludson Road; thence southerlq along t1�e East right-af-way line of White Bear Avenue a distance of 180 feet, more-or- less; theace easterly a distance of 210 feet, nore-or-less, parallel to North right-of-waq line of Interstate #94 to a point; thence at right angles northerly a distance of 185 feet, more-or-less, to the Sot�th right-of-way line of Old Hadson Road; thence westerlq aloag the South right-of-way line of Old Hudson Road a distaace of 193 feet, e�ore-or-less to the point of beginning. Cout�ty of Ra�seq, State of Minnesota, from a Class "A'� Residence District to a "Commercial" District, aad fiad that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, 'ht2�-�-C��j'���'.�.'ti..``-�X salie L. Butler Com�issioner of���.�nce� %, �-G.r�� Re: X-1050 c.e. Mr. A�aes I�. R. Heiden - - ._._ .�_. _. . __. .. _._._..__ «--.-_..�., ..,.�...---_._._ Mrs. Butler ����„�:��z�� '��`� � ���.� .�.LL._ Frontage s 100� �""�°' Parcels Eligible - 4 Parcels Signed - 3 or 75� Needed - 3 or 66-2/3� �O , � �,� � ill I , - � � , � v � � � � � __. __ -- _ , � --- _ F L A N , —I � , � � � i -� --- I < ' i I � , � � _� o _ o i �---' Q �—' � o 0 ' ! � � �--- -- . � i � � � o ---° , �, � o 0 i i ,r•�-.r-_• __ Q - ' I � � � Q � �-- --^- - --- _� .I ----_- _ _ .__ _ i `J � � _ _. ----- __._ r_ __ _ I ► 3 -- — I � � _ � , < U i I� � 3 � I �! � --- � � � O O O 3 � �• � � •!� � I I I I A � �', � � � � � ► � � ��i � � ` I ` I � i D li i U � � 'v ; � b � ► i o ' o ' o o � o �► o ' o ' o 0 0 . r . � �, : i ----- --- - - �_ - -- - - _ ____---------- --- - -v,/W�T�. -_ �5�►R:-- --__ Av�.— —� , :; ;� , ; ; , o 0 0 0 0;' 0 0 oi �� I I,,�� � I - � ' � ii �, � �, . , � � � i O � � � �,i'' ''� �,"; C '� � �` I, I —L- � I ,�� � . 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