255027 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ., � ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. � OFF�CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the City Council hereby concurs in the action of the Gontract Cominittee in the award of a contract for furnishing al1 labor� mat�ials znd equipment n�cessary or incidental to the PAINT- IMG AT HAMLINE BRANCH LIBRARY, 1458 Minnehaha Ave. W. , HAYDEI� HEIGHT3 BRANCH LIBRARY, 1435 Wl3ite Bear Aven�e� ST. ANTHONY PARK BRAbiCH LI- BRARY, 2245 Como Avenue and CENTRAL LIBRARY, 9� W. Fourth Street for the Department of Libraries� and �ivic Buildings to CA36I DEC(3RATORS, INC. , for the contract price of' $4,8�5.00, as a result of Inforinal Bid #1921 and the speeifieations incorporated therein. Casci D�co- rators, Inc. being the 1owc�st responsibl� bidder under th� specifi- cations and the Gorporation �ot�nsel is hereby directed to dr�.ft the proper for� of contrzct sr�d obtain the necessary performanc� a�nd gayment bonds. The p�a�op�r City officials are hereby authoriz�d to execute said contract on b�half of the City of Saint Paul. APPRQVED: THE CONTRACT COP+Il�ISTTEE CORPO I�N CO S C SSIONER OF LI RARIES & VI� CAPP ED AS T ORM) BLDG5. _ _ . - � _? C ROLLER DE . PURGI�ASIN AG TERMS: �96-30 days � Job #71s74 �to d� ; 0¢ II - ��4 ��a-- JUL 21 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Butler ` Z a ��,� �_ � pro 19— �'�- ��n Favor Meredith , / Sprafka V or � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty ��� 2 41971 7/9/71/mh PUBLISHED ��