254991 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � � . 25�99� CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATE �tE�4LVED� That the City Ccuncil hereby cor�curs in the action of ttie Purchasir�g Committee in the awa►rd for furnisMing and dmlive=inq PL�A►YGROUND EQtJIPMENT for the 8epartmcnt of Parks� Recreation & Public Building�� Saint Paul, Minn�sota� as follows: , Z'O G1�►ME T�ME, INC. _�._.`._ 6 G�ae �'im� No. 148 - Saddle�ate Swings 8� hiqh ......... .... f374.00 ea. 6 Game Time �To. 660 - Swinginq Gate ....... 49.00 ea. 6 Game Tiwe No. 19 - WY�.i.r1 ... . .. . ........ 298.00 ea. 6 Ga�me Time No. 203 - �uck-A-Bcut, w/2 ponies & 2 donkeys .. 349.00 �a. for the cost af . .. .. . . .. .. .. . ........ . .. . . ...t5,892.00 Terms: -2-� 30 days in $ccord with the specifications on �'Qrmal Bid #4636 the award bei.ng made to the lowe�t re�ponsible bidder a�eeting specifieations. � Form�i Bid #4636 R__ec���„�o. Codet APP&OVED: TM� PURCHASING COMMITTEE 1�— CIB9771-8�8-003- 1593 CIB9769-808-010 1596 CZB9769-808-�12 1599 CI899?1-8U8�003' 1602 CIB9769-808-018 1605 �IB9771-808�03- APPROVED: AS TO FORM C PTROLL .�rr ��� , � �ORP , 0 S GHA II�J DEPUTY . JUL 21 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council " 19— Yeas Nays But�er JUL 22 197�1 7�i� Conway � A rove —19— T.u�vi n��! __In Favor Meredith Sprafka V yor � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty 7/14/71/mh PUgLISHED_�l�.4 197� ��