D001148White - City Clerk pic�Y _ - Finazue Dept .. Ca�iaz'S` - DePt City of Saiut Paui i OFFICE OE THE MAYOB ADbIlNISTRATIVE ORDER BIIDGET REVISION C an e AD111IIdISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the suthotity g[anted to fhe Ivfayor in Section 10.07.4 ofthe City ChaAer and based on the request of the Director of the DepaNnent ofExxutive Admi�dstration to amend the 1996 budget ofthe C,ene`al fund, the Director of the Depa�tment of Finance and Management Services is authoirzed to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Bud�et T_2 001-0159 - Ol l I - FROM: �-00158 - Ol I 1 - Acfivity Manager $241,003.77 $390,512.64 R qu sted by: Department Director $6552.'74 ($6552.74) No:�� I { Date: "�_r �—] �`T ) �mended BndgM $247,556.51 $383,959.90 d�'� �`-`�-'�--�1 A ved by: Ma}ror Date: 2-1a-�'(�.- . DEPARTMLNTlOFFiCF/COUNCB,: DATE INiTiATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 40105 (?L�ce of Human Resources Ol/31/97 ` CONTACTpERSONBPHONE: � �'IITIALDAT$ � PII1W/DATE 7ohn Hamilton 266-6470 ass�cx nErnxra�rrr n�. 31'� s cm coinaca �gg,R CITY ATTORNEY cm c ! vRK Sf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL7 �A ���'� DIR. FiN. � MGI. SERVICE DIR. ROUTRIG Me110R(ORASSf.) 4 flNANC£/ACCOLiNTING ORDER TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGFS I {CLIPALLI.00ATIOATSMIRSIGNAYURE) ncnox x�uFSr�u: Move salazy dollazs from activity where staffwas budgeted to the activity where staffwas paid. RECOI.�ASENDATTONS:Appove(A)arRejed(A) PERSONALSERVICECONTRAGTSMOSfANSWERTHEFOLLOWIlVG QUFSfIONS: _PLANNINOCOMb4SSION _CIVIi.SERVICE COa�ASISSION 1. Hastpapwsm/fcmavcwnicedundcaomtr+c[farihisd�7 CIB COMMt77EE Yo No _STAFF _ 2 Flntfiispemodficmeva6emacityet�byee? DIS7RICf COURT Ya No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OBJECITVE? 3. Da� flris pasm/Emi possvs ask7l mt m�mally posvesaed by a[ry aureat city employeel Y� No Eiplalm all yes foswen on aepYlste f6ed and atfach fo =�eea sLeN INITiATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPYORTUNI7'Y (Whq Whay Wkc� W6ere, WLy): S3I3T1C5 UUdgCtP.d lIl d1ff8iCllt 3CYtV11y T.�1N1 }1CI'SOIl SS actually being paid. nnv,►rrracES � nrrxovEn: Activity salaries will show accurate spending. ISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: ntsanvarrrncES � xos arrxovgu: HR budget will not reflect spending accurately within activities. TOTAL AMOUNf OF TRANSACfION: 56,552.74 COSf/REVENUE BUDCETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ALTIVITY NUMBER FIIiANCUIi, INFORMATION: (E7CPLA17� _' J /� �1 i.� RECEl1lED FE8191997 CITY CLERK �