254944 � r Y . .� �NTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na � . By File No. � g�2 ��...In_.�.e.Mst�-Qf_ __ _. .- - - _._T_ __ _ , reconatructing tha sidavalk �.a r.si�� witti ititearal stirb aad sidevalt oa the Mest side `f s�th �,}asha 3trset,�r� D�loa �treat t� Isabel Street ' together �ith all areaaa�s, coal-holes, trapdoors, tnanels and oth�r undergrannd fscilities of ev►er� description aed pravided that all peraits heratofore granted by said City af St. Paul for the iastallation and/or maintenanae of sach area�ra�s, coal-holes, trapdoors, tumiels and other undergxoasd facilities of every deacxip- tiaa will be and the ame are here�by re�roked unlesa aaid areaways, coal-holns, trapdoors, tnnaela and other nndergrouad facilities of every description ara rec,oastructed by said per�ittee aa or before a date Mhich is 90 days aftar the date of final approval of this order; and that, furthsr, the I�epartnent of Pnblic Yorks, tihrough its Cl�ief Engineer, is bereby authorized aud directed to fiil in ' and resove sucL areanay�r, coal•holes, trapdoors, tuanels and other nndargronnd facilities of every description, the p�rsitteea of which areavayu, coal-hales, , trapdoors, tsnnels aad ather nnderground faailities of every description fail to reconstruct the aama to t6e satisfaction of the Cit� Bngineer on or before tha � abcwe mentianed date e�acept �rhere good and safficient poared sideaalks nair exist. _ _ _ __ _ _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommenda is _ . ,;�------------- - -__— -----— . -- _ _ _- — -- — ;� to '�strnct tLe siiw��t -- � tog . vith all area�s�; �oa -holea, trapdoars, tnuaels �md other onnd , faci ies of e�er� desert�pt#.an am+d �resvided tbat all pertit� heretofore granted by aaid�'City of St. Paul f�Me iastailatiaa and/or waintenance of snah are�a�s, coal-holes, �rapdoora, tu�nn�ls nnd other undergronnd facilitias of averp descrip- tian will bn and tLe sa�e are bereby revoked mnless said araa�rays, coal•holes, trapdeors, tunnels and mtber underground facilitiea of every desaription are reconstructed by said p�rmi.ttee o� or before a date ahich is 94 days aft�r tbe date of final approval of this ords�r; and that, fnrther, the Hepartment of Pnblic Works, through ita Chief Engineer, is here�� axthorized aad directed to lill in anal re�wve such areanays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels aad oth�r undergrmnnd �ential facilities of every description, t}ae pernittees of �ich areanays, coal-holea, rcial trapdoors, tunnels and other �nderground facilities of every descri�tivn fail to grb � recanstruct the same to the satisfaction of the City 8agineer on or before the vall� abmre mentioned date ex�cept Where good and snfficient poured siden�alka naN exi.t. E ���, la�1 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.1VI., iri the Z;ouncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL � 4197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas t�UTLER�Nays �U� 1 4 19�� �'��''}- Gahiv,¢Y Approve LEVINE MEREDITH � SPR/',fKA Tn Favor TEDESC� or Mc���,oRTY �g�nst JUL 17197� �1 PUBLISI3ED