254935 ORIOINAL TO�CITY CLlRK 25�935 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCa NO. �' OFFIC O THE CITY CLERK CO L TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Roger M. CrOY1WaSl' COMMISSIONE " ATF WHEREAS, The final, costs for the Worcester-Morgan Relief Bewer Pro�ect, C�ptroller'� Co�tract L-719�+, h�ve been detez-m3ned and, Wf�FyAS, Upon final allocat3.on of funds Pramo which the Qbove 3mprovement was to be paid, it was found that the amc>unt origiaally set up for its fin�e,neix�g is insufficient to meet the fin��. eosts and that an ad.ditiona3. aawwzt of $18.33 w311 be required, therefore be it, RE�SOLVED, That the amount of $18.33 be applied frorn the City's shaxe of Local Tmprovement Fund Oy20-�+61 (1969) to finanee the additional cost of the abov� improvemeat. s-131g �M �, V � Ass . Co nse� � � JUL 141971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ,�UL 1 � 19� �^ App v 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka �/ or A gai3lst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty .J U L 1 7 �971 PUBLISHED �� DUPLICATt�MtIN7tR . . �r���,��Y�!�l1,. ,. , � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� �0 � '�%�% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .���.� COMMISSIONEt � x' Q� DAiE �� � �'�� �� t�' �� �f����a �� s�ll�' �h�s'��, Ca�'I�x'OS1�l�• C�t L.'�►� 11in 1MS ��+t �� 1�, � lia�l, �il+eeati+oa 1� 11y10i !!��► nh�eh 1�r a�nrM !a�'ov�r� tw►i1 tie w pai!!, i1� �a l�Ild 1� 1�a rllist �tl�irl�j � t� !Mt 11ur tit�t�sit� ir isn�l�S+�rt f� � � !l�a1 Mstr �at � +W1 �iiiSl+eMiat � oL' �.� ttlSi w1 r�ds�M� iM�rlee� irr it� . �t�llm l�ati t1N a� ��'9� (�1���,tl,M!'!w� 1� �,� ab�w �!' twMaf ]�e�r+wat �'M�d �) �s M�t� � a� i� �1�rw !a/en�n�tt. h?�.9 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��UL 14 1971 18_. Y� xa� ./� JUL 141971 Butler ' � • Appmv� 19_ �°�e ir Favor Meredith Sp� p ��°r Tedeaco A S'��gt Mr. President, McCarty ���