254927 ORIGINAL TO CiTY CL6RK ��;C�.-• CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti�E NO. COUN L RES TIO ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE � qTE �EAS, The Council ot` the City of St. Paul haa approved oa May 5, 1971, a Preliminary 4rder, �. F. T�o. 253918, instit�rting �onde�na- tion proceedings to aequ3xe certain lands and esas�ents for the ope�ting, xi.dening, and expanding the int�rseetion of E. Maryland Aveuue at �'aekson Street; there�ore� be i� RESOLVED, That in aecoreian�te �ri�h Ordinanae No. 138�1� C. F. �o. 237�U5, a,pproved Mareh �0� 1968� the Commi�sioner of Fina�ee is hereby authorized �o hire� retain and a�p3.oy �. Yincent Dolan, Realtor' for the purpose o� appraising real prop�ty to be acquirtd for the opetni�g� xideni�g a�d ex,pandir� the interse�t3.on of E. l�aryland Aven�e a�� �'aekeon ' Str�et as d�scribed in C. ��. No. 2g3918, approved May 5, 1971, inc�orpo- rated herein by refer�enee� aa�d the te�rns and conditions of the appra,isal assigrnaent being more i"ta].ly set forth on document designated Apprai�al Assignment Ro. 143 on file in the office of the �amptroller of th� City of Saint Paul. �ORM Ap r on �'��+ psst• r JV� �� � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Butler J U L 14 1911 �� 1� prove 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor 'v A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty JUL 1 71971 ,�1..;:iiL�D �� � �I/AbNUwLICA7r TO DLtARTMRN'/ . �y �� � � ' C:ITY CJ� Sr. PAUL couNCi� ����I�+ / . -' . 4�FICE QF TH� CITY CLERIC ���� NrJ. CC?UNCIL RESC)LUTION---G�NERAL FORM ►Kes�Nrca Mr caMMiasi6N�� _- n�re_..._� .�_ .�._..,_�.�... ..,... ........�.�„�.�.-�-w- ._.._..,...�....._.�..w.._..__�_.,_.,�__..� ......�:.�..,.....�..:.a..�,_...�....�a »,� ...�,:W,.�..w.����..._.W...._..__,.�.,��._...._�... ,..__..�v.�__.._... ..___..�..__.__.._._.___.___�_._._...�..�.�....._._._..,�.�..W.e W�q`��i�,� �o �a�,c�3 c��' ��� +�i'��/ c�' t�t. ��yu1� h�►a ��prc:�r�d on M�y "�I� ;�..�.R�� � �+"�'$��1�.T�"�f �"f�$�"» M� �r �Clr '��.:�.'��4�� �l�t'i�.�11�'u�.11� �.`(:+1,'1�,1l�'1�l'° t�o� �����,��� 1�c� e+��tatl� c��t�,9�t� Ji�►c�e �r,� �.��e�a�,n�s tr�rr th� c���• w���i�� ���! ������� �,��, fa�e�+�a�ttc� ait E. M�rylsud /tY�rm�r► �►t J�ck�cr� t��x�e�� ���rtarit, �+� �,t Z����}�,VE�a ',�i�� i.�t ��t�r��z� �rit� +D�c�3.�an�� �o. .13��1. C. �'. �'rr. �3�'���, a�ra�`+��1 �Z�,ir�� f��,� l�f;,� !��� Cr,�►����,�n�ar ut �°iru�nce i� h��r��sy a�t���;��,M�t °�rr h��r�r, �o'taip� �x�d �a��.c�y �. Vi��r�t 1��1�.a, It�.l�c�a, Fanr tta� �t��a +��" �;���r���i� �ac�, �r��,�rty tr� �re a��quir� t�r. th� cp+e�xin�� ������� ��.�...� 4�Q� �����������:� � a'Jr 3'iR��jlii JR'���� �i4 Y��.A��� � . ��i�"�'i 1til� �Ib�itC.`X`�.�� �Y� �"a. �'. ,�4'!, s�»:���+Tli �'�?�'G�4i� ,� �� �.��� �$Cq�?G7w �'��'� �9l�'l1�� '�,�f' ,9C1����1°+1�$1'��� AY� �i�0 '�i�.11 � �'tUTlC,��,f'i�G?�rl Cl�' t.�'t101 1ik�2"�11t�.11�l.�. ����ti�q� ��l9,.�'� �arc��r t�t�.ly' �w� 7tc�th at� docum�nt Q.+rai�auted ltp�ai��. �a�l��r�,�ta�� �ta. 111� ot� #'�;1� �� �lr+� e��x�c�r ��' tl��a Ceeptralx�r s�f the� !�i��r �t ���`� ;��iu�. �dUNCT�M.LN Adoptec� by the Council��,�.�. �� 19� `X"oan �'Ay�a z�ut�c�r , � JUL 14 ����d `� ' fG�`�''C�'.�J`°� Av�rorr�___- �la...� ��QV��A �Yn I�'nvor ��r�id��l� �_ ���ro��C�sa �'a�►or � ...�..w.�,.W....Ay�uin�t � � '1'��lc��up ���Y'� `�� r���'�����l���' �':,:j : 11�r. I'�u�l�lc�nt, M�G��r1;y ��,� �f a�� �a.'`? ..�.. :���I '{� ��; '1 I r�l�� �..(�1rya � � � �� � �_ ��� t.,.:1'i��'w..;�..:,...V.-..��..,�,.,�.;.:.:�t. ^��(� ,�, � . . ,