254920 s � �� �� � ['� L!��1 OR161N/(1i TO CITY CL6RK � �� '. .�J�i1 i.�t f� • CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� NO. r � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATP �. RESOLVED, That the items on Council File No. 254234 be and are herebq rescinded because Market Ford Sales has ceased doing business and has assigned its sales coimnit�ments pursuant to Council File No. 254234 to Town's Edge Ford. Town's Edge Ford has formally agreed to honor the aforesaid sales commit�ments at the prices originallq submitted by Market Ford Sales. BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby authorized to purchase the following for the Department of Public Works, Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota from TQWN'S EDGE FORA - One - 24,000 Lb. G.V.W. Truck , Ford Model F600 Truck Chassis W/Gar Wood Body � Hoist . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,302.00 Less total trade in allowance of . . . . . $ 510.00 $ 5,792.00 Three- 8,000 Lb. G.V.W. Pick-Up Trucks, Ford F350, @ $2,827.00 $ 8,481.00 Less total trade in allowance of . . . . . $ 1,000.00 $ 7,481.00 total amaunt of contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,273.00 in accord with the specifications on. Formal Bid ,�4517 ttae award; being made -��e the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications. Eormal Bid #4517 Req'n. Nos. 054$, OS51 Code: 2235-803 ��� APPROVEU: AS TO FORM APPROVED: THE PURCHASING t�4tI1T8S ��� CORPORA N COUNSEL CQ LLER �� � PURCHASING A COUNCILMEN Adopted by t e Council �U< � 3 �i �j_ Yeas Naya Butler �11''�1�1,1, Ap o �� 14 �97� 19— �e�-- - Levine ��n Favor Meredith � Sprafka � or A gainst Tedesco j Mr. President, McCarty •. ,�'`c`` � p��D JU1. 17187a � �:.E� � � 7/2171/jp/Pranke � =s�.-� 1 � l� �� � JulY 13� 1971 P�•. i�a.r�iel A. K1as Corporation Counsel Bui idin�; L�ear Sir; `lThe Ci�y Coeulcil today adoptecl the z�ttached reso7.ution� C.F. 25�g20, �wardir� cantract to Towr� E1�e b'ord for certa�in vehicles. Comsr. Tedesco voted to approve the resolut�.on but indicated lie would like a legal opinion on the legality of not re-'biddin�; the entire matter. Very truly yours, - City Clerk n�;