254917 9rlainal to City Clerk - � ORDINANCE . �4- ;'����'7 ;;__;...� COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ' �� ORDINANCE NO. � � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsib�.lities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the followi.ng title, and specifications for Auto Body Repairman Helper . t ,_ ; , .. -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By - � � w - n.�.�.rsi.ar . . � ORDINAN' CE n COUNqL FILE NO �� `'`��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Aa ordi�aaes an��radi� Ordiaasee No. 760T. �itl�d: � „1� er�ia,sa.c• � t�e �fas a�d rsspoas�b�liti�a aad t�s miaimsm ��slificstie�►s tor the �rari�s e3sss�s af � . positioa�s i�t tha Clsssified S�sties o�th� Ciat�,u sppso�red Febrosr� 13, I935, ss sa�ded. TIi� CQIINC�IL OF THE CITY QF SAII�1'� PA�L I�C?LS 4�D1l�: Seetiaar 1. 'T�t 4rdia�e� No. ?60Y, spp►ra►irod Ftl►i�sas� I3, 1935. sa sna��l. bs a�d th� sam� is �ter�irf ftrtl�r s�a�ed b� isssrl�ias i�t iia Propes slp�+eal orde: �t i�llo�is� titt�,, aa�i spsciScatia�s tos 1l.a�o Bcrd� ��d;rma�a 8slper _i_ Yeas Councilmen Nays Paet�eed by the Coun�il Butler ��OII Tn Favor Levine Meredi�h Aro�� Sprafka Tedeeco - Mr. Pr�ident (McCarty) Approved: Attest: � City Clerk Msycrr �� Farm a�p�oved Corpor�tion Counsel By _ rOriQinal to City Clerk . • � , ORDINANCE �;:,j..�.�i��7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO '"� �' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3r ,lUL 28 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �/� ' / �� In Favor Levine Meredith � b A gainst sprafka JU L 2 $ 1971 � Tedesco r. President cC ) App tt � ,�� � �'�k�._ C' Clerk ayo � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �us �-1�1��1 l� . � a�..a a r,�.ae 1 � � � ORDINANCE 25�g�1`7 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / � "'°� Ssc�iaa 2. Tbis ordiaa�sc� si�a11 #ake ��ct aad be ia f�orc• th�tsl� dsTs si!t+�r its paasa�e, appro�al, aa�pabliestiaa. �� � � �� � � � �3_ . �u� 2 a �s7� Ye�s Councilmen Nays Paaeed by the Co��nci1 Butler �� n Favor Meredith � �� �u� 2 a 19�1�� Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Att�t: City Clerk MaYvr �� �: . Form a�roved Corpor�tion Counsel By . ' Ti�:rl� of cl.ass:: � , ,`���;'� �,R'�Y'�;!�._�_.� �•. �,�,�rT(7 �3�I?Y REP1�F�vIA�� ��'�LP�:R D►�ti�s and r�s�or�sik��.li�i���. v'ndez� �uger��-�.sion, ta assist in rep�iri.ng and repaan��x�g �t�.t�mo�,i�v� �nd ��-uelc bodi.es and £enr]�rs„ and �o pexfarm rela;.�d work as a�si�n�d� Eac�mpl�s of warl� pexforrned° �n the �ap�.ci�y of a l�arnerw�- To rem��� d�nts in ::�u�omob�..� azxd �ruck bod:�es ;�z�d f�nd�r�� '�fl f�,l�, �rindb and s�.n�l d�n��.d or scra�tch�c3 are�s on acatbm�laxle and trutik bc�da�� anv ��nders� To re��ax��� dc:n•:i�d or ��ra��hed �r�as on au�omo}�ifle ax:d �ruck b�dY�.� nnci �end�rs,. ia w�ld bady pas•�s, axxc3 rcpl�.c� vvi�•� nR�� p.�s�ts svh�zx xnecessary. Ta s�raigh��n �nd rep��r mincr fr�me damaga, `Co �orx���.a duar a1��nmena, Tcs r�paar or x�pla�� dacrr ic��ks; T+� fz� glc�s vo windows anii w�.�d�h��lds. A�Sinim�m cu�lix�.�a':�.orzs:: �ig�th��r4d� ed�a��.�xon aiid flcze y��r'S exp�rie�c:� sn ��?�� �ody r�p�.ir warl..a or ��mg�le�ion of '�h� .�lcaro Bady� R�pair Course �x� Sy, P�,ul '�'�c1-�n°s��I Vo�a°ional :�n��i;�.�e oY• �ri �qui�ralvr�� �.�a°;cs bodq rep�ir COLY.2'S�,, � m b,., , � Ti•cl� of �lass, c��:� .; :��li�_ / �/. �a-. ... . ,Ps."�TJ �3QI�Y REPA,.TRTVIAN �IELPEP� TJ�ti�s �nd re�ponsib%l�i:xc.�s, �Jnder �upex�a•�.sion� tim assist in r�p�.irzng and repain�ing a�,t�motive �nd `;ru�ic bot3ic�s and fenders; anc� :o perforrn rel�wed wark as assigned. Exampl.es o� wark perfoxmed� �n ��-� �:�pa�iYy of a l�ar�zer-�-� '£c� remo�re dEn�s in automobale ��d �rucic bod��s �xad fend�rs� Ta f�l�, grind� and sand de�.�ted �r �crat�hed are�e on �u�Qmr�bxl� and icru�k bc�df�s an�3 f�nders� `�� repaix�fi: d�n•xed or s�ratched areas on automot�ile and ��•���k b�d:es and fLnd�rs� To weld bod�e par�s, �.n.d r�pla,ce vvi�h n��x,� p:�rts ,,vhexa �esessary, '�'o s�ra.aglx�en and re�a:.r rnincr fro.zne damag�., `�'Q �orr��� doar ali�gnrr:,en�:, Tc r.:paar or x�pl�re dcor lccks., T� fkt �lass �o windows and �vzndshi�I�ls. Ivlinimum �uali�'�c�•:.ions ; Eigt-.thmg�r�.d� ed��a°�ion arad r���� y���.x•`s exp�rie�.sc� in a�ya body rzpair wrsr�s ar ��mpl�4gon of �h� �.��� Body Repaar Course arc 5Y: P�.ul `�'ee�ni��.l Vo�a�ional Ins'�i�:�.¢�* or �.in �qui�al���r�� �.u�� body r��air �oe::rse.. , a�,� I st '` � 2nd � -�a Laid over to 3rd and app�_Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays . Bu+ler Butler D Carlson Levine �evine Meredith a , a��,'!� �eredith , ) �, ..�:..:4 _.._ C� $prafka �prafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty M . President McCariy � O