254685 ._ . .._ . ..., z....:• �.4:. . . . . . . , . � ..-� ,.=.q ain. — . . . . . . ". . �; , . �t t .. , T__!������� • FINAL ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na By File No 1.�.'� In the Matter of .�_- -- _ __ __._�.._________ ____ _____ _ _ __ — -- �-' _- Construction of a public storm sewer in POINT DOUGLAS ROAD from Warner Rd. to , Johnson Pkwy; in ,IOHNSON PARKWAY from Pt. Douglas �Rd, to Griffith St. at Wake- ' field Ave. ; in GRIFFITH STREET from Wakefield Ave. to Hancock St. ; in HANCOCK STREET from Griffith St. to Margaret St. ; in EARL STREET from Sixth St. to Reaney Ave. ; in CYPRESS STREET from Beech St, to Reaney Ave. ; in MINNEHAHA AVE- NUE from Cypress St, to Earl St. ; in MARGARET AVENUE from Earl St. to Gotzian St. ; in FOURTH STREET from Earl St. to 220 feet Easterly; in FREMONT AVENUE from Earl St, to vacated Tell St. ; in an easement, to be obtained, in the Southwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 33, Township 29 North, Range 22 West; '.�� in vacated TELL STREET from Fremont Ave, to Third St. ; in GOTZIAN STREET from Fifth St. to Third St. ; in ATLANTIC STREET from Margaret Ave, to Minnehaha Ave. ; ' � in AZZANTIC STREET�from Fourth St, to Third St. ; in THIRD STREET from Atlantic St. to Griffith St. ; in EUCLID STREET from Frank St. to Griffith St. ; in FRANK I' STREET from Wakefield Ave, to Hudson Rd, ; in FRANK STREET from McLean Ave. to h Pacific St. ; in GRIFFITH ST. from McLean Ave, to Pacific St. ; in FRANK STREET ' t; from Thorn St, to Burns Ave. ; in BURNS AVENUE from Frank St. to Johnson' St. ; in JOHNSON STREET from Burns Ave, to� Point Douglas Rd, at McLean Av�e. ; and in an p easement, to be obtained, in the Northwest 4 of the Northwest 4 of Section 3, . _ Township 28 North, Range 22,:.L�e�.,- �rom Warner Rd. 750 feet to Southeast; all to be known as the GRIFFITH-POINT'DOUGLAS RELIEF SYSTEM, S-0'984 ; Coi - , ;_�._._..::_. _ _ . .. _. ._. � Johnson Pkwy; in JOHNSON PARKWAY £rom Pt. Doug,las Rd, to� Griffith St. ,at Wake- ' !^ field Ave. ; in GRIFFITH STREET from W,akefield Ave, to Hancock St. ; in -HANCOCK STREET from Griffith St. to Margar�t St. ; in EARL STREET from Sixth St. to Reaney Ave. ; in CYPRESS STREET from Beech St, to Reaney Ave. ; in MINNEHAHA AVE- NUE from Cypress St, to Earl St. ; in MARGARET AVENUE from Earl St. to Gotzian St. ; in FOURTH STREET from Earl St. to 220 feet Easterly; in FREMONT AVENUE from Earl St, to vacated Tell St. ; in an easement, to be obtained, in the ,�' Southwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 33, Township 29 North, Range 22 West; in vacated TELL STREET from Fremont t�ve, to Third St. ; in GOTZIAN STREET from Fifth St. to Third St. ; in ATI,ANTIC STREET from Margaret Ave. to Mirine.�aha Ave. ; , in ATLANTIC STREET from Fourth St, to Third St. ; in THIRD STREET from ,Atlantic � St, to Griffith St. ; in EUCLITJ� STREET from Frank St., to G�-�ffith St. ; in FRANK STREET from Wakefield Ave. to Hudson Rd, ; in FRANK STR��T from McLean Ave, to ' Pacific St. ; in GRIFFITH ST, f�om McLean Ave, to Pacific St. ; in FRANK STREET from Thorn St. to Burns Ave. ; �n BUR'NS AVENUE- �rom Frank St. to Johnson St. ; in JOHNSON STREET from Burns Ave. �to Paint Douglas Rd, at McLean Ave. ; and in an �d easement, to be obtained, in the Northwest 4' of the Northwest. 4 of Section 3, for Township 28 North, Range 22 Wes�t, from Warner Rd.. 750 feet to Southeast; all to p� be known as the GRI�'FITH-POYNT DOUGLAS RELIEF SYSTEM, 5-0984 � . - � ,._... - �- _ _ -- ---__ _ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii ��N Z 9 �9T� Y� BUTLER N Y� . N �g t�7I APP�� LEViNE � MEREDITH SPRAFKA n Favor TEDESCO ,J yor MCCARTY A��n`�t JUL 3 �,971 PUBLISHED �i -- _ �/ - � � � 2���3'� OFF!CE OF THE COMM 1 SS IONER OF PUBL IC WORKS ��4685 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE May 5 19 71 To the Carnnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Commfssioner of Pubiic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 253577 approved _ _ _ ....� . _ � April 13 19 71 relative to the construction of a public stor-m sewer in POINT DOUGLAS R�AD from Warner Road to Johnson Parkway, in JOHNSON PARKWAY from Pt. Douglas Road to Grifflth St, at Wakefield Ave, , in GRIFFITH ST. from Wakefield Ave� to Hancock St„ in HqNCOCK ST. from Gt'iffith St� to Mat-garet St, , in EqRL STREET from Sixth St. to Reaney Ave. , in CYPRESS ST� from Beech St, to Reaney Ave� , in MINNEHqHq AVE. from Cypress St. to Earl St, , in MARGARE7 AVE. from Eart St� to Gotzian St� , in �OURTH ST� from Earl to 220� easterly, 1n FREMONT AVE, firom Eal-1 St. to vacated Tell St. , in an EASEMENT to be obtajned in the SW,� of the N�� Sec. 33, Township 29N, Range 22W in vacated Tell St. from Fremont Ave. to Third St, , in GOTZIAN ST, from F�fth St. to Third St. , in ATLANTIC ST, from Margaret Ave. to 1linnehaha Ave„ in ATLANTIC ST, from Fourth St. to Third St� , in THIRD ST. from Atlantic St, to Grifflth St. , in EUCLID ST� from Frank St, to Griffith St„ in FRANK ST. from Wakefield Ave. to : Hudson Road, in FRANK ST, from t�icLean Ave, to Pacific St. , in GRIFFITH ST. from McLean Ave. to Pacific St� , in FRANK ST. from Thorn St. to Burns Ave. , in BURNS AVE, from Frank St. to Johnson St. , in JOHNSON ST� from Burns AYe. to Pt. Douglas Road at McLean Ave„ and (n an EASEMENT to be obtalned in the NW� of the NW� of Sect(on 3� Township 28N, Range 22W from �darner Road 750� to Southeast; all to be known as the GR(FF(TH-POINT DOUGLAS RELIEF SYSTEM, S-0984, under Preltminary Order C�F. No� 253577t approved April 13, 1971 , made a part hereof. � 3. initiated by the Commissioner of Pubiic Works X ,1s ovement is asked for upon petition 123 56> ��� � � �� � � `� �qr o R��� �� � � � Q�p�/��O w Commissioner of Publ ic Worlcs � /Nq�VCO,c �,,��, � F ���' � 1 zs�a�ti� � `':'ti .,. � . . . � `ii�R�XZ'�'^i� �'�}'.1''W�E�,{ �� �V.:M7T VaT"' �' . - . .. . �1 � .� � � I�d �4��-.�� i *� . �- � . . ^4 ..'t �► b, i�ll W Mr. Dxnisl Dunford S�+er En��neer Aepatrtment of P6►blic Morks BIiII�DI�Ci Deauc 81z: Be,s�d on Council e�ctian af May 6, 1971 regeu�ding the Btor�p Relitt Sever saaes�ment rate�e, I �rish to revi�e our estime►ts on tae follavittg projsctst 8-1272 Hancock-t}ritlith Relief 8�rer 5-096k Qriffith-Point Douglaa Relie! Sewer 5-1273 McLean-GritPi�Ch Rel�ef Se^k�r 5-1292 Belt Liue Sa�+►er, Misa. River te Burru Tbe lotal revised est�.m�ted amouut reeoverable by eus�eaaa�at is $155,�•� based or� tbs toilawipg tixed rate+�! A 8� B Re�idential $0.41} per sqt�sre t'oot C Ree., Cosnal., 8e Ind. �0.03 per square foot Pleasv inelcyde ths Y'o1lv�ing sdditional eo�t� ia the estiaated totsl exper�diturea tor lbis improva�entr Valuat#.on & Assea�nent �ervic� $;3,1q0.p0 Est. publ.,aowct,post. , teise. $6,928.00 If you bave any queetione regarQing this m4tter, please do not heaitats to esll. Very truly youra, J. William Donovan Valustion Engineer By Roger J. Rottach Vslttation Technician �biD sRJR s�g ��_ :����_� � ��.-�-��� � . . - --.,�,�� ., , � �LTY 01 �6 � . � • � i ��`Y ,a �� ` �c RICHARD A. SCHNARR CITY Or SAINT PAUL ROGER M. CONWAY Chief Engineer Capital of Minnesota Deputy Commissioner DEPARTMENTOF' PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON Commissioner �1ay 10, 1�71 Hon. Mrs. Rosalie (3utler Commissioner of Finance City of St. Paul Re: Griffith-Point Douqlas Relief System (s-o�84) Dear Mrs. Butler: Herein is a revised version of the previous report dated May 5, 1�?7) , Estimated Construction Cost Enqineerin� o� $> >057,500.00 Inspection 2i �4,600.00 PJon-Contract 2� ' 15!�•00 17,�00.00 1 , 1 �0,250.00 Estim�,ted llssessments 155,000,00 State Participation (Agreement Pending) 66,200,p0 ' 71 Pollution Abatement Fund 959,050.00 � , � 0,250.00 Yours very truly, ��� � William E, Carlson Commissioner of Public ldorks 41EC/LFlL/k.va � ec: James Schwartz Lou Mcl:enna P,ichard �,Jheeler Daniel J, Dunford �� �� �.� i � 1 � , ... _��� �lTY OP F,D� 9i i M �� �� • C d� + M1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 5b 102 � ;��y r: , d�71 Fjon, rirs. ftos�l ie Butl�r Cc�mr-�issic�ner �f Financ� City of St. P�ul Re: Griffith--�'oinC f2ouyias R�1��� Syst�r� (S-0�,�4) ��s:�r �°irs. F;utd�:r.� 1 trar,sr;,i� ���ew3tf� �ar�liminary �st�r���te �t cost fe�s° �hP constr�uct6on of a pub 1 i c s�r�rrn sewer i n €�Q I s�T �(�t�Gi.AS ��A� f ror� 4Varn��' ���c! to Jol��sca�� Parkway, iii J�l't-ifJS�i�d �';aRK'xi1�'� �r�.zr�a f't. ?�ou�la� Fi�a�� �o Griffit�� �t. at ��akefi���i l�v�*. , in :f�lFFIT#4 ST. frc���� !�?�b:efi�;ld av�. tc� #�a�coci� St. , °sro '-i�,�l���'K ST. �rc�r� Griffith :��. �:o �targ�r�t St. , Pn ����L :��'�t��7 �rcar+; S�xth St. to Fe�n�y �1ve. , �n C4'�RESa S i. frc�m Beec� St. to Rean�y AvP. , in �11Nt,lEHANA a�lE. �rc�xr t;g��r�s, �t. to E�ri SY�. ; i� !v!/��G;hf��T' fiV�. fresrr �<�rl St. tr� Gotzi�n St. , i� �t?J�1'Fi a7. Frc�r� Car! to 2�i?' ea�te�-2;ra 3n �'F�E�tQFdT AVE, fro�� Earl St. ta vacat�d T�i1 5�. , In a� EASE�IEPJT �� be c��tr�i nec# i n th� S�!'.r, of the N�� Sec. 33, Tcw�rnsh t�a 2�3�� , Rang� 22l� i r� va�ated T�11 �t. fr��1 F"rPmont Ave, tc� 7hird St. n in G(�TZI�iiV �'C. from Fifth St. ta Thirci at. , in �1T�.t��dTiC ST. fror,� it�r�aret Ave. to P4inn�hah� Ave. , in ATLAWTIC ST. from FourCh :�t. Co Ttairc§ St. , �rr THtRD 5T. from Atlant�c c�. to �rdffith St. , 'srs e:GCLI� :,i". frv�rr Frank �t. tc.s Griffith St. , in Fi�Ah�4 si'. �rc�r� t�akef�eid Avc. tc� ��ucisc�n (Zc�a6~�q i r� �RAPiK ST. fr�nm McL�san Ave. to �r3Ci f F G S t. � i n GRI FFITN ST. from t�4�L�ars �v�. te� Aaci'Ftc �t. , in FRANK ST. from Thcarn �t. t�'� ?�,c�rns e4v�. , in 8lJRNS AVE. �'�am Frank St. to Jc�hnscrr �t. , in JQfi�1SON �T. frcam 8;�rres �ve. ro 1'Y. t�caug 1�s Road at hlcLean C�✓e. , �nd 1 n a�� £ASEMENT to E,e obt�i ne� t n the htb/,� eaf ti� � k . P�1�� c�f S�ct i on 3, Towns9�i p 2�►�, �ang� Z�� f ran itarn�r Roacf 750` Co Sautheas t; �,� �11 to be knawn �as the CRlFFiTH�-POiN7' ��JUGlAS 3�ELIEF SYSTE�!, S-p�84, under ,, ,;�., Freltmia�ary Qdd�r �.F. ��c�. 253�77t �pproved AQrtI i?, i771 . `, Y�� ,_••,.�� � `'r` (°� t . `+..i� ��. ��''�,,,_�T._. Ft•'.'.4'.EY� .e : ,„, t' �/. ,� ,�� �`� _, r� � r,, »� a.,� �. ' � w��'"' ����ce�s��d��Li, '�r.,im�&wt°€ae;�x4�i� ";d"�'� �' �} 1�' } ' �� ,C�•�� ;��� �t7k���+�!^�@�� `a+� ` �'� �` ` � ���.�4{ i rv�i��:c::t+�r� �� °��,. �'"° �.�`F�` f,�,:,!� ��� �i ,1�'3.�� ^ �ir.s�. �t�r��r���E �.b ,�� � ��.,,�""'� ��;,'r��€� '�� T't�"�'�'�. ���F.i�.G�F` ���'�' -r�. ? �,:.I"'� �1 ,�7'� �'��' "'"` .. ���'�r+�"�� ����r��3c..t�r�'�� � ,,., ��..._.,.,�.��.*k���`��� �tc"�S�".4;; ��k4"�.`�if.'�'�,4�i� �t"a;• ,,:t.:a.�f3'3$�; `"1�3�'i�T'°�� rv� (�.�°i �;�'�.�� `�'� ��3�s����rrr r��a�s���.. : Et �'�r��� ��`"��. 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