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___ ORIGINAL.�O CITY CLBRK �-��� � ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCa NO._�,t H� `� , . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter 466, Minnesota Statutes 1963, and upon delivery to the Corporatton Counsel of a retease approved by him, Nlr. Leslie S. Stmser be patd $98.69 out of the Tort Ltabitity �und 0035-421, tn fult settlement of cla�m for daa�ages and tn3uries sustained as a result of an acc�dent on March 10, 1971 involving fire- men whtle fin the pe�formance af offtctal duttes. APPR�E� ��� �� I�wl��� Asst. Cvrporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci �� a� ��� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �UN 2 5 191� �, e� 19— Levine n Favor ����� Mayor ��� A gainst Tedesco �� Mr. Vice President Meredith JUL 3 �9�� �UBLISH�;D � l�G:,[ef�l.;!: (�`.:= i;[_[.. �:i:/'.<<:�'" • . , , • . , �C.�� n . • . . ��? 1;NOVJ /�.LL �.iEN (�Y THESF i'f:ESEI�lTS: . 7ha1 ifie Unciersig,�ed, heing of lawfu! age, �or ifie sole consi<Jer��lion of N1net�siaht and cix�,�f nin� one� hundredths _ _� _ po����s (�; 98•69 _� io ihe unders�qnecl in hand pcid, receipi whereo{ is hereby ��cl:now!ec�c;cci, ci does f ereby and {or my/our/i!s heirs, er.ecuiors, adminisiraiors, successors and assigns release, acc;uil �nc� forever c�ischarge_��ty 0� $t. Pau 1 i�f10 �1I5, �sCf, 3�1G'If, Of 1�5 c�C�CR�S, SCfV�fl�t� SUCCCSSU(S, �1('IfS, C?:C�U{OfS, �C�til!Il15ifcl�G�S i�f1C1 i7�� oil�or �'�C�SOf15, �IffilS, COf�)Gfts{�URS, c"SSSOCId�IU(15 O( ��::rinersl�iE:S O{ c'+(1C� 1f0�1 i9f?�� c�f1C,� c��� C��if1"1S, dC{�0;15, CtlU5C5 U{ i7C�i0�� C�CfYto:1:�S, fi�4�jS, C�i'tT1d:JC5, CO5�5, �CSS C:' � _I I SCf(\'IGC, C'-Y.�?Ci1SCS o�C� COr�i��c•ns_�iion Y�f�djSO::YP.f, Vl�1VG�� ��ii) Ut1C:8'Sl:;fiCri Il0\'! ';c?S�{1<�VC OI' \:'{11'.fl �ll:f�� f;-^.f°f3i1Cf C:::CfUG' O(1 oCCG:i'1� t)i Ot Ifl d��� Y.'d'�' C�fO\:'Ifl� OU� Oi isil� u�i:'1 8�1 �:f10\Ytl �IIC� U�{:f;0':;(1, �Of'CSCC� Flfl� Ufi{6fC5iiCfl '�G:�I��� Z:lli` ��Cl50f1:'.� II'i�UfiC:S i!Il�i �7f���?• r _ erly d:s!Tld�;'. i'' :? �h�_ CO�ISCC;L'ii1CC5 �hC�f.O� fG�U��I�C3 O( �O (C:U�i �1'Ofil 1�IC uCC!(;v'(lT, Ci'.SUo�i�' C� C:YCItI W{110E) OCCUIf(:C� Uil Gi ��,�,i ;,,� tenth _��y o�_ March � , i s 71 ��i or near the west side of Engl i sh Street � ___._ � approximateay 30 feet from Che lntersection of English Street and McLean Ave�ue. __ _ , s � � � � ,1 �S. �� �{ � .{ ' �i-, � - il' IS i;Iit;=i51G: :i c1 ., GOi...^.0 �'�., .,.. _....�.,...,. . �, i,^,C .,.. �r....,. � .� ., ..,,..,:f..� �„ �.�t''!'r.� _�d��• ��t.'� ��:da �fii; ":'.1 �.. .. [718�(; IS RO{ �O ��i; COf15♦fUCCj d5 ci[1 d::^iISSIU�i O� �Id��:i;i�' O�l ��1� 'J3C� Ol �f�e p:�riy O� f-�ii111C�5 �-i^fC��j' fCi�clSGJ, i]f'.ti {(li7j S�s�:i iC18J5L�P.S deny ILiaJi�ity ihc:re{o�1; �r,� in;en:i mere(y io avoic� liiiqaiion ana l�uy i�-�oir p�ace. - �� 7(tC U(1GCt51C��CU �it;fG'��' OCGf�sf(9�5� Ff(lO reF�resc�t�S� �{)c.t iiie If1�UfICS SUSSf1ICtC� clfC Of fTl:l�� �C �>�rmanent u'l1:7 I�fO:)f85:i1'� ana i;t::i recove:ry ii��,:refrom is unceri��in an;� iric�c:finiie an� in ma%inq ihis f:e�ez,se i1 is unc.'ersioo� <�nci �>greed, ihv� ihe ur�::�:- I I' � P . _iv �• . a 1. I' I I � J 1 !f . z 1' I • 1 sigr,ec� re�y�i.•:� w;�o�;y upon ihe ut�o r.ignecl's juc�gn-�cr�, c���IC� dflU �:Il�\'!iC'.::ce. a{ ihe IId�L'C8, CX.�GCI�� CiiC.� c.;l:� C�U(�f�10^ Oi SC:7;: injuries anc3 f:��:li��� il��re:for �nd is ma::e �ti�il;ioui re`ian�e upon any siaiem��:�i c,r iepreseniaiion o{ ihe p��r��� or p<�riies here'•��•? rele��s::� o: ii:eir reprc:sent�.iives or by any physician c�r -surc;eor� by ih�c�� em��lo�ed. �1 f � 1� Tf16 .1tf1UCt5!_�rti'.:.i IUiIIICf C;CCI��C�S� �i'1C; (!?�b;('SC�i��� �Ild� fi0 hfGflliSC,31f;C�UCCl!l��l°ii� Of 87;E:CfriCil� fi0� �?EfCi(1 G>:�fCS>CC1 �1J5 C�:i:"i (11dC�C i0 ��f:° UilU:fS:C,J;i°�� Fi1G i.'16�- i71tS I:C�G8S8 CO�Ij.:irs iEiC: Gf1iIfC i):;fGC1l.:ili- U:;{\:'GCII 1f1C �Jc�f�IJS f1CfCt�, i]RO ��1J{� {�l° ���-:�'.1S o{ ihis P�eICttSC c3tC CO:lifdC�uc'.{ ano noi a mere reci�al. � ' TI-3E Ut��Jri:�;�I�FD Hf:S Rc/•,D TI-sE FO(:FGOII�G f:ELE/:SE ;���D FULLI' Ui�DcRSTi;i�:DS (7. Signed, sealec3 and c�elivcred ihis day o{ Mdy _! ., �q_ 71 , . . ' . . C/{Ui101v: REi�U.G�FOf:(: S(GI�II�G :l0\'d j�.. . . . � " r;, - � �.S -` \4�itness . . . • o `* � 1 ' � — "�� \��/iiness � . ' � �S -- V��iiness . . � . ST/iTL OF __ � • - �. � - - .. . . SS. • � COUI�TI' Of_ � . . On ihe _d��y o{�-----��---, 19_ , bcrorc rne personr+f{y a�>�>carcd_�__ -- fo me I.no�:-n 10 be ihe persU;�(s; n��meci herein cin:i �t�l�o e�:ecu�ecl if�c �orc�noinc� f:elc:aSP. .+nc�.-----_-.___c,ci:no�vlc�de�eu io n;^. tl���i ._.__� __.volunic��i(�� cr.ccuiccl ihc s��rne. . l�i� icru� tv:��ires ..-�-•--___--•---•--.__._.._-----,__-----•----�_._____.�..__--------- ----------- - -� 19----� R1::1(�I'1.1 .`.1/.t.:�?.i',� I.�rr�i I�a. l.•?CS7 �\(�{ifl)' ��t;�)��C ' 1. •�1•r��•14, . . : ,��; �- .. _ ou�Mw►rs ro rR�Nme Ci� �F �. PAUL COUNdL N�54634 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F`� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED� that pursuant to Chapt�r 466� Minnesota Statutes 1963, and upon delir�ry to the Corporatioa Counsel of � release approv�d by hi�, Mr. Leslte S. S1�nser be paid ;9�.89 out of the Tort Ltability Fund 0035-421. ia full settte�ent oi claia� for daawgea and ir�uries sdstalned as a r�sult of an ��xldent on March 10, 1971 imrolving firr a�en wh11e in the perfon�ace of otficial duties. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council •�U N 2 4 19]�8_ Yeas Naya Butler c'-G�e:�ec�--, Approve��� Z r'J �� 19— Lev�ne �n Fsvor �" � � Mayor A galIIgt Tedesco � Mr. Vice President Meredith �°�