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� OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �5�s29 . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON E pTF WHEREAS� he Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, C. F. 250880, approved October 21, 1970, vacated a portion of the alley in Block 5, Hazel Park Plat B, described therein, subject to certain terms and conditions among which included the dedication of easements to the City for alley and sewer purposes; and WHEREAS, The petitioners ha.ve submitted deed conveying and dedicating such permanent easements for alley and sewer purposes, which deed ha.s been approved as to form by the Office of the Corporation Counsel; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept dedication of permanent easements for alley and sewer purposes in Block S, Hazel Park Plat B, in compliance with the vacation resolution, C. F. 250880. FORM A a on un el COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co�cat,�l1 N 2 3 19711s— Yeas Nays Butler A ro �U N 2 5 191� 19_ � Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Againat � ptTBLISHED'�t' 3 t�� Mr� Presi�.ent, McCar y � . ���629 C':.)':�" �`°T.�R.?'i�`, ��;.: .� ., , . j� ^"" (i .. , �. �►;�;.�f.�3 �x�?r1��t t.���::r, �.:���f:: y�?z.� ..� � o° cz�;�� ��� �. w _._._ � ........_........_...,-.� � `{ � j � �M� � ' �a��::rxc�.n I:Z�'��.�-�c� s. SC'-����,�:�: ar:.� �'r�`='�"tY_�Y�:l�. �,C��z°.}:T�,:�� hz� wi�e, and , �., .r°, rta�,:Z., • F., ��W,,.y,.-� �:�C-Y?`az°,:�t �.. ��.Es�i..�,�.k�.R �:1kC:� C;.F�.,�C�I, .... Sl��:,S'i`�;.�!yll:':, 1115 W:�L0, O f '�: ?� (:�f�.�`t{°.�t f5� .�'i3.��i�E='� c�xaC� ..�`'a�.e1��: C?� �:I22<�:aC:$:d� �7c�..a�..1�.' �� ��:lE.' ;•':3,.�'u� c.iL't°_p "r3.2':'t Cx`��`�T C`�F" �a�1�:�`�,�` !7�`,LTii��e u ?�;5.��"!��,':":_,�a::.�. 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I�. .... �1.��. . .. , . - . ..�. ...;.,-- ` . . alI acca���.ng �� �he g1.a� t�iex�s�f_ o� fi�e and a� reca�:� ia�. t��.� eyfi�� �i t�e P�rc��s��x of De�d� iza ancl fo� �'.<3�::�� County. �.xnn�so�.a. �'hc ab�v� �a���i�r�ics ar� con�e��ca �c� t?�.e G�_�Cy cr� S�in�. L�au�. ��.dx'�Yu�:a�� t�c� C�.ty o� S�int �d�a? Vaca'�;io�a af �1.�cy ��s�I�.�ioz�.. C:��ncs.l. F'iZe T�a. 2�C3��C�, a�_ p�:o��c� �� �;ZC Saiflt 1'��1 City C�c�^cil 9c:�c�:��� 21, I970. '�O I-��,VL T�}J TO �-iC7uD '�'��� �F�='i.c,, a c�c��f:Yt�r �:x�ki �IZ t:.he la�r�- dit�«��ts and a�pu���nance� tYr.e��un�.o bElo�iging ar ir�, a�ay��ise a�pertaininc�, ta t�� s�ia party of �h� sec�nd ���t, its successc�s ancl as�igns, F'Q���'�r. IN TEST1:�iflNz' Y=;��:���iEC�I'. �� said par�:i�s o� '�he fir�t ��r� ha�� hereunto set thei� Y��±rad� th� da� and y�a� fir��� a�ov� ��i��en. _ I� C.�..���.r�:i►tr� �l ',�� �, ; , Ir I � � . � /J � .t f � � '� C� '�l-�.�� i M . �� '..w F.ICE�.Rll �'..; ,�CwH�?��.`�'.f� a / ,�_j%/ � /�, i / /1/ — \ \, _ , , '` d.,, /�/ / / c. � .\� a,�.': ;,.c . / � /��/ �' ���.�� �J� �/ , /� 'P ..�. �" ��- - :��. �/� -� k�ATRTCI� SCI�a�'.���� , ` _ ,I, // - ' � -- _ , � -,� �`� ' :;, , ; . , --- � ;, , �� �� �%'r FICH?�FtI7 E. S�G�'.��'I`�.`�.�� i / ' �. , ( "� .. : � � �:�� • �/' �> � % � %:._- �� . . _ , . � ,, , ., - , � ��_, �.. � �-, � t . .. , - ^ � --- , — . � �_ �' �� �C- �c ��'.(`�. �- �_'i—-t... .� G( �� � C� � � C�ROL C. s�GSTE t'��,�'. S�'�':k9.t.', OF .g.�:,L-Ti�T�'SC3�?1 } } 5�. COULd�i'' Ql� RF�F.,��,SEA } azz ��:a�s . daX czf �' �_� - —P Z�71, be�o�e �:�, a ��.c��ar�r pub2�c �ri�hin �nc� far �ai:� �t��,:b�.�Z� ;�,::_:�°::�c.�n�.1�� api.��«�'er� RzC��I"�tl� .`a"� �:C:L��:�I:�: a�c� ja.��.aI2TC't1�, �C�T�1 i.�`��,, �'i�:� �rz�e, aaac� �i �P; �Pa: ! 'i'��.�`�� . �'i° f,`'ri n n Y .+e�^':r�ry G' Y' p ^w 7 �4x.Ci:i..;.��.Z,j %`a« .S..L;::J i.. �. . ...<., c:i?C� ..�aLL�Ze �°. a w;t.ia.<. ...a 1.'�:t.� i�3_:a ��_Li:..� �:.C� 1��t. �i�lk..?�`:':%I1 �Ei S.?'�d t Yb;::� �...,�..ii. :.o:i .,.ti..e C.�J,.�!� . ,... .�.. .� C.a2:..,... �r..;..�1 .,.,.,.. ��.�.a�t._,a ...tii.: �.. .+i. _ .....� � "� 4=r:e �. . -. - � . � _ :"5;�kXi«�tt�}kL� �1Y?C:1 �..C,`;"t`tf.,}Sr�_�riC.��:C� f.�'l.c '�' tt!' t�;*e'..'Ct%�:E.'%o. i.,�1�2 ,.:2 ,._, c�S °�i'%!<I�` 1Ti � ._, : , �3 :�� �'�G� c�C� c i-IC� Cat�si:t�%. �. • r �7t'JL�.'r°�" k�lh4�!.1.C:"_y �CC FuG_�' ..r`,CIE."t.�"t�.)''r �:7.2�2i. 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