254626 . o�tsfi�,t to cta cie�t • , � � s ORDII� ANCE � � � ��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY , . ORDINANCE NO l.r'� ��� An ordinance amending Section 144.04 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to parking of commercial vehicles and garbage and trash vehicles. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDATNs Section 1. That Section 144.04 of the Saint Pau1 Legis- lative Code is hereby amended by adding the following language after paragraph (11) , to be design�ted (12) , as follows: " (12) No vehicle designed, used or maintained for the transpor�ation of garbage or rubbish, whether licensed or unlicensed, shall be parked or left standing on any private property, street or alley in any Class A, B, C or C-1 Residence District for more than 30 minutes unless such vehicle shall be enclosed in a garage or other suitable enclosure whicll will prevent its being viewed by the public. "No motor vehic].es except those designed, used or �- maintained primarily for the transportation of persons shall be parked or left standing on any street or alley in any Class A, B, C or C-1 Residence District for more than 30 minutes, "Nothing herein shall prohibit any vehicle from parking or standing for �uch times and at such places - as are reasonably necessary in eonnection with services being performed at or on adjacent �coperty. , "Nothing herein shall prohibit any vehicle from parking or standing on private property for such times and at such places as are reasonably necessary in connection w3.th services, maintenance, or repairs being performed on the vehicle. " 5ection 2. That this ordinanae �hall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. JUL 9 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �arisvn Conway Levine n Favor Meredith G � Sprafka Against Tedeaco ,UL 14 197� Mr. President (McCa ) A A t• ' C' Clerk ayor �� � Form approved Corpor��ion Cour�sel By Yu�i��s=�:� JUL 1 ? 1g71 Oristasl to C1l�perk • , � ORD ��1�fiANCE . . . COUNCiI FILE NO ����� � ' � �/ PRESEN'I`Ep BY ` ORDINANCE NO J /��� ,> � � An ordinance amending 3ection 144.�4 of the �aint Paul Legislative Cod� pertaining to parking of comm�rcial �ehicles and garbage d trash v�hicles. TSE COUNCIL O THE CI3'�t OF SAIATT PAUL DOLS ORDAINs Section 1. at Section 144.04 of the �aint Paul Legis- lative Code is her y amended by adding the followinq language after paragraph (11) to be d�signated (12) , as follcws: ' " (12) No veh'cle de�igned, used or maintained for the transportat on of garbage or rubbia�h, whether licenged or unlicens , shall be parked or left standing, except in a light ind trial or heavy industrial district, on any street or all�y r public or private property fo= more than 30 minutes �anl ss such vehicle shall be en- closed in a garage or oth r building. "No motor vehicles exce t tY�ose de$igned, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of persons shall be parked or left �tan 'ng on any str�et or alley � in any class A, B, C or C-1 Re idence District for more than 30 minutes. "Nothing herein shall prohibi any vehicle frcxn parking or standing for such time and at �u�h places as are r�ason�bly necessary in con etion with services being performed at or on adjacent p p�rty. " Section 2. That this ordinance shall take eft�ct and be in force thirty days from and afte= its passag , approval a�nd publication: \ � Yeas Councilmen Naqa Passed by the Council Butler Caxlson 7� Favor I,evine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr:-Preaident (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� . �'orm approved Corpor�tiom Counsel By , � a ; • r . , ' �O �- I st—� � • 2nd I�,aid over to 3rd and app.�s�L_Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson -Earlsvn ��*-�--L w�L- Levine Levine � Meredith �����5 Meredi+h Sprafka Sprafka � Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O