254623 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU RE UTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . C�� COMMISSIONE ATF WHF,�AS, the City of Saint Pa.ul sold for moving the dw�llirag, garage and shed located at 525 west Jessam�:ne Ave�ue Whieh had been acquired t'or the I,oeb Lake Park, and �AFAS, Maxcia F. Groeller, purchaser, had deposited a certif'ied check in the amo�nt of $l,f)0�.00 as a perfbr�ance bond xith the �c�missioner of Finance in accordance with the conditions of the sa1e, and �REA�, the City Architect ha� advised the City Valuation Fngineer that the �ubject structnres have been re�noved and the sitework has been ec�pleted in co�formance �rith the conditions of sale and the perPor�aance bond may ncr�r be retunded to the purclzaser; therefore be it RffiOLVED, �hat �be Cam�iasioner of Finance is hereby a�thorized and directed to rettiand to Marcia F. Groelle:r the performa�sce borad in the amount of $1,E�0.00 curr�r�tly on deposit with the Co�ission�r of Finaace. ;��.J��Iv "� F� :_:; aii Cour-�s�l� ��1N 2 3197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sutier ,JUN 2 5 1971 ��_ Appr 19— � Levine Tn FBVOT . 1�[_�e��� Sprafka `� ayor Tedeaco A 8'ainst Mr, yice President Meredith "tJI3LISH�D `���" 3 �97� ���