254618 ! `. . '' .::.«�-:-�..; _,, ,. ' , , . . � � ���s1g FINAL ORDER �OUNCIL FILE �Ta � By File No- s�� In the M�t�ter of �s�et� tM �#�i�sgt wt #� a�elY �ii Mr! �s�tt fts+Mt tra� ret �! �t�i Mswe� �ts�t t� tY�r �rt a�wd�sl� !?�! �t l�sLrla� irb 1 th'w� 4, ii�ait 2,� 1M�iie� a�i �r�'• �f+wt +rM �► ir#t� �11 at�e t�ssit +M�Leb is � a�i iaai+�tal !� ��t �tai� b�e��r■r�ts �;�: f*� under Preliminary Order- ?."3�1 aAPm�� M�cil ?,i. 1l7� M.� Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESQLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is te �+��stsre� �M si,M�s�k wt � �oet� sirM �f l�nwc�t �ts+Mt ls+�a rst o� w��r�ni �s�t b tlr� trut a�a�i�at�l� 3� �R #a�i�iia� 3�es 1 tldtarii , 4s ll«rk 2, �act ari Crt's iiiit3�s aM ir� 1� sll �ar w�At ii+ele is M- _�,e� wi i�Li�Eal t� �►l�t+s sa�Li i�s��rr�t, aos�t itsrs �si ar w�t�ici�E �ai siiw�sliES awr �dst, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for appro�al; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUN 2 319T1 Yeas Bur�ER----��y$ JU N 2 5 1971 c��— Approve LEV1fvE ,� MEREDITI-�1 SPRAFKA �—ln Favor TEDESCO Mayor NicCARTY �igainst p�gL�SHED �UL 3 197� si .. ' s � Dist. No. 1 • , � N.S. Prescott St. - Part of vac. Harvard St. to west 220 ft. �d � inc. Lots 1 thru. 4, Blk 2, � ,�5��5�" OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W�RKS �/ ����18 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ���� s�� �"�1, ��� `� ��� ���� �� April 22nd. 19 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Cot�anissioner of Public Worksy having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File Noo 253681 approved n=r;� 2nrh_ 19�_relative to reconGrr���rinS the sidewalk on the north �idc nf Prc+crntt St_ frnm �rt n V a d Ha var�l St t0 the *�PS� approximatelv : ��n fr inrl»�lin� r.�r� � rhn�. 4� R�o � Woodburv & Case Addition and bv doinQ all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters aad things referred to therein, hereby reportso 1. The estimated cost thereof is $4a40 per line ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $Se30 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. widea 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereofe 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition .�Q2526 I B�g �n�n �y-1��./��— ��,�' qP � �O� Commissioner of Public Works R �g� � � RECE/vE p w `� �EPT OF � � F�NaNCE �� � 1 6 �,;��::�;M �� �;�Rr� , :�;wr��.�nL ��} s'u��.ic '�Tox�s�, �^,,�� ,;^�.�J.-,r Y•r.Y1�-� e�.: �. �"�f iT1'?'.3.,.�.""�'!�`8» !s"l�s. ;i�'�fr ;��1.:!l�.�1.�_ 19,(�.�3,��"e��� t�' :+`���.�k�'�p i;�S"��:x�'w '+f� y:`. `-'�'q�,':�,.'a�a y.B-�yy� t'1-f. � -»�l,y?}�sq ae' qPy�a,4- /� !'1'"¢ 't "�Y�r d�� �"3" t"w p '?: �4'ax .ib�,Y +1...... . li.L3'+1.!/" �..1eW�.A A. .... ��;:N r! ..� .,. .P� �,. ..if �.... , ._� �..@a:.`�... �", �i. �r,n.'v �._l:".`+- n r���� `"... ".���.;«.��.Y"u✓ ..�9 �y.:'"ct�a... �..`:+. ��oC� ,., L..' ..'.f•« �9'1�tYi a`• r, "�ta�'��° "t� '� a °E `' r ���:.n._,.l.,�k'"Sv �s:..,.. .+.... � .i....M,w�i.�'.�...-.�..�._� ..:C,`��� ..L ��"�`�i�fl '��y y�u�SC:.Fi. G� r� ~ �N n � `"-eNr�t� f� ��',vy� �a��,yi^ a r.�� .��«.!�C;�t ,.,i.p .*. '`�?11��.�j..,��,� t;,�i"�... .,r�.xws,.< �.. r' t l a ✓� �.d�9�'V.t.� 'r� -J:�.. v a.�..,... ���ly»w� !S!p� 6 .i;p�^$ a�+tie'i`Sa.i�'iY.i. .,i.� �: ..��r�a7��5��C{r.t..�� C�,�s�'�' '��.���y��.�.�v� s'�,.i.k !���� �w"Y�.+".ari'r"�'a;'i�.� . '�}��:.°a,�,s� ���°�..�.�� b�.ts'�°'."�e. „_v, 'ts.ti..�:.;y� t:...��:'Yn. �l'.;8.��:�.�,