254593 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 254593 ' �CITY OF ST. PAUL NLE NCIL NO. LICF:NSE CONINIITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rR�s�reo sr June 22, 1971 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That Application L-10200 for Pool Hall ( 6 tables �� Foodstuff-Origin.al Container, and Ci�arette Licenses ma.de by Raymond Turner for 164 North Da1e Street, be and the same are hereby granted. NE4J Informally approved by Council May 25, 1971 New Location (Formerly operated at 613� Selby Ave.� JUN 2 21971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Naya Butler JU N 2 3 1971 �n.. pr 19— Levine -, -- Tn Favor Merectit�r• Sprafka ,r Mayor ° A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �uB,�.�v:!!�N Z 6 197J � o ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL C � � zp� ° ` � Capital of M"innesota J ��� �eaHtn�tevtt o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth SIId MinrieBOta StTeetB FIBE PROTECTION roi.[cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commieaioner HEALTH AALPH G.MERRILL,DsDaty Cousmiesioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN.Lieen�s Iaspector MaY 25r 197i Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Currently Raymond Turner operates a business �t 613� Selby Avenue, holdin� Pool Hall (6 tables�, Foodstuff Original Container and Cigarette licenses. He has been licensed at this location since kpril 1970. Due to the rehabilitation in the axea, businesses become subject to relocating, etc. Therefore, Mr. Turner makes application for the transfer of these licenses to a new location at 164 North Dale Street. At the present ti.me there is no licensed busin.ess operating at this address. It was licensed as a confectionery establishment for a number of yeaxs until 1963. Attached is a copy of NLr. Kl�urner's letter of application relative to this �ransfer. Very truly yours, � /A_ c � � ��/ License Inspector 1 �'� 1 �- � 70 �� • ' .-. . ., WALTER J. GAERTNER CD. 379 ROBERT 5TREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS1O1 224-1BB8 To Whom It M�y Coiceri: This i* to certif�r �ha.t Aa.y Turxer leas a les�se for the property dom�o1ly kxowx aad described As 164 2�� DAle Street. St. Pat�l� Mir�sesota for one yes�r begisaii� May 1. 1971• �d l�e the optiox to rezew al�d lease for ax a�.ditiomal tr+o yeara. dAERT�R—PEIF�H C0. � ��� • wt (i. e , a�.t�e.►- _,_ . -__/" �v 25� z9?1 Hon. �a�n 1�lered.t�Eh, Caesr. ot' PubliC Sat�stY�, 1Q1 $. lOth. St., St. Pa�u7., Minn. Attn: I�r. Ii�cei.e3 P. ��hlla Dear sir: Tht City Caa�acil tal�y i�i'o�lly a�rared t2� a�►licstic� oY R�y�aad Turizer, hold�er o! Pool Ha�1 t6 tat,les), Fooastun origina]. coa�t�i�ar ar�a csgsrette licenaes st 613� :'�lby Ava�e, tor a transiier of thes� lic�anses to a n�+r iocat3az st 164 1�. Dsa.e Street. W112 y� ple� prepare the custdrary reeolutioci? nery tr'ulY yoeu's, City Clerk �