254590 254590 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT n �/ COMMISSIONER //I l � I I n\ , /'� npTF � � WHEREAS, The construction of the MINNESOTA STREET, KELLOGG BOULEVARD TO NINTH STREET, DROPSHAFT MANHOLES, is necessary to provide outlets for rainwater runoff, and WHEREAS, This construction is in conjunction with proposed paving plans for the downtown area, and WHEREAS, This construction will provide for separation of clearwater ftow in the affected area thus abating pollution of the Mississippi River by reduction of combined sewage overflow►, and WHEREAS, This construction is within the downtown Urban Renewal Project and will be financed by Urban Renewal Bond Funds through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority under Project Number Minnesota, R-20, be it therefore RESOLdED, That the plans and specifications for MINNESOTA STREET, KELLOGG BOULEVARD TO NINTN STREET, DROPSHAFT MANHOLES, contract number 71-S-1442 as submitted by the Canmissioner of Public Works are hereby approved, and be i t � � FURTHER RESOLVED, That -the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this construction. ����M > >_ � �-; � _r st. tion n�e JU N 2 21971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er � JUN 23 1971 �• � Appr 19`. Levine �n Favor P�fer�dt'��r Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ,JUN 2 61911 PUBLISHEll �� �`���Vtl DU�LIC/1T[TO lRIN70! , CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED/Y COMMISSIONER DATF VNEREA3, Th� c�oe�struatto�n of ths MINNESOTA STREET, KELL06C BOULEYARD TO NINTN ST�ET. DROPSNAFT NANNOIES, is necsssary to provida outlats for ra i�at�r rwwtt, and WNEItEAS, This construetion ts in con�dnction Mtth pr+opos�d pavfn9 plans tor th� downtown •na, and YNEREAS, This �onstruetion will provids tvr s�psratioe� of alanr�t�r fte�r+ In the affsct�d aru thus abattn9 poliution of ths Mfsslssippt Rivsr by nduation of aa�binai s�s ovarfiav. sad WNEREAS, Th t s �onstnict f eie� i s wt th i a tM downtown Ueban R�n�va 1 �noJ�ct a�d wtil b� finsnc�d by Urban R�ana�l Bond Fw►ds through th� Housiny a�d Md�wiopw�nt Authority u�dsr ProJ�ct t�bs� Minn�sota, R-20, bs tt therefon RESOLYEO, That ths plans and sp�ifi�atfa�s for MINNESOTA STREET, KELLO� SOU�EYARD TO NINTH STREt'f, DROPSHAFT MUWHOLES� contract nu�bsr 71-5-1442 ss subwltt�d by ths Cawatsslcasr of Publ ic Irorks aro haroby approv�d, and I� f t FURTNER RE50LVED, Thst ths Purchastny A�ent be a�d he is hereby dir�cted to adwrtis� for bids oA Lhis ca�structio�. . ,=�`� r ; :�.: � ;I_;� �,� .. ,�i: . ,,..r" .-ti �4:��' ;ii„6� � �_ _ __ ._,^}" -€.r I.. .. ' C: `_�.ax , _. , a: a_ JU N 2 219T1 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»ci1 19— . Y� xa� ��N Z 319T1 But�� ��. Approve� 19` �°� � Tr Favor �ed}t�r-- Sprafka � Mayor Arooninat Tedegco Mr. President, McCarty ��