254587 O►2RINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2�458'7 , � CITY OF ST. PAUL HLEN�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` C UNCIL LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�tSAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7323 for Construction of the JAI�S-MILTON STORM SEWER, Citq Yroj�ct No. 70-S-1276A, F. Morettini Consttuc- tion Companq, Contractor, the specified date of completion i� October 15, 1970, and WHSREAS, The Contractor was aot able to oomplete the contract by said date of completion, therefore be it RBSOLVED, That the pmper City Officials be and they are hereby suthorized and directed to execute an a�endment to ssid contract extending the time of completion to June 11, 1971, provided t�ow�ver, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on tbe Contractor's bond consent ther�to and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHffit RESOLVED, T�at the City of Saint Ysul hereby waives all claim for liquidated damages and tbat no engineering and 3nspection oosts on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. �'pR p _V.E � q �orat u Cour�s�l 1 \ 1�'�' � ,,i: �, J U N 2 21971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler APP `wN 2r� �g7� 19— �axl,gerz._ � Levine `� Tn Favor �A� Sprafka v yor Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED I I I N '�. Fi 1 q l, �� i y`w�'�� ` Ot�ICAT6 TO rRIN'ISR �1JV� . CRY OF ST. PAUL FuUNqL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM r��c.r COMMISSIONRII DA*= �RSAi� I'�1 �M �Lt�! 0� C�o��1011�1'�f �ltt�tltt 1.•7�� �' ��71i1t�l+OA 0� tii J1�8•ML� iT+l�1! 8�6i�iR, City ]ts+o��att lb. 70-5•1�t7b�A, a. M�!#tttini. 1�t4Ddta- tleA Q�p�e��, Go�etsa�ati. tlr sp�itir! d� o� a�p1a�►a is � 1S. 1l70, aai 1�RLt,� T1� d�tt�aator t� twt abl� tia �+a�pl�tt t1M ai�atr+wat bq► ui�d datW o! oo�plat�t, !�� b� it �OLYi�f� Tbat t� pYOpos Citr QEtiai�tls br a�d tlwq► as+� l�ts�bp arlt'Iw�r�tsM �i i�R�rae�d ts �ao��a�et�r �a s�iMnt to M�d we�t� �"a►�dl� tlr t�t�s o! �t�tlpa �o �ps� t!, 1971, p�en►�d�d l�o�n►ss, !� tb�s swo3nt#�oa s�at3 1�ori �ra �era�r os rtl�t ualrs t� wxstL�s vn t�Ar C�s�►tsaa�ox�a b�aad a�t �srto aael til� walt aoa�tt in �tir� vif� �e Ctt�► Co�pirxollnr, �d b� it �R 1t�a►t.van. ?�at t�r Citp ot l�a�tat �a�1 �jr «ialtws all alal. to� liepsdslr�i dar►�s a�,d e�st �ro a�gfa�ri� +�d �ia� oosl�s oa thia Dsr►�t t�t�ii � atist�d 1� t� CoAt�ta�or !os w�ah �t�d �#.d. �u ry �219�i1 COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Coimcil 19— Yeas Naya s"�� JUN 2 3 1971 �„ Aren*nvAr1 19_. �°�e �-� T� Favor a�-- � � sp� A�St Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty a��