254586 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25458s - CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��- COMMISSIONE ATF 1� RESOLVED, that out of the orkmen' s Compensation Account of the Water Department Fund weekly compensation of �70.00 be paid Lucia B. Marti whileshe is temporarily totally disabled by reason of injuries she received on May 25, 19'71, while employed by the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, and that �14.00 in final settlement, to and including May 31, 1971, is now due and payable. P � , Asst. Corporati n Counsel �� �a�9i1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays But�er ��N 2 3 19�i1 son A 19_ � Levine n Favor �red.i�l�— �--; Sprafka � yor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUN 2 61971 ��� �.rV��RItJV ou�ucwn To nnrRSR -� CITY OF ST. PAUL �una� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��.� COMMISSIONER o�rE. RE�OLVF�, that out oi tbe Wor�teu'e Coapansation Aoeount ot' the Water Depsrtveat Fund weekly ooatyen�tion ot �70,00 ba paid Lueia .B, Msrti Mhi7e �he is t�porsrily totally di�ubled by .., resson of in�uries she received on May 25, 1971, irhile e�ployed' �" by the Water Department o! the City oi Saint Paul, and ths� �14.00 ia rinal eettl�aent, to and inolnding Msy ;1� 1971, i• n+cnr dge end paqable. ��N �Z 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»*��� 19_ Yeas Naye Butler on _� A�rov� ,1U N 2 3 1971 19— Levine � Tr Favor SprD�-- � � Tedeaco A g�t Mr. President, �cCarty �8 June 18���1 D� _ 586 Lucia B. Marti , an employee of the Water Department, slipped on the bottom step of stairs in Courthouse and broke a bone in her foot. She lost time as a result and this resolution authorizes payment of that time loss. PAW