254585 ORI�GINAL TO CITY CLERK /�UUV� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa N0. �''�' �a � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ' C NCIL R LUT N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� WHE'REAS, Ordi.nance ATo. 3250 authorizes and p�ovides for payment for overtime� and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings has authorized overtime work in his department during the period f�om May 29, 1971 through June 11, 1971: therefore, be it Rr�OLVr�3, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such overtime work in accordance with the provisions of Ordinances No.�.�6 and No. 3250. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUN 2 2197�1s— Yeas Nays Butler ,�UN �31971 � f '' ve 19� Le�ine `� Tn Favor � � Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED,��,�9T� �� ' _ 5U1'�II�SARY OF WEi�TINIE� ' Pa oll Period from May 29, 1971 through June 11� 1971 �"�J��� �' Page 1. Department: Parks & Recreation & Public Buildin gs •., OUTSIDE ROLL ' NAME HRS. RATE PAY DATE R�ASON: La.cey, Eugene 0. 8.000 5:'�25 �50 � Condemn.ation Pictures for Pub. ID 0750 Buildings Bureau. flarisonzi, Jack D. 8.000 6.S�t38 5�.75 6/5 Picnics & cleanup of parks.0730 Fitzgerald, 13ruce E. 16.000 6.8l�38 109.50 Various " " Flaherty, John L. 12.000 6.81�38 82.13 6/5�6 �� " Hagglund, John w. 9.�0 6.8438 61.5 9 5/29,30 " " Holt, Fdward o. 5.000 6.8438 31t.22 6/6 " " Moldenhauer, Paul R. 10.000 6.8lt38 68.tal�. 5/�9,30 'r „ Peterson, Alvin C. 16.000 6.81�38 109.50 5/5�6 " " Resemius, Gregory J. 10.000 7.��2� 7l�.63 5/2Q,3� " " Shantos, Andrew ?�1. 16.000 9.3000 1l.�8.80 5/29,30 " " truck driver. 16.o00 9.30 00 1�8.80 6/5 6 „ „ " ►' Tangen, Robert H. � voss, F�edrick J. 12.000 6.81�38 82.13 5/29/6/6 �� " Gibbons, Daniel 2.000 ?.7500 7. 0 6/5 T� rr 981.99 Irestone, Arthur G. 3.000 9.0600 27.18 6/9 Service coqnpactor truck(0732). Irestone, .Arthur G. 3.000 9.0600 27.18 6/2,11 " Aerial Tower Truck for forestr; � Lindner, Marvin D. 3.000 7.L�625 22.39 6/!.� Spraying for Dutch Elm Disease. Masson, Justin A. 3.�� 7•4625 22•39 b/Lt �3720) �� Vorlicky, R.a1ph L, 3.000 7,l�625 22.39 6/lt " Woodward, Byron L. �.500 9.3656 It2.15 Various " & Aerial bucket assignment. 109.32 Clark, Rondle W. 10.000 9.3� 93.� 6/5 Storm damage (�700) Forestry. Cleveland, Harold L. 6.000 7.l�625 l�1�,78 6/!.� " Courneya, Gene H. 15.�00 7.4625 111.9� 6/4,5 r' Gatz, Roger 1.000 6.6656 6.67 6/3,11 Aerial tower assignment(4700). Jensen, Walter R. 19.000 9.3656 177.95 Various Storm damage. Kinderman, John H. Lt.500 7.L�625 33.58 " Aerial tower assignment(l�700). Lee, William R. 10.000 6.8438 68.4l� 6/5 Storm damage. Lindner, Marvin D. 3.000 7.LG625 22.39 6/la " Ma�son, Glen D. 8.000 6,8la38 54.75 6/5 " Masson, Justin A. 3.�� 7.1��5 22•39 6/!.t " Priester, J seph V. 19.500 7.l�625 11�.�.52 Various " & aerial tower assignment. Richard, Ro�ger L. 10.000 7.l�625 71�.63 6/5 Storm damage. Simpson, Howaxd T. 3.500 7.1�625 26.12 Various Aerial tower assignment. Vorlicky, Leo T. �..500 7.l�62s 33.58 " Aerial rr Vorlicky, Ra.lph L. 7.000 7.�.62s 52.2l� 6flt Storm damage. Weber, Patrick M. 20.500 7.2l�68 ]1.i.8.56 Various 'r " & truck assignment. tryToodwaxd, Byron L. 19.500 9.3656 182.63 rr Storm damage & aerial bucket ass: 7_,irzow, Allen W. 10.000 3•75� 37.50 " Storm damage. 7-,3� Continued. on page 2. • Page 2. SUMMAR Y OF OVERTIME • Pa,yroll Period from May 29, 1971 ttmu June ll, 1971 Department: parks & Rec. & Pub. Bldgs. Ot?TSID�. I�LL NAME HRS. RATE�� DATE REASON: Baxanuk, John tia1. 10.000 2.7500 27.50 Various Life guard at Phalen Beach. Bednar, Richard A. It.000 3.7500 15.00 (Refectories 2700 Series) 6/6 Cut greens & change cups-Como. Grew, Robert H. 8.000 6.8J�38 54.75 5/29,30 " 'r Heinz, Doris V. 26.500 2.5687 68.07 Various Refectory attendant at Highland. Heinz, Joseph G. 67.000 l�.4000 291�.80 �� " Manager " Johnston, Mark V. 16.000 2.7500 Li.L�.00 " L�fe guard at Phalen Beach. Lunzer� Michael P. 8,000 6.8l�38 51�.75 5/30,6/5 Change cups �C chores at Como. Pfutzenreuter, Richard 12.000 2.7500 33.�0 Various Life Guard at Phalen Beach. Ryder, Clarenc�' 0. 17.500 3.375� 59.06 " Golf ranger at Highland. Morrissette, Francis J. 56.000 3.2500 182.00 �t Refectory Manager at �omo. Narusiewicz, Frank S. 63.000 2.5000 157.50 " Golf ranger at Pha.len. Morrissette, Evelyn M. 1�0.000 3.2500 130.00 " Refectory Manager at phalen. Sell, Mark W. 16.000 2.5000 40.00 " Golf ranger at Highland. T,00mis, Jerry D. 16.000 2.5000 l�0.00 �' Refectory Attendant at Como. �feffer, Ra.ymond J. 2.000 3.7500 7.50 5/29 Change cups at Phalen. Donnelly, Jerome F. 63.000 2.5000 157.50 Various Refectory Attendant at Highlaryd. Ernst, Daniel A. 25.500 2.5 000 63.75 " '� Phalen. 1, 29.1 Total overtime this roll �3,956.02