254581.S6 ..,,.. . . _ ..r.�.....,...... .... .... . . : �`- � cff�:. . . .. w . ;. ...: . _. � r-� - , . � . �y,.�,��;y�, . ��VV� � . � �A �INAL -ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na Bq File No �.� In the Matter of � � �� � �s��� ��Z_�, �� � f�t t. 11��w iiitt� i�� llLltes �t�at t� iLetacis �t�rt as �t d d�s tr■tt- i�iiNrsit= � �a+N, C�eaet Q�1lC;3 under Preliminary Order ?�i�1?7 approv� �;1 z-..�!?� Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendationa relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na.ture, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is te se� a�i w�st� dN ►i�t�wr �r�+iri tM st�r !tt t�c I, 1!l�t�a Yi�■ � ttiia it� 1fi1!# ��isw�ts t� lL�e3� � as �et s� !� �-M�it� �� � �r.t, � a�l33 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RftESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and clireeted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- , ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN � U JU N 2 2191� � Adopted by the Council Y� �u e i-_-� Nay� JUN 2 3 1971 _ . Appro LEVi,•:w � ` Favor SPRF�t=KA yor TEDtSCO �J ,JUN 2 6197(� �#.�.�` II2\L A pOAITQt P V LLlUriL�+/ - . aK1ksF1TTT�T1� �1 r - � .. - .. . . . . . .. � �. . � � , . � . , . . , ' • � _ � OFF ICE OF THE COMM I SS IONER OF PllBL IC WORKS �� 1S � 4�81 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE April 10, 19� To the CaYmissloner of Finance of the City of St. Paui : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 2�177 approved April 2, �g 7� relative to grading and surfacing wlth bituminous material the alley in BLOCK 1 , MILTON ADDITION frorp Milton Street to Victoria Street, as part of Summit-University Renewal Area, Contract G - ✓ 1933. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l . The est imated cost thereof i s $�" 4,0�9.67 �2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is he�eto attached and ' made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X vement is asked for upon petition � 4� ����.. ; 4 : apR �s�o '�` e: � � R��EIVED n,�� � Commissioner Pub ' �i �._ ;� I�€�PT. OF ;��- � ,;�y� ��1 Vr�'�i�� 4��. � �� ��) ��.��� � � :,. : ,:: w . , , �;<� :�' t -;yr . � ,� M� �� 1� Mr. Walter Hwrtla�r Local 7.�agrov�iment �ngineer Departnaent �,f P�blic Worke BUTLDI2�G Dear Mr. Hurtleys Set forth herein ia inSorreatian pertin�nt to th� •stia�tsd costa snd property a$seesmento �'or the propo�eKl �treet and a]1ey impxov�ente for the �wmmit- U�iversity NDP area sche8uled for the year 1971. The intprovements proposed are described ae fol].cnass Finance File Descr3ption _.___.___ L-324 C�ndenan slopes, grac�e and z�uxface a].Zey in Blocl: 1, P�ii.lt�n �dditicn to �tidth c�P 16 �'eet. L-32� Condernrn slopes, �,rrade and surface alley in Block 3, Tdininger & AUruzel.ly's addi.tion, end B�rryhi�ll and I)�ividson's Rearr�n��ment to a width of` 14 feet. L-326 Overla;r �r resurface with bituminou� m�.ter��.l. aliey in Block 3, Palace Additi<,n. L-.327 Re�rade and surface with bituminaus na�terial �nd construct whexe necesaary conct�te curb aad gutter c�ncrete sidewalk �znd driv�ways the fvllowing �treeta: 7.. Aurore, Avenu� Prom Oxford St. to Univcxsity Ave. �• Oxford 8treet frcnn St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue e�nd frvm� Stlby Aveaue to the �outn ell.cy lin� b�tween Fartle.nd Avenue end Summi$ Avenue 3. Milton Street !'rcun Central Avenue to University �►. l�von Avenue Prom Portlend Avenue ta Hague Avenue 5� Fish Street t�cm Laurel Avenue to Iiague Avenue 6. Victori�. 8�reet from �unnmit �,venue to Univereity Avenue. The total estimated expenditures !or these isnprovementa smount t� $517,�+04 ta be finaiaced n.a folla�+s: Estimated propet�ty assessment � �+0,860.Op � M.B.A. Funds (Victoria St.) 14�j00.00 Urban Renewal $cnd P�nds 461 6�+0.00 Total Estimat�d Expenditur�� 517, 0.00 . . . , ..... . - _..�. i`.�'F� E:.,. t . w . . . - � . .. � . . . . . . ��. . . � I � Mr. Walter H'urtley Mny 21, 1971 �ge 2 Tbe �etimated property aeaeeement is baseQ on the falloriag raLm�s Grade 80 3urface alley wfth bituminoue me�texial to 16 loot rid�h A 8o B R�eidential 1.20 p�r as0eesable loot "C" Residen�ial, Camm'l., and Induetrial �1.80 " " " Gre.Re anS Surface alley with bituminou� me►t�rial to 10 foot ridth . .....�.,..�,..._. A 8o B Reside�rrti.al $0.85 per sssesa�ble foot C Reaidenti�.l, Comcn'1., & Induetrial �1.�0 " " " Overl$y or resurPace exiating conerete paved a11�re A & B Residential �0.70 per assess�bls foot ..C" Residentiel, Comm'1. , and Industrial $1.05 '' '' " Re�sade E� pa.ve including concrete curb 8e tter A & $ Reaidential �5.00 per asseeasable foo�; ' C" Residential, Comm'I. , a.nd Industrial �7.50 '� " " On Victc�ria 5treet fr� Summit Avenu� to Dayten Avenue only the cwrb an� gutter will be aseessed due to ths recent resurfacing an this section of street a.t the followin� ra�es: �l Eo B Residential. $2.U4 pe�r as�es�abls foot "C" Residential, C��m'l. , Fa Induatrial �3.55 per esees�able f�ot Sidewalke, 5 feet wid� A � B Re�identi+�]. :�1.60 per assessable foot ''C" A�siden�tial, Ga�m'1. , and Indastxi�.l $3.20 ' " '! 4ther widths wi11 be prorated �ccordingly Conerete Driveway� 6" thick $3.00 per eQexa�ce yard 7" thick $�+.00 per square yard The follc�ring eGSts have bee�a incarporated in t�ho est3a�ted total expe�:dituree for theae improve�entes Valuatic�n and Aaseesment Service� � a20.00 Misc. Charges, pcstage, natices, court aoat, etc. $1,340.00 s , °.y.''��# ,♦ ♦ . . l�. �Talter Hurtl�y May 21, 1971 page 3 This o!'ficee ariticipatea+ that the hearing on the fina�l order '�rt�ll be e�heduled for June 23, 19'Tl. �hould you k�a.ve dqy gwee�tion� �onaeraing thia matter, please cont�.et #,he under8igned. dery truly yours, Rcy E. BredahZ, Jr. ,?::�s`t. Valuatfon Eng:i.neer Ri�:.jfS 0 � . . + , � Y � ' � , � � N. LEniN G'rO�t PARKWAY NORTH (J► . -� ' n � D � � • D — — —— m —— — � -- ---- � ------- � . Z R-1 - � � O � � y � � � ' � 0 r � � � { �{ z f �N , N 0 XFO RD � ST. ' C� ` G � �� ' i � I aU 0 uM � , g � ., . . � ;; �u !I Vt � � �� N. G NAT3W o 2T r-1 S T. � `� ! N �; � � ,` � i � � � W ;i � . N. M�t_—r-o N s—r. —� f � � � A I' � � r�i p � �t � m I _.� —._ ---- --- N Vtc-�-oR�A S r. - - - _ _. _ --- ----- - --- - --- --------__ � � � � � 1 � . ����� ; , , , , � �� � I?!CHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA CHIEF ENGINEER DEPIJTY COMMISSIONER � Capital of Minnesota DEPARTA�9ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & CourF House 55102 ROBERT F. PETERSON Commissioner O Ap�-i t 1�, 1�7!� te}�r�`?5�����? .�c�f?".za!& ..,�. �a�S t�� 8�¢"r C�.��i�aic�r:�r af '�d=,�:�r��t� �.9 e r o F ,'!'S�9 Y�±� %���4}� !�e; �� ���� ��°i�E' `,! i'' 1 :�ar��rn3 t ?��.r�+�,��r� �:s�°�� �,�r�a�,�r•:� ��� �:;:.are ��f cc�xt �r1r° ��r���!a'��� r"ii'.C` s.«��<"�il�F V,,I��i? i?i8�i' �'l�..;pa�at ��,���3Yl��p �A"tt: A! ��Y S44 ��..i�l.�'; � r f�1t�..,�r�"��.� :'1J:iT���t' frf>rY �-;31�e��s �tr�:��i� �-w:� Adic�er�•� `_�`����fi� �� �Sart �?r °��rr�r,;r.., �`;����hrr� t,'� ��'�"�wa1 ;'1�';�,.a,, �"�s�a�',r�3ct �' '.:3�' , ?,a-����P �'r�p :�r�i��r��� t?r•�'�r�r �;,�, ?�stgl-'.;, ���,��r��+�c� �`,.�r�m r �� "�"� 8�?7t�, E5��fiz�'�t� :a;F?�+5�:�'�.J�,:,�„�+1�'2 �C'�'�* ;j v v-< � �; . r�r.r.,s�l�J �;�tS t ST@+�S'�I"t�'# �k;.��� �t1S;3�G$��9`3 �� .�� il.at�� �:.s�f'�Y'�°i�`A�-'L4 €..��� -7`�"p�Jw��hlt� �tdU�'� �t°�9�}► .�Wi�ert �. c���erson v Cora�R�s 3�+n�� a�f F°ub� i c ��taa°k� ' ���f%f{il�� :c: s�iei��rr� s�.:E�r�arr � "rSFry tvse�evve:cxx��i .l�s�ph !�i�;�t�e�' � `� ' /