254580 - , . . _ . , �'�� * COUNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER By File No �� In the Matter of ��� �� �� �� � �� � ��� �i �#a� �Aiiit3+wt i�+�e i�� fts�t t� �retto �t, M �a't �rt tlr ���sit� i�s3 #�, �raat �� under Preliminary Order 23►I�3i approv�l iro�irs �, 1� Intermediary Order approved --� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na.ture� extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .�,.� t� �a �Y �#t+M■� rtsar#�1 tlr �l� !,r iL�dt 3� lls�� �iiit�or �s'+orr :`�.. - - inwt !� �s � ies!ME. a� �'t �! �`7��ter��ivcsi.t� �rw�l �1o�+My� i�t O-H33 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby inatructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon sa.id approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 197� JUN 2 2 COUNCILMEN , (� ;1 . , Adopted by the Council yeas � ;TLER Nays v v � 71 � Approv JUN 23 19 : 'IINE "'��� 'AFK�1 n Favor �_SC4 or �- � Aro�nBt J U N 2 61971 �1 Pu��sxr:v .� �t � � �4s 8p 25��24� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISS{ONER OF FINANCE Janua�y 6, 19 71 To the Canmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : The Cornrnfssioner of Publ ic Works, having had u��r consideration the prel iminary order of the Council known as Council File No. �5��50 approved December 30, �g 70 relative to resurface with bituminous material the aliey in BLK. 3, PALACE ADDITION from Avon Street to Grotto St. , as part of Summit-University Renewal Area Contract G-1933. � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: 1 . The estimated cost thereof is $ 2,169.56 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pa rt he reof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improver�nt is aske tition Pe �� Y � �' � ^ Q'N �v � o �c J �.. � ���`�= �t� � ommiss�oner of Pu i ic WorEcs t� �,.P�' GE tJ! 0`t��.N �' 9 � Z �` � � �. 3 � 6 _ �1iY p� ti�` i ��.'� Y O ... �?fl" -� � ` 4t...i�;�.jJ� 7 ' _ � +. ^C RICHARD A. SCHNARR CI TY O� S/`YI I V T P/`1 U L ROGER M. CONWAY Ch�ef Engi�eer Deputy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTA�ENTOf PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Cou�t House 55102 WILLIAM E. CARLSON • Commissioner � Jenuary 11 , 1971 . i Honorable Mrs. Rosalie Butler • Commissio�er of Finance , � City of Saint Paul . � . Re: G-1933 . Dear Mrs. Butler: I transmit herewith prelimirtary estimate of cost for resurfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, PALACE ADDITION from Avon Street to Grotto Street, as part of Summit-University Renewal � Area, Contract G-1933, under Preliminary Order No. 251750, approved December 30, 1970. ' � Estimated Construction Cost $1 ,894.82 Engineering ' 236.85 Inspection ' 37.89 Total Estimated Cost $2,169.56 Yours truly, ���� � � William E. Carlson � Commissioner of Public Works WEC/WH/bp , cc: Richard Schnarr , . Ken Newcomb Lou McKenna . . REC�� - IVED �l1AN � . . CE � ���o . . , � ' _ _ �•. ��,�� �r e't� ,,f_ . , , - . .� ,:. : Ma�y 2l-� 19'jZ Air. Walter Hurtle�r Loca2 Improveaten� Engineer Dep�rL�aent ��f Public W�r�e T3UILDiPiG Deax Mr. Hurtleyt Set forth he>xein ia information pertin�nt to tbe satimatld costs and propesty as$eaementa for the proposel �treet and all.ey im�provemente for the 8ummiL- U�ivereity NDP sre� r�cheduZed for ths year 1971. The improvemente propo8ed are descrfbed aa foll.cnrs: F'inance File Descri�ion L-3'�+ C�ndemn elopes, gra.d� and gurface alley in Block 1, 2�ii2tUn !ldditicn to width af' 16 Peet. L-325 Con3emn s3ope�, gra,de and sttrface alley �.n Block 3, Nie�in�er & D�nnelly's Addition, end Berryhill and I)�vidson's RearrAngement to a width of 20 feet. L-_326 O�,rerla.y -�r re�urPace with bituminoua a►atertr�,l. alley in Black 3, Palace Additlon. L-32? RsUr�de and surface with bitwainous materia]. �n8 coz�struct where neces�ary concttt� carb end �nztter concrete eidewalk and driv�aays the t'allowing atreete: 1. Aurora Avenu� Proa� Oxford St. to Univcxsity Ave. 2. Oxfoz-d $�reet Pram St. f�nthony Avenue to Universlty Av�riu� �nd frc�n Selby Avenue to the �out?� ellety► line betv,een Portle.nd Avenue and 8ummi� Avenue 3• Milton Street t'�a�u Central Avenua to UniversS.ty �+. Avon Avenue 1'rom Portlend Avenue to Hague Avenu� 5• Fish Street from Laurel Avenue to Hague Avenue 6 Victorite Street f�om Suanait Avenue to Univereity Avenu�. The total estimated expenditures for these improvemente amount to �517,400 to tae financed r�s follasts; r.stimated praperty assessment $ �0,86O.Op � M.S.A. Fund� (Vietoris St,) 14,900.Op Urban Renewal Bond Fund� 467...tb��.�o.00 Total Estimated Expenditures �7,400.pp , . _ � l�r. Walt�r HurtlaY �Y �1, z971 Fbgt 2 Ths eatlaa�ted property aeaeasment is based on tb�e fallori�g Yattes Grade b 3ur�ace alley with bit�inoue mstertel to 16 �oot ridth A � B Reaident3al 1.20 p�r aaaeaesble foot "C" Residential, Co�'l. , and Iadustrial 1.80 " " " Grade and Surface aliey with bitu�inoup ma�aria]. to 10 toot ridth - ..� .....�_.��.. A 8o B Residentiel �0.85 per assesaab].e foot C Reaidential, Ccunrn'l., & Tndustrial $1.20 " " " Overlay or re�urflace exie�in� concrete paveQ a11ay A & H Resid�ntial $0.70 p� a$aeseable foat "C" Residential, Camm'1. , and TnBustriel $1.45 " " " Re�aade �C gav� incl.udin�cancrete curb Re gutter A F� B ResidentlaZ $5.40 per e�s�essable foot `'C" Residential, Comm'2. , rind Industri�l $7.50 " " On Victuria Street fro�a �ummit A venu� tv Dayrton Avenue only the cur'b and gutter will be assesse:i due to th� recent resurfacing on this section of a�reet t�.t the followin� ra�es: !1 E� B Residential $2.(�0 per agse8aable foot ,C" Ke�idential., Cc�.rom'1. , �O Industrial $3•55 P�' as�e�sable foot S�dewal�s, 5 feet wide A � B Residentir�l $1.60 per a�saessabl� foot "C" Residential., Coman'l., and Industri.�.l $3.20 '' +' 't Other wic3ths will be prora�ted accordingly Concrete Driveways 6" thiek �3•00 per square yard 7"' thlck $�+.GO per gqu�cre yard Ths foll�ring c��t� have been 1ACarporated in tho estima�t�i tatal expend�turee for the�e improve�entss Paluati�n and Aasessmex�t Serwices � a20.pp �Iisc. Charges, �ost��e, no�icea, court cost, etc. $1,3�.00 _ _ ��;, • • � ' .. _ Mt.. Wn.tte�r Hurtiey Ma►3► Zl, 19T1 PaBe 3 This oPPice anticipa.tea that the hearing on the fi�etl orde! �till be achedul�d for �hine 23, 1971. Should, you he�ve �ny qwestioae eoneerning thie �atter, please cont,�ct the undersigned. Very truly yours, Roy F. Bredahl, .Tr. A:�s't. Valuation Engineer P,E�:�jg � , � , _ . .. �,.... ___ �,.,... ------ , -_,.,..._._ . �.,.,..,_,..�.,,....;.,.,,.,.. .�,,,,..._..,�_ ._ f �. . . •. t �, � ' � � � 1 �� . I�:� ' ` �� : � � � � Y�c ro�e ia s�- N j , I ' u o � a 1 . �� � ; � � 1 � z ^ � 3 � � a � y � � � - 0 � , ; _ � q✓oM J-r. G . i � �� ; � � � - � � � \ 1. ♦ �.r/ 4 D n . � • G�2or7o .17; �.� x q °'r`! 1 ' �' = o •l x � o � y ; � � n _ N � � _ O � � � • r � . 1 ��• � � . � , i � � • ° a o � JT AL QAN� S T , 11 1 " _- i i i �S . a ' � , a � a � ' � . !� � � � � ; , . N, OAL E .sT � � � �� i ; , � ,. � ; tv V� . �