PRESENTED 6Y June 22� 197�.
RESOLVED: Th�,t application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License issued to Raymond
J. and Edward Bulinski at 620 North Dale Street to Twin City Sportsmenzs Liquor,Store,
Inc. and their application fo� Foodstuff.-Original Container� Off Sale Malt
Beverage and Ciga,rette Licenses at the same address� be and the same are hereby
granted on the condition that within �O days of this date sa.id Twin City
Sportsmen's �iquor Store, Inc.� shall compl�.y with all requiremen�-s of the Bureaus
of Fire� Hea.lth, and Police, and the Zicense Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul
Legislative Code and, all other appli�able ordina:nees and laws.
�� �2 1971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays �� t�
Butler ��`•a °-
�, ovec� 19—
Levine �J
_—In Favor
Sprafka (� " ayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty �UN 2 6 �971
• Capital of Minnesota
aL.>e art�nevct o ub�'c �a et
p �
ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH
RALPH G.MERRILL,Deyaty Commiwloner
�u_1e ?:'� '�7i
.:O;OI'��''}.�C T'i'21.�TOY �F:C� ��."U�J" �:Ot'.I1C1�
i.r'7c^.gi1{.; 1 i;LI?� i:2I1P'FCSOi;�_
Ce���ler.�.en a.��nc� i:����,i-_::
'.",;ir. Ci-�;T S;;�ar{,;:��:aen'� Li�°uor �tore� �::c. iN ;;oaa�ec�
u T i��T?".;OI1C', cT. c;;iGi :�,6A:'i�1.Y'C' �"L?'�i 3...u'.:p �il 1.:�,�i].ii� `ly,,y��.CiT.'+�.�.Q&7 :,`���` i,?1C
i�Y'�Fi�"':."@Y' O� C'i'� �c�.� y��'.,:IOi i1CC'iluf} �.C:. `�'',-U�� C:'._';�I^�.z1� c�:I:Li�I'�'
�, �
c:.e_� i.�i�C� :L�$"O:. :�e:.�j i:iO:.t;� ts• �..i1Ca �C�t'J c.i Ci �.''�t1�.3i.��.� ::O �i1;-ii2 �I-t;j'
i:sj30Y'�:Si1CI:�N ��7_`'�lIOI Ja�01^C� �i.i1C. u_C. �`�,'� t'�. �:�_e ti�".T'°�°.G'�'Y..
�?sTZ31 ?.".5::�' �i�C2'L.SPiG-`:":�� u�i:"UOT' u"`I.QY'G'y �P1C. c^.�NO :.�1T,_C3S
�l.��i ic�_tson �'or C?�ss ➢—Cr�.�i:zs-_I Coi�t�i.zc:°� Ci�" a ��c i'�.'�; ;'.e�—
. . , .
CY'c^.,.vC iti:t,', l�c^.iC;l.i:@ �.iCCtt.��"�:�_^, e'� i;:"?C ��i:C �iOC�^.i:s'.C�:1•
'.�w`C'01"�G �.`ViC i,l�"'::'r':� .TI^C�,ICtG-'Fi�"+. 03 i�'IiI1 v"i'i�",�' �j��OY��:uT:1C�'a�i.`'.s
i�Z�!4?OI �-�0�., 1C. p�.CI'�.i.CG;i 2� Sv�'rJ2CC,' ,".a.^f'
""'f Ti h� ^� - ' tit��_�..i.�.1 �_i. ��'v� �7.CG' J�.Y'CL'i.
��'��o;.. ��:.7e i�:5� a;o ��<,�au�r�r �� ��;?.
a'_i1Il^;j+2.P1i1 uC::.L?.�i.�t;:_;� iJE,'C%`Ci:£,.i"�j� �:i �?7,C �'i:l'al �.3":�j' ..r'i;�10i'+�:—
a:iC.'P'i�u ��?Cr�.O�T' +J��'..OYi'C� ti:C• 1.y c. i1QL�.::i'o,-'i`.*1�'�,'•
�1er;�r �1;ru�,�r �cizr�;�
���r.ie? Y'. P:.cL<<t;��',lia�
�ice.:;�e �r.s,tec�or
22. Number of 3.2 places within two blocka � One
23. Closest intoxicating iiquor p7.ace, fh3 Sale 3 blocks_ t�f Sa].e 5 bloCks
24, Nea re s t Chureh 3 blOCkB Nea res t Scho ol 3 b1oCk8
25. Number of booths Tables C�ir� Stoole
26. What OCCU�'E1071 1'1.a46 vou followsd for the }�st five years, (Ga.ve namas of employers
and date s s o emplo�red.�
O er ated a service station at 1200 Rice Stre�t as a Shell Su r station
9.fo �.�. , j 7
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St, Pau7., Minn., v�o c•an gi�v�s
information concerning you,
�tame We�tern State Bank Address St. Paul
Name Shell Oil Company Address St. Paul
igna ure of � George Schu
S�ta te of' AQinne s ota 1
County of Ramsey �
GDORGE SCHTILTZ being first dul� sworn, deposea and says
upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his signature �nd l�awa
the contents thereof, and that the sama is true of his ov,m. k;nowledge e�cept as to
�hose �ttera therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoae mat�ers
he believes tham to b� �rcze.
� _
Si�na ure af plio t eorge Schul
Subscribed and syyorn to before me
this,-i`�6th day June 19 71
�i" �'-t% ' ; _�(.l
No�ary P�ab ic, Ramsay County��.nnes a
� C o.�n.i s s i on e x i rs s NotarY PubMc. Ra�►C�,Mln�.
$' p� ..��I.y Ccim�.,.:zsk�� F'Yd..�a� !S. �97�
(Note s These �tateinent forms are in duplicate. Both copiea must be f1z�.ly �3,11ed ou�,
notarized, and re-�urned to the License Divisicra.�—
��e June 16, ].9 ?1
1. �,pp].ication for - a o Lic�nae
2. Nams o� applioant Twin Ci S ortsmen'e Li uor Store, Inc. (by George Schultz, President)
3. Buainess addresa�Q North Dale, St. Paul Rea idencse � 15?8,N. Lexington Pkw�►.�St. Paul
4, Trade aame, if any �
5. Retail Bser FederaZ Tax S#�mp Retail I,iquor Feder�sl Tax Stamp�will be ue�d,
6. CRz what floor located main Number of rooms used one
7. Betwean w1�� orosa atreeta Thomas & Lafond 1Pfh.ioh eide of street East
8. �,re premises naw ocaupied yes Y�Yia� business Same tyQe Haar long ears
9. Are premises now unoc�cupied no How long vacant Previoue Uee
10. Are you a new o�ner �es Have you baen in a similar bu�inesa before no
VPhere �fihen
11. Are you go3.ng to operate thia business pereonally eg ,
Y .� ,,..
If not, v�o will operate it
12. Are you a.n any other business at the present timia tio
13. Have there been any oomplaints against your opera,tion Qf this type of p].ace no
�ihen 1Nhere
14. �iave you ever had any lioense revo�Ced no 1�Phat reas on and date
15. Are you a citizen of the United States Ns�#�e X Natural��ed
16. 1Nhere �rere you borr� Brownton, Minneaota Date of bir�th May 13, 1925
17. I am married. My (wife's) (k�x� name and addresa is Maryann
� ......,.
15?8 North Lexington Parkway, St. Paul, MianeBOta �
18. (I�' me�rri�d femals) my rr�siden name is
19. �ow long have you 13ved in St. Paul 25 years
20. Have you ever been arrasted No Niolatian of what Qrimin+�l la�er vx ordinauo�
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul X Yea l�o•
(An.s�rer fu].1 and oom letel . These a lications are thorou hl aheoked and �n
alsification �11 be cauae for ena.a . ��,�,R�
F`4R ,
Rs: Off- Sale Liquor License
Name of applicant Twin City Sc�ortsmen's Liyuor Store� Inc. (Geor_ge Schultz, Fresident)
Business address �p North Dale . St. Paul
Are you the aole owner of this businessB . If not, is it a partnership?
corporation? X , other?
(?thers interested in business, include those by loan of money, property pr other9vises
Name Marva_nn Schultz Adaress 15?8 Lexin�ton Pkwap Hcrw
If a corporation, give its name._ Twin City �rtemen's Liquor 3tore, Inc.
Are you interested in any way in any other retail beer or liquor business? no
As sole r�wner? Partner? Stoakholder?
Qtherwise3 (Through ioan, of money, etcs. Explain� no
� �
Address of sueh business and nature of interest in same
igna ure of a lean George SChu
S�ate of �Ilinne s ota�
Gounty of Ramsey �
GEORGE SCHULTZ being first dul�r sworn, deposes and says upon oath
"that he has read the foregoing a�fidAVit bearing his signature and knows the contenta
thereof; that the same is true of his av�rn l�ovrledge, except as to those matters thexein
stated upor_ inf'ormation and belief and as to th�se mstters he believes them to be true.
/ ;
S�.gnatur app ' ant
3ubscribe�d��nd sworn to before me
thi�' 16th c3a�)y of June lg 71
, �
• (.
�; ;�
Notary u lic, ey Caunty, lnnesota
�y ca�n.ission expires 19
inIIRAl1 �!llClalt
N^t6�Y Pt�IG� RltM����
,�y Comr�Jon ixpMes qt�. 19, 2973
GEORGE SCHULTZ being flirat duly sw�orn, do�h depose
and aay that he makea �his affida�i� in csonn�action with applioation Por
" Off- S�le" liquor licenae (" �, Sals" mslt beverage licen$e� in the City
of Saint Paul, Minneeota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of
Minnesota and has resided tharein for 25 years, montha,
snd ia now and hae been for the ti.m� abavo mentioned a bona �ide �esident o�
said State and that he �a�r resides at 1578 Lexici n N. Pk St. Paul
� A dreas
, Mixinesota.
C it y or ov�:
rge c z
Subscribed and sworn to bef'ore �
tha,�'` 18th day of June lg 71
� r _ G, r�---- _ _____,
Notary 1ic, Ramaey ounty;Minneaata
My co�ission expires
�ae.�N e�T�C�ce�
N�tnry Pub!�, Ramgey Cow�►.MMn.
�,^�n�in�, €xpfres Aug. 19, I�Q73
22. Number of 3.2 places within �o blocks � , ong
23, Closest intoxicating liquor place. �hz Sals block� Dff.Sa1e 5 b1oCk8
24, Ne�re s t Chureh 3 blocks Nea re s t Scho ol 3 b1oCk8
25, Number of booths Tables C�irg Stool$
26. 1Nhat occupation have you follow�d f or the past five years, (Give names of employers
and datss so emplo�ed,)
27. Give names and addresses of two peraons, residents of St. Pau�, Ddir�n., y�o can g�4e
infoz�,tion concerning you.
T�Tame Western State Bank Address St. Paul, Minnesota
�ame_ Minnesota Federal Saving_,s &L�oe�ddress St. Pau1, Minnesota
Si� ture o App ican Maryann ultz
S�a�e of' &�inne s�ta�
County of Ramsey )
MARYANN SCHULTZ being first duly sworn, deposea and says
upan oath that he has rea t e foregoing statement bearing his signature and l�.ows
the eontents thereoP, and that the sam� is true of his o�m knowledge ��Qept as to
those mattera therein stated upon information and belief and as to thnse mat�era
he belioves them to b� trt�Q.
Signat of Applicsant ary Sch tz
Subscribed and sv�rorn to before me
this '" 16t �y �' June ls 71
�� � , ���
Notary Pub i�Ramsay County, M�.nnes�ta
�y Co�nission expire �'y�' �"'��' ���
(No�te s These statement forms are in duplicate. Both eopies must be fully f illed uut,
notarizod, and returned to the License Divisian.j'r
�'te June 16 �.9 71
1. ,l�pplica�ion f or Off-Sale Liquor License
2. Name of appliaant Twin Cit S rtsmen's Li uor Store Inc. (b Ma aan Schultz Secretary
3. susin.ee$ aaares���North Dale, St. P„_,_„aul Res idence__1578 N. Lexin on Pkw�. ,St Paul
4. Trsde n,ame, if any S rtemen's Li uor Store
5. Retail Bser Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Ste►mp��,wi�l be uaed.
6, (�.i what floor located Main Number of rooans uaed One
7. Be�ween what cross atreeta Thomas d�. Lafond �N'hich �ide of �treet East
8. Are premises n.ov�r ooaupied _Yes '�Phab busineas Bame tYpe Hcr�v lon�� �eare
. .,..,..
9, Are premises now unoocupied no ��v long vacant Previous Uae
10. Are you a aew oarnar .�res Have you been in a aimilar buainesa before no
t�Phe re �fihen
11. Are you going to operate thia business personally ye8 �
, ...r-_.....
If x�ot, who will operate it
12. Are you in any other tauaineas at the present tim� pp
13. Have there been any oomp]aints against your operation of this type o� plsae no
When Where
14. Iiave you ever had any licsense revoked rio �that reas on and date
15. Are you a c3.tizen of th� United States1�Native X Naturalized
� "�„'"
16. 1Nhere �rere you born St. Paul, Minnesota Date oP birth September 29 1926
17, I sm married. My �iiK��1J (husband's) name and addresa is George Schultz
1578 North Lexin a Parkwa St. Paul Minnesota
18. (If a�rried fsma►le� my xr�iden name is •� _ �U R ��o
19. How long have you lived in St. Paul all my life
20. Have you ev�er been arreated no �iolaticm of what oriaia.n�l l.e�w� or ordixie►nae
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul X Yea No.
(Anawer �u11y and aompletel�r. TY�ese a lica�ion.s are thorou hl cheoked and an
falsificsation wi11 be cauae Por dena.a . ���p�
Re: Off- Sa1e Liquor License
Name of applicant Twtn City Sportsmen's Liquor Store, Inc. (Maryann Schultz, Seeretary)
Busine�s address �O� Nor�h Dale� St. Paul
Are you the sole owner of this business4 . If not, is it a partnershipR
corporatian? X , other?
(>thers interested in business, include those by luan of money, property or otherwiset
Name George Schultz Address 1578 Lexington Pkwy ��,�
If a corporation, give ita name, Twin City Sportsmen's Liquor Store� Inc.
Are you intarested in any way in any other re�ail besr or liquor businesa? no
As sole crwner? PArtner? Stockholdar?
Qther�xise? (Through loan oP money, etc. Explain) no
Address of sueh business and nature of interest in same
Sig tur Qf app ican aryanti z
State of Nlinne s ota)
County of Ramsey )
NIARYANN SCHULTZ being first dul�r sw�rn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoin� affidavit bearin�; his signature and l�.aws the contents
thereof; tha,t the same is �rue of his avan l�.rrrrled�e, exc�pt as to thoae matters therein
stated upon inf�rmation and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
Signatur of applieant aryann 2
3ubscr.a�e� an.d sworn to before me
thi�'� 6t � day of June 19 71
� -�� /
e/ Q.Jt °�-Q``�'"_`�.
Notary lic, ey Coun�y, �fiinneso�a
My comrnission expires 19
RR�AH $7'A�l�
N tary PtrWic, Rente�y C�q� �I�.
�w� c.aa�wla, ixp�ArM.1�� 1�
� y , .
aS�.Ai� 1J� iv�.U.Yiv.Fi'S��
MARYANN SCHULTZ being Pirat duly aworn, dvth depoae
and 8ay that s he makes this affidsvit in oonxnaetion with appl3:oation Por
" Off- Sale" liquor lioenae (" Sa1e" mslt beverage lioense� in �he City
o� Saint Paul, �dinnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State o�
Minr�esota and h�s resided therein. for her lifetirne x�� x��
and is now and has baen for the time abave men.t3,oned a bona Pide reaident o�
said State and that S he naw residee at 1578 N. Lexin ton Parkwa ,
A dreas
St. Paul , �;,,,,eaota.
C i�q or ov�
a rya c u z
Subseribed and sworn to before m�
thi�!'` . 16t day of June �g S1
�.,-�'� ,
otary lic, ey Count , Minneaota
My co�ias�ion expirea
RAI.�H 3'iY1t�(�R
N�tery Pub11c, Ramseq Cpw�r• p�in�,
:;y Cofatsztselon Expi4es q�. jSi��',/1.