03-18Council File # �3 _\g Green Sheet # 203492 RESOLUTION OF Presented By: Referred To: PAUL, MIl�TNESOTA as 1 2 WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Justice has awarded a$200,000 Value Based Initiafive Grant 3 to the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, for the period beginning September 1, 2001, and ending 4 September 30, 2003; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the purpose oFthis grant is to develop and coordinate community partnerships with the 7 faith community; and 8 9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant and authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter 10 into, and Chief WiUiam Fynney to implement, the attached agreement with the U.S. Department of 11 Justice. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Requested by Deparhnent of: Adopted by Council:Date: . � �-�c73 Adopfion Certified by Counci ecretary: By: � _ k� Approv Mayor: Date: (� _ ✓� By: K�B�'���� r VBI grant acceptance.cr.02 By: Committee:Date: Approval Reco ended b,� Finan 'al Servlces: By: ' 1 UA��.&� � ���� " p C� Form By: by City for � ,�- a � � `� x . '�:� _ `` � , W �x '�� U. S. Department of Justice Offzce of Community Oriented Policing Services COPS Training and Technical Assistance Award Pmj¢M'IYUe: Value Based Inifiative Convnuation ORI #: MI306209 Awazdee: St Paul, City of Vendor#: 41�005521 Law Enforcement Eaecutive: Cluef Williaw K Finney Address: 100 Fast l lth S4cet Address 2: Ciry, State, Zip Code: St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone: (651)2923588 p� (651)292-3542 Government Eaecutive: Mayor Randy Kelly Address: 390 City Hall Address 2: Ciry. Sta1e, Zip Code: Telephone: Far: St Paul, MI7 55701 (651)266-8510 (651)266-8513 � ��$ Cooperative Agreement Condifions: This project is approvedaubject to such condilions or limitations as aze set forth on ihe attached pages. Statntory Anthority for Cooperative Agreement Award: The Public SafeTy Partnership and Cotnmunity Policing Act of 1994, 42 U.S.C.§ 3796dd(1994). Award Date: Award Period: Awazd Amount: 9/1/2001 Fmm: 9/1/2001 $ 200,000.00 To: 9/30/2003 Agency Appmva! ��I°^-� � ��� � � \ �WV Cad R Peed Director Signature of Law Enforcemegt Official with the Authority to Accept this Grant Award Signature of Govermnent Off"icial with the Authozitq to Accept this Grant Awazd �' '` I F ' Typed Name and Title of Law F�forcement Official Typed Name and Tifle of Govemment Official Date Date False statements or claims made in connection with COPS grants may resuit in fines, impr federat grants or contracts, and/or any remedy available by law to the Federat Government. ;�. ��` = ����:, `�: U. S. Deparlment of Jus6ce Office of Community Orierrted Po&cing Services Award Terms 1. For grants of $500,000 or more, the grantee aclmowledges that Failnre to snbmit an acceptabk Eqnal Employment Opport�ity Plan (9f graatee is tequired to snbmit one ander 28 CFR 42302) that is approved by the Office of Justice Programs, Office for Ctivil Rights, is a violation of its Asanrances and may result in the saspension of the drawdosvn of f�ds. For grAUts nnder $500,000� the grantee must sabmit a completed EEOP Certification form and return it to the Office of Jostice Prograws, Office for GYv1 Rights �vithin 120 days of the grant awazd. 2. The recipient sLalt snbmit one copp of all repor[s and proposed pnblica&ons resulting from this graut 20 days prior to public reiease. Any pn6&cations (inclad"mgwritten, software, visnal, or sound, b� eaclnd"mg press teleases, ne�vsletters, and issae analyses), whether published at the recipien£s ar Governmert's ezpenae shall rnntain #he followIDg statemenk "This Docnment was prepated 6y St Panl, CSty of supported by 2001CKWRK075, awazded by the U S. Department of Jnstice. The opmions, fin�lings, and conclusions or recommendations eapressed 'm �is doc�rment are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilp represeM the officiat position or policies of fhe U.S. DepaRment of Jastice. " 3. The COPS office may conduM a national evalnation of the Commanity Oriented PoHcing Services (COPS'� Program. The recipient agrees to cooperate with the evalaators, as reqnested. 4. The grant may be terminated, in whole or in part, at any time before the date of complefion, by the Department of Justice if the Recipient fa�s to comply with these terms and conditions, with any of the Assurances sabmiffed with the app&eation or with the pmject goaLs, plans, and methodology set forth in the appmved application, or due to anp eaigent circimuctances the Government may face. The recipient will be no 'UCied of any decision to termmate for the reasons desen7�ed a6ove and be allowed reasonable time, not to eaceed 45 days, to terminate pmject operations. No tern�ina6on shaIl affect the obligation of funds incarred in good faith prior to the receipt of notificaHon of termination Otherwise aliowable funds shaII not be considemd obligated solely bp vittue of recipicnt commitment to par�cipating agencics or project rnMractors for work or services not yet performed. 5. In order to assist the COPS Office m the monitoring of the awazd, your agency w�l be responsible for sabmitling quar[erly pmgress reports and quarterly fmaucial reports. Before those reports become due, COPS staff wiIl pmvide out�mes to assist you with these reporks. 6. Upon grant terminarion, the grantee agrees that computer-madabk copies and adequate documentafion of all databases and pmgrams developed or acquired in connection with the auatyses m the pmject w71 be snbmitted to fhe COPS Office at no additionai cost The data may be ased bp the government, or �ssemina#ed to otLers for their nse, for any pnrposes deemed appmpriate by the COPS Office, witho� further compensation to the grantee. Consistent with 28 CFR, Part 22, the grantee must remove individnal identifiers from any data bases and pmgraws prior to their submission to the COP5 Office. 7. If any part of the fimded pmject contams reseazch or statisticat acrivities wluch involve hnman sabjects that are not covered by an esemPtion set forth in 28 CFR section 46.101(b)(1-�, the grantee must meet the pmvision of the Depactmeut of Justice's Common Ru1e regazd'mg Human Subjects Research Protections, 28 CFR Part 46, prior to the ezpendih�re of Federal f�ds to pedorm snch activityCes). The grantee also agrees to comply to with 28 CFR Part 22 segazding the safegaarding of individually identi6able infotmation coIlected fmm research participants. =���:,-, F ��f i rioo �e�,,,�„�av�, rvw Warhingloq DC20530 Memorandam $200,000.00 $0.00 To; VJiliiam K Finney, Chief St. Paul, City of From: Beverly Alf ssistaat r, Traiaing and Technicai Assisrance Division � Katherine cQuay, Project Manager, Training and'['echnical Assistance Division � '� Bobbie Butler, Staff Accountant, Finance Division Q� �, ��,� /a Re: Training and Technical Assistance Financial Clearance Memo p� -1 Y A fmancial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this awazd appeaz reasonable, allowable, and consistent with existing guidelines. Exceptions / Adjustments aze noted below. Vendor #: 416005521 Benefits Proposed Bud¢et $40,0OO.OQ $0.00 $4,000.00 $16,000.00 $138,000.00 $2,000.00 Costs: Total Grand Total: Cieared Date: U. S. Department of Justice Office of Commanity Oriented Policing Services (COPS� $200,000.00 Total Award: August 13, 2002 ORI #: MN06209 Grant #: 2QO1CI{�'XK075 Approved Bud¢et $40,000.00 $0.00 $a,000.00 $16,000.00 $138,000.00 $2,000.00 Adjustments Disatlowed Reasons/Comments $0.00 $0.00 $o.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $Z00,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ___=„_________________________________ ____ $200,000.00 $0.00 $ 200,000.00 Overalf Comments: �Y � � ,: �_ 03`�� U.S. Department of Jus6ce Office of Community Oriented Policing Seivices (COPS) 1 I W Vermont Avenue, NW Washuy�ton, D.C. 20�30 � Cooperative Agreement #2001CKWXK075 5aint Paul Police Department I. Statement of Authority This Cooperative Agreement between the St. Paul Police Department, "the Awardee," and the U.S. Depaztrnent of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), is hereby entered into under the authority of 42 USC Section 3796 dd (�. The purposes of this Cooperative Agreement are described below. II. Statement of Background and Purpose BACKGROITND: The U. S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services has been chazged with the implementation of the Public Safety Partnerships and Community Policing Act of 1994. Under this law, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Seroices provides �ants, cooperative agreements, and technical assistance to increase police presence, unprove police and community partnerships designed to address crime and disorder, and enhance public safety. The Off"ice of Community Oriented Policing Services is providing researchers, policing agencies, law enforcement professionals, community leaders, and legai experts opportunities to undertake and produce programs, independent reseazch, evaluations, training, and policy support activities on topics supporting the enhancement of community policing, coliaborative problem-solving, police integrity, and organizational transformation. The Value Based Initiative (VBn is a COPS strategy that emphasizes training and technical assistance for problem solving on a community level through collaborative partuerships betwaen local law enforcement, faith-based entities and community organizations. This training and technical assistance is designed to identify and meet the individual needs of residents, thereby promoting the overall health of a community. The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services has expanded its VBI program because it encourages law enforcement agencies to create or strengthen local projects that build trust between the police and their faith-based communities. PIZIMARY OBJECTIVE: Under this Cooperative Agreement, the St. Paul Police Department will design a police/faith-leader training program and conduct two such programs during the course of the year. The department will also provide three safe haven community learning centers for youth and hire and manage staff to run these facilities. In addition, the department wiil create an eualuation tool to measure the success of both the safe havens and the trauung activities. COPS O�ce Cooperative Agreememt-St Paul Police Depanmeni VBI- 200ICKWXKOiS III. Scope of Work o .�_�r For a period hereinafter set forth, the COPS Office and the Awardee will cooperatively furnish the necessary personnel, travel, suppiies, and otherwise perfoim all things necessary for, or incident to, the perfonnance of work (the accomplishment of functional objectives) as set forth below: A. SpeciFcaily, the COPS OfSice will: 1. Designate a Program Manager to participate in the planning and mana�ement of this Cooperative Agreement and to coordinate activities; 2. Provide information and technical assistance from government sources within available resources and as determined appropriate by the Program Manager; 3. Provide guidance to the Awardee in the planning and development of strategies used in the project and in the coordination of the project with law enforcement agencies and organizations interested in contributing their support; 4. Work with the Awardee to ensure that all training and technical assistance providers utilized by this initiative have demonstrated expeztise in the subject matter azea and aze able to perform specific training and technical assistance tasks successfully as required under this Cooperative An eement. The Program Director will submit for approval or disapproval to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, lists of proposed training and technical assistance providers, inciuding their curricula vitae, at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the proposed date of utilization; 5. Review and approve quarterly reports submitted to the Office of Community Oriented Policing 5ervices Program Manager on the progress of the implementation timeline and any progrunmatic or budgetary modifications (with the Program manager receiving both quarterly programmatic and copies of financial reports; and, 6. Reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish or othenvise use, and to authorize others to use, for Federal govemment purposes: (1) the copyright in any work developed under this Cooperative Agreement, subgrant, or conuact; and (2) any rights of copyright to which an Awardee, subgrantee, or a contractor purchases ownership with support from a cooperative agreement. B. Specificaily, the Awardee will: 1. Work closely with the COPS Office and Program Manager to achieve the tasks specified in the Cooperative A�reement; 2. Provide further detail on pro}ect plans as requested by the Program Manager; 3. Adhere to the requirements or tasks specified in this Cooperative Agreement and not deviate from them unless requested adjustments are first presented to and approved by the Program Manager, 4. Submit for prior approval or disapproval to the Program Manager any proposed changes in key staff assignments to this project and any si�ificant changes in any partner's role or responsibilities; 5. Obtain written approval from the COPS Office prior to the expenditure of Agreement funds for the awazd of non-competitive contracts (including equipment purchases) in excess of $100,000; COPS O�ce Cooperative Agreement-St Paul PoliceDepanment VBI- 2001CK4VXK075 6. Submit one copy of all reports and proposed publications resulting from this agreement twenty (ZO) �\`/ days prior to public release. Any publications (written, visual, or sound) or computer programs, oa whether or not published at government expense, shall contain the following statement; This project was supported by Cooperative Agreement #2001CKWXK075 by the L3.S. Department of 3ustice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Points of view or opinions contained in this document aze those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. 7. Comply with the COPS Office policy on contact with the news media. The policy establishes the COPS Office Communications Division as the principal point of contact for the news media for issues relevant to the COPS Office and/or parameters of the Cooperative Agreement. The Awardee agrees to refer all media inquiries on these topics directly to the COPS Communications Division (202-616- 1728); 8. ffrequired, submit all surveys, intervlew protocols, and other infonnation collections to the COPS Office for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PWRA) of 1995; and, 9. Agree to cooperate with the evaluator if an evaluation of this project is to be undertaken by the COPS Office or a third party and in consultation with the COPS Office, and agree to make reasonable adjustments to programs and activities in recognition of significant points of evaluation or feedback. C. The Awardee acknowledges that: 1. If any part of ihe fixnded project contains reseazch or staxistical activities which invoive human subjects that aze not covered by an �emption set forth in 28 CFR Section 46.101(b)(i-6), the Awardee must meet the provisions of the Department of 7ustice's common iule regarding Human Subjects Research Risk Protections, 28 CFR Part 46, prior to the expendihue of Federal funds to perform such activity(ies). The Awardee also ab ees to comply with 28 CFR Part 22 regarding the safeguazding of individually identifiable information collected from reseazch participants; 2. Impiementation of this awazd shall be subject to Federal monitoring, auditing, and/or evaluation and/or a Single Audit Act audit (see OMB Circulaz A-133) and agrees to cooperate with such activities by providing access to and copies of, as appropriate, all project-related records, documents and personnel; 3. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions o£this award may result in legal sanctions including, but not Innited to, suspension and termination of funds, repayment of expended funds, and ineligibility to receive additional COPS funding; 4. A hold may be placed on this award if it is deemed that the Awardee is not in compliance with Federal civil rights laws and/or is not cooperating with an ongoinn Federal civil rights investigation; and, 5. False statements or claims made in connection with COPS awards may result in fines, imprisonment, debazment from participating in Federal grants or contracts, and/or any other remedy available by law to the Federal Government. COPS O�ce Cooperative Agreement-St PriulPolice Department VB!- 2001CK6PXK07i D. Specific Requirements At a minimwn, the following specific requirements shall be fulfilled by the Awardee during the specified timeframe. Task 1 o �.1i� Hire a VBI project director who will serve as the point-of-contact with the COPS Office, oversee and coordinate a11 VBI activities, and deliver all necessary materials to COPS in a timely fashion. Task 2 Design a police/faith-leader training program and conduct a minimum of two such pro�ams in the course of the yeu. Task 3 Provide three safe haven community learning centers for area youth. Task 4 Hire and train staff to manage and provide services in the safe havens. Task 5 Establish a VBI Governing Boazd. Task 6 Complete a community safety plan and develop a plan for dissemination. E. Performance Time Line and Deliverables The performance time Jine for all deliverables and their due dates (based upon an awazd date of 09/Ol/Ol), which are considered to be significant in the performance of ttus Cooperative Agreement, shall be subject to the timetable outlined in the Awazdee's Pmject Nanative and Implementation Pian. Three hard copies and one electronic copy of deliverable items shall be delivered to the COPS Office (20) days prior to public release. The Awardee's Project Narrative and Implementation Plan (attached to this agreement) shall be incorporated into this aD eement and the Awazdee will be responsible for fulfilling all of the goals, objectives and tasks contained in the Project Narrative and Implementation Plan. COPS O�ce Coope>ative Agreemsnt-SL Parel Police Depanment VBI- 200lCKWXK0�5 Deliverables All deliverabie items sha11 be furnished to the following project manager (20) days prior to public release. Katherine McQuay U.S. Deparhnent of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services 1100 Vermont Ave. NW Washington DC 20530 F. Financial Status Reports o� •� The Awazdee will provide quarterly reports of project activity and expenditures. Specifically, the Awazdee will submit quarterly financial status reports on the standard government form (fozm number SF269A). These should be received by the COPS Office within 45 days of the end of each of the following quarters (Januazy 1-Mazch 31 / April 1-June 30 / July 1-September 30 / October 1-December 31). The Awazdee wall submit a final SF269A form. IV. Period of Performance Tile period of performance of this Cooperative Agreement is 25 months from the Cooperative Agreement Awazd Start Date (award period 09/Ol/O1 to 09/30/03) to include no-cost extensions. This includes a no-cost extension through 9/30/2003. v. Financial Administration A. Fundin : The total not-to-exceed amount of Federal funding to be provided under this Cooperative Agreement is $200,000 as specifaed in the official budget clearance memo tliat accompanies this doctunent. B. Travel: All travel plans related to the Cooperative Agreement and to the development of the deliverables should be submitted to the Program Manager for review by the COPS Office. (1) Crrantee Travel Cost reimbursement rates are governed by the grantee's own written travel policy. If the Awardee's written travel policy establishes reimbursement rates which exceed the applicable Federal rates, the Awardee must justify those rates as cost effective and obtain prior approval from the COPS Office. If the Awardee does not have a written travel policy, ar if the Awardee's rates aze deemed unreasonable, the allowable h�avel costs will be reimbursed based on the applicable Federal rates for the relevant geographic area. (2) If the Awazdee is using awazded funds to pay for travel for non-grantees, the reimbursement rates for the approved project-related travel costs aze governed by the applicable Federal rate for the relevant geographic azea. C. Consultin¢ Rates: Special authorization must be obtained from the COPS Office for daily consultant rates higher than $450. Authorization requires submitting a detailed written justification of the consultant rate to the Program Manager. Specific and detailed written justification for each additional consultant must be submitted to and approved by the COPS Office prior to obligation or expenditure of such funds. COPS O�ce Coopera[ive Agreement-S! Pau[ PoGce Department VB]- 2001 CKWXKO%5 D. Project Budget: The approved project budget, dated 09/13/Oi, is incorporated herein and made a��,� part of this Cooperative Agreement. Movement of dollazs between approved budget cate�ories is allowed up to 10 percent (10%) of the total award amount as last appcoved by the COPS Office, providing there is no change in project scope. When the cumulative changes exceed 10 percent (10%) of the total award amount or change the scope of the project, prior approval from the COPS Office is required. The Awardee must give prompt notification in writing to the COPS Office of events or proposed changes in excess of 10% of the total award amount. In requesting an adjustrnent, the Awazdee will set forth the reasons and the basis for the proposed change and any other information deemed helpful for review by the COPS Office. E_ Payment: All costs claimed for reimbursement, and payment, including the fmal payment, shall be submitted via the PAPRS system. F. Employment: Awardee acknowledges that nothing in this Cooperative Agreement shall be construed to create an employment relationship with the COPS Office or with the Federal government or to require provision of any benefits incident to employment. VI. Project OffScer(s) A. COPS Office Beverly Alford, Assistant Director COPS Office U.S. Department ofJustice 1100 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 202-514-5775 B. Awardee Chief William K. Finney St. Paul Police Department 100 E. Eleventh St St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 VII. General Provisions The Awazdee of record must follow all requirements imposed by the Department of 7ustice as a condition or administrative requirement of the grant, including but not limited to: the requirements of OMB Circulars A-87, A-21, A-122 or the Federal Acquisition Regulations, as applicabie (goveming cost principles); OMB Circulars A-102 or A-110, as applicable (ITniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements); OMB Circulars A-133 (goveming audits); the applicable provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended; the current edition of the Office of Justice Prograsns Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants; and with all other applicable program requirements, laws, orders, regulations, or circulars. VIII. Modifications Modifications to this Cooperative Agreement may be proposed at any time during the period of performance by either party, and shall become effective upon approval by both parties. COPS O�re Coaperative Agreement-SG Paul Police Depmament VBI- 2001CKWXK075 a � _�Y IN WI'INESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Cooperative Agreement to be executed as of the date therein written. Signature(s): � e , ire Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Date: � � � � � ���� Signature of the Law Enforcement Fxecutive/Program Official with the authoriiy to accept ihis grant award. � Chief William K. Finney St. Paul Police Department Date: Signature of the award.• Ivlayor Randy Kelly Mayor, St. Paul, Minnesota Date: ��- ��. Official with the authority to accept this gr�ant � tC`nav� � COPS Office Cooperative Agreement 10/23l02 9:4I AM , I� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Poli� ����s�oz GREEN SHEET No. 203492 ` � CONTACT PERSON & PHONE 1tsmAUDA INmAUDATE Chief Willi2m Finney 292-3588 � DEPARTMEM DIREttOR 5 cou�_�3 � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �� r Please process ASAP �nnow,Er � ' ��RK �RII1pNCNLSERNCE$qR,_ �FBNNCW.SERV/ACCTG �TOR (OR ASSIS�AM) �ww N6Xf5 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ' CTION REQUESTED , Approval of the attached council tesolution accepting a grant from the U.S. Department of 3ustice, and authorizing the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and Chief William Finney to implement, the attached agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. , . RECOMMENDATIONAppfove(A)orRejett(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: � L Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contrect for this depaAment? ' PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a city employee? '� CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION YE5 NO � 3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent aty employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO ' Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WMAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The U. S. Department of Justice has awazded a$200,000 Value Based Inifiafive Grant to the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, for the period beginning September 1, 2001, and ending September 30, 2003. The purpose of this grant is to develop and coordinate community partnerships with the faith community. (Attached is a copy of the gient awazd agreementJ � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED ' The building of relationslups between the faith community, law enforcement, community, and other ' community associations. The relationships will work to impact safety in the community, provide safe havens for young people, build and add assets to youth lives, and have a broader community network ' to respond to a local and/or national crisis. This grant is a continuation of the community policing effort that is the Saint Paul Police D artmenYs hiloso h. ,, DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. � DISADVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVED Lost opportuniry to work with faith-based communities and other aspects of the community to help youth and decrease at-risk youth. �� �c��� ��^ � 7 � m ,� TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 200,000.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE U.S. Department of Justice ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34057 ,,,� FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWN) VBI grarrt accepance.gs.2002