D001146CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOR No: �(.el�' I�`! Lf ) AD4II��IISTRATIVE ORDER � , �� �/�� Date: �'1 • ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, That the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Earie Brown Center, Universiry of Minnesota, 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, to pay ezpenses azising from annual conference for 300 full-time Division of Pazks and Recreation employees on Mazch 11, 1997, • APPROVED AS TO FORM �f � �� Assistant Ciry Attomey �ate 2--'la''�l7 � Depattrnent Head bOi -a 3 i C� Admuusaative Assistant to Mayor ��ti� ��'] DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET����� NO. 37136 Parks and Recreation 2 COMACT PERSaN ANO PH�NE INITIAL/DAiE INRIAVDATE Claire Martin 66363 _1_DEPARTMENT DIftELTOR �_CITY COUNd� Gl! UM9En FOR _�Z._.CIT' ARORNEY �_CYiI' 0.ERc MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY �DATE) �NG qpEp __BUDGEf DIFlECTOA �Flli. & MGT. SEqVIGES DIR. March 1, 1997 _MAYOR(ORASSISTANn � PR 5 TOTAL t OF SIGNATURE PAGE$ �_ �CLIP ALL IOCATONS FOF SIGNANNEI ncnon,aEauesreo: Approval of funding for Division of Parks and Recreation Conference, March 11, 1997, at Earle Brown Center notto exceed S650Q. RECOMMENDATI�NS: Appmve (AI o� fteject fW PERSONAlSERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Ha5 [his persoMfirm ever worketl under a contratt for this tleparhnent? _CB COMMITTEE _ VES NO _� STAFF _ 2. Haz Nis person(Urtn ever been a ciq employeet _DISTRICT COUNCIL __ YES NO 3. Does tNS passoNfiam possess e sWll mt nprmally Oossesied by any current nry employeeZ SUPPORTS WHICH GOVNCIL OBJECTNEt YES NO F�cplain etl yas anawars on s¢parate shee! and atlacM1 to grean sheei. MITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOPTUNITY (Who. Wha[. Whe4 Where, Opportunity to provide training for Division's 300 full time employees. AOVANTAGf51F APPROVEO: Training for atl employees provided at one time in one focation, saving time and money. D15ADVANTAGES iF APPPOVED; RECEI K ED �� � FEB 131997 CiTY CLERK ��� �� 3 �� 7 �� OISADVANTAGE$ IF NOT APPROVEO: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S ��Fnn COSTIRPJENUEBUDGETC-0(CIRCLEONft YES NO FUNpING SOUPC n� � �n ACTIVITY NUMBER INANqAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAINJ 1 � �r`