254563 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK �����J
EAS, the Counc i 1 of the C ity of Saint Pau 1, by it s
Resolution, . F. 250947 , approved October 27, 1970, approved
the City' s Comprehensive City Demonstration Program an.d submitted
the program to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ;
WfiEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Demonstration Program
was approved by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment and grant agreement therefor was duly approved by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul by its Resolution, C� F. 25396g, approved
May 11, 19'71; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Mode1 Cities Model Neighborhood
Planning Council recommer� that the City' s Gomprehensive City
Demonstration Program be char�ged to include an additional program,
an Inner-City Youth League Summer Youth Project; now, therefore ,
be it
R�SOLVED� That the Council o� the City of Saint Paul
does hereby approve the addition of the above program, to be
added to the approved`City of Saint Paul' s Comprehensive City
Demonstration Program, �+!hich additional program will not,; require
any addit ional Federal grant fund��- �the pro ject �to be financed
from the Emergency Action Fund; and be it
FURTHER RESOLSTED, That the Mayor of the City of Saint
Paul is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development a request for
approval of the additional project, and the City Clerk is
hereby authorized to transmit a certified copy of this
Resolution to the said Secretary.
��yes�k Corporation Counsel'
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci U N 18 1971 19_
Yeas Nays
Butler �� a Y ��
Appr 19—
Levine _�___In Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco Against
Mr. President, McCarty J U N 2 6 1971
PUBLISH�D ,.... .
� -• � �g 7/ �^' / �
%��•-) � �K' �,?
l�t�ii}� C�:_Z>��OJEC`i: In�1er Ci-cy 4'�uth L�a�ue Sumrr�er 1'ou'ct� Projec�
IiD;'ridlr'��R,�`I'T1�;� l�G:�:1v'C;�": Inner Ci.ty �'outh I,e�;�lie
SL�I�CCivTTR:?CTITiG IsGi�IdC�': l!`.orie
PURPi?:�I; I+i`?l) ?3;•.,';d�;FIC�:;;i?:C�; :
7'ne p�ux•t�>o:�c o.f fh�.s px��jec� is to provide t��eanirL�;fttl �;o.rlc experience anci lea��nin�
EY.i��':C1.�':i:��i i�CT' u8`JE'.I?1�,?r ]�OF.'-1`11CGL'"iC fc:�"�1�.�' li1G'I11��@TS UC'i.l':�.E21 �:h(.' c�.�CS Of ��'t—�.�
Ql2J.'1.):'1�,' i}:(? c�il:li�:��I' Uf ZC1.�. 1:1 c:.C�Qli'i.lO?'1 ,'GO p.rovic_�r��; E?C%'�.1Cc1t10?:c.�. u7:v C'i,^��;!.'vjl;:?11'l".
o;;r:,�r;;t!a:i.�:_i.es '.:h1.s �r�o jec�t �,�i11 serv� thc� l;ur}��se o:i :i.i;���ro;ri riL; �he �zh�Tsical.
�:�p�>>e:,r�z�:c� e� t�.e ne]�;hLorhoo� r�no. e7.imin<.�cir�; hea�li;h. hazard.s. Tiie Tnner Ci-i:y
_ 1'ou�t, l.r,:��.�;uc because a� is co,�pased of inerr;bers of the tSodel Tr'ei_�hborl7ood ax�e�.
is �_ri a tz���e�ae ��o,:�:i.t�.on ta cr.e�:.te educa�iana�. e�:perien.ces ��rha.ch a.ppeal to tl:�r�. }3ecaase
c�i�ple;�rr;���� op�or'ci��;i±ies are la.ckir�� in tlie I.ode7. I�'eiE;hbort�ood area, and becausc
recreat�_ona' and eauc�;��or,al c:yl��ri.ences in i;h.e sur;;mer months is ��ery limite::�, �his
progrur�i o�'ic;rs a. co�i�rehensiv� approach to dea7_ir.� �-::ith the many problc:rns faced by
inner cat�Y� ,youth durir.� tl�e sur�^�er mor�t;hs r.�nen school :i_s not in ses.�ion.
COr�;1.i?i�'.!` 1.3�'.�; 0:'):'R:r.T_I:OI`;: � �.
`i97e .a:�7;ec�� l�rill consis� of ye�reni;S* �-otath unc?er the s���ervi�zon o� ten oJ.der
;�au�L:c�, a;;;;.rc�:ci,r�uc�:.��.�= 13M2� ye��rs of� 3.�;E:a Thc OVt:Y'aZ�. a.11^i'C�IOri o� t.he prcjF:c~
i•,��.�_ L;: t;.tzd.-^.r. �. '.72'J;j�C't, r,noroii;�tor t;ho t•;i�_]. be assiste�. hy f,eao wc�rk�.n.m for.er:;��n.
1?e,:,rr.,�d.a.,�:; �,o i:l�.e r:eeds of thc�� commu.�zity �his projeef� ��;:�:L7_ en�a.,r�,e �.n the fo1.�;_c�-�:i?��
ar.;:i�=-�•c�ie;_s: ���zt�d �ior}: - -i;hcre wzll be one t�ark creti•� assi�;neci �o �l;.is, tl?eir �:<r�:i_n.
resrorz;_�.U3.:1;.���- 4.�'L]. be La p;o to peoples horrres ;�il�o have �;onf:ac�ed 'cl�e Lc;�.F;ue to c;.c>
Vi:�:'101?�> l�''j'�:?F'.i UA �'d03�}', \i'12:>I1 1':'1.n.:�OiJS� CUt{:121� �I'c^,SS� C�C'aI11Ylu Up �:�.�C;fii�Tl�:..°i �I:Ci (�-":T'£�<��nc��
a±ru �;���ke n:ii,ai� repairs r��:,a.n.Zy in tlze c,•arpe��tr} r:or.ke 1`he c•rorkers tri1l. get a r,h�:;�cE:
�O ::L'C UOt�i@ Of ��"i�� 140!"l: I."1�rO.�:VC:i'i 2I: l:i;�.'.1it��.�.r.:ir:.�; a ho�neo Tiie peo�le O1 'Lile CQi;i1�i:IZ17.���
`:�..�.:L (;c�f; �o:��e i'ree he�.p in i;r3rYnU to T„aintaa.n �nd kee� u� tl�ezr �?i�o;�erty.
T17ere �J:i�:i be cruti:s assi:�n.ed 'co this, one �ar ea.ch 1•;odel Cities dis�rir.t. The:,e
]7CQJ31_C S�?1.�_I_ ItiOX'�i _l.I1 a1..�.8�'F� F,iT1C� Si:T2C'GS �5i4�GC��11�('is :>�lOt7(;�.j.11�y Lt71('1 �JUX122(� tT'u.:ill F:tX]Q
leaves, a.��d other for:r.� of „•aste). 1•:'e t��ill �;ei: assistance of' tra;�h haul.in.� 'cr�.?c.:c�
to co;�e tie:nind these cre�:s to Y:aul tiie �ra:�:� at��ay e The �raricers ��:ill ge�; a b:;:f:�.r
Ltl.1C�C),��La.ndin� that z�.rba�e and tr�,.s}i he�p d.rr,.��� ,;.ice aric� ra.1;�7 tha�; inie.at our. ho:c�es,
�lso ;:1�ie1' ti�1i11 �;e� � chai.ce to •�rove their pric'e in t:�7�:lr o�•m cor,-,munif�r l�y he�.pin�
to cl�an it up ai?cz hol�:�fu7.1y ge� sorae sati�.f'a.ct�an �;�?ieti theix� ao�� is done. `i•he
penJ:,.le of the cc-,,r.�:�ani.�c�- �.�i:i.l. c�c i'irst �i��er_ �t,h:> ,a±isfactiar�. a�' ha�-�_nj; their pro-
. ?�^rty and alley-V;:�� cieaned up� Secar.r."t, 'i,}�e,y 1J:1.�.�. ��C �i��en namcs «nd ��hone .i�.�nbers
o.` �c�°a.;h 11�,_u].er.s �:�i,o :i.n. fr.r,- ���t;�,zr.:� cari s:,l?�:,_�; i:l�e::� ±�7.t}i tra,:�?: caz� �ind Z�icic up their
tr.a:.>h !'cr a reasonable i:�ri.^_ed 7:izrd, it: t��i:�.:L be c;;�,1��.ineU. i;o thern t:he irtport.ance
of iceepin.�* their tra�:?: and j;arl;���;e ia� a praJ�e.r cor�{;^-i�acr t:o minirii�e �:he chance of
rodent� ��.nd als,� �or �;enc�ra:l. ��c�:�i.th ru.r�o„es�
CC)OiC 1.;;C;:
��1(:X'E.' 1'�:1..)_Z �G OT1G' �'10l'}i C1�Lk' c1:i�i.����.C.�}+ t:0 �l,ii:t_��,i ����1°.SC �CGj")1.P. W_11.� l•.O11C Ol"'1 ��1C
I;,lll� fooc' �„�c;;,��,;;� t1�c�� c; st,n;:;1c1�, 'i"�� �,= c,;:�`> � <_�;.�1 Lc ..�::�•�r:i n�; �ciz.rc�e mea'1;; <:��d tti.�o
snacl:s per day, so these peo�:lc� irill �auve i;he respo�:�;ibili�y of receivin� the food,
dishin� i� up and cleaning up af�er each mea1.,. L•,'e r�ill al.�o be �urchasin�; meats,
ve�etable, etc. �o �;o alon� �:��_',;h i;hesc mc��:�<.s so. •cli�:•��ore, the �•�orkers t,;ill also
be charged G,�ith the responsibility of purc:liasir�; az��d preparing these foods�
The LAa�ue q�aite off:en �oes on out;in�s in r�:hicl� food. is p�epared., these peonle
will a7.so be responsiblc� for cool,in�3, r.>erzrir:� cle�.r-up on these �ctivi-tie� �.lso.
The t•torker.s �ai.11 �;ct a cha.r_ce t:o .�earn ho�-a to prep�.z e vari ous 'c�-pes of inea.ls,
hor�r i;o plr�n. meals, hoY- �to sl�iop for grocca°ies ��;ic� Lopc�f.ul.ly learn enou�;h i;o 7�ass on.
to o�:hers..
T"�n�T f.'�ir:ilies are in a sit;uaf.zo�z �•:�ler.e botl� n.:ren'ts a�e wo��l;int; or are ao «ctive �;r�t
they r.�;�5.�� no'c liave the a��port.,�ri.;,}* to p>>c-���,•�.re a11 �;ri� ri�uls 1°cr -�heir c�ii_1_ctre:i, t'r:�re-
fare, t�:e can help �}�em by servi:ng t�_fty pecp7e 'chis :slarn�:ier. A.lso �:he p�re:�;,s o.f
the �ti�orlccrs may appreczate tl,e cifort of he:Lpi..ng tco {:e�ch their cllildren ptzrc.izeir.�,
preparin� �nd serving food so they ma�° be rnoxe help�'u� af: home iiZ �hese areas.
DAY CA�;�;:
�de have alread.y discussec� vrith 1�ilder I'oundation the ��ossibilit.5 of using one of
our cret�:s in f:�leiz� t�•�o Day Car.e Cnter�. Tnes� people wi.11 �;� to these centers �..rc
worlc �a�.�h young people in various classes, also in p.lannin� aT�d carrying ou� acti���i:��.
Tlie �,�orkers �.*i11 get a sense o.� responsiUi.lit�• and same addi�ional know�.ed�;e nf cari:-��
for and i�ror}:ing t•�itil youn�; peopleo V
Da3� CF'�X'C centers ha;re al���a��s bc:e;L rielpfu7� �;o paz�ents ;��ho are ;��or;�i_z-:� or ��rhatever
as f.ar as a p�acc� for their. chi.l��°en to �o t:}lile �lie;�r are �•alcin� care of their bus;r���,
There ha�Te been sor�� cases eahere par.en�� �•;ere unable i;o �e�f: theix chilaren ?n nec�a�e
of shor.ta�e of staire Ho;�etuLl�� throu�h the Ir�ague supply].11(�" c^�aaition��.i �aorkers t:�i�
��-i11 udd to {;he car�acit,y and ser�*ice of i;f�e centersm A1so it inay help develop the
abilities of the wor�kers so they rnay be able ta be o� mo.re assistance to trieir par�nj�
with their S*ounger brothers anci sisters at hor�ea
PHOT'OuRAniiX: '
Tlze Lea�ue has a darl; room which is fair]�3* complete i;o deal t�ith developing and
enlargin�; of black and �ahite pictures. 1.'e also have pho�as of r�any of the activities,
even�s, Jiardsllips t�iat l�av�e ha�pened :in a.z�d �o our cor�L�:u�2zt j* for tl�e last �hre� years.
`1'll@ C]C'Cl1 t;0I�:1.I2� 1I7 {:111.�i CC�i?.}"''�:I�'G21� kZ.!..� _�t��i].':! }:C��.' '�,O U�:-�E c+. CE:Ii;CY'cJl SO ��1@�' CF�TI �E'�:
out in our camrr;unit�* to e�:plorc and docu,7�nt t?�inbs ?-iappenin� t?�at at'fect our
live�. 7�7�e� ��:i1]� 7.earn the co:nplc:te darl; r��m tccl.n�.que� so tt�u{; they may produce
their fiiiisli proc'�uc� and ac�ua1.15T f eel tl?e crea�a.��enc;» in their work. `1'l�e,y �,;ill
also pui; to�;ether p��o�os anci ;;1.i_de cata].oE-,ues a.ccoa�cii.r��; to even�s, of a11 thc events
we riave documenf.ec�a `1'his �ail�. ��].o��r peop'Le to see th�.i:�.US as �he�r have l�appened
and also ��llot�: �roups, ozgan.izata.ons and scllools to u�e for di�cl.tssions ar e;hatev�r. .
Along �•r:i.th the re�ular photo actx.vi.ties t;he League ic� in the proeess of malcin� a :;o�ie
witba.n the comrnunity. 1'arts of �:he n�ovie wi 1.1 l�e sf,;zrecl by our llrama Department,
but; mos�: o.f it �-:i11 be actua:l l�appe�:inr;s. l�Je ��ri1J. u:,e rz cou}�].c: of people �ro:� o.�r
phatc� cti�e�� to lear.n )101: to set up and use a 1E� rn;3.._�.r;��>�c�r sour�d movie camera. Tl�e�•
�4�i�.1 r.�ove ei1�. o�Ter thc cornmunit;� and �hoat t}1:inr°:� �:.:> t}le�• are pl���znc�d or or,cur>
k�heii th.:i.> :i,� 1'inished, and if it i:u.rris o;�t: �l�e i.:�,�.v 5.1c hope i� wi].l, �ae wi11 u�e t'.,is
a.S L1 �O'1°1l1 OI C(�UC�t:'�071 �1Y1C� CIILG'I'�:c J_l7.!11C71i; .1 O:i L7IC COI"!;i1]122i 1..1:�'c
'1.'he X�ca.l;�ze h�s publisheci a ne��spa�er (IJt�;OJl�,) f.'or tl�c la�t fel�r months, Because of the
�r�an�- ��roolens in the past ��rii:h har�.ng someone el.se do the p.�intinm, we have czecided to
do t}ie pr:inf;in� our.selves (�;e are in the �iroccss of �ei;tinr; the r_ecessarSr equit�:�ent and
supplic:s to do tll:_:.). Throu�l; 'che oLher copies of i;��e p�I�er ��:e have received �;�any
com;r,ents on it, some ne�;ative bu� r�os�; po��if;il-e �.nc� cncoura.�;�r.�;. Yeople fee� they are
getf.i�i�; a real s:�r�rice by bei:��; infor.r,ied o�' tlzi.r.i�s happenii��; tl-�at af'f'ect tl�.eir livesa
1�le �lso Plan to do O'"t,�lC'7' �.vpes of pr�n�:znTm 1�1e ti��i�.1. put ou{: a calencz�r ti•,�i�li pir�;vres,
sket.ei7es, and cia�Les o�' rele•rai�-c hap��enin�� �:�.i;hi_n our eo,��;;�u;.zi.�y� tiv'e l;ill also cio
printan.� for res�.d�r��ts, busix�essc:� anci or�arii„�.�ions oz -c.his car.�u;:unii;5� lor cost of rna.te�
xials v�>ec3.
Tn� peopl.e a,Z �},7.s cre��y ��:il� be 1rar:�.;.r�f; as <<:e are ��;or.;.in�o `l'hey �-.i71 be ��uti,in� a.
I:L'!ti'fi��lp-C'�" 't',O�GL11�Y' �J�'" TJ.IC'.1XlC� U� <�Y'l:iG�(>;;y 1;'.T'].�;?l?f� c.'.�r';�.c_tet>> C�OII?� T'C:_'Cctl'C�: OT:
ari:icl_es to r�;aYe ,:>>.�x•e �tl�,etiT r-.��e f�3_c':.s, �ra;;ti_r�; the co�:;,cilcs of thn p-�.pc�r Lor;�i:��er,
he�.p�_n� to ediL i;he axti_r_le 5 assys;;i n; :in ti:e ��l ir�:inz;, T���~,,cir7� f.lre t�h�Tsi_c�,�. forrn of
the p:��,er.� togeil:er, �id dis��ribu�ing the paper. �'l�'li:�� <<ri11 also help prirz� and di.s-
tra.bu�e �i�e calenciar, a�id ass:i�-�t ir� the co�lecf;ing, pr.in�cing and di�=tr�bution of.
prini;irig for other.�.
This project is scheduleci to begi:� June 21., i97i and run for ten weeks throu�h
Aur;usi; 2�, 1g71. .
Supp2.eme:�.ta:� �°uzZds from tr:e �;,,er�;e:�cy Ac�ion Ilznd r�iJ.l be u5ed to �rovicle money .
for perUonnel_ ai�o. :;upY�1_�.e� to oner«�e �hz� yo�ytli prajecf d.urin�; 'che st�:•;;mer months,
Ai; a cn;� oi ap�:coxi.r��ate�.y �,r0,g66d The a�t«chccl buce;ct �ho�•;s tl;e cos'c, the pex�-
sonne� supplies required to corr�pl.e�:e i:he actir,i.4ie�- pro jected for this project.
PR0�71.C'I' /�D�;TI�;TS'I'P,ATTOId: �
`i'he project �•ri�ll be aczi�ini�tered by the zilner City Youth 7�amuee Undex thc
supervision of the :Lnner City YoutYi I�a�ue Direc�tor, the Projec�; Coordinatar wi1]_
be r.espar.szb].e �or the effic�.ent, effec�ive operai:ion of this pro ject. Iie trill
plan taork, assi�� tasl;s, a�id su�ervise �:lze acf;�.trit7_es of the two foremen as �hey
in tu.�n superva.se tlie operation of tlie �•�ozk cr•e�;�s in tlle praject. Tx,e Inner City
� Youf:h I.,�ague dispurses its fzuzds thrau�;}i the T;innesota �'ouncl�tion, �herefor.e, �Elle
Minz�.csota I�'oundaf.i�>» t��ill handl� �l�e acc,ount for a.1.1 escj�•et7se;s incurred vndez th�.s
projec�e All rcimbursemen'cs are made a��cer revic�ti,� of pas� d�.st�ur�emenfs by i:he
St. Paul City Accounta.nt� as s�;uted ii� GDA 8 part rI,
`.t'��e Ini�er Ci�y 1'outh. Lrague ��;ork project ��;i�.7. coorc�i.na.'ce its edt?ca"�.ion�� and ocet?pa-
i:ian��l acti�-i'r..ies with fi;he recreatxonal pr.o�r�ir:� oa Projec� Summer and �3te ��,�oxl:
1?S'�7�I'c�C1 G� R:���.�ti 1:'i2].CIl 1.G c�.�.i0 bf,'1I1�� llt)i�;CCI `�..1��* f`.'p:��?1 �%1't`,1.Ciy S.?xG� YIZ�..�. U}�i?}^<?'GE; 1'!01�C
cde«N in the 1�`odel. Pde�.�;hbos�l:ood area. I:� as ex��E:ct:ec� that ,yot?th emplo5�rd in i;hese
Pro�;r�.r,:: ��rill have a fai.rl.y complete da�� o� sche�ulec? �zctivi�;zcs incluc7iri� recreation
and me�;..t�_int;ful ��rorko
'� a�,o��T�ro� ��r�TD LS.Tr;1�TJn�rTO��:
The Ste Paul 1��ode1 Cities pro�rarn �+�ill monitor. each supplemen�cally £unded project
thraur;hout the T`i.rst Actio:i Xear. Thc prnjects t-rixl be irani�or.ed on the oasis
of p1ar�.7ed versus �ctual ach:ievemeni, in tcr.;�s of objectives, con�ent, and 'audget�
An Information .System ti;�i11 be desigi�ed and irnplen�ei;.te;d �iid �aill act as the r-,ech�nis.:,
for the moni�orin� processa �
The Xr:�.�;�,�e �•ri'11 m<�ke lctio-,:�z ta rei:iden�:s of tl,e cor,�:ma.��x�(:�- i,r.at �he�� �::.�,� rece��':,i���e
to st<gc;er:.,:iea�;� Aor. t:�or�k n,,o jec'.;=; i1'd?':1 all c.it;�,zera.�� a_� ��}��e cor;::;:�i�9.t�r« �. tre�.::ocz so:
cont:act�,r� t..e I?roject Coot°d���.-�tor �-,�1:!. be de�rel_oped a.i�c3. pub7.icired tl.rour_:-�oi�� ti:e
coutm�;i�.i�y. He 417.Z1. {;��.e appropriu�e �.ic�cion or a1X req�.zc:U�s �br �•;ork prc.jec�s in
Lile �:Qiu,i7�i�n�.1��ra .
RF.SIDI„'3T E?'�FLOYI�;I�:vT: '
Tn confarmity �:�ith CDA #11 all persons employed on this project S�ill be residents
of the t:odel Ne�.�;hbor.hood area. �'outh enrolled in the prag.ram t,�i11 be select;ed
with pref erence being given �o persons f'rom �;�c1�'are famil.ies and S�outli frc�;t lo;�r-
income faroilies.
1✓�It�r'.�J�TdAA'CF OF E?'FORTo .
.___ �
Supple,;lertar�* moni es t�sed an this �ro ject are for additio�.ial �ervices not aole to
be provided ior b3r usin� loc�l. �'undsa .
1VOT:,: These forms are int�nded. �o illu,�t.rate {;h:, for:�a_t for thc� stardard 2�lodel
�.'1t1t;S ��Jc?Y'c�t?--?' �iGG11C}' ,�;�: _'i°.±, :'.C�ClltlO?:.?�. 1�;:ifY:S �.;?;D]^D'�7'1�.'i,C t0 you�� -oroj(iCi. ,
should be adc.�_t to t:?,� Cost�Cat::�;cry s±;,:et� Iri.�;��,,;a�;�°i.�_.�e: ite,:�s s}�otzld l�� d��le�;ed.o
PROG:��.;i ::D�;IidTSTRl;TIO;'d B:J:�G�T
'Ie P1AI�iE OI' E���::C�� Inner Cii;y You�h L4��?ue
?_e BUDG�,i
A.o COaT C'�.TEGO'.K:Y ; ( Bo ESTIILA`��'i�D Cv^ST I'OR
� YF,4R '%r' �.; ,"
, � )__.OG??;�:.� ......�_..�...
• -��.,,,�-. — --..
.3 ... ---_-_ .-.�.._. . • - - - • . _ _ _._ . � . ._� . _ . . . .__-- - •- - - . . ._. � � _ . _._ . _ � ..___.�..
- ' - '^ �-1�OU.E.1. li:_i.�' _ l�C?Ccz.� rl�p ��I'
(1) Personnel Salaries tt7,900 �
Err,plo,v�e B�:n�fit�. 3�32 >1,7'>� �1E,�75 66,C;01
• _..__
--- .�.___...__ ... __--__.. . _- -- -- � - �. .. . - - - - - . _... ___ . .._._,._... _-__ __,_._ -_ ._.�_ __ _ ---- --- - --_ . _-- -
(2) Consultarts and Contract Services . , ��0
.__ ..___. ._..._v. --• ---._. __ _ _._ ... . . __ . ---_ . . _ .._ _� _��..�, ._._. i __.._ 6�0 -- -.__ ..�..._�.. .__..�._ _.._.___
(3i Travel , 75 (5
. . .____....�,e_._�_..._._...-.---._ _______... _ .�. ... _.�. _ . _ . _ ._^ _ ..._ . �._ .._. . - {--.__ ._ ._---..-- - ___._.... _._._ .._,-....__. _ _.._ _
(!�) �p��� R ?_,1?_5 2s 12� -
. ... ....._._._____.__ - - - -- �_ .... � - -- - - -. _ _ . _�_ . _ _�._w .._ _._ . . _. _ �.- - •-__ _ __ �-- -- . _ . _ _-._._.. . n . ,._
. ;
• (5) Consu�r-�;ble SuUPli•�•s a_nd S��rvic�s I _
- t oG2 2 5 92'I
. . _ __.___�_ .._._ . ._.._.. ._ ..-. _.- - - _ . .---. . _._ ... . __ _. _..�� .�,.___ _ _�__.__ �_'�'?�_ ___�±___._ -- ---•- - -.___.�.
� (6) Rental5 L��as�s or Purchase of �;quip:n�nt �i_ G,7�� _ 3s���_. _ _��,.�Fi� __.._
(7) Other
. � . _.. _.__.,___...._ _ ___ _ .__ _ -- - - - . . . . . . . ... . . ._._ . . ..___.. ._ .�_ _. _� .. . _ __ __� . _ . . _ . ._.. . �_ __.. . .... . - - --
� �
___ . . _.__._..�-- ----. - -- - -,_ . _... _ _.. . -- - - . . . . .. . _ . _.. _r.. .. . __ ?__ . _._ . _.___ . --- ._� _.....__.. _ . . � . _.. . __
.�. ..._---_._..__._.�_.- - -._ . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . - - - . . _ _ . ! . ... . _. . --- - . . . _ . . . . . __ . . . _ . ..._._ ___.. ...
`I'OTAL i C�Q,��6 21 ,2j0 �2,?_16
. . ..___:_...._�__ - - - � - . � - - -•-- - . .
- - - - -_... .._ . . . . _ _ . _ ___.._ ... _.._ . . - -i. . . . . . . .... . .._ . ._._._ . . . _ . .. _ _ _._..
.C�_._ . t�lodcl Cities Supl,lemental i�and: . _ . . . . ._ .._ . _ .. .I. . _GO,c(� .�. .._ _ ., . _ _ . _ . _._ . --- -_ .
Du V Oth,�r.. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . _ � . .._ ... _ . . ..,. . . . I_ _ __. . ._- - - . .�� . c�17.`_r..(' .. . . _ . . _ . . _ .
$UL�L i LT'•i:=, (� ) _
`1'it1e.. oi: I'osit-icn Salary
1 r2'4j.^.C't: Coorcia_r;l':,OT' i`�t4 X �Fn 7: I':/ t'I�'ti� i{?1 C��.��
1 I'ore�;Ran �j.�0 x �;0 �: 10 i:�ke 'I ,IaUU.UO
1 Assista_nt Fore.���_r� ;�3.25 x ��0 Y 10 �•rlc. 1 S j00.00
10 Creta I:eaders ;7j s: 1+0 �; 10 �;�k. '12_,000.0�
2 Clerks �2e50 x ��0 3: 10 t,�l�. 2,0�0.00
`Jl� �':01'�:C'7"'S �;�i X 1i� X ��. 4itC� �U����e�i� �
1 1'rojec'c Evalua_�cor a4 �: �w �: 10 t�.�k.. 1 ,C00.00
Salarz c s ;��17,900.00
L�np1oZ'+:�es B::n�fits ' 7 87? 00
J9 J-•
Consultant and Contract Scrvices
�`tnri� I'��o-�ect Const?lc�:.nts� , 1
, }60C..00
(mo ��rov:io.e tra.irin�; :iri p�iy.ilj.jlij projt�cts
anc3 i�1 tne us� of hand too7.s, ei;c. ) .
. i
. �
. � �
. ,'s
Travel �
St�fi' T��avel ;��),p0
Confer:;nce and Nc�tin� Expen�e
Employe�� 1�4ilea�e P,eimbursen��nt (;5e07j per mile)
BUTG�T LIi�`?�; (4)
R�ntal of Offic� S�ac�
Buildin� Rep�.ir
Janitori��l Service
i'�1ain�ten�..?1ce Supplics and Equiprnent
J��TD��� ���T� ��� ..
Gcar�t��t<.�r.,l>�c �t?1��q�.���:� �;a,d Set^vy r,,.-e� - � . . • �
� _�—,�.,_..�<.�..,���:�.�:�.�..<...:�,..-...�.,,.
Ofzice Supplies aa�a l�,i.r:c4��ancous • ?_.00R00
Posta�a • � . �
I�ind�ona,.nce and Repair nf ��'fa,Ge Equi��e�t = - _
Printing, I7'aplica�xn�;, ar�d I�inding ^ . . "" .. '
Bs�oks and PubLic<.tions . 500000 . .
� 7:,,surance � . SI1n00
Street �roonts ��jo00
�'liot;c� S�„i,plies � � 1�U0,00 -
Food (��apl.ler.�ent USDA i�ood Pro�;xa:n) � - 2j0.00
Gloves � - �0400 - .
I31ac�c top �� � 10�.00.
Rat Foi son _, -- -. ., . ?_OG.00
BUDGET LI��'.� (6) � �
Rcntal,_ L�ase_ cr I'urc'.�ase of _Equi�;ment
Typel,�riters '
File C�bin.ts
D�sks ancl Office Ch�irs - '
I�arid T.^,cl� (Ca.��.;e;:i::G,y) - I+QOo00
S�'.o;r el s 1��0.00
Ralte s 60.00
Hoes 6d.00
No�•�crs 200•00 �
i.:e�se of j Ca.rr�r�:�ll_ ti��ns _ 'I,800.04
r n
Lee:se of 3 Li�}�t "'ruCks ��s l5� .00
iu� Re.r.��il s , 2;>0.00
r t
. (�//� � '
NAI� OF PROJECT; Inaer City Youth League Summer Youth Pro�ect
ADMINISTRI►TIN(3 A(3ENCY: Inner City Youth League
The purpose of this pro3ect is to provide meaningFul rrork experience and learning
experiences for aeventy low-income family membera between the ages of 14-18�
during the summer of 19'71. In additioa to providing educationa7. and employment
opportunities thie pro�ect w311 serve the purpose o! improving the physical
appearance of the neighborhood and eliminating health hazards. The Inner City
Youth League because it is composed of inembers of the Model Neighborhood area
is in a unique poaition to develop a program which meets the needs of the neighbor-
hood children and to create educational experiences which appeal to them. Beaause
employment opportunities are lackin6 in the Model Neighborhood area, and because
recreational and educational experiencea in the summer monthe ia very limited, this
program offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with the �an� problems faced by
inner city yonth durfng the summer nwnths when echool is not in seesion.
The pro�ect will consist of Beventy youth under the auperviaion of ten older
youth, approximately 18-25 yeara of a�e. The orerall direction of the pro�ect
will be under a pro�ect coordinator who rrill be assisted by t�ro working foremen.
Responding to the needs of the community this pro3ect rrill engage in the follo�ring
activitieB: yard work - there will be one rrork crew assigned to thia, thefr main
responsbility �rill be to go to peoples ho�ees who haive contacted the I�eague to do
various types of r�rork (wash windowa, cutting graes, cleaning np baaementa and garages,
and make minor repaira mainly in the carpentry Mork. The w�orkere �rill get a chance
to see some of the �rork involved itt �aintaining a home. The people of the community
will get eome free help in trying to maintain and keep up their property. Clean-up -
there will be tw�o crews asaigaed to thia. TheBe peoplee will w�ork in alleys and
streeta (sweeping, shoveling, and boxing trash and leaves , and other formB of waste).
We will get as8istance of trash hauling trucks to come behind these crew8 to haul
the trash ati+ay. The workera will get a better understanding that garbage and trash
help draw mice and rats that infeat our homee, also they will get a chance to prove
their pride in their owa community bT helpirtg to clean it up and hopetlil.ly get some
eatisfaction when their �ob is done. The people oi the co�ity �rill be firat
given the satfafaction of having their pro�erty ana �iey-way cleaned up. Second,
they xill be given names and phone nnmbers oi trash haulera who in the f�ture can
supply ther� with trash can and pick up their trash for a reasonable price. Third,
it �ri,ll be explained to them the importance of keeping their trsah ar�d 6arbage
in a proper container to minie�ize the chance of rodent� and also for general
health purpoaes.
t r
Thie frill alao conaiat of two are�rs. �ese creMa xill be working ver� cloeely xith the
Health Depar�tsent in learning abont ro�ente, hor to reco�aise a neat, how to put
doMn poiaon, and after a neet ie cleared hovr to prevent them iroa cowin6 back.
Theae people, �rith the proper aupei-�riaon, �rill 6o to peoplea homea rho have contacted
the Lea6ue and atart the operation of reeavia6 rodents or takin,6 the neceaaar� Btepa
to prevent rodenta from appee�rins. In oomt caaee the�e cre�ra �+ill be rrorld.n6 behind
the cleaa-up cre�. Alao, if theee �eople are doin6 their �ob, the� �rill be explaining .
to the reaideats, what they are doia6, hor to �revent the rodenta iro. coming back,
and Nhat to do if they do come be�ck.
The tirorkera tiri.11 get an fmporta�t education on rndents, a chance to help their
con�nunfty and neighbora diapose of rodents and also get a �hance of paasing on
some l�owled�e to othere that ia i.ieportant to everyone.
The League hae been given permiasion by the HRA to uee five lot+� for our agricultural
program this aummer. Due to the fact that it iB so late in the year we have decided b
develop these lot8 fnto minibike raceway8.
We will take one crew and have them clear the land, level the ground and do whatever
e1Be is necessary. Hopefully we Will be able to either get some blacktop donated
or we can purchaee it at a very low co8t.
After these lota have been completed xe �ri11 liave people aupervise theee race-r►ays
to try and keep them organized and also keep in�uries at a minimum.
Ietely their have been quite a tex minibike+s running up and down the atreets. With
so much constractioa going on in the conmunity, there is reall, no p].ace for young
people to ride their bikee, so therefore, they ride them in the atreets along with
the trafiic. In moat cases this has proven to be hazardous and �1ao annoying to
ridera and motoriata. We feel that if rre suppl� theae young people aith a p].aice to
ride their bikee it will minimize theee problems.
If thinga go ae xell aa planned we �rould like to arard little tropAies at the end
of the aummer.
There will be one Mork crew aeaigned to thia. These people will work on the food prograum
this summer. The League will be servittg three meale and two anacks per day, so theae
people. will have the reaponsibility of receiving the food, diahing it up and cleaning
up after each meal. . We will aleo be purchasing meatB, vegetable, etc. to go alotig
r+ith these meala, eo, therefore, the rrorkere will also be char6ed with the responaibility
of purcha8ing and preparing theee foods.
The League quite often goea on outinge in rhich food is prepared, theae people
will also be reapoasible for cookir;g, eerving cle8a-up on theee activities aleo.
The �rorkers will get a chance to learn how to prepare various typea of ineale,
how to plan meals, hor to a�hop for groeeriee and hopettiil],y learn enough to paaa on
to others.
Me�ny familiee are in a situation where bot}� pareate are �rorld.ng or are eo active that
they may not have the opportunitr to prepare all the meals for their children, there-
fore, vro c� help them by aerviag tifty people thie aummer. Alao the peireata of
the rrorkere �nay appreciate the ePfort of helping to teaah their childrea purchaiaing,
preparing aad eerring lood so they may be more helpful at home ia theee areaa.
We have already diacuaaed rrith Wilder Fouadatios the poeeibility of usin6 ose of
our crerra ia their Dieiy Care Center. Theee people rrill go to theae centers au�d Nork
xith Touag �eople in rarioua claeaea, aleo in p]mnaiag and carr�in6 ont activftiea.
The �►orkera rill get se aenae of reapon�ibility and aome additio�l kaoMledge of caring
ior and workisg `+ith Y'o�6 PeOple.
D�y Care centere haive al�raya beei ehlpful to parente who are rrorldng or whaitever
aa far aa a place for their children to go trhile t�e� are taking care of their buainea�.
There have beea eame casea where parents r�ere usable to get their children in becau8e
of ahartage of atafi. Hopefull� throngh the Leagae eupplyin6 additional w�orkers this
will add to the capacity and aernice of the centera. Also it e�ay help develp the
abilities of the vorker8 8o they may be able to be oi more ae8istance to their pe�rente
with their younger brothera and siaters at home.
The Leagne haa a dark room which is iairly conplete to deal �rith developing and
enlarging of black and white picturea. We aleo have photos of many oY the activities,
evente, hardBhips that have happened in and to our community for the last three years.
The crew working in this department Will learn how to uae a camera so they can get
out in our community to explore and document thing� happening that affect our
lives. They rrill learn the complete dark room techniques so that they may produce
their finiBh product and actually feel the creativenesa in their rrork. They will
also put together photos and slide cataloguee according to events, of all the e�enta
we have documented. ThiB will alloa people to �ee thing� aB they have happened
and also allow groups, organizations and schools to use for discusafons or whatever.
Along with the regular photo activities the League is in the procesa of makiug a movie
within the community. Pl�rts of the movie �rill be Btaged by our Drama Degartment,
but most oi it will be actual happening�. We tirill use a couple of poeple from our
photo crew to learn how to aet up and use a 16 milimeter souad mo,rie camera. They
rrill move all over the community aud ahoot things aa they are p].anned or occur.
When this is fiaiahed, and if it turns out the way we hope it will, we rvi.11 use this
as a form of education and entertainment for the community.
The League has publiehed a newapaper (IIMO�TA) for the laet iea monthe. Because of the
many problema in the gaet with having someone else do the printing, we have decided to
do the priating ourselvee (we are in the procesa of getting the neceasary equipment and
supplies to do thia). Through the other copfes of the paper Me have received many
coonnenta on it, some negatine but moet positive and encouragingo People ieel they are
getting a real service by being informe8 of thinga happening that afiect their lives.
We also plan to do other types of printing. We will put out a calendar xith picturea,
Blcetche8, and datee of relevaat happeainga �rithin our communty. Ye will also do
printing for reaidents, businesees and organiLation8 of this coam�unity for cost of mate-
rials used.
The people on thia creM will be learnin6 as �e are �rorking. Theywill be puttfng a
newepaper to6ether by picking up artioles, writing articlee, doing reeearch on
articlea to make �ure they have la�cta, pattiag the contente of the paper together,
helping to edit the article, aeaisting in the printing, pntting the phyeical form of
the paper to6ether, aad distributing the paper. They �rill aleo help print and dis-
tribute the calendar, and aa+�fat ia the c011ecting, printing aad distribution of
printing ior othera.
Thie pro�ect ia echeduled to begin June 21, 1971. and run for ten w�eeke through
August 28, 1971.
Supplemental f�iade froa the �nergency Action �nd rill be used to provide money
tor per+�nnel and anppliea to oper�te thia youth pro�ect during the summer months,
at a coat of approxine�tely x59,62�. The attached budget ahova the cost, the per-
sonnel aappliee required to complete the activities pro�ected !or thia pro3ect.
The pro�ect �rill be adminietered by the Inner Cit� Yonth League. Under the
auper�iaion oi the Inner City Youth Lea6ne Director, the Project Coordinator will
be reeponefble for the efficient , effective operation of thia pro�ect. He will
Plan work+ as�iaa taaka, and au�erriee the activities ef the t�vo ioremen aa they
intura euperviee the operation oi the r�ork crewa in the pro�eet. The Inaer City
Youth League dispnrae+s ita fuade throngh the Minneeot� Foundation, therefore, the
I�ianesota Fouadation will handle the accouat for all expenaee incurred under this
The Iauer City Youth League work pro�ect xill coordinate ita educational and occupa-
tional activitiee w�i.th the recreational program oY Pro3ect Swamer and the �ork
program of REAP, which ia al�o being i�nded by Model Cities, and will operate r�rork
cre� in the I�bdel Neighborhood area. It is expected that youth employed in these
PI'o8:'eme vill have a fairly complete day of scheduled activitiea including recreation
and meaningfl,il rrork.
The St. Paul l�bdel Cities program wrill monitor each supplementally tl3ttded pro3ect
throughout the �Yrst Action Year. �e pro�ects will be monitored on the basis
of plan versus actual achievement in turnB of ob3ectives, content, and budget.
An Information Syatem will be desigaed and implemented and will act as the mechanism
for the monitoriag procesa.
The League r+ill maike kno`m to reaidentB of the commuaity that they are receptive
to auggestions Sor w�ork pro�ecta irom all citizena in the co�unity. A method for
contacting the Pro3ect Coordinator will be developed and publicized throughout the
community. He r�rill take appropriate action on all reque8ts for w�ork pro�ects in
the community.
In conformity with CDA �{11 all peraone employed oa this pro�ect will be reeidents
of the Model Neighborhood area. Youth enrolled in the program will be eelected
r�rith preference being given to pereoa8 from welfare familiee and youth From low-
income familiea.
Supplementary monies used in thia pro�ect are for additional services not able to
be provided for by using local funds.
NOTE: These forms are intended to illustratE the format for the standard Model
Citiee Operating Agency Budget. Additional items appropriate to your pro�ect
should be added to the Cost Category sheet. Inappropriate items should be deleted.
._. . _,__....��...�_---_.. _ ._ . _ _.___ ___�. ._. . . �. . .._ . _. ..__ . __. .I_.__.. . _. - - - . _._ ---____. .
. _ .... �-_�__-._..___. ... _.---- . _ __._ . . _ . _._ . . _ � . . . _.�. _. _._._ � ..�_. __..-----..�_ _�,_ ___.�_.__._._..___.___.��_
(1 ) Personnel Salaries 47�9pp
�k'nployee Benefits 2�4c�p 5p��p
(2) Consultants and Contract Services (pp
(3i Travel 75
. . ..___.�__.�.._._...�_._.. .._�._�.�___ __._�-__- - ---_..__.�_ _..._._ __.. __..._.___..��._
(4) Space
..._�.__.��._..___......_ __ ___.. � __._ .___.._ _ . ._._._. _ _ .._ _. �-- - p_���,_.____�__ __.____-_.___.. �__:_,.
(5) Consumable Supplies and Services 1,859
(6) Rental, Lease,' or Purchase of Equipment ],,�pp
(7) Other
.-_.. ��.._,__�_.� �..... • -- . _.. . -- --.. • -- _-.. . ._._ __-- -_- -___-
._..._,_._.Y..___.. 4. .._ _.. . . ., . . . ._ . . _ _ . . . . , -- - . '. .. . .. _ _._ . ._. _.. . _ . . .. . . . . . __ _ _..-�----_.__
. ..�._� _ . __�__ --_ _ . . . _ ._ . . _ . . ._ . . ___ . . . _ --•- - - - - - . _ . . . __ . r.,__ . .. . _. ___..
C. Model Cities Supplemental F�znds 59,624
D. � Other._ _. . __� . _ . _ . .._. . .. _.. _ _.. . � , _.. . ._ .� ._ . _� . �-- .. �- - -_.. .�_ _...... _ ._._ __. � . _ . . ,._- ----
P�rsonnel '
Title of Position. Salar�
1 Pro�ect Coordiaator $ 1,600.00
1 Foreman 1,4pp,pp
1 A�eistant Fbreman 1,3p0.pp
10 Crew Leaders 12,ppp,pp
2 Clerks 2�ppp,pp
?0 . Workers 28�ppp�pp
1 Pro�ect E�raluator 1,600.00
bnployees Benefits 2,490.00
Consultant and Contract Services
Work Pro�ect Conaultaate Epp,pp
(To protride traiafng in planaing pro�ecte
aad in the uae of hand toole, etc.)
Staff Travel 75��
Conference and Meeting Expense
Employe� Mileage Reimbursement (�v0'75 per mile)
Rental of Office Space
Building Repair
Janitorial Service
Maintenance Supplies and Equipment
BVA01�"l' � (5) .
�rumntilt�u�p],�,.s �nd ServiQe� - � .
. ...r. ...,....,...�...r....
Office Supgliea an�1 Mincellaneous ���
Postaige . _ •
�1a►into�nce �nd Repair of Off�ce Equipa'ent - -
Printing, Duplicatir�g, and Binding ,- , -
Bfloks and Publicationa , 5pp,pp
Insurance . -. . . $4.00 .
street Brooms .. . 75�pp
Photo �upplies � . " 400.Q0
Food _... �2��� ._.
(ilove8 . 80.00 �
Dlack top . - - 100.00
I�t Poieon _ . 200.00
Rental, Lease or Purchase of _Ec�ui�ment
File Cabinets
Desks and Office Chairs
Eand Zbola (Carpentry) �.�
Leaee of 3 carry_a1,1 vans
Lease of 3 light trucks
Bus Rentals