254540 � ���540
WHERF,AS, there are certain tax-forfeited lands withheld fro.m sale for Highway purposes in the
Ci-�y of St. Paul.
WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota Highway Department states it no longer requires certain tax-
forfeited parcels taithheld from sale for Highway purposes.
W�RF,�,S, the Ramsey County Boaxd has passed a xesolution authorizing the construction of a
Hockey Arena on the aforementioned tax-forfeited lands subject to the release of said lands
by the St. Paul City Co�uncil.
WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Board has reguested the City of St. Paul to release certain tax-
forfeited lands withheld from sale.
�REA.S, the various City Departments having no objection to the release of said lands,
therefore be it
RE50LVID, that the Council of the City of St. Paul approve the release of the following
tax-forfeited land subject to the condition that no planned driveways be located closer to
St. Clair Avenue than to Arbor Street.
(Except Avenue) Lots 17 and 18, Block 6, and all of I,ots 19, 20, 21 and 22,
Block 6, A. Vance Brown's Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's" Addition
to Saint Paul,
Without right of access and subject to Highway, and (except railroad right of
way), the south � of the east 2 of Block 6, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's addition
to St. Paul,
Without right of access and sub�ect to Highway, and (except the east 100 feet),
that part of the north 2 of the east �, easterly of Pleasant Avenue, and south-
tiresterly of a line commencing at a point on said easterly line of Pleasant
Avenue, 125 feet southwesterly �rom St. Clair Street, thence southeasterly at
right angles 95 feet more or less to the intersection of a line parallel to and
150 feet;south of said St. Clair Street, thence east on said parallel line to
the wes�' line of east 100 feet therein excepted; in Block 6, Stinson, Brown
and Ramsey's add.ition to St. Paul,
Wi�hout ri;ht of access and sub�ect to Highway, and (except the north 183 feet),
the east 100 feet of the north =� of Block 6, Stinson, Brown and Raansey's �.i�i�q
to St. Pau1. Adopted by the Counci � � �9—
Yeas Nays
Butler JUN 21 1971
T� App 19—
Levine _ � Tn Favor
Sprafka J ayor
� A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty F �n�" �1
JU N 2 6 197� Asst Corp on Co`ura�aj
Valuation Engineer
RUY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L �4��`��'°'��
Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 Ciiy Hell
$eint Paul, Minnssote 55102
June 15, 1971
The Honorable Mayor and Members of
the City Cou.ncil
Re: Hockey Arena Site: Pleasant and St. Clair
Dear Sirs and Madaan:
The I,and Co�.i.ttee met on the request of the Ramsey County Board to release
certain tax-forfeited lands in the City of St. Paul described a.s follows:
(Except Avenue) Lots 17 and 18, Block 6, and all of I,ots 19, 20,
21 and 22, Block 6, A. Vance Brown's Subdivision of "Stinson, Brown
& Ramsey's" Addition to Saint Paul,
Without right of access and subject to Highway, and (except railroad
right of way), the south 2 of the east � of Block 6, Stinson, Brown
and Ramsey's addition to St. Paul,
Without right of access and subject to Hi�hway, and (except the east
100 feet), that part of the north 2 of the east ?, easterly of
Pleasant Avenue, and southwesterly of a line cosr�nencing at a point
on said easterly line of Pleasant Avenue, 125 feet southwesterly from
St. Clair Street, thence southeasterly at right angles 95 feet more or
less to the intersection of a line parallel to and 150 feet south of
said St. Clair Street, thence eas-t on said parallel line to the west
' line of east 100 feet therein excepted; in Block 6, Stinson, Brown
and Ramsey`s �,ddition to St. Pau1,
Without right of access and subject to Highway, and (except the north
183 feet), the east 100 feet of the north � of Block 6, Stinson, BroVm
and Ramsey's addition to St. Paul.
Subject land was originally withheld from sale at the request of the Depart-
ment of High�rays of the State of Minnesota. The State of Minnesota has
subsequently indicated that no more land would be needed in the area for the
completion of Highway No. 35E.
The City Planning Board of St. Paul raised the question of site size and
layout requirements and traffic generation characteristics. The Ramsey County
Recreation Facility Building Cozt�ni.ssion in its reco�nendati�on to the Ramsey
County Board indicated that the site t�ras adequate in size for the proposed
The Department of Pu.blic Works recorrnnends the release subject to the stipula-
tion that no planned driveways be located closer to St. Clair Avenue than to
Arbor Street.
. r
Honorable Mayor and Mem�ers of
the City Council -2- June 15, 1971
There z�rere no other objections or co.mments from the other City Denartments.
The Land Committee therefore recommends the attached resolution be approved
as being in the best interests of the City of Saint Paul.
Ver,y truly yaurs,
. William Donovan
Land Committee