254538 ORIBINAL TO CITY CLRRK �����/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�� `�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F� NO. COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE A'� �t83�LVEn, t the Citq Couacil herebq ccan�urs in the action of the Purchasing Co�itCee i� the award for furnishing and delivering DAIRY PR+O�UCTS for the Aepartment of Detention and Corrections Authority, Bureaus of Citq-County Workhoase, $oys Totem Totra and Woodview Detention $tmte� Saittt Paul, Minnesota to MINNB3aTA MILK CONiPANY for the cost of approximately $22,543.80 (at uait prices bid) in accordance with the specificaCions on Formal Bid �4547 the award being made to the lawest responsible bidder meeting specifications. � Formal Bid #4547 APPRpV�s AS TO FO�M APPROVBA: TAE PUBCHASING G'O1�B�IIITEE • ._ RPORATION C0 S C�ROLLBR � ING COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�'�N 1 ? 1971 19— Yeas Nays Butler JUN 21 19n r�--� -- 19— Levine J Tn Favor Meredith O Sprafka yor �' A gainst �°°-� Mr. President, McCarty JUN 2 6 1971 6/1/71/Smith/jp PUBLISHJ�D ��