254537 + �q
RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve Lease Agreement between the City and the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said Lease J
Agreement pertaining to the use by the City of the Housing
Authority's building at 632 Selby Avenue, for the purpose of con-
ducting the City's Community Police Officer's Program, at a fixed
rental of $65.00 per month; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED� That the Ma.yor, Commissioner of Public
Safety, City Clerk, and Comptroller be and are hereby authorized
to execute the said Lease Agreement on beha.lf of the City of Saint
Cor r i Cou e
JUN1 ? 1971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler rove ��N 21 197�19�
Levine � T„ Favor
Meredith �
Sprafka yor
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty JU N 2 6 197_t
,, n,�,�,: ,*, �,
TIIIS AGF::E?`ENT r�ade a,~�d e::ecutcd this '.��� o� , I� ,'1 1%;z
and betc��een th� ��,,.
. � i"ioUSi��V �,ii'i✓ !\�L/1'.\�..1.�v1:�l:��i li:.Ti:•�n�i��� �`� �."! �
c: ��r czl� or s�.zr,r r�^.u�., ?��?.,.,:,soT�,,
a p�ibl.ic body corpoz-atc 4:.,� Po�z.ti_c •
duly cre<ted, or�;anizecl and e::isting
• under the la�as of the State of �
� I`i7.Rr�u4�.� , ncr.cinc^ii 1:('Y (,�Sl:�?li,�;�'f� �9� .
the ""�uthority" ,
and the
hereinafter designated as �he "City"
Sti'HEI:LAS, L'he �u�l7ority desires to assist the City, thru i.ts Bur.euu of Police ar.
office of co„�munity Iiaison �oith that Bureau; and �
���H�REnS,. the City, thru iL-s Burcau of Poli�.e desires to render ,sert�ice, prov�.de
ir.formation and referral service to ttie residen�s of the Sur,unit-Uni.versity ar.e.a . '
I�'Ot+T, Tt�ERErCRE, in consideration of the premises anc� the severa':. rg;reements here-
i:�after set forth, the p2rties hereto asree as follo:as:
1. The Autnority hereby coverants as follo;os:
(a) To provide ofiice space �nd desi�nated parlcir� space a� 632 Selt�y
Avenue, S8iC1� Paul, :�iinnesota � t0 t'P.2 �lt��� SUCtl SPc^.CC: �O �'J2 des��;nated
to be usee3 for said purpose by the Authority,
(b) Said office space and designated 12nd �o be pro�rided as soon as t?�is '
agreement has been executed and shall be ter;�inated ir, the mar.ner here-
in provided.
(c) That the City thru its Bureau of Police be responsible for the t�s� of, �nd
occupancy of the entire d�-�el7.in�, unit at 6�2 Selhy :+venue, for tne sole
purpose of renderino informatioa and referral service arn cther coM7un't;�
services herein referred to; a::d tl:ere shall be a fi�;ed rental of $65.00
' per r,ionth to the Authority for the use of said premises. �'.�at anr. elec-
tricity sha31 be paid for by the Bureau of Police . The Authori�}� s,��:i.l
pay for �aa�:er used at r.�ie premises, r�ilure on ti;e p��t oi: ::he "r;�.t���au o�'
1'olice to arra,.r�e payment of said ��tilit}� ci:ur�es �aould �enuer t:is a�
�ree:,ieni. nu1l a��c? voici .
�G�� �1�18 uUl"E.'?Li O{ �U�10E' G�OUZC� DC LiS`"jSOI'.S1h.�.0 �G: ::Il�: Ci.i:�:�1C?'� Of O:.i:'.C�� .;17;C�'
used by tilat dep�rt;nc:nt . Rc ;-,r.} .-s ��e:es:�<. � a� u32 Sc.i'.,y .1•�t:ruc r.'.:�:?�. '>c
paid fOY U�T ��1G' t:�1L�10:'lt�'. 1(2� �.7.Lv rJl.a.i ilOi' .Il1�I�•:E_' F2:�1` YC'.:;?..iT'S O:" d�•�C`;��_
Y_ions to Ll�ie Pre;.�ises or ec�uipr:e�lh the�-�_:�r<,
2. Tiie Cit�� he�eLy covenants :s �ol.l�ws:
� (a) Tt:e CiLy, �at its a�tion may p_ovi.de so::i�� or a1_i. o,` tt�e foll.�;�:i<<^ se:--
� v
vices as its part of t.h�, co;r.;�<<;i.ty poli_c� o`fi�er's pros�,ram,
(1) Pr�:xote and coordinate infor.;�atio;�a]. services and c�iuca*ional :er.-
vices of the Department of Pu'�lic Safe�y, ���irer,�� of Polic.e.
. (2) Promate progra;�s to develop nei�hbornood pr�de ar.� civi.c participG-
tion of the residents of the Su�mit-ttr.iversity area .
(3) Provide such direct ard indirect services as the Co,nmunity Pelations
Office will provide and are needed by the resic?ents, includi_r,g, amonry
(1) Co.��::�uniL-y Referral Center.
(2) Youth Recreation Activities.
(3) Individual Counseling, �
(4} Activities aad services involvin� residerts of the Summit-Uni_ver- .
sity area,
(5) Conduct home visitation programs to ;eside^ts.
(b) The City agrees to malce ro clai�n aGainst the Author.i.ty arisir� o��t o; :.?�c�
use and •occupancy of the prem�ses ard to nold ti�e Authori.ty har;nleGS ar.�?
defend the Authority of claims of ot'r:ers which nay a:-ise on accou;t of
perso�al in;ury occurin�; in or abouz the premi.ses or for loss o: dan,a;,e
to persoral property.
3. Thzs a�reer.:e�1t may be terminated by either the AuthoriCy or the Cit:y upo� one
months writter� no�ice by either of sai,d parties upon the o;.lier, It ti_s i�eirr
further understood that the Aut'�ority shall. not be responsible for the cor.tin-
_ ued use ard occupancy by the City o£ such offices zn the event said premises
, are so ir.jured by casualty as to r2nder them untenant�ble or if, for any other
reason, it becomes necessary for the Authority to have the Ciry vacate said ,
Office space. •
4. The Authority throu��h its authori.zed employees �r a�;ents , shall have th2
right to enter the premises �-�t �ny tine f-or the purrose of i_r.snection or
repair of the preniises a� eriiipr.�e:-� thereon, or for siich �!�her nurposes :s
�1a>> ce deemed recessary by t:he Auti�orir.y,
5. The ;urhority sh�1.1 have thc: ri.ght �;�ithour_ noti,e ;o cell . �?e;tro� o~ o:i,�r-
C,11>C (�7.Sj�(?SC of any 11��50"<^.�. 7:"Oj�C2"i:y 1.(?�� O� ri1C' nl"C;11iSC'S �`V t'!�(`_ C7_L'.' f:r�C'Y
t},e Ci�y has vacatc�d o:- abandc�iec? the p?-�mi.aes.
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�;� tdI'.�NESS E:H}:R'.:�F thc part'irs herr�t� }lnv.. affi.x�r1 thr�i r � �� ' , ?
- - httr,�ls a c� . cal.' .. t�=
day a��i vear first above �aritt'en,
�;OliSI?:G Ai�D R^Di.V:LOPi�:t:�'T Au''._'Oi',�.T:•
In t1�e Presence of: , OF THE CIi1' OF SA�?�IT pr,�r�,� �T;;..y�c�T,;
- By
In the Pr sence of: CI'I'Y Or SAIi�T PAUL
- Bv -
BV .
� City Cle:-?; .
. ��
Co:��missi_oner of Pttb�,ic Saiety
Form A�pr ved: Countersip,ned•
Sp ia ssistar.t " `r rat �on Cour.sel City Co;�pt:oxie�