254533 •Orlginal to City Clerk * , �� �iY�� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO C`, �'7 PRESENTED B�Y_ ' �� �� 4Z *�� ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensati.on rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1g25, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section LI, where they appear under the heading "Group B", the following lines: "Road Machinery Operator 5.49" "Truck Driver 5.49" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Road Machi.nery Operator 5. 71" "Truck Driver 5. 71" . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force in accordance with Council File No. 252982, approved March 10, 1971, which authorizes these wage rate increases to be in effect on and after June 26, 1971. t � � Q) N C J U CO v w -? o O "� �o ;.� �:i n Q �� i � O U - ,.. . �; ,� .� Q Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��L Z �97� Butler � ��Q� Tn Favor Levine Meredith � b Against Sprafka �',� Tedesco ��� � Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• At t• y Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED JUL 10197! D.�uaa M r.�.ar � � ORDIATANCE 254533 COUNCIL pLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I!►m osdiasace axnead�ag Ordfna�ace No. 6446, �ati#l�d: . "Aa admfnf stratime ordisasce f�►g t�e com- pfasatiat sa►tes of certa.3a cit� positfoaa aa�d emplo�n�t�,r' spprsv+ed Ja�np►sf �3, 19?..5, ss s�aded. �HL COt�NC3L C?I�' T�iL CTrY 4F �T PAIIL DOES 4A�#Jl�i: S�tia�a 1. Thst C7r�i�sn.ce xo. 6446, sppsa►ed Jsa�ry Z3, 19a5, �sa sm�deet, be a� t�e sam�e �s h�seby fnrE�ar sm�mdad b� strikiss �t � Sscti�ea II, �►l�ere t� appats asder tke h�sdisg "Grot�p B'*, l�ti►�ollowias . 1lae�: "Rosd ,4tt�iaer� Operstos g.49e� "Tr�e D�i�es 5.49" : a�d � wbslit� is li�s th�raoi, raspectiTely, th� fe�llow3� ifpa«s: "Road ldatl�inesT Opera�or 5.T1" "T:ack Dsiver 5.71�' . Section 2. This ordiaasc� s�take �ect aad b� #�a� fQr�er in aceordssce with Cquacil Ff2e Wo. Z�29i2. app:e�d lrtayr�h lA, 19'�l, which sattiorfses tli►eae wsge rate iu�creas�s to be ia effse�t os �ad after J�ae 2b. 197 i. �u� 2 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Counc�l Butler �e n Favor Meredith C� ��•inet Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) APProved: Atteet: City Clerk Mayor �� ,,, Form a�roveci Corpor�tioa Counsel8y . _. J'ime 17, �171 I�,x'. Jahn Haic'�ex, Personnel Directt��, City Civil S�rvicse �ur�eau. Dear 5ixt r��' ��.`�i�!" �r�7�'tC�. '�`.C'�' �'i'�Vd: .��.X'1l�i R@�.�.Y1j� �it� L9�1 Ordinanae C. �". 25���� am�tx�i.�g Qrdix�aua.ae No. 64�6 by ra3�ing tl� hourSy r�t�� Of "Raad Ma�hi�ery O�pera:tor'� �d 11 Txuak I�r�.v�r". T�xirri �au33.ng c� �hi� �rdin�nce rrill be on June 2�th. °�+�xy tx�uly You�'�9 City C7.��°k � Ist � ' � r 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson �.:Ga �2;� ,���� Levine !�'_:''_':" �"� Levine Meredith Meredith (� Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. Presiden+ McCarty Mr. President McCarty O