254532 o��o civ c�.:t . . ORDINANCE ���:�,��� � _ - COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B � •— '�-�,'��� ORDINANCE NO J AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF SIDNEY T. 6AGNER AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CtTY OF SAINT PAtlL DOES OttDAIN: Sectton 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pa,y out of tf�e Tort Ltabiltty Fund 0035-421, to Sidney T. Gagner, t�he s� of $179.95, tn fu11 settlement o� hfs ctaim of damages sustnirled on or about May 17, t97t, as ma�e parttcularty set out tn a conmanicatton ta the C�ty Council on May 26, 1971. Sectton 2. That said swn shall be paid fi�o the said clain�nt upon his executton and deltv�ry of a retease in fu11 to the City, #n a forr� to be approved by the Corporattor► Co�nsel, for alt da�ages sustained in the �anner aforesaid. Sectton 3. That thts ordinance sha11 take effect and be tn force thfrty days after fts passage, approwat ar�d publicatton. F APP � E � Asst Corpora - n Co�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii ��L 2 �97� Butler � L�� Tn Favor Meredith 0 (� Sprafka Against Tetleaco ���, 2 19�� Mr. President (McCarty) Approv . A t: Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpors�tion Counsel By PUBLISHED JU L 10 197� . . . _ . ., . ., F: . _ ,. , �. � ` � - ; � y , _. . . . -,, � ° " .. . ,,� . , . . ' � fi�''�t '��. v ���� �.. . . . ..` , . ' � '� . .. . . � aRDINA,NC � �5�53� COt�P�K:IL RLE NO PRESENTED BY ORD�NANCE NO AN OROINANCE SETTLI�t6 TiIE G,AIM 1?R SIt�Y T. 6A6NER � A�AIMST THE CITY OF SAIqT 'AUL TI� t�AtlllCll E!F THE CiTY t'!� 51lItiT PAI�. DOES ORD�AINs Saction 1. TMat the props� City otflcars ar� hanby aat�rrizad : and �trected Lo p�ly t�at of the Tart L#ability Fw�d tf035w121, to Sie�j► T. 6ag�, tbe s�w of t179,95, in t�il s�ttl�nt of ��a c1a1� of d�s sastal�ed on or abowt Miy 17, 19I1, aa �ere parttcrla�iy s�t wt in a co�ication to the CitX fAUa�i1 oa May Z6, 1971. SacttoA 2. Thet said su� s�1# be asid to tIK said ctaiynt r�po� �is e�cawtio� aad d�l ir�ry ot a rele�s� in full to th� C1t�r, i A a f�e Lo be a�pro�r�d �jr tlt� Cor�sratlon Cod�s�l, for ai l d�nges sustataed 1s tt�e ��r aforessid. Secti�n 3. T�at th�s e�rdi��ce s1�a11 take efiect apd be in force thtt�t�r da�rs :ft�r its passage, appreval at� publfca�t�n. J U L 2 1971 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Councif Butler .Ga�rl �� _ __In Fsvor ��i� '� A anina+ Sprafka �° Tedesco _ Mr. Pregident (�cCarty) Approved: Atteet: City perk Mayor #� �. Form s��mved Co}�ors�ton Couaeel By . �. I st ° �� 2nd _ Laid over to 3rd and app J_,4dopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler ��'- �9 Carlson �'.:�r��'.•�`�2 �„ Levine Levine Meredith Meredith �' Sprefka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O