254530 o��c�s,cae� IORDiNANCE �����30 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B � �. �o ORDINANCE NO � v � AM ORDINANCE SETTLIaG THE GLAIM 0� JQSEPM P. FLAHERTY AGAINST TNE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF ?HE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES OROAIN: Sectton t. Tha�t the prop�r Ctty officers are hereb�r a�thortzed and directed to pa►y ottt of the �'art Ltabiltty Eund Oa35-421, to Joseph P. Flaherty, the sun o� $152.37, in �'ull settl�nent of hts ctai� of da�ages sustained on or about� May 13, 1971, �as more pa�t�cularly set out in a cc�aauntca►t�an to the Ctty C�ouncii an June Z: 19T1, Snction 2. That sa�d su� sl�a►11 be pald t,a the sa�d clatmant upon hts executio� and delivery of a release in futl to the Cfty, in a fcrm to be appro�red by the Curperation Cownsel, far a11 d,amages susta�tned tn the �anaer aforesatd. Secti.on 3. �hat t.�is ordinance sha11 take effect and be tn farce thtrty days after tts passage. approval and publtcation. ��L. APP% A��t. Corpor tion Counsei JUL 2 197� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council B�arlse�r-���y� � Levine ���� 7'n Favor Meredith a � Against Sprafka Tedesco �Z1 . President (M a ) Approved• J�` � At Ci Clerk ayor �� Form a�proved Corpor,�tion Counsel By PUBLISHED �,_.-- , .. - . . . .. D��irM b 141�r 'w A . . • , � ��545� ORDIN � NCE 0 ' COUNClL fILE N� ��� BY ��� � 1 J1N t�DINA!!CE SETTLIN& Tt1E CL11IM OF �Si'!1 P. f'lAl�RTY � I�AINST TI� CITY OF SJIIlIT PAt�. . T!� �IL tfF THE CI7Y OF SAINT PAtit. AOES �IlOJIINY Sactlon t. That Lh� pro�ur Clty otfioe�s sr� herNy aa�borlu�d and di��cted to pxY �t of the Tot�t Lfsbitity F�ad fl�35•4�i, to �eaeph P. Flil�ert�r, th� s� ot =152.37. ia f�li settie�eat o� bis ctai� of da�a9�s sYSta�tAaei an or abo�t 1�a�► i3, 1971, in a� �are p�r#fcala�t�r set o�t i� a �icatiou t� tbe C1ty 'Cau�ctl on J�ue 2, 1971. Sactloa 2. Tfiat �aid s� shalt be pald m tbe sai4 clainAt . upo� his �cecution aad deltrer�y of a �eleast in t�ll to th� Citj►. 1� a f'oni to I�r apprbnred b�r !he G�rpor��ia� Corasel, ior sil � s�stai�l i� the �snasr afi��atd. Sactiop 3. Tbat th1� ordinance sball takf effecE and b� ia forc� thir�qr �ys �aftar its pissage, a�ro�ral aad �ublication. JilL 2 19� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paseed by the Coune;l � Butler � -8e�e ��e n Favor Meredith A�i� sp� Tedesco �r. Preaident (McCarty) Approved: At#�est: City Clerk ' M�yror �� �orm a�►ra�red Co�r�ion Couneel By _._. I st � � '� 2nd `" � Laid over to � � 3rd and app. � �_�4dopted-�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson ,.�rhe�+-- �� � , y-,�� n Levine''''" ''��" Levine Meredith Meredith Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCariy Mr. President McCarty O