254527 Or1�io:S to Clt�Clsrk � • . �+ ' ' ' � � _ � ORDINANCE � ���;�� COUNCIL FILE NO �� PRESENT ORDINANCE NO � �a^� e,� � AN ORD NCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE P�RT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY �F SAINT PAUL TO 6RADE AND SURFACE WITHAM AVENUE FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH CONCORD STREET TD A POINT APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET NORTHERLY OF SAID iNTERSECTION. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY �F SAtNT PAUL �OES ORDAIN: SECTION i . That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Port Authority of the City of St. Pawl to grade and surface Witham Avenue fran its intersection with Concord Street to a point approximately 250 feet northerly of said intersection. Said co�struction to be in con- junction with Phase T of the construction of Barge Cha�nel Access Road as propc�sed by the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul . SECTIOi� 2, That the Comnissioner of Public Works of the City of Sai�t Pac�l is Mereby authorized to issue per�its to the Port Autho�ity of the City of Saint Paul for the grading and surfacing of Mitham Avenue upon and subject to the following provisions, terms a�d conditions: a. That said permittee shall grade and surface said WitMam Avenue entirely at its a�m expense under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Ca�missioner of Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans and specifications tabeled "Barge Channel Access Road Phase 1'' on file with the Department of Public Works; said Barge Channel Access Road Phase 1 cons'truction to coasist of a te�- porary grading and sWrfacing until such time that '�ignificant soil settlanent has subsided and at such time Barge Channel Access Road � Phase 11 construction,of a permanent nature,will proceed; b. That said permittee shail pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of admi�istration, er�gineerTng and inspection incnrred by the Depart�ent of Pubtic Works because of this unde�taking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $5��•�0 to be accounted for under Departme�t of Pc�biic Works ProJect Number 6-ig88; d. That said per�ittee shall properiy protect ail excavations �aade in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; shall p�operly fill and ta�p said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to avoid setting and shall restore said streets, sidewalks and bouleva�ds to their original condition; e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fuily in- ddnnify, hold harmless and defend the City of St. Paul , its age�ts, officers and employees from a�y and atl da�aages, claims, losses, judg�ents, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the grading or surfacing of said Witham Avenue and by the permissio� and authority granted herein; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President {McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayo �� a Form a��roved Corpor�tion Counsel By ,�� � • ��1i�a1 t0 hi t7 Cli![t , , � ' �-`� � " ORDINANCE � ��������7 COUNCIL FILE NO _ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /� � -2- f. That said permittee shall , since the design of said Phase i , is r�ot consistent with present Department of Public Works Paving �esign Standards, at its own cost and expense, guarantee the condition of the roadway as constructed until such time that the Depart�ent of Public 1�lorks accepts and approves the final Phase II construction. This guarantee of condition shall pertain to the extraordinary �aintenance of the road, and in the event that it is necessary to replace a portion or all of the road constructed under this per�it before the said Phase II construction, it shall be done so entirely at the cost a�d expense of the permittee; g. That said per�nittee shall notify the Cor�struction Engineer of the Department of Public Works when the construction starts and notify the sarae said Construction Engineer when said Phase I has been canpleted to allow for a final inspection; h. That said permittee shatl , d�ring the term of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or private, da�aged or which s�ay be damaged due to the grading or surfacing; i . That said permittee shall furnish the Depart�ent of Public Norks "As built" tracings of the construction of Witham Aver�ue upon caapletion of construction; j. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the De- partment of Public Works if the construction of With�n Avenue shall make necessary the ciosing of any ad,jacent streets or part of; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing of barricades, signs and other co�trol devices, shall be paid by the permittee; k. That said permittee shali , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Cierk; SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty �30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council JUL 2 197� Butler /� �lse�- Levine O � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � Against � T���° J U l 2 1971 � Zr. esident C Approve A Ci Clerk D�a r �� �'orm a�proved Co ora��ion nael By JU� 1"0 19�� pUBLISHED�.,�..,w�..,... , - �qie�t.ar sei�t.r � _ • � •- - � 'tt� RDI � � NCE �5�5 � 2'7 COIJNCIL FlLE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN OR�I�IANGE CRAMTI MC 'EIW I SS i9M TO T!!E �T A�'�'IiOR i T1f Of 'f NE.C{TY 0� tA 1 MT PAUL TO �RA� AI� Sf1RFACE YiTNAM AYEM� FROM !TS tNT'�RSECTION YfTN COI�ORO STItEET TQ A PQlMT`IIPPIEOXIMATELY Zy0 fEET NORTMERLY 0� SAtb, tNTERSECTiON. TI[E CQdMC 1 L OF T�E C 17Y OF SA t M�T ��. �tiES OROiI�IM s SE�t�'l011 1: Tbat psr�tssl� �d autbority a� benh�► 9raw#� to ths �ort /1rtGori#p of thie City of St. �snl to g�a�s saa s�rrf�cs Yitha� Ilvards fra� its intsrsectto� with Cancord St�e�t to a poiMt �proaclwstaly 2S0 fNt �ortA�i y of ss 1d i atNrsect i�c+a. Sa id co�st�ct io� to b� i n ooa- jwc�io� witb Ptiass � of tbe coa:trrctio� of Bsfgs Chswael Accass Rosd as pnopos�d bp ths Pbtt Aathor i tr �►f tb� C i ty of Sa i e�t Pau 1. , SECT1�1 2. That ths Cc�i ss ioaK of �bi ic �lorks of th� C i ty of Sa I�t �an 1 1 s iM��by a�tiar i sed to i ssne psrwi ts to the Po�t J�tiwr i ty of ths C t tr of Sa i�t Psr 1 for th� gf�d i e�q a�d wrfsc i ng of� M i t� Aveads �po� a�d sdb��ct to the fottoaia� pro�risioas. ts�s and e�aditi�s: a. That said psrwitte� :hali grare s�d sw�fau sat� Yithaw Awuwe �ntireir at its own �xpsase w�ds� the su�srvfstoa snd to ths satfsfactia, of ths Ca�i:sioaer of P�ubl ic Morks a�d tA aceo�dsnEe Mith tha app�oved pi�s sar s�iftcations labslNi "Eas9s Ci+sn�e) A�c�ss Ro� �has� 1" en file wfth the Dspart�t of iwbllt VoMcs; aaid ar�a Ctaanst Ac+c�ss Re� Pt�s� 1 constrnctton to ooastst of s t�a- porary 9�adi�g a�d s��fscing �u+tit sucb ti�s tl+at stgniftca�t �oil ' ssttl�went b�s wbstd�d aad st �ch ti�e 8arg� Ch�nMi Access Re�ad �bass ti casstractio�,of s porw��sat satnn,will proc�ed; ,, b. Tl�st said parsitl� shsil p#�r tbs cost ef p�biiasttoa of thts oNt�e a�d :il r��totutia�s psss�d ia rsistion to ssid ordtaaacs; e. Thit ssid perniLEw si�i1 paY tba costs of aiiaistr�tion, �gi�i�g a� insrctio� iacn�r�d by ths Dqarb�t ot *ubi lc Morics . b�aans� ef ti�ts w��tski�; said costs are �sti�ntsd as a su� of 3509.0� � rs s000wited for +a�r ileput�ent of h�bt ic Niorks ProJ�ct N�a� �-198a; �. Thst sa i� p�r+�i ttp sha i l pro�r l y prat�ct a l i �acava t i curs �sde i R t�s st�Nts, sid�at ks aaA bor tarrar�fs botb day �N A f9ht so as to a�roid al l daw�� or i�jaryr to pfr�oas or Proparty►; :bsi t prop�erty f i i i asd ta�p sata stnsts, sfaa�wltc: a�d boniwa�as ts av�oid sstttn4 sad si�a11 �sston satd streets, siMwlks �d bewlsvaN: to t�i� origias# ee�ditto�t ' e. Tbat said �ar�itt�s �epns:lY ��NS snd �rWoes to firily ta- d�e,lfy, bot� �se�i�ss a�d d�faid tl�� City of St. Psnl. tts ag�wts, �tttc�rs aad e�ptv�raes �re� aay and 'sit +�awage:, ctaf�s, los�s, Judg�ts, s�it: or ��s�s ar i s i� +�t of or oacss ia� by► tl�s grad i ag or snrfat t ag of sa i a Yi� Aw� api by :Ehe perrtssion iuel srtla�ity graatad aer�in; ' Yeas Councilmen N�ya Paesed by t� Counc�l Butler Carlsan Tn Favor I.�vine Meredith e��„�+ � Te� � � � � : Mr. Preaident (McCarty� Approved: , Atteet r � � City Clerk Yay�or ,`#�� ;, � Form a�pxovefl Corpor�c�► Couaeel,;By , . Dqllesa�.rrtaae ., ' t' - � . . � � f? RDI1�' ANCE 2�4��`7 COUNdL HLE NO.._� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �2� f. Tbat ss1� psr�tttee shsli, siACe tl,� �si9n vf satd Ph�ss 1 . is not oonsistu�t wt1fA ptisant D��`!�t of P�bitc Morks PaviAg Dasign ftsnra�ds, at i ts o� cost a�ii +ac�se. ywrant�s tha cond t tio� +�f ths rosdws�r as cvasttnata� �tt1 �wct� tiaMe tl�t tl+e 9�ps�t�t of T�btis M�cs accepis � approw�s tl�e finst Phsse tl aeRStn�c�ton. Tht� 9w►a�be of ao�dt t lo� s�i 1 partatp to the sut�aord t�ryr wa i�t+�ce o# t�e ro�d, a�d i� tl+� s�t tl�at i t t s r�ec�ssa ry to r�pl ace a part i on or s11 of ths �d cvnstrrcted �adac this p�r�tt bsfors th� s�tid �hsi� 11 copstnctios, it sh�ti bs dvns so a�tir�lr at Eie wst an�d �xpars� of tM p�ttt�e; y. That said p��ritt�s shatl aatify the Co�strdction EnyiMSr �f tbs O�rt�t of !'ubl ic i�ks � tba construetia+ stsrts a�at �otify ths sa■M said Co�stn�ctio� Engin�r wh�n said itwse 1 has b� ce�p��ted to allar for a fi��l iasp�ctiaa; b. Tiwt said p�n�ttte� shall,, during t�e tss+� ot tais pse�it, r�stor� aed rspatr all pro�ps�ty. wAethe� publtc or p�ivat�, ��sd or �ich �r b� dswgsd dae to tha grsdlpg or surfsctag; i. Ti�t sa td p�niJ ttee sl�a i 1 fdrn i sh the l��t�t of l�ubl i t Morks "As bdi it" t�act�gs of ths wnstrrctton of Vitha� Avewe upoit ca�pt�tic+n of cafstrnctioa; J. Tbat sal� pernuttt�s shalt �otifr ths Tnffic �t�su of tbe D�- Ps�twmt of h�bttc Moirl�s !# tl�e cvnstru�ttoa of Yithiw A�ea�+e sha11 nke as��ssary► d+� closia� of a�y adjacent streats or ps►t ef; atl �psnses iaw�rned b� tb� Trsff'ic 8ae�su ia furaishiag, i�stalliu� swd ��avi� of b�rr i c�s, s 19us �rd otl�e� ca�t�^ol d�v�c�s, sbs i 1 �s p i d by the p��l tt�s; k. That said �rwitt�s shsil, withiA thirt�r (30) da�ts sft�r th� . pssa9e of thi s oM i M�, f f i• a +�i tt�n sac�ptsaca thsr�of wt tA th� City Cterk; SECTION 3. Thi s� o+r�i�a�ce si�i 1 tak� �ff�ct sad b� i n forc.e thi rtr �30) d�s f�+o� a� after its passa9e. +�rorai and pnbl icstto�. JUL � 18�i1 Yesa Councilmen Naya Pasaed by the Co»�s� Butler � �_�In Favor gMere�di�th t� aro inwt P Tedeeco 11[r. President (McCarty) A���: Attest: G'it,y Clerk Mayor �� � _ Form spproaed Ca�pc►r�M�[on Co�meel By . �� �±� �' '� � _ L.. � _,,' � ; �.i <-- >:,,. du1�y 13, 1971 Eart Authority* of the City of Saint Paul Minne�ota �uilding St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We encl.ose a copy of Ordinance No. 1�+843�, �ranting you permission to grade and surf�.ce Witham Ave. from its intersection with Conaord St. to a poi.nt appro�c3.matel,y �50 �'e�t ��'�erly of said intersection; also bill iri the sum ot' �28.80 ta cover the cost of publication of this ordinance; also bill in �ie sum of �5.85 to cover the cost of publication af�Ghe e�closed Council File No. 251�528 which grazited informal approva].. We call your apecial attention to Paxa�aph k of Sectfan 2 �rhich reqnires the filing a� an acceptance of the terms o�' this ordinanee. The �cceptance must be filed in thia oPPice= Roo�+a 386, �i�Y Ha11, within �0 days. If not so fi�ed� the ordinance becomes void. Very trul,y yours� City Clerk ng �,� � � � �, �� I sf � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � _�4dopted � '-�-" Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson `��'p-��2� �Cerfsarr 1���1�/d. � Levine Levine \ Meredith Meredith V� Sprafka Sprefka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarFy Mr. President McCarty O